Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2 Mentality of the Strong

Chapter 2 Mentality of the Strong

When Xiang Yu walked out of the thatched cottage dragging his bloody arm, he saw a rather round fat man walking towards him. At this time, he saw Xiang Yu with a look of contempt on his face, and said:
"You kid, why are you still hanging around here? It's not that you don't know who you offended. It's not easy for you to survive and keep your life. I think you should leave here as soon as possible." , don’t even think about revenge, in their eyes, crushing you is like crushing an ant.”

This fat man's face is full of flesh, and the flesh on his face will keep shaking when he talks. It stands to reason that in this era, there will be famine at every turn. It is not easy to eat fat like him for a lifetime.

"Are you talking to me?" Xiang Yu looked at the other party with a little doubt in his eyes. You must know that no one dared to talk to Xiang Yu with this tone and attitude before. Those who really dared to talk to him like this All the people were either killed by him or cooked by him.

"Who else is here besides you? See, you cut off your hand. Why don't you want to live? If you want to die, you should die far away. I don't want to collect your body yet. You can find someone in the wild." Go to hell and save the wild dogs outside the village!"

"Hahahaha!" At this time Xiang Yu heard the other party say this, but instead of being angry, he laughed. His laughter was very wild, as if he didn't take the other party seriously at all.

"Crazy! You are completely crazy, forget it! Out of sight, out of mind, you can die wherever you like!" Fatty couldn't help but feel a chill behind his back when he heard this laughter. There will suddenly be a feeling of fear, obviously this guy in front of him has always been just a waste, but at this moment his eyes seem to be a little different from usual!
At this time, the fat man only wanted to turn around and leave, to leave this thatched cottage, to leave this strange looking Zhou Zhuo, but when he turned around and was about to turn around, Xiang Yu's hand grabbed him tightly. .

"What do you want, kid?" Fatty's voice trembled slightly. He tried to break free from the opponent's arm while talking, but this time he couldn't easily break free from the opponent's arm. "Zhou Zhuo, let go, if you don't let go, I will be rude to you!"

"Zhou Zhuo? Who is Zhou Zhuo?" Xiang Yu didn't relax his grip on the fat man's hand, on the contrary, he used his arm that was not injured, and the muscles on his arm looked lean Yes, the veins and blood vessels will become clearer when the arms are exerted. "Are you calling me Zhou Zhuo?"

The fat man looked puzzled. He wanted to use his greatest strength to break free from Xiang Yu's grasping hand, but instead of being able to break free from Xiang Yu's hand this time, Xiang Yu's one-handed force made his body almost as big as his. The twice as fat man was pulled directly to the ground.

This is not entirely because of how terrifying power this Zhou Zhuo really has. In the final analysis, it is because Xiang Yu in his previous life knew how to use the power in his body very well. Although some people have strong muscles, they don't know how to exert force Skills, and if you can master these power-generating skills well, even people who are not muscular themselves can burst out amazing strength in a short period of time.

After the reincarnation, Xiang Yu still retains the top-level ability to control his body strength in his previous life. In just a very short period of time, he has already become familiar with and controlled this body. Attacking the desire, he tore the fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms to the ground in one fell swoop.

I saw the fat man rolling a few times on the ground, but he still couldn't stabilize his center of gravity. He just wanted to stand up again, but when he saw Xiang Yu's eyes, he was so frightened that he fell back to the ground. Tears were rolling in his eyes, it was obvious that he had never suffered such a big loss on weekdays.

Xiang Yu glared at him, but he didn't know what to say. Some memories in his mind rolled out like waves again. Whether it was the memories of the previous life or the experience of this life, he just felt very confused, which made him feel confused. Don't worry about the useless fat man in front of you anymore.

He walked towards the distance under the horrified and surprised eyes of the fat man. The fat man also looked like he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it. He was afraid that if he said something wrong again, he would be beaten again.

The force that Xiang Yu pulled him down just now was simply too terrifying. It didn't seem to come from such a slightly thin body. He still had a certain understanding of his weight. Some very strong people do some sports similar to wrestling, and it is not easy for even those burly men to tear him down so easily.

In short, he felt that the person he saw today was no longer like Zhou Zhuo, who was cowardly and easy to bully. The eyes just now were like the eyes of a beast. As long as he was stared at, the blood in his whole body would speed up. Flow, the heart will speed up instantly, fear, a primitive emotion will gradually swallow everything, and there will be no other thoughts except wanting to escape.

When Xiang Yu was far away, the fat man climbed up from the ground again, only to see that the corners of his eyes were still moist, and the tears were still rolling in their sockets.

As the memory of the original owner of his body in this life gradually emerged in Xiang Yu's mind, after basically fully understanding the cause and effect, Xiang Yu couldn't help but whispered a few words to himself.

"What a coward, who has the courage to give up his life, but doesn't have the courage to take up arms to resist!"

Of course, for an absolutely strong man like Xiang Yu, it may be difficult for him to understand what it is like to be a weak person. Although Xiang Yu at this moment also inherited the very ordinary body of his master in this life, Xiang Yu The original proud soul still exists, the kind of person who is used to being the supreme power, even if he only has a relatively fragile body now, he will still try his best to make himself stronger again.

His heart is also full of confidence that he can become stronger again. This may be the so-called mentality of a strong man, and he has an extraordinary self-confidence in his own strength.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of those guys, and I'll take care of the world by the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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