Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 121 Psychological Work

Chapter 121 Psychological Work
Xiang Yu now has a very powerful weapon in his hands. This weapon is an ideological weapon. In ancient times, if anyone wanted to raise an army, he had to find a reason for himself that seemed fair, like the uprising at the end of Qin Dynasty In order to resist the brutal rule of the Tyrant Qin, the previous Yellow Turban Rebellion also wanted to use the banner of Huang Tian to increase the legitimacy and justice of their own uprising.

And if Xiang Yu also wants to lead his army to rebel against the Eastern Han Dynasty, then naturally he needs some ideological weapons, but he still can't think of slogans like the Yellow Turban Army for the sky, what the sky is dead, Huang Tiandang is established, the age is Jiazi, and the world is auspicious, such a jingle-like uprising slogan, but as long as he collects enough information about eunuchs or foreign relatives interfering in the government, causing the emperor and the court to be incompetent, and the people suffer, and declare to the outside world On the side of the Qing emperor, he helped the emperor kill the chaos in the court.

This is more or less a reason to raise troops. From Luo Wei, Xiang Yu already knows that the whole world is suffering eunuchs and foreign relatives for a long time, and many ministers in the court have actually suffered from it, and tried to find ways to change the status quo. If Xiang Yu raises troops with such a reason, even if he cannot get much support from these people, at least there will be much less resistance. Some people with lofty ideals may be attracted by Xiang Yu's slogan and come to join Xiang Yu.

In his previous life, Xiang Yu did not do enough to know people and make good use of them. After experiencing the tragic failure of his previous life, he also reflected on this in his heart. Now he at least knows that it is impossible to complete it by himself. To compete for the goal of the world, he needs many talented people to take the initiative to join him and work for him.

Xiang Yu first told his generals about his idea of ​​rebelling against the Eastern Han Dynasty. At first, the generals' reactions were a little slow, and everyone seemed to be reluctant to express their opinions. It may be because Xiang Yu suddenly raised this question. The generals were not mentally prepared, and didn't know what to say. What if Xiang Yu just tried to test himself, it seemed that whoever expressed his opinion first would be at a disadvantage.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xiang Yu asked Luo Wei to read the articles he had written about the faults of the Eastern Han court and the influence and harm caused to the country by eunuchs and foreign relatives interfering in politics. Xiang Yu finally concluded that they must Carry out actions on the side of the Qing emperor, so that the emperor can refocus on governing and loving the people.

Although everyone knows that these words are official words and excuses, it is necessary to think of excuses like soldiers. At this time, among the generals Xiang Yu summoned, there are also many generals from the rebel army who have just surrendered to him. Having said that, I couldn't help but feel a little confused, Ganqing Xiang Yu came here under the guise of suppressing the rebellion and beat them up, now it's good, I just surrendered to him, but he told them that he himself wanted to raise troops to rebel against the Eastern Han Dynasty imperial court.

Of course, they don't think about it, if Xiang Yu didn't use his own strength to subdue them and let them join him, only relying on Xiang Yu's own power and prestige, and the appearance of this young man who is less than 20 years old, these Qiang generals and How could the rebels be willing to listen to him, unless Xiang Yu led troops to surrender to the rebels, but then it would be even more impossible for Xiang Yu to obtain the power he needed, so to some extent, this battle must be fought, Beigong Boyu also had to die.

Although Xiang Yu's actions made these rebel generals who surrendered feel a little twisted, but at any rate Xiang Yu has now expressed his rebellious stance. In this way, the relationship between Xiang Yu and these rebel generals has actually been invisible Therefore, these rebellious generals stood up one after another to express their support for Xiang Yu's decision, and they all said that they followed Beigong Boyu and Han Sui's rebellion before, but their thoughts were similar to Xiang Yu's, and they didn't really want to be a traitor. Instead, he wants the Qing emperor to attack the eunuchs and relatives who have caused disasters.

Xiang Yu's former generals from the Eastern Han court seemed to be a little bit wrong at this moment, and he didn't seem to have any other options. Xiang Yu directly told them that he wanted to rebel, and he didn't ask them to vote at all. The vote was to rebel, but to directly announce their own decision. If they were willing to support Xiang Yu, it would be fine, but if anyone really dared to oppose Xiang Yu's decision, they would lose their heads immediately.

They have been with Xiang Yu for a while, and they also know very well that Xiang Yu is a ruthless character who says nothing. If they really dare to go against Xiang Yu's ideas and sing against him, that Xiang Yu will kill those who oppose without hesitation.

Even if it is said that Xiang Yu will not be so cruel, these generals dare not bet on their heads. What's more, Xiang Yu's so-called Qing Dynasty's side is not unreasonable. Then it seems that there is only one way to go to the dark.

So the generals under Xiang Yu thought about the stakes for a while, and they all stood up to express their support for Xiang Yu's decision to rebel against the Eastern Han court together and form a rebel army to fight against the eunuchs and relatives in the court on the side of the Qing emperor.

Of course, the slogan can be very loud, but what to do in practice is not up to Xiang Yu himself. In fact, his current goal is not to lead the rebels into the Sanfu area like Han Sui did. Then approaching Chang'an or even Luoyang, Xiang Yu felt that with his current strength and power, it was impossible to accomplish this grand goal. He needed to expand his territory first and obtain a rear base to provide his troops with sufficient logistical supplies.

His primary goal is to go further west and take the entire hinterland of Xiliang under his control, and then consider whether to continue westward to attack the countries in the Western Regions. From the mouths of those businessmen, Xiang Yu felt the humanities from the Western Regions With material charm, he now has a strong desire to conquer the countries of the Western Regions.

And several places in the hinterland of Xiliang, such as Zhangye, Jiuquan, Dunhuang and other cities, in fact, a large part of them were in the hands of the rebels led by Beigong Boyu and Han Sui before. This time Xiang Yu recruited a large part of the rebels General, the difficulty for Xiang Yu to take over these places will be greatly reduced.

As for attacking the countries of the Western Regions, Xiang Yu may still need to make a long-term plan. After all, the Silk Road is a very long land passage connecting the East and the West, and the countries of the Western Regions distributed near the Silk Road cover an extremely wide area. Various regions, nations, cultures, and politics are very complicated. Whether Xiang Yu wants to conquer these countries in the Western Regions by force, or think about how to rule these countries after occupying these countries, it will be a very difficult task and goal.

After Xiang Yu preliminarily solved the problem of ideological consistency among his generals, it was much easier to solve the problem of ideological consistency among his soldiers. Xiang Yu called all the soldiers together, and then personally recited the Eastern Han court’s indictment , and proposed to help the emperor to clear the side of the monarch, and destroy the relatives and eunuchs who caused troubles in the government.

Xiang Yu's voice was very loud and powerful, and most of the soldiers were excited. Many of them thought that Xiang Yu's actions were tantamount to treason at first, but after listening to Xiang Yu's passionate speech, they all changed. Ideas, expressing willingness to follow Xiang Yu to the death, and to do a great job!
(End of this chapter)

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