Chapter 110
But at this time, Xiang Yu has led his troops to Wushao Ridge. Although Wushao Ridge is generally a mountain range running from northwest to southeast, there is still an extended area at the southern and northern ends.

The guides under Xiang Yu who were also businessmen told Xiang Yu that after passing through Wushao Ridge, there is a small city called Gulang in the northwest section, where some resources can be replenished. Of course, the materials in Gulang City itself It is still relatively limited. If there is a real shortage of food and grass, there is definitely no way to get much supplement from here. You still have to find a way to capture Wuwei before you can get a larger supplement.

After crossing the southern slope of Wushaoling, Xiang Yu's entire army felt the violent sand and strong wind from the Tengger Desert in the north even more. The soldiers all imitated the locals by wearing turbans to cover their heads tightly. However, if there is no protection, a large amount of wind and sand will enter the body along the nose and mouth, which will undoubtedly cause huge damage to the combat capabilities of the soldiers.

Xiang Yu led the army and did not find Gulang City at the first time, but crossed Wushao Ridge tens of miles east of Gulang City. However, the experienced guide quickly confirmed the correct location based on the surrounding environment. Xiang Yu was a little curious about this, so he asked how these merchants managed to identify the direction in the desert where there seemed to be little difference everywhere. .

As soon as the merchants heard Xiang Yu's question, they immediately became interested, and each told Xiang Yu some methods they knew to identify specific locations in the desert or even in the desert.

It turns out that these businessmen have been on this road for a long time, and I don’t know how many times they have been to Gulang City. Every time they want to find Gulang City, they will use some special landmarks near Gulang City, such as The shape of some mountains, the location of the mountains where the afterglow irradiates when the sun sets in a certain season, and some more specific details of the scenery, ordinary people must have no way to see the special parts of them from the crowd. It can be distinguished from similar scenes.

But these businessmen have always had good eyesight, and even their memory is particularly good. They also know how to use the associative memory method to strengthen their memory by connecting some of the most critical scenes in an area, and after a few actual trips , These memories will be very deeply and clearly imprinted in their brains.

When you come back in the future, even if you don’t take the previous path, you can still find the correct path through the memory of a large area constructed by associative memory. This ability can be said to be very powerful. Xiang Yu listened After he got there, he was also convinced of them. In fact, when he himself was marching and fighting, he also had some special ways to remember the terrain.

In this era when maps are not very accurate and popular, many maps in the march and battle are more or less deviated from the actual situation, and Xiang Yu needs to be very familiar with both the map and the actual battlefield environment, otherwise How to formulate a battle plan, how to lead troops to fight, you must know that Xiang Yu is not real, he just leads a wave of soldiers without thinking, and then charges forward, and then he is invincible.

That was obviously unrealistic. On the real battlefield, Xiang Yu had to think about a lot of things, but his talent in strategizing in his previous life was overshadowed by his bravery when he charged into battle.

When Xiang Yu was very young, he told his uncle Xiang Yan that he wanted to learn the art of war against tens of thousands of enemies, but he lacked enough patience and did not fully understand many art of war. The real usage of many art of war left by the ancients is not particularly clear.

But Xiang Yu is a genius in the use of military art after all. Although he only has a half-knowledge of the ancient art of war that he has learned, it is precisely this kind of art of war that he has only half-knowledge that allows him to have more room for adjustment. The limitation of meaning, many tactics of war only inspired Xiang Yu's ideas, and then Xiang Yu used his own understanding, and then applied and re-summarized them in actual combat, and finally became a kind that only he, Xiang Yu, could understand, and A set of tactics that can be used.

To put it bluntly, he can’t learn it. He doesn’t like to learn other people’s art of war too deeply, and others can’t learn his art of war too deeply, because Xiang Yu may not be clear about things that are too deep, or he himself There is no way to express it in words. In this respect, he is not as good as the grandson of the old man.

These merchants also have some maps, but there are differences or even contradictions in some places between the maps of different merchants. Xiang Yu couldn't help frowning as he looked at the several versions of the maps brought by the merchants.

But soon Xiang Yu's brows eased again, because it didn't take him much time to find some commonalities among these maps. If there are some parts on each map that are not so accurate, then a few maps The parts that are very close to each other on the map are relatively accurate parts, or at least the areas where the disputes are relatively small.

According to the situation shown on the map, there is a small river between Gulang City where they are now and the target Wuwei City. There are two bridges on the river, but these two bridges are a bit small, and it is difficult to provide too much at the same time. If thousands of Xiang Yu's troops had to cross the river on one of the bridges, it would take a lot of time, and the two rivers were heavily guarded on the other side.

The name of Wuwei City on the map is Guzang, which is the name of the city before Huo Qubing, a young hero of the Western Han Dynasty, captured Wuwei City from the Huns hundreds of years ago. The Han Dynasty established Wuwei County here, and the governor of Wuwei County So it is in this Guzang County, and Wuwei County at this time is actually not here, and the Wuwei City mentioned in this article actually refers to the city where this Guzang County is located.

What Xiang Yu has to consider now is whether to divide his troops to attack Wuwei City. The benefits of doing so are obvious. It can prevent the enemy from knowing where his main attack direction is. Then the next question is which main force he will personally lead To attack the army, should you choose the bridge above or the bridge below.

Xiang Yu learned from several merchants that the two bridges were built at different times. The bridge on the north has a history of hundreds of years, as if it existed in the pre-Qin period, while the bridge on the south was built in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. However, from the actual situation, although the newer bridges in the south have a relatively higher utilization rate, several businessmen generally believe that the bridges built in the pre-Qin period in the north will be of better quality.

If it is necessary to accommodate thousands of troops, especially galloping war horses, the bridge on the north may be more suitable, so they all suggested that Xiang Yu should use the bridge on the north to cross the river.

Xiang Yu did not make a decision easily, but planned to find an opportunity to go to the field to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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