Chapter 119

Beigong Boyu kept his eyes wide open until his head was in a different place, as if he wanted to remember as much as possible of the world, Xiang Yu closed his wide eyes again with his hands .

His whole body was bathed in blood and heavy rain, and the heavy rain couldn't completely wash away the thick red and fishy smell of blood. He stretched out his tongue to catch the rainwater dripping from the sky. In this place, especially in winter, There will be less torrential rain like today, and it will still be thunderstorms. It seems that God is actually helping Beigong Boyu, otherwise he could have done this more easily.

He had to admit that today was the happiest day he had killed in such a long time. When countless enemies surrounded him, when the thunder gun in his hand drank the blood of countless enemies and pierced countless enemies. After learning about the human heart and brain, he fell in love with such an exhilarating feeling even more. Killing is really an addictive feeling, and all this comes from our control over the lives and fates of others. above power.

Just like each of us will be addicted to power, killing is essentially a display of power. At that moment, it seems that he has become a god who created or dominated the life and death of mortals. Compared with those who were killed by him, he It is God!
But Xiang Yu is also very clear that this feeling is very dangerous, because you always need more intense stimulation every time to let yourself experience the same pleasure as the previous killing, and eventually it will control you and make you lose yourself , making you mistakenly think that you are a god, but in fact you are firmly controlled by this illusion.

Originally, Xiang Yu did not intend to kill Beigong Boyu at the beginning. He felt that Beigong Boyu had some use value for him. For example, he could use Beigong Boyu's influence to make the remaining rebels They all surrendered to him, but what he didn't expect was that Beigong Boyu asked his generals to attack and block Xiang Yu, which directly drove Xiang Yu crazy, and gradually lost control after the desire to kill came up.

In the end, Xiang Yu at least gave Beigong Boyu a good time. He temporarily decided to kill Beigong Boyu. If those rebels are willing to surrender him, then he will accept their surrender. If they are not willing to surrender, he can also. Either roll away, or there is only a dead end.

Speaking of becoming a rebel, Xiang Yu had already had an idea in his mind at this time. The current Eastern Han court is unpopular. If someone must rebel, then Xiang Yu is not unable to rebel, although he is currently leading in name. The Eastern Han court army separated from Zhang Wen, but Xiang Yu believes that as long as he gives an order, a large part of the soldiers will be willing to follow him to rebel against the Eastern Han court.

By the way, Xiang Yu was also able to absorb the Qiang and Han rebels in the Xiliang area left after the death of Beigong Boyu. Xiang Yu's brave performance along the way has conquered many people, and now he needs such an opportunity and hold on to it.

After Beigong Boyu's death, Xiang Yu led an army into Wuwei City. A large part of Beigong Boyu's troops finally surrendered to Xiang Yu, but because the number of these rebels was too large, Xiang Yu could only accept part of them. All of them were dismissed on the spot and let them go back to their hometowns.

After a series of reorganizations, the number of main combat armed forces under Xiang Yu's command exceeded 2, which did not include logistics personnel, but then Xiang Yu had to face a big problem, that is, so many soldiers The food supply problem in Wuwei City will be quite serious. The food in Wuwei City can probably last for about half a year at most. During this half year, Xiang Yu must find a way to solve the problem of food supply.

Some of Beigong Boyu's surviving generals also surrendered to Xiang Yu, although the number has been reduced by more than half compared to the beginning, and the most powerful among them were all killed by Xiang Yu himself. The ones who died were those who were slightly weaker and survived by luck, but Xiang Yu also granted them certain positions, giving them the opportunity to continue to follow him to conquer the world.

Later, Xiang Yu rewarded the soldiers under his original command for their meritorious service, and promised that as long as they worked hard with him, they would not forget to share some soup with them when he ate meat in the future.

However, among Xiang Yu's original soldiers from the Eastern Han Dynasty, many people thought that Xiang Yu was too kind and generous to the surrendered rebels, but Xiang Yu didn't want to hide these soldiers, so he asked At one time, all the soldiers under his command were called together, and then he spoke to them in person.

Before that, Xiang Yu found a bamboo slip recording various crimes committed by the Eastern Han court from Beigong Boyu's residence, and now he can just use the content on this bamboo slip.

Although Xiang Yu didn't know whether the crimes of the Eastern Han Dynasty mentioned in this book were true, but it still looked very powerful, so he first found two generals of the rebel army to ask them about the content of the bamboo slips. How much do they know? At the beginning, they thought that Xiang Yu wanted to use this as evidence of their treason, so they were unwilling to speak up. They even told Xiang Yu to kill if they wanted to. Why are there so many planes?

Xiang Yu heard the meaning in their tone, so he laughed, and then helped the kneeling rebel generals up, and told them that he also intended to rebel against the Eastern Han Dynasty court. He saw this bamboo slip recorded the Eastern Han Dynasty The crimes of the court, but my education level is limited, so I want to ask them.

The rebel generals immediately relaxed when they heard this, and thought why Xiang Yu didn't say it earlier, which really scared them, so they told Xiang Yu that they were all semi-literate and couldn't recognize him. A few words, but I know that someone under Beigong Boyu knows the contents of this bamboo slip. His name is Luo Wei. It is said that many of the contents of this bamboo slip are written by him.

So Xiang Yu asked someone to call this Luo Wei over. Xiang Yu saw that Luo Wei was tall and thick, and he didn't seem to be a person with much ink in his stomach. He was not very happy at the moment, thinking that those rebel generals Lied to him, but when this Luo Wei saw the bamboo slip in Xiang Yu's hand, his expression changed immediately.

Xiang Yu was also keenly aware of this, so he asked him if he knew all the contents of the bamboo slips. Luo Wei hesitated for a long time, and finally told Xiang Yu that the contents of the bamboo slips were all What he wrote himself is all the criminal evidence of the Eastern Han court that he has collected over the years, the most important of which is of course the various stupid decisions made by the current emperor Han Lingdi over the years.

Among all the crimes, the scourge of party imprisonment is the most serious problem. After hearing this, Xiang Yu couldn't help becoming very interested in some situations in the Eastern Han court, so he asked him to tell himself what the scourge of party imprisonment was. one thing.

At the beginning, Luo Wei was not very willing to talk to Xiang Yu, because he felt that Xiang Yu was just teasing him, not really interested in the situation of the Eastern Han court, but gradually he seemed to find that Xiang Yu did not look like He was lying, so he patiently told Xiang Yu about the ins and outs of the disaster of party imprisonment that had happened in the past few decades in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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