Chapter 33
So Liu, Guan, and Zhang left Dong Zhuo with their troops, and led the army to Zhu Jun overnight. Zhu Jun heard that Liu, Guan, and Zhang were very brave, and that Liu Bei was a member of the Han family, so he treated them very highly. Then they joined forces to attack Zhang Bao together, and at this time Cao Cao was attacking Zhang Liang with Huang Fusong.

Zhu Jun led the army to attack Zhang Bao. Zhang Bao had [-] to [-] yellow scarf bandits, all of whom were stationed behind the mountain. Zhu Jun ordered Liu Bei to lead the army as the vanguard to fight against Zhang Bao's bandits. Liu Bei came after receiving his order. When I got to the front of the mountain, I saw that the dark area in the mountain was full of yellow scarf thieves.

Zhang Bao sent his deputy Gao Sheng to take the lead in the battle. Zhang Fei held his spear and rode his horse to fight. Hit him with a spear, and stab him off the horse with one spear. Liu Bei led his army to cover up and kill him. The Yellow Turban army was killed and turned on their backs.

When Liu, Guan and Zhang led the army into the mountain, they saw that Zhang Bao was wearing hair and wielding a sword, chanting incantations unceasingly. Smoke leaked from the hidden place in the mountains and forests, and the black air filled the air, making it difficult for Sergeant Liu Bei to distinguish the surrounding situation, and he couldn't help falling into chaos.

But seeing the Yellow Turban Army taking advantage of the black smoke, there seemed to be countless soldiers and horses coming from all directions to kill Liu Bei's Army. Killed and returned in defeat.

Let’s say that Liu Guanzhang and the others returned after losing the battle, looking rather embarrassed. Seeing this, Zhu Jun stepped forward to appease Liu Guanzhang and the three of them. Liu Beiju told Zhu Jun about how Zhang Bao used sorcery. Liu Bei and others said: "Although this treasure thief knows how to use black magic, we are not helpless. We just wait for the blood of pigs, sheep and black dogs to be prepared in the future, and then let the soldiers lie in ambush on the top of the mountain. When the thieves come, pour them all down from the high slope, and their demonic methods will surely be broken!"

Liu Bei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this. After receiving the order, he ordered Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to lead a thousand soldiers and horses to lie in ambush on the high hillside, and prepare all the sacrificial waste such as pigs, sheep, dog blood, etc., and wait for Zhang Bao to do it again. Attack it.

On the second day, Zhang Bao led a group of Yellow Turban bandits out of the mountains to fight Liu Bei. Liu Bei led his troops to fight fiercely in the valley. Throwing away his helmet and armor, Zhang Bao did the same thing when he saw this, and recited the demon magic spell again, and after a while, the situation changed like yesterday, with wind and thunder, flying sand and rocks, and black air from the depths of the mountain forest Diffuse out again.

It was as if another rolling army of men and horses descended from the sky, turning into heavenly soldiers and generals to fight Liu Bei's army. Seeing this scene, Liu Bei immediately ordered to retreat, and he also ran away with his whips. Zhang Bao led the army closely behind Liu Bei, as if preparing to To completely defeat Liu Bei's army.

Zhang Bao chased after him for several miles, and when he was about to pass the mountain, he suddenly heard the sound of drums. On both sides of the mountain, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei ambushed soldiers and set off trumpets. But when it comes down, although Zhang Bao's sorcery is powerful, at this moment, they have turned into paper figures and grass horses, falling down, unable to move an inch anymore, the original wind, sand, rocks, and black smoke from the thunder gradually recede. .

Zhang Bao couldn't help being shocked when he saw that his magic skills had been broken, so he was eager to lead his troops back. However, at this moment, Liu, Guan and Zhang could not give him a chance to escape easily. They killed them from the mountain, and Xuande and Zhu Jun led the army to counterattack from the middle. The yellow turban bandits saw this and quickly retreated in defeat, trampling on each other and killing countless people.

Liu Bei saw Zhang Bao's "General of the Earth" banner from a distance, and personally held the double-pronged sword to kill the general. Bow up the arrow and shoot in the direction of Zhang Bao. After counting the arrows, Zhang Bao was shot in the left arm, but he failed to shoot it under the horse. After retreating into Yangcheng, they only dared to stick to it and did not dare to send troops to fight again.

Zhu Jun led his troops to surround Yangcheng. While ordering people to prepare siege equipment, he also sent people to inquire about the battle situation of Huangfu Song's army at this time. When he came back, he reported: "Since Zhang Jiao was repelled by Dong Zhuo and Xiang Yu that day, he has Leading the army to go south again, he met Huangfusong and Cao Cao's army. Zhang Jiao led the army to fight with them. Huangfusong and Cao Cao's army became more and more courageous. Liang recruited many remnants of Zhang Jiao's men and continued to fight against Huangfusong, and then Dong Zhuo and Xiang Yu also led troops to double-team with Huangfusong and Cao Cao's army, and finally beheaded Zhang Liang in Quyang.

Zhang Jiao's body was later found from the battlefield. Huangfusong ordered someone to cut off his head and send it to the capital. The remaining Yellow Turbans were no longer able to fight, some surrendered and some dispersed.

The court rewarded Huangfusong for his meritorious deeds, and named Huangfusong the General of Chariots and Cavalry, leading Jizhou Shepherd. The class teacher went to the post, as for Dong Zhuo's merits and demerits, he continued to serve as the governor of Bingzhou, while Xiang Yu was also awarded the title of General Fen Yong because of his military exploits, and served as the prefect of Hedong County on behalf of Dong Zhuo.

Zhu Jun heard what the scouts said, so he hurriedly urged his troops to storm Yangcheng. The Yellow Turban Army in Yangcheng was getting weaker and weaker, food, grass and water were cut off, and it was finally difficult to fight again. The Yellow Turban general Yan Zheng assassinated Zhang Bao and surrendered his head. , Zhu Jun accepted his surrender, and continued to lead his troops to defeat the bandits in several counties, and then reported victory on his own.

However, although Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang were all put to death at this time, the remaining Yellow Turban bandits under their subordinates were not all wiped out, and Zhao Hong, Han Zhong, and Sun Zhong reorganized their tens of thousands of Yellow Turban bandits. Army troops, while looting the states and counties, claimed to avenge Zhang Jiao.

The imperial court also ordered Zhu Jun to continue the crusade with the victorious army. After Zhu Jun got the order, he continued to lead the army forward. At this time, a yellow turban bandit occupied Wancheng as a base. Going out to fight, Zhu Jun sent Liu, Guan and Zhang to lead the army to attack the southwest corner of Wancheng, while Han Zhong led his elite troops to the southwest corner to confront the enemy.

Zhu Jun personally led [-] elite cavalry to attack the northeast corner of Wancheng. His offensive was so fierce that the yellow scarf bandits fled. Han Zhong was afraid that the northeast corner would fall, so he hurriedly led his army back from the southwest corner to rescue the northeast corner.

Liu Bei saw that the situation was a good opportunity, so he decisively led his army to cover up and kill him from behind, defeated Han Zhong's so-called elite soldiers, entered Wancheng, and then divided up with Zhu Jun to surround it on all sides.

(End of this chapter)

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