Chapter 37
Let’s say that since Xiang Yu was granted the title of General Fen Yong a few days ago and served as the prefect of Hedong County on behalf of Dong Zhuo, some people in the court thought that Xiang Yu’s achievements were not worthy of such a reward. Review, if it is found that those who are not capable enough, they will be dismissed immediately. Of course, this is actually because the ten permanent servants are afraid that these generals with military exploits will gain too much power, so they deliberately let the emperor issue an edict. Of course, if the person under review understands the rules, If they are willing to pay some money, they can also turn a blind eye.

Although the area of ​​​​Hedong County does not seem to be large, its strategic position is extremely important. Dong Zhuo was originally the prefect of Hedong County. Instead, a lot of people were lost. Fortunately, Xiang Yu led his army to arrive in time before Dong Zhuo recovered his life.

After returning to the court, the emperor was of course dissatisfied with Dong Zhuo's performance. Lu Zhi in front of him was sent back for trial by the emperor because he delayed the attack time. Dong Zhuo suffered a big defeat in front of the Yellow Turban Army, so how could he have no point? Punishment, but this Dong Zhuo is also quite cunning, he knew that he was going to lose something, but Xiang Yu also made a lot of military achievements, so he asked the emperor to give up his position as the prefect of Hedong County to Xiang Yu.

The emperor was very hesitant about this. After all, Xiang Yu looked too young and was born in white clothes. Although he had made some military achievements, it seemed that he was not enough to take on this important task. However, Dong Zhuo tried his best to boast that Xiang Yu was smart and brave to take on this important task. There must be no problem. The most important thing is that in order to achieve this goal, Dong Zhuo also secretly sent people to send a lot of property to the ten permanent attendants, so that the ten permanent attendants could speak well in front of the emperor.

The Ten Permanent Attendants collected Dong Zhuo's belongings and got together to discuss it again. They finally came to the conclusion that Xiang Yu was younger and more in control than Dong Zhuo, an old and cunning guy. Dong County is a very important military center. , is also an important position to guard Luoyang, the capital city. Xiang Yu has outstanding ability to control the army, but he is also born in white clothes, which means that Xiang Yu does not have much support from other forces behind him. After some pros and cons analysis, Shi Changshi decided to do This was a favor, and he said some good things about Xiang Yu in front of the emperor, and finally made the emperor agree to Dong Zhuo's request.

In Dong Zhuo's view, Xiang Yu had been with him for several years after all, and the relationship between him and Xiang Yu was quite good. In his opinion, Xiang Yu's temper was very suitable for him, but he also saw that Xiang Yu was not only strong in martial arts, but also unified. Bing Dazhan is mature beyond his age, and also has a lot of ambitions. To a certain extent, Dong Zhuo's attitude towards Xiang Yu is both admiring and jealous.

On the one hand, he gave Xiang Yu the prefect of Hedong County to give Xiang Yu a favor. Anyway, if he didn't give it to Xiang Yu, it might be difficult for him to continue to sit in this position. In addition, he also wanted to see that Xiang Yu gained more power What was his performance after that? Anyway, Xiang Yu came out of himself anyway. No matter what height he can reach in the future, at least he can be regarded as half of himself. Staying by his side would become a potential disaster, but it would be better to let him out, maybe it would be more beneficial to Dong Zhuo in the future.

It can be said that Dong Zhuo's actions on the one hand reflect his vicious vision, and he can see that Xiang Yu is really not a thing in the pool; on the other hand, it also reflects his considerable political wisdom. It was tempered by decades of love and killing between the Xiliang border area and the Qiang people.

Just like the relationship between Dong Zhuo and the Qiang people is very complicated, he has a very high reputation among the Qiang people, but on the other hand he is a Hanchen after all, so when the Qiang people rebelled, he had to rely on Defeat the Qiang rebels to establish feats, and gradually accumulate prestige and strength step by step in the process.

This time, the Qiang Beigong Boyu rebelled again, and even recruited the general who was the governor of Liangzhou to engage in Bian Yun and Liangzhou to engage in Han Yue, so that they also joined the rebel army. Dong Zhuo thought that he had a good opportunity to make contributions. He is good at dealing with the Qiang people. However, what he did not expect is that the scale of the Qiang rebellion is unprecedented and it is very difficult to deal with, especially Bian Yun and Han Yue who rebelled against the court. Not only did they change their names to Bian Zhang and Han Sui , and became the actual leader of the Qiang rebel army. Under Han Sui's command, the combat effectiveness of these Qiang people has been greatly improved, so that whether it is Huangfu Song or Dong Zhuo, it seems that they all use these Qiang people The rebels have nothing to do.

As the power of the Qiang rebels grew stronger day by day, Dong Zhuo finally realized that he really seemed to be unable to defeat these Qiang people. At this time, he finally thought of Xiang Yu. It’s not that he didn’t think of Xiang Yu before, but he didn’t He is willing to use Xiang Yu's strength. As mentioned above, Dong Zhuo has been dealing with the Qiang people for the first half of his life. He thinks that he knows enough about the Qiang people in his heart. He has also successfully destroyed many Qiang people before. This time there was a large-scale rebellion, although this time the rebels were a bit larger, but there shouldn't be any problems.

However, the reality is that Dong Zhuo was slapped in the face again and again. Instead of successfully defeating the Qiang rebels, he made the opponent stronger and more arrogant. If this continues, I am afraid it is really useless Can't clean up.

After Xiang Yu received the emperor's edict, he began to recruit troops to lead the army to join Dong Zhuo himself. He had only been in office for a few months, but in just a few months, Xiang Yu had already started training. An elite cavalry unit with more than 200 people. Of course, Xiang Yu didn't just train the cavalry. He also started to train other kinds of infantry, but it is obvious that Xiang Yu has realized that cavalry will be very important in this era. Core combat power.

The cavalry is mainly divided into two types, one is the light cavalry that mainly rides and shoots, this kind of cavalry is usually only equipped with light armor or even no armor, and tries to maintain maximum combat mobility. Crossbows are more common, and not every cavalryman can skillfully use bows and arrows on horseback, but crossbows are much easier to use in comparison.

These light cavalry will also be equipped with some melee weapons such as ring-shoulders, but generally they will not be equipped with long-handled weapons such as horse lances.

The other type of cavalry is the assault cavalry that mainly charges. The assault cavalry is also divided into light cavalry and heavy cavalry. The light cavalry has a relatively low armor rate and is mainly good at speed. These light cavalry mainly attack the opponent Logistics supplies and some long-range infantry, while heavy cavalry has a relatively high armor rate, but the corresponding speed is much slower. The main combat targets of these heavy cavalry are the enemy's melee infantry and some long-range infantry.

Throughout the centuries-old history of the Han Dynasty, in fact, the proportion of light cavalry, especially horse archers based on crossbow arrows, has always been the highest, because whether it is the Western Han Dynasty or the Eastern Han Dynasty, their main enemies or threats come from The nomadic peoples in the frontier areas had the Xiongnu before and the Qiang, Xianbei, Wuhuan and other foreign invaders.

It is actually very difficult for heavy cavalry to exert their due power when fighting these peoples on horseback, because the opponents are basically unarmored light cavalry, good at mobile combat, and your heavy cavalry can't even catch up with them , Tuodu can drag heavy cavalry to death alive, so in order to compete with these nomads, they can only use light cavalry as the main combat force.

But now this situation may change. Xiang Yu is keenly aware of one point, that is, if the main target of combat is shifted from fighting against nomadic people mainly composed of light cavalry to fighting against warlords in various places mainly composed of infantry. In the case of civil war, the power of heavy cavalry will gradually be brought into play.

Of course, Xiang Yu is not yet capable of forming a strong enough heavy cavalry unit, but he has already started to prepare for this. He now has a small number of heavy cavalry units with less than 20 people, the number is too small There is not enough power, and this time the opponent is the Qiang people, so these heavy cavalry have no use for them.

Therefore, Xiang Yu mainly brought a troop mainly composed of light cavalry, spearmen, and crossbowmen. The total number of these troops was about 1000, and they were basically trained and selected by Xiang Yu himself. There are many, but Xiang Yu believes that their combat power is absolutely sufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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