Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 24 Stars and Heart Dust

Chapter 24 Stars and Heart Dust

"Ji'er, you have changed."

"Uncle, is that really you?"

"Ji'er, you have really grown up and become mature, I am very pleased."

"No, I understand some things too late. I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for Jiang Dong's elders, I'm sorry for Yu Ji."

"Ji'er, you didn't feel sorry for me, let alone Jiang Dong's elders. There is only one person you are really sorry for, and that is yourself. The real world should belong to you, but it's not too late for you to understand some things, even if It has been 400 years, but the vicissitudes of life are just a moment."

"Uncle in 400 years, tell me where your soul is now, and I will try my best to find it and rebuild a tomb for you!"

"Silly boy, you know nothing when you die. You are dead when you die, and you don't need to miss anything in the world anymore. Now I am very relieved to see you like this, and my soul can finally rest in peace. I hope this Once you don't let yourself down!"

"Uncle. Don't go. Uncle, where are you going?"

"Go where I should go, child, you are the pride of our Xiang family, you were before, you are still now, remember who you are, remember."

Xiang Yu woke up from his dream, and couldn't help but feel a little cold sweat streaming down his forehead. It was still midnight, he got up and went outside the tent, and looked up at the starry sky. Thinking of his previous life when he was a child, he and his uncle Xiang Liang once looked up at the starry sky.

"Uncle, why are some stars bright and others dark?" Little Xiang Yu asked.

"That's because many of the stars in the sky were changed by people who made a difference on the earth. Those greatest heroes of the era will turn into one of the brightest stars in the sky after they die, and those who are slightly greater An inferior hero will become a star with a slightly smaller brightness. My good nephew, if you can become a great hero when you grow up, you can also become a star in the sky after you die. A bright star." Xiang Liang said while gently touching Xiao Xiang Yu's head.

"Is it really like this?" Xiang Yu stared blankly at the stars in the sky while talking, imagining in his heart the process of those great heroes from the older era becoming stars after death, and also thinking about what he would do It takes such great deeds to become one of these bright stars, even the brightest of them all.

Later Xiang Yu really became one of the greatest people of an era, at least he can be regarded as the brightest star of that era, but he did not become a bright star in the sky at that time, of course he also knew that these words were all uncle I said it to motivate him, but in fact, deep down in his heart, he really fantasized and longed to become one of the stars in the sky and be able to watch the world forever and ever.

Now that Xiang Yu looked up at the starry sky again, he found that the layout of the starry sky seemed to be different from hundreds of years ago, and he remembered that in his previous life, he had met a sorcerer who claimed to be astrological and divination, but Xiang Yu believed his uncle The said hero could become a star in the sky after death, but he didn't believe what the astrologer said, and he killed him cruelly.

But to this day, Xiang Yu can still remember some words said by this astrologer. He said that when times change and troubled times are approaching, the layout of stars in the sky will change dramatically. For example, if the emperor star is dim, it means that the imperial power has declined. If there is a general star, it means that a famous general died or suffered bad luck. And the change of some stars represents the end of an era.

At that time, Xiang Yu didn't believe these words, or it could be said that Xiang Yu was no longer a child. When he was a child, his own strength was very weak, which made him believe that there were some mysterious things in the dark. It is a little easier for power to affect people's fate.

And when Xiang Yu grew up, he gradually became invincible in the world, and other people and other things in the world seemed to be no longer in his eyes. He felt that he was strong enough to completely control his own destiny, and he didn't need to know God. Well, he doesn't believe in God either, he only believes in his own power, which has even surpassed those things that secretly control fate.

Thinking about these things now, Xiang Yu couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, and he couldn't tell whether he could still believe in his own power to overcome everything, including fate, as he did in his previous life.

But he also knows that if he wants to change his fate against the sky, neither the sky nor the gods can be relied on. In the end, all he can rely on is himself, and he needs to become stronger. Not only does he have the invincible physical fitness and the ability to command troops to fight like he did in his previous life, he also needs to improve himself in other aspects, find and make up for his weaknesses, even if this process is very difficult, he must Things to do.

I don’t know when it started, but Xiang Yu felt that he could see more things in his current life than in his previous life. This may be because he has traveled the land of Kyushu in the form of a soul in the past 400 years, and he has seen too many relationships. To a certain extent, although the self in the previous life can be regarded as an indomitable hero, but from another perspective, it is also quite narrow.

Yes, the current Xiang Yu has realized that his previous life was actually too narrow-minded. History is not only forged by heroes, but also forged by thousands of ordinary people who have not left their names in history. Realizing this made Xiang Yu's heart hard to calm down for a long time, but in the end he still figured it out, if he wants to become a real king, he can't just rely on his own strength, but needs to unite the strength of more people to go together make it happen.

Looking at Xiang Yu felt very tired again. This time when he fell asleep again, Zhou Zhuo, the master of his body, and every detail of his life, the pain and humiliation he had endured, the pain and humiliation he had suffered, appeared in front of his eyes. All kinds of unequal treatment, and many ordinary people like him who were marked with humbleness from birth.

Their fate seems to have been doomed at the moment of birth. Even if there were no continuous natural and man-made disasters, their life would be very hard and difficult. The barren land can support very limited people, no matter what they pay. No matter how hard they worked, they were destined to endure fatigue and hunger, as well as the many mountains that pressed on them all the time, making it difficult for them to breathe.

They are powerless to fight against all these, the world has never designed a way out for them, they are called the weak, but under the crumbling rule of the entire Eastern Han Dynasty, it is these countless weak people who ride on them to suck blood and eat meat They are strong men who hold the means of production, the military power, and the political power. In their view, they are born strong, and it is their innate power to trample the weak.

And many gentry tyrants became stronger and stronger, using the so-called clan system to fight against dissidents. In the end, even the emperors began to ignore them. Xiang Yu snorted coldly in his dream while watching.

"If the sky wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy. You are your own gravediggers, and I, Xiang Yu, are your mourners!"

(End of this chapter)

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