Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 140 Cruel Battle

Compared with Dong Zhuo, Sun Jian’s army’s attack in the north is much more violent. The inner wall of Yunwu City is actually higher than the outer city, and several gates are designed with the design of the urn city. , but the inner city is also a little different from the outer city, that is, the outer city has more parts built against mountains, while the inner city rarely has areas that can rely on terrain for defense on a large scale.

However, the overall defense area of ​​the inner city is also much shorter than that of the outer city, so it seems that Sun Jian's macaque army is not very good at using their talents in this situation. Most areas of the inner city wall are relatively neatly built, and it is difficult to find any defensive loopholes.

But what Sun Jian did was a frantic onslaught without fear of sacrifice. The experience of being cut off between the inner city and the outer city before made Sun Jian know that he must never give Han Sui a little chance. Taking advantage of his illness to kill him is his only thing now. Thinking, now it's the middle of winter, and there was a long section of the river that started to freeze, but Sun Jian sent soldiers and boats to open a route on the tributaries of the Yellow River.

As for the freezing of the Yellow River, there are also cases, but because the water flow of the Yellow River is greater, not all sections of the Yellow River will be affected by freezing. Some frozen areas can be directly chosen to go around. The only thing to pay attention to Just don't let the boat hit the ice layer. Some ice layers that have condensed for a while may cause the boat to hit a big hole when the boat hits it at high speed.

Not long ago, a small troop carrier sank when it hit an ice area near the river bank. More than half of the soldiers could not be rescued because the weather was so cold that the water surface Basically, it looks like zero to a few degrees. Once the soldiers' clothes are soaked in the icy river water, they will lose their temperature quickly, and they will freeze to death in a short time. Only a few soldiers with keen skills and excellent swimming skills can swim in time. Many survived by swimming to shore or climbing onto the ice.

Sun Jian didn't have any worries like Dong Zhuo when he was attacking the city. He had to worry about when a group of Xiliang cavalry suddenly appeared behind or on the flanks and stole the rear. This time Sun Jian directly blocked all the areas outside the inner city in the north, allowing Han Sui had no way to send troops around to cut off his rear source of troops like he did when he first attacked the inner city.

At that time, Sun Jian also suffered from not being familiar with the terrain of the entire Yunwu City. Now that he is fully familiar with it, he also found that it was indeed a foolish and reckless thing for him to choose a lone army to attack Han Sui in depth. Fortunately, I was lucky enough back then, and I didn't give up easily, otherwise I would have confessed a long time ago.

But Han Sui gave himself a chance to make a comeback, but he won't give Han Sui any chance. He must take advantage of my situation and vigorously defeat Han Sui, so as to end this war.

Han Sui also found that Sun Jian's attack was very ferocious, but he didn't dare to dispatch some troops from the south to the north. Dong Zhuo's combat strength in the previous battle also left a deep impression on him, but in his opinion In the future, Sun Jian may be able to deal with it a little better, but the biggest problem is that Han Sui has not many truly capable generals at this time.

After several divisions and battle attrition, at this time Han Sui had no more than three generals that he could really trust, while many other generals belonged to the kind who really had little strength, who might have a temper and braggadocio Okay, before the fight started, he boasted himself to the sky, saying that he can kill the opponent without leaving any pieces, but if you really let him lead some soldiers to fight, he will definitely disappoint you.

Before, Han Sui had enough generals to give him a lot of choice, but now that the number of generals under him is getting smaller and smaller, he has to focus on these generals who obviously have no strength. Because these generals seem to be quite confident at least on the surface, this kind of self-confidence is also a very important spiritual attribute in a situation where they are under siege, and it may also be able to inspire other generals and soldiers around them to some extent Out of this consideration, Han Sui also used such generals.

But he also knows that these generals cannot be appointed to particularly important positions. Put them in some relatively less important and less dangerous places, and let them boost the morale of the army a little by bragging. If you really want to fight, you have to rely on those generals who are really capable.

It’s just that there are not many truly powerful generals after all, so Han Sui must spend a lot of effort on how to use and arrange them. His current idea is to divide his three good generals into three One is sent to the north, one is sent to the south, and the other is by his side to listen to and dispatch at any time, and then he is sent to act as a firefighter when there is a crisis that requires additional reinforcements.

Of course, because the defensive line is very long, it is difficult for these generals to take care of them alone, so Han Sui can only gamble that the opponent will not be able to find the weakest area of ​​defense, even though he himself does not know. Where is the weakest area? In many cases, you will only know your weakness after you really fight, but it may be too late when it really arrives.

Han Sui's luck seemed to be pretty good. Although Sun Jian and Dong Zhuo launched a series of fierce attacks, they were always in a stalemate, and nearly ten days passed without knowing it.

During this period of siege, Sun Jian suffered heavy losses. Although he had captured the top of the city several times and was about to complete the occupation of the city gate, there was still a situation where he was almost out of breath. It happened many times in the battle between Sun Jian and Han Sui. Although Sun Jian was very angry, he couldn't do anything.

The resilience of Han Sui's troops was shown, but because Han Sui had begun to restrict food supply during this period, many soldiers did not get enough food to supplement nutrition after fierce fighting, and the weather was getting worse and worse. As it got colder, many of Han Sui's soldiers fell ill, and most of those who were not sick were listless and had little strength.

At the same time, a plague seems to be spreading across the entire battlefield. At first, Han Sui's troops, and then Sun Jian's and Dong Zhuo's troops also showed a large number of symptomatic soldiers, and the continuous fighting has already hollowed out these soldiers. bodies, and soon the number of soldiers dying of the plague began to dwindle more than the battle itself.

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