Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 12 Recommending Dong Zhuo

Chapter 12 Recommending Dong Zhuo
"You still have some strength, how dare you ask Xiongtai what to call?" Xiang Yu fought back and forth with that person twice. Originally, Xiang Yu had found a way and opportunity to defeat the opponent, but he didn't make a move. The guy is a little interested.

At this time, the big guy also stopped for a while, but he didn't answer Xiang Yu immediately, but stood still and panted slightly. It was obvious that for a person of his size, the continuous fighting with Xiang Yu had made him physically weak. "I was born with both parents dead, and I don't know who my parents are, so I have no name and last name, so they simply call me Wuming or Wuming."

Xiang Yu nodded slightly, and inserted the spear in his hand straight down, directly into the ground. "With your skill, why are you just an ordinary soldier?"

But Wu Ming shook his head, as if there was something unspeakable. "Brother, you are even more powerful. You can fight me back and forth with only a broken gun. You must know that there are few people in this world who can stop my heavy hammers, but you can do that!" I dodge easily, shouldn't I be wondering why you are here, brother?"

"Hahahaha!" But Xiang Yu laughed out loud, and then he turned to look at the goatee-bearded Zhao Laosi who was standing beside him. "How about it, do you believe what I said? How about you let them try it together?"

Xiang Yu's tone was full of arrogance, the goatee-bearded Zhao Laosi's face was so ugly that he didn't know how to answer for a long time, but he saw that the other surrounding soldiers seemed to be unable to stand it any longer. They all took up weapons and attacked Xiang Yu, but this time Wu Ming didn't make a move, but stood aside instead.

Xiang Yu pulled out the long spear that had been submerged in the ground, and gave the soldiers who rushed towards him a sweeping blow. This move is one of Xiang Yu's trump cards, and it will come whenever he is besieged on the battlefield. In this way, no matter how many people surround him, there are not many people left when he sweeps over.

Although he did not have the tiger-like strength of his previous life, he was a little more vigorous. This sweep directly swept the three soldiers who rushed to the front to the ground. Without the slightest hesitation, Xiang Yu raised his gun. He then attacked the other two soldiers behind him, pointing the handle of the gun to the left and right, and the two soldiers also fell to the ground.

Under such a lightning-fast offensive, more than half of the soldiers attacking Xiang Yu fell down, and the remaining few finally reacted, how dare they continue to charge towards Xiang Yu.

"Enough!" The goatee Zhao Laosi's voice finally came. "I believe what you said! What did you say your name was? Xiangji? Why do I think this name sounds familiar?"

"My name should be rare, right? Why does it sound familiar?" Xiang Yu replied.

"This name is rare, but I still think it sounds familiar. Forget it, maybe it's my own illusion. It seems that I really underestimate you. You look like sixteen or seventeen years old. How can you have Such a powerful skill? Who taught you these fighting skills?" Goatee Zhao Laosi continued to ask.

"Maybe it's because I have better talent. I did meet an expert a few years ago when I was traveling abroad. I just thought he was very good at that time, but I didn't know how good he was. Later, I studied with him for a period of time, only to find that ordinary people are no longer my opponents. Later, I bid farewell to this expert and returned to my hometown, only to find that my hometown had encountered an unprecedented severe drought, and a large part of my hometown Many people have become refugees and fled to other places, and my original home has been abandoned for a long time, my family members are nowhere to be found, and the neighbors around me are long gone. Even if I want to ask someone, I can’t find anyone.” Xiang Yu Said.

"Before you said that you planned to go to the border to join the army and become a soldier defending the border. In fact, I do know someone. Maybe it would be good for you to go to him. This person is Dong Zhuo, the prefect of Bingzhou. He is bold and likes to make friends with capable people, especially those with extraordinary martial arts. I will write a letter of recommendation for you. When you go to him, you may be able to get a lot of use." The goatee Zhao Laosi said.

"Dong Zhuo, prefect of Bingzhou?" Xiang Yu asked with a questioning tone.

"Yes, Bingzhou is just north of our Chang'an, which is close to the territory of the Xianbei people. Recently, I heard that the Xianbei people and some original Huns are starting to move again. The border area is very uneven, but it is basically a prairie. , living with cattle, sheep and horses all day long, if you can get used to life on horseback, there will be a vast world." said the goatee Zhao Laosi.

Xiang Yu pondered for a moment, and said: "I learned some riding skills when I was traveling abroad. It should not be difficult to adapt to life on the grassland. You mentioned the Xianbei and Huns just now. What is their situation now?"

"It seems that you really don't know much about these situations, but in fact I don't know much about them. You know that since the establishment of our Han Dynasty, we have been engaged in various large and small exchanges with the surrounding ethnic minorities. In the war, the Huns from the northern grasslands were the greatest threat to us. Later, Emperor Wudi finally defeated these Huns. The Huns gradually split into the Southern Huns and the Northern Huns, and part of the Southern Huns merged into the In the middle of our Han Dynasty, the northern Huns migrated to the depths of the grassland. Although it seems that the Huns have been controlled by us on the surface, there have been various uneasiness among them for many years Every once in a while, there will be some rebellions, so our Han Dynasty has always attached great importance to the defense of the border areas, and dare not relax in the slightest." The goatee Zhao Laosi replied.

"So the real threat still comes from the Southern Huns who have surrendered on the surface, but in fact they often rebel. Then what forces are controlling the area further north now? Are they the Northern Huns?" Xiang Yu continued. asked.

"No, General Dou Xian of the former dynasty had already driven the Northern Huns far to the west. As for the prairie originally occupied by the Northern Huns, it was later occupied by the Xianbei, but there were not many Xianbeis. They are not very united with each other, and they do not pose a great threat to our frontiers. In fact, the real threat comes from those hard-to-tame Southern Huns. To deal with them, we must use powerful force to deter and suppress them. They are like It's like a group of cunning wolves, once they find that you have let down your guard against them, or that you have become weaker at some point, they will seize the opportunity to bite you, it is quite hateful!" Zhao Lao Siman with a goatee Said with an annoyed face.

"That's right, we should definitely not be lenient when dealing with these Huns. If it were me, I would definitely find a way to subdue them completely, or completely wipe them out, so as not to give them the chance to rebel!" Xiang Yu said.

"Things are not that simple. It would be easy to say if they can be killed. The key is that the grassland in Mobei is too vast. After all, someone will occupy the territory in it. It is difficult for us Han people to adapt to the nomadic life on the grassland. It is impossible to go to the grassland to grab land with them, so as long as the grassland is still there, there will be foreign nomads. Even if we completely wipe out the Huns, the Xianbei will immediately become a direct threat to our border. The Huns often do things, but they exist, after all, they can still be used as a natural barrier, so that the Xianbei cannot directly cross them to invade our border, this is also the significance of the existence of these Southern Huns." Shake the goatee Shaking his head, he seemed to be somewhat helpless.

"Since this is the case, Lord Lao will write a letter of recommendation for me. I, Xiang Ji, really want to meet those barbarians in person. Whoever dares to rebel, I will kill them immediately!" Xiang Yu said.

"Okay! If you are ambitious, you can stay with me for a while, and wait for me to build you a good pair of armor and weapons. I originally wanted to keep someone like you for my use, but Seeing that your ambitions are everywhere, keeping you here is also a waste of talent, if you become famous in the future, don't forget about me!" said the goatee Zhao Laosi.

"Hahahahaha! Xiang Ji, thank you for your kindness. If I become prosperous in the future, I will never forget this kindness!" Xiang Yu replied.

(End of this chapter)

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