Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 39 Let's Fight Sun Jian

Chapter 39 Let's Fight Sun Jian
As for the tent, Dong Zhuo and Xiang Yu continued to drink, and it was late at night without realizing it, but they saw a sigh on Dong Zhuo's face, Xiang Yu was surprised and asked why.

"You don't know, although the Qiang rebel army led by Han Sui is difficult to deal with, but the real reason why it is difficult for our army to make achievements is that Zhang Wen is not a very qualified commander. He has a rather indecisive personality, he is constantly rebellious and has missed a lot of good opportunities, the key is that he is self-willed and unwilling to listen to my advice." Dong Zhuo drank half a glass of wine while talking, at this time His stomach was already protruding high.

Xiang Yu thought for a while and said: "The commander is the soul of an army, and indecision is a big taboo, but General Dong doesn't have to worry. Since I have Xiangji here, I will be the vanguard and help the general. Although the Qiang people are strong and mighty , but there are also many weaknesses to grasp.”

"General Xiang knows the weakness of the Qiang people?" Dong Zhuo exclaimed. "Does the general have a good strategy to retreat from the enemy?"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Xiang Yu's mouth, then he stood up and drank the glass of wine in one gulp, and then threw the glass out. "General Dong, please think about it carefully. The Qiang people claim to have a population of [-], but the main fighting force is a group of light cavalry. They can come and go freely on the battlefield. Attack small towns, and surround them when encountering large cities. Our army will attack with all its strength, and they will avoid the edge. Over time, our army will be exhausted and morale will be low. Because they are fighting in our territory, if we want to break the enemy, we must try to go around. Pass the light cavalry troops in front of the enemy army, go deep into the enemy's rear, and cut off their food roads, so the thieves will retreat."

Dong Zhuo exclaimed when he heard the words: "General Xiang is really a genius, but the bandit army is so powerful, can it really be successful if the lone army goes deep into it?"

"Haha! If others say this about General Dong, just ignore it. If I, Xiang, say this, it is because I am sure that this plan can work. However, it is not feasible for me to go deep alone, and I need the general and the general. The rest of the soldiers cooperate," Xiang Yu said.

"Tell me, how can we cooperate?" Dong Zhuo replied.

I saw Xiang Yu dipping his finger into the jug, and then began to draw some map-like patterns on the wine table in front of him with his finger, and then made some schematic diagrams, "The Qiang rebels are bullying the weak and afraid of the hard, so you can fight with them first." Fight, then retreat, leave a city to lure the thieves to attack, and I will lead 2000 elite cavalry to take a detour to attack the enemy's supply line. The [-] thieves will need more food and grass. At that time, the shortage of food and grass on the front line will definitely retreat. Lead the army to take advantage of the situation to pursue, and you will be able to defeat the bandits."

"Ah! General Xiang is really a tiger general, and his courage is extraordinary, but two thousand cavalry is too few. I should ask Zhang Wen to give the general five thousand elite cavalry." Dong Zhuo's face showed a look of joy. "With the general's bravery, there is no need to doubt that this plan will succeed. I'm afraid that his warm eyes and clumsy sense will not make a good plan."

Xiang Yu smiled lightly and said, "Soldiers are more expensive than large ones. Two thousand elite cavalry are enough to accomplish things. As for Zhang Wen, you can tell him so."

Then Xiang Yu explained Dong Zhuo's words and asked him to pass them on to Zhang Wen. Dong Zhuo couldn't help nodding his head when he heard this.

The next day Dong Zhuo begged to see Zhang Wen, although Zhang Wen didn't say anything because of Dong Zhuo's arrogant attitude earlier, Zhang Wen was still unhappy, but seeing Dong Zhuo coming forward on his own initiative with a different face, Zhang Wen also felt in his heart He secretly wondered what kind of medicine Dong Zhuo was selling in the gourd.

Dong Zhuo sent someone to deliver a small jade box, which was handed over to Zhang Wen. Zhang Wen looked at the jade box on the table in front of him for a long time without speaking. Into the jade box, his expression changed slightly, and he closed the jade box.

"What do you need to discuss with General Dong today?" Zhang Wen said in a calm tone.

"I have a strategy to defeat the enemy. I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I don't know if it can be implemented, so I came to discuss it." Dong Zhuo replied.

"Oh, there is really a good way to defeat the enemy, so let's talk about it."

So Dong Zhuo explained the battle plan provided to him by Xiang Yu in detail, and also took out a map to describe the execution process in detail.

After hearing this, Zhang Wen couldn't help falling into deep thought. His eyes wandered over and over again on the map, as if he wanted to see something else through the map. Finally, after a long time of thinking, Zhang Wen replied: " Although the strategy is a good one, I am afraid that General Xiang will not be able to handle the burden alone, so I will call Wentai to discuss it together."

So Zhang Wen summoned Xiang Yu and Sun Jian to enter the tent together. After Sun Jian entered the tent, he caught a glimpse of Dong Zhuo beside him, and couldn't help showing a look of disdain on his face.

"General Zhang called you in such a hurry and why?" Sun Jian also cast his eyes on the map and the small jade box on the table.

"It's not that General Dong offered a good strategy to defeat the enemy, but he asked you to discuss it together." Zhang Wen replied.

So Zhang Wen called everyone to the table to discuss the strategy of retreating the enemy.

"General Sun and General Xiang, both of you are powerful generals in the world. At that time, each will lead [-] elite cavalry, and go around the trail at two ends to cut off the enemy's rear food road. You must remember the mission, and don't be greedy for merit!" Zhang Wen said .

"Yeah! Who is he, can he take up this task?" Sun Jian was tall and straight, with an extraordinary appearance, and his eyes were piercing, staring at Dong Zhuo and Xiang Yu beside him, and Xiang Yu was not timid when he saw this, and responded with angry eyes.

"Hmph!" Sun Jian said after a long time, "It's just a hairless child, why should it be such a heavy burden?"

It means that Xiang Yu is too young to trust him at all.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhang Wen was about to open his mouth to smooth things over, but he heard Xiang Yu say: "Since ancient times, heroes have been born as teenagers. If you don't believe it, can we fight?"

A killing intent flashed in Xiang Yu's eyes.

"Of course, let's fight with you. If you have lived under my hands for ten times, I will believe that you are someone, dare you?" Sun Jian snorted coldly, as if he felt that Xiang Yu didn't dare to respond directly to him.

Zhang Wen wanted to step forward to stop him, but Dong Zhuo gave him a wink and said to him, "You'll know if it's a donkey or a horse."

After listening to Zhang Wen, he didn't say anything anymore. In fact, he also had doubts about Xiang Yu's true strength, especially when he heard that Xiang Yu was going to lead two thousand elite cavalry to kill the enemy's rear alone, he really felt that Dong Zhuo was a little joking. How could such an important matter be entrusted to a young child, that's why he called Sun Jian, in fact, he hoped that Sun Jian could compete with him.

On the open space in the army, the surrounding soldiers looked towards the center one after another, and whispered to each other from time to time. They also came to see the excitement. Zhang Wen did not stop these soldiers from coming, after all, the generals under his command Showing their true kung fu is also conducive to their establishment of prestige in the army.

Of course, in his view, Sun Jian would definitely be able to easily defeat Xiang Yu. Even if Xiang Yu was really capable, but at least he was less than 20 years old, how could he be comparable to Sun Jian who had rich experience in actual combat.

Both Sun Jian and Xiang Yu were wearing fish-scale armor, Xiang Yu was holding a thunderbolt gun in his hand, and Sun Jian was holding a ring head long knife in his hand. They both stood twenty steps away from each other, looking at each other probingly.

Seeing Xiang Yu's firm gaze, Sun Jian didn't feel panicked at all, but he was a little flustered unconsciously, so he didn't hesitate anymore, drew his sword and rushed towards Xiang Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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