Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 35 Beating the Postmaster

Chapter 35 Beating the Postmaster
Liu Bei has been working here until April, but he heard that the imperial court suddenly issued an edict that anyone who becomes an official because of his military merits will have to undergo an additional assessment. If he fails the assessment, he will be dismissed. Liu Bei feels that he may also be dismissed because of this. .

It didn't take long for Duyou, who was in charge of the official assessment, to come to Liu Bei. Liu Bei came out of Guo to greet him and greeted Duyou, but Duyou was very arrogant. Liu Bei answered.

Seeing this situation, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei couldn't help being quite annoyed. When they got to the post, Du You sat high on the south side, while Liu Bei and others stood on the steps. After a while of silence, Du You asked, "Where is Lieutenant Liu Where are you from?"

After thinking for a while, Liu Bei replied: "Bei is the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan. He set out from Zhuo County to participate in the suppression of the Yellow Turban rebels. He has gone through more than [-] battles, big and small, and made some military achievements. job."

After hearing this, Du You yelled at Liu Bei: "You are so courageous, you dare to pretend to be the Queen of Zhongshan Jing, and falsely report your own achievements. This behavior is extremely shameful! Now the imperial court has issued an order to depose you. Get rid of a corrupt official like you!"

After Liu Bei heard this, he didn't dare to refute it directly, so he had to back out after claiming it was true. When Liu Bei returned to the county, he discussed with the county officials. To make things difficult for you is nothing more than to ask for a bribe."

Liu Bei couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he heard about it: "I am a clean and honest official, and I have never done anything wrong with Minqiu. How can I have extra money to bribe him?"

On the second day, Duyou first called the county official and forced him to testify that Liu Bei was a corrupt official who harmed the people. Liu Bei wanted to go to appeal for himself several times, but was stopped by the gatekeeper and refused to speak to Liu Bei Opportunity.

Let’s say that Zhang Fei was depressed, so he drank a lot of wine alone, rode past the posthouse, and saw about fifty or sixty old people, all crying in front of the door, Zhang Fei went up to ask the reason. But I heard the old people say: "The postmaster forced the county magistrate to talk nonsense and wanted to kill County Lieutenant Liu. We all came to help Mr. Liu speak, but we were not allowed to enter, and instead we were beaten out by the guards in front of the door."

Hearing this, Zhang Fei couldn't help being furious, old and new hatred rushed into his head, he was still willing to give up, he was glaring, gritted his steel teeth, got off his horse, and wanted to go straight into the posthouse.

The guards in front of the gate stepped forward to stop him, but Zhang Fei knocked him down with punches and kicks, and couldn't get up at all. Taking advantage of his anger, Zhang Fei went straight to the back hall, and saw the governor sitting in the hall at this time, The county official was tied to the ground.

Zhang Fei shouted: "You, a thief who harms the people, do you recognize your grandfather Zhang Yide?"

Duyou suddenly saw Zhang Fei breaking in, he couldn't help being shocked, and seeing Zhang Fei's angry eyes staring like the king of Hades demanding his life, he was so frightened that he couldn't speak at all, Zhang Fei didn't care about that Many, a few big strides rushed over, stepped forward, grabbed the governor's hair, and ruthlessly pulled him out of the post.

Du You was dragged by Zhang Fei like an animal, the pain was unbearable, he could not help begging for mercy, Zhang Fei was so angry that he would not listen to his begging for mercy, so he slapped Du You on the face hard, until the guy's eyes sparkled The star, the sky is dark, almost fainted.

Zhang Fei violently dragged the Duyou to the horse stake in front of the county and tied him tightly, then tore the thickest wicker from a willow tree beside him, and whipped the Duyou's legs vigorously. The Duyou suffered so much that Zhang Fei But while beating, he said: "Let you be a dog, someone should be a dog if you don't want to be a dog, let you have a son of a bitch who wants to harm my brother, let you have a fat head and big ears Domineering, let you have a way to heaven." If you don’t leave, there is no way out of hell and you’ll come in, I’ll see that I’m going to teach you a lesson today, and let this bad breath out for the people!”

Zhang Fei beat more and more vigorously, and even discounted more than ten wicker sticks in a row. At the beginning, the governor was still a little bit energetic and begged desperately, but later he was beaten to death by Zhang Fei, and he was out of breath. He was about to be beaten to death by Zhang Fei.

There were also quite a few people watching around, but none of them stepped forward to stop them, instead they kept shouting "Good fight, good fight."

However, Liu Bei saw the crowd outside the door, so he went up to ask the reason, but he learned that Zhang Fei was tying up the governor inside and beating him for a while. Liu Bei was shocked when he heard that, and hurried forward to stop Zhang Fei.

When Zhang Fei saw Liu Bei personally came to persuade him, he also stopped for a while, but then said to Liu Bei: "If you don't kill a villain like Du You who harms the people, what else will you keep?"

At this moment, Duyou's remaining breath was slightly relieved, seeing Liu Bei appeared, as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Mr. Xuande is benevolent and righteous, spare my life! "

Seeing that the governor was also beaten by Zhang Fei, seven souls were lost and six souls were lost. He had more air and less energy, so he couldn't bear it, so he said to Zhang Fei: "Although this governor is hateful, he is an official ordered by the court after all. You beat him half to death this time, presumably he will not dare to do evil again in the future, I think it's fine, otherwise if you really beat him to death, you will cause trouble."

The news of the postal governor's beating spread quickly, and Guan Yu hurried over when he heard about it, but he heard Guan Yu tell Liu Bei: "Brother has made a lot of contributions to the court by eliminating the Yellow Turban rebels, but he was only appointed a county lieutenant. Now, instead of being insulted by this fat-headed and big-eared governor, I think that among the thorns and thorns, it is not a place for the phoenix to live, so it is better to kill the governor, abandon the official and return to the hometown, and don't plan far-reaching plans!"

Liu Bei didn't open his mouth for a long time after hearing Guan Yu's words, as if he was still engaged in an ideological struggle in his heart, but the governor who was tied up beside him was begging in every possible way. Suddenly he pulled out a ring-sword knife, and with a single stroke, the Duyou's head was chopped off.

Seeing this, Liu Bei also knew that today's matter could not end well, so he also followed Guan Yu's method, put the seal ribbon on the hall, and then led Guan and Zhang to leave, after which the people all lamented.

The news of Duyou's killing reached the ears of the prefect of Dingzhou. The prefect Shenwen's provincial government ordered Liu, Guan and Zhang to be arrested.

Liu Guan and Zhang went to Daizhou overnight to join Liu Hui. Liu Hui heard that Liu Bei was a relative of the Han family, and the postmaster was somewhat to blame, so he hid Liu Bei and the three.

It is said that the power of the eunuch ten permanent attendants in the court is growing, relying on the emperor's favor and connivance, no one dares to contend with him.

That day they discussed together: "Recently, many people in the DPRK have objected to us. They cannot be allowed to be arrogant, and must be resolutely eradicated."

So Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang sent people to send gold and silk to those soldiers who had suppressed the Yellow Turban Rebellion, but anyone who disobeyed would be dismissed from office. official.

The emperor also named Zhao Zhong and others as Generals of Chariots and Riders, and Zhang Rang and other 13 people were all named Liehou. After this, the court became more and more smoky, and the people's lives became more and more miserable. Many people revolted.

There were sporadic rebellions in the Changsha area. Yuyang Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun also took advantage of the situation to rebel. Zhang Ju also called himself the emperor, and Zhang Chun called himself the general. Hide it from the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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