Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 133 The scene is out of control

Han Sui also wanted to let the soldiers resist for a while, but at the same time, because he was unwilling to fail like this, he ordered his generals to divide part of their troops to the south gate of Yunwu City to see if they could pass through the south gate. Make a detour, preferably to Dong Zhuo's flanks or even the rear. If the Xiliang cavalry follow Han Sui's order to attack Dong Zhuo's flanks and rear at this time, then the two armies can be assembled in one place. , so that the current unfavorable situation of the East Gate can be reversed in one fell swoop.

As for the situation of the east gate, the worst that Han Sui thought about would be to just give up the outer gate of the east gate, because there is actually an urn inside the east gate of Yunwu City. At that time, at worst, he directly closed the gate connecting the rear urn city with the inner city, and then gave up some soldiers outside the east gate and in the urn city, so that they could only fight Dong Zhuo's troops to the death.

Moreover, he also believed that even if Dong Zhuo's troops broke through the outer gate of the east gate, they would not be able to pass through the urn city behind so easily. As long as he gathered enough crossbowmen on the wall of the urn city, Dong Zhuo's army would come and destroy as many as possible.

However, Han Sui seems to have overestimated the headwind combat capabilities of these rebel soldiers under him. In fact, these rebel soldiers are indeed very capable in downwind battles, which may be the same as most of them either. Whether it is the Qiang people or they all have Qiang blood, they are born with a bullying character similar to that of a wild beast.

When encountering opponents who are weaker than themselves, they will immediately turn into a pack of vicious wolves, wishing to swarm over and tear the opponents to pieces. It often shows a greedy life and fear of death, just like wild animals, they are actually very afraid of being injured, because once injured means death, and no one wants to die, the injured among them often It is also difficult to get all-out medical treatment from friendly forces. Instead, you may take advantage of your illness to kill you. This is actually a very bad habit, because it will cause the friendly forces around you to become the most dangerous existence to you at any time.

This also caused Han Sui's rebels to be extremely brave when the wind was downwind, but when the wind was upwind, the overall combat effectiveness would drop significantly, and the soldiers generally became timid. advantage, their combat attitude may take a 180-degree turn, and become brave and ferocious again.

So these rebels sometimes have very confused combat performances. They are all the same soldiers. Sometimes they are as fierce as tigers, and sometimes they are softer than sheep.

Of course, Han Sui also knew the weaknesses of these soldiers under him, so he was so cautious in the process of commanding the battle, because he knew that he must try his best to let his soldiers be in an advantageous position on the battlefield. It can ensure that they can maximize their advantages, and correspondingly he must avoid some risky decisions, and he must avoid any situation that may put his army at a disadvantage.

However, it was obvious that he miscalculated this time. Just under his nose, the soldiers outside the east gate of Yunwu City finally began to be unable to resist Dong Zhuojun's attack anymore, and began to conduct rapid transmission from the front to the rear.

Before Han Sui had time to give the order, the soldiers in the rear had already begun to retreat ahead of time, especially those soldiers in the urn city. They might have also thought that Han Sui might directly sacrifice the soldiers in their urn city, so the first What Shi Shi thought of was rushing towards the gate connecting the urn city and the inner city.

There are actually three gates between the Wengcheng and the Inner City. One of the gates is in the middle and is the largest and thickest. The other two gates are on both sides, but their physical size and weight are not small. Under the counter charge of the soldiers in the urn city, the soldiers who controlled the gate had no time to lower the gate, not to mention that they had not been ordered to lower the gate, and it was difficult for them to respond immediately in such an emergency.

For them, whether to put down the gate or not to put down the gate does not seem to be the right choice, they simply can only stand there and watch the development of the situation until the situation is completely out of control.

And because of the lag in the speed of information transmission, when Han Sui learned that the soldiers in the Wengcheng began to flood the inner city, the situation was actually very critical. He planned to walk in the direction of Wengcheng himself to see the scene. What is the situation, but before going far, I saw the flames burning in the direction of the Wengcheng. In the dark night, the fires in the Wengcheng became more and more large, and gradually drifted towards the sky. , followed by the sound of countless arrows piercing the air, and the surroundings were in chaos.

Arrows are flying all over the sky, some are shooting from inside the city to the outside of the city, some are shooting from outside the city to the inside of the city, and some are even shooting from the inside of the city to the inside of the city. It seems that the whole situation has become more and more difficult to control , He even saw that several residential buildings in the city were already on fire, and whether it was the generals around him or some soldiers who kept coming to provide him with information, their faces were full of panic and suspicion.

They seem to have begun to doubt whether Han Sui can control the current situation. In fact, Han Sui himself has begun to doubt whether he can do this, but he knows that he cannot doubt himself, especially at this time, once he If you can't calm down, it's all over.

As for Dong Zhuo outside the city, the corner of his mouth began to smile at some point. He sneered a few times, and told the surrounding soldiers that he had never thought that Han Sui would be so vulnerable.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Han Sui made several fatal mistakes in a row, which made him so vulnerable all of a sudden. Of course, there was a lot of luck in it, but in fact, the real world Among them, luck is often a part of strength, and may even be the most important part.

Some things seem to be coincidences on the surface, but in fact there is an internal connection behind them. It is just because people can only see a small part of the whole incident and have no way to fully understand the overall situation, so they think that A lot of things happen because of luck.

At this time, Dong Zhuo saw that the situation was getting more and more favorable to him, so he gave the order for the whole army to attack. If the Xiliang heavy cavalry could suddenly attack Dong Zhuo from the flanks and rear at this time, then he would definitely not be able to laugh. But not so many ifs!

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