Chapter 103

After Dong Zhuo led his army to the front of Yunwu City, he soon realized that this was bound to be a very difficult battle, not to mention whether he was really determined to capture Yunwu City now, even if he really With such determination, I am afraid that Yunwu City cannot be defeated, not to mention that Dong Zhuo has no real determination to attack the city from the beginning.

Determination is very important sometimes. You may really have the ability to accomplish something, but if you lack determination and the belief that you really want to accomplish it, then you are likely to fail. You can't accomplish anything, you can't accomplish it, and if you have firm belief and determination, then even if you don't have the ability to accomplish one thing for the time being, these determination and belief will help you gain strength beyond what you originally had strength.

Dong Zhuo has always been not bad in many respects, whether it is his personal force, commanding ability on the battlefield, or the control of some major political situations, if he really does it with peace of mind, even at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this group of heroes is brilliant. In this era, most people are hard to come by, but now Dong Zhuoqi's ambition is no longer as simple as when he was young, especially after the emperor deprived him of his original military power, when he realized After all the accumulation of his decades of hard work could be completely destroyed by someone else at any time, a fundamental change occurred in his heart.

Some psychological changes are very subtle, and will gradually affect and shape a person's character and style of doing things in a short or long period of time. Dong Zhuo's current psychology has also undergone some profound changes after the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Changes, he is no longer the original Dong Zhuo, but the brand new Dong Zhuo has not yet fully formed, but has a prototype in his heart.

Out of various considerations, after Dong Zhuo led his troops to Yunwu City, he did not immediately choose to attack the city, and even did not build the siege weapons immediately, because many relatively large siege weapons were There is no way to transport it for a long time. It can only be built with local materials, or some important parts can be transported to the front line, and then assembled according to actual needs.

Dong Zhuo didn't build and assemble the siege weapons at the first time. In fact, he didn't make up his mind to carry out the siege at all. It doesn't matter whether you can capture Yunwu City in the future, even if you take Yunwu City, even if you capture or kill Han Sui, even if you suppress the rebels led by Han Sui, it is nothing to him. It is hard to say who will be credited for the great help, maybe it is Zhang Wen who has never actually commanded the front line at all. achievement.

And even if he was born to death and worked hard to complete this extremely difficult task, he would not get much substantive rewards in the end. Dong Zhuo also saw one thing clearly, that is, people born like him are forever It is impossible to enter the core power ruling circle of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He lacks a lot of political resources, and to some extent, it seems that no matter what he does in his life, he cannot bridge the gap like a gap. of.

Han Sui's defenders saw that Dong Zhuo did not launch an attack, but only lazily deployed his troops at a certain distance outside the city, so they reported the situation to Han Sui, and Han Sui first heard the news. At that time, there was inevitably some surprise on his face. After all, Sun Jian on his side had to lead troops to attack his most core area at great risk. Although everything was under his control, Sun Jian The combat capability and impact of the troops on the battlefield still left a deep impression on him.

If Dong Zhuo also chooses to attack the city with all his strength at this time, he really has to allocate some elite troops to defend Dong Zhuo's attack. Even though there are many Xiliang cavalry in the mountains outside the city, Dong Zhuo is very familiar with Xiliang The characteristics of the cavalry, if you really want to fight him head-on, even the Xiliang iron cavalry may not be able to take advantage of it.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Han Sui would not easily order the Xiliang cavalry outside the city to dispatch. Their main function is actually to harass and deter the enemy. In many cases, not attacking with all their strength is more effective than attacking with all their strength, because As long as you remain on the flank of their army, the opponent will have to spend a lot of effort to guard against these Xiliang cavalry.

They are actually like one of Han Sui's hole cards, they will not be played easily until the critical moment. The opponent knows that you have a very powerful hand, as long as you don't use it, it is a strategic deterrent, and once you use it, Then his power will be fulfilled, and the opponent will be able to deploy on the battlefield more easily.

But now that Dong Zhuo does not launch an attack, Han Sui just stays the same and responds to all changes. Anyway, as the defender, he occupies the terrain advantage, and in fact occupies the initiative. But they can counter Dong Zhuo's attack at any time, and those Xiliang cavalry are the best counter cards.

If Dong Zhuo really launched a fierce attack, Han Sui would not use those Xiliang cavalry under normal circumstances. At most, he would send a small group to keep harassing Dong Zhuo's flanks from time to time, to create a sense of presence on the battlefield, but that's all It's just that Dong Zhuo was distracted and couldn't go all out to attack the city. If Dong Zhuo could really break the boat and let the whole army storm Yunwu City, then there would inevitably be big gaps and loopholes in Dong Zhuo's offensive deployment under such circumstances.

The Xiliang iron cavalry only needs to find the best time to attack from the flank, and it will inevitably deal a huge blow to Dong Zhuo's troops. The more calm these Xiliang iron cavalry are, the more they can find the best time to attack. The greater the power.

This is like the fact that ambush crossbowmen will not launch an attack immediately when the enemy army enters the range, but wait for the enemy army to enter the optimal shooting distance to ensure that they cannot leave the attack in a short time The attack will only be launched when within the range, so that it can cause the maximum ambush damage to the enemy.

Of course, being calm is the most critical thing, and there are some variables in it, because although Han Sui is a person who can hold his breath, the generals under his command who actually command these Xiliang cavalry may not be. Give them orders to prevent them from attacking easily, but the actual execution ability in the end is still a variable.

So under such circumstances, a strange balance and calm appeared outside Yunwu City. As long as Dong Zhuo did not launch an attack, no matter whether it was the defenders in Yunwu City or the Xiliang cavalry ambushing in Dong Zhuo's flank mountain Either way, it was as if the army stationed by Dong Zhuo did not exist, as if they were all playing a game of one, two, three wooden figures, whoever moved first would be a puppy!

(End of this chapter)

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