Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 4 Killing is Not Difficult

Chapter 4 Killing is Not Difficult

"Xiao Er, why haven't the beef and wine I ordered come up yet?" Xiang Yu waited on the table for a while, but he didn't see the shop's Xiao Er. He was impatient, so he shouted loudly, but he After shouting, he didn't see the waiter from the previous shop, so he stood up and walked straight into the restaurant.

"Does this guest officer need anything?" Xiang Yu had just walked a few steps when he saw a smiling middle-aged man walking towards him.

"Is this how your shop treats customers?" Xiang Yu's voice became a little high-pitched.

"I don't know what the guest officer is ordering. I'll ask the guy to bring it up for you. It's the shop's problem that the reception was poor." The middle-aged man said with a smile, his attitude was quite The good thing is that he is none other than the second shopkeeper of this restaurant. His name is Luo Qiong, and his character is Changliang. The management of the restaurant is basically managed by him most of the time.

"I ordered three catties of beef and two cans of spirits. Do I need to wait so long for this?"

"Haha, brother, don't worry, it must be that the waiter is busy with other things and has forgotten you. Tell me who it is, and I will definitely teach him a lesson later. I will order the beef and spirits you want." Someone will bring it up for you."

"The clerk in your store should really take good care of it." Xiang Yu briefly described the appearance of the clerk he had seen before.

"It's Ma Xiaogou. He does have some minor problems. Don't take it to heart, guest officer. It's fine. Treat your beef and wine today as my treat!"

"No, I still have the money." Xiang Yu resolutely refused.

Luo Qiong glanced at Xiang Yu's money bag on the table, and roughly estimated that there were at least a hundred pieces of five baht coins. Although the world has been plagued by disasters in the past two years, the five baht coins minted by the court have shrunk more and more, causing a certain amount of trouble. Inflation, but the money is enough to buy a dozen catties of beef and a dozen cans of fine wine.

Of course, he also noticed the blood stains and torn clothes on Xiang Yu's body, but for him, what kind of person has never seen it before? There are so many people coming and going in this world, since it is open for business, it is natural to abide by the business According to the rules, he will not meddle in the affairs of many guests who should not be nosy.

"But it's a bit strange to say, I haven't seen Ma Xiaogou since just now, and I don't know where this kid has gone. When he came here, I just kept him because he was smarter. , It was only later that I found out that this kid likes to steal and play tricks, and he has a lot of ghosts." Luo Qiong shook his head while talking.

Soon the beef and wine were brought out, but instead of three catties of beef and two cans of spirits, it was five catties of beef and three cans of spirits. Luo Qiong seemed to be interested in Xiang Yu, so he sat across from Xiang Yu and wanted to meet Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu drinks to each other.

Xiang Yu was also a bold person, seeing that Luo Qiong wanted to drink with him, he didn't say much, they sat together, and Xiang Yu began to eat the beef on the plate with big mouthfuls, it could be seen that he was really hungry It's not easy.

Seeing this, Luo Qiong just showed a slight smile, then raised his glass and drank it down. What he asked someone to bring was a kind of strong wine from the Western Regions, although it is difficult to brew the wine from the Western Regions in the Central Plains. Such a strong wine, but compared to other wines in the Central Plains, it is already quite powerful.

There is no such thing as distilled wine in this era, so the degree of alcohol is often very limited. Many wines in the Central Plains use fruit wine, and the degree is even lower. However, the brewing materials and brewing techniques used in the Western Regions are different. The weather in the Upper Western Region itself is relatively dry and hot, and it is indeed easier to brew high-quality wine than the Central Plains.

Xiang Yu ate half of the plate of beef in front of him in three or two mouthfuls, and the voracious appearance really didn't match his appearance at this time. Seeing this, Luo Qiong became more interested in Xiang Yu in front of his eyes. Knowing what happened to Xiang Yu in order to have the current performance.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, be careful if you choke, if it's not enough, I'll ask them to serve you some later."

Xiang Yu finally stopped at this moment, he ignored the wine glass in front of him, and lifted a can of wine directly to his mouth, and then gulps of wine poured down his throat. It was easier than drinking water. This scene made Luo Qiong on the opposite side dumbfounded. He felt a little drunk after drinking a glass of this kind of wine just now. How could the body of this thin and thin young man in front of him be able to withstand such a situation? Too much wine?

Thinking of this, he hastily stretched out his hand to hold the flagon in Xiang Yu's hand. "Brother, although this wine is good, it can't be drunk as water. Be careful that the stamina is too strong and your body can't stand it!"

"This wine is not bad, but it's really no big deal to me. I've had a lot of stronger wine than this!"

"Oh, I really can't see it, my brother has ever drank stronger wine than this?" Luo Qiong couldn't help being quite surprised when he heard Xiang Yu say this, and Xiang Yu realized that he said that after thinking about it It seems that something is not quite right. In his previous life, he galloped his horse all his life and drank fine wine wherever he went, but now he is clearly just a young man alone.

However, Xiang Yu pondered for a moment, and it seemed that he was not very good at explaining anything, so he simply led the topic to other places. "I was planning to go out of the city, but I saw a lot of officers and soldiers blocking the city gate. Do you know what happened?"

But Luo Qiong shook his head. "Our Yingchuan County is originally an important place connecting the east, west, north and south, and it is also an extremely prosperous place. There are a lot of people of all kinds coming and going in the city, so things often happen. It is quite normal for officers and soldiers to enforce martial law after the accident, but it is not I know why the little brother chose to leave the city at this time."

"I think Xiongtai can be regarded as a bold person, but if I tell what I do, I'm afraid you may not be willing to be so polite to me." Xiang Yu's words changed slightly, and his eyes also changed slightly , Luo Qiong was very keenly aware of this, but he still said:

"But it's okay, I, Luo Qiong, have no other advantages, except that my mouth has always been quite strict, even if you tell me that you are a fugitive who murdered and set fire, I won't think much of you! "

"Hahahahaha!" But Xiang Yu laughed loudly. Although his body at this time could not emit the vigorous and heroic laughter of his previous life, it was quite eye-catching. attracted the attention of others around.

This restaurant has two floors. The first floor is full of people, and the second floor is less crowded. Xiang Yu is actually on the second floor by the window. As far as he can see, he can see the stairs to the second floor and the other side. The scene on the street outside the restaurant.

The sun has fully risen at Chenshi, but it is not too hot. There are very few pedestrians on the street, and most of them have some dishes on their faces. It is not easy to get a full meal when it is precarious on weekdays. While drinking wine and eating beef, Xiang Yu actually glanced from the corner of his eyes on the street from time to time.

"I don't know, little brother, why are you so funny?" Luo Qiong showed a rather surprised look.

"Hmph! I just killed someone. Didn't you see the blood on my body? Some of it belongs to me, and some belong to other people, and it's not alone!"

"How many people have you killed?" Luo Qiong heard Xiang Yu's calm and calm answer to himself, and he couldn't help being secretly surprised, thinking that although the young man in front of him was not good-looking, there was a difference between his eyes and his gestures. But the breath of ordinary people can't escape his eyes. He has seen countless people in half his life, and he claims to be a good judge of people. If it were another boy of this age, he would be able to see through the origin and character of the other party at a glance. There will be difference.

However, he was the only one who had a certain sense of uncertainty about Xiang Yu. On the one hand, this made him have a strong interest in Xiang Yu, and on the other hand, it also made him feel a little flustered. Dangerous, but this world is inherently dangerous, and he has never been afraid of danger, so he is even more determined to find out what Xiang Yu's origin is.

"Not many, just ten people." Xiang Yu replied quite lightly, at this moment, the afterglow of his eyes seemed to have discovered something, it seemed that there was something on the street that quickly attracted him Notice.

"What? You said you killed ten people? I don't believe it!" Luo Qiong's head shook like a rattle. "How easy is it to kill? If you say you killed ten chickens, I might still believe it, but that's ten people. Even if someone who has been specially trained wants to kill ten living people It's not easy, let alone you?"

Luo Qiong smiled and shook his head, as if he completely took what Xiang Yu said as a joke.

"Is it difficult to kill?" Xiang Yu frowned slightly. "Then I'll let you see and see."

Xiang Yu got up suddenly and walked towards the stairs, and finally said: "Your beef and wine are very good, I like it very much, but."

Xiang Yu didn't finish his sentence, but his figure disappeared from Luo Qiong's sight. It was only a few breaths. How could Xiang Yu's skill be so fast?Luo Qiong was stunned for a moment, then got up and chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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