Chapter 44
Amidst the shouts of killing, many rebel soldiers who were still sleeping were beheaded in the camp by the cavalry led by Xiang Yu before they had time to put on their armor and weapons. In this darkness and chaos, the rebel soldiers, who were easy to regain their composure, had little power to parry in the face of countless galloping cavalry.

The camps of the rebels outside the city are actually quite scattered on the whole, and there are not too many soldiers stationed there. If there were no wooden walls for defense, when Xiang Yu's cavalry troops charged into the camp, these rebels would not be there at all. They couldn't find any space to resist. In the face of the huge shouts of killing, the soldiers were already scared out of their wits. Even if there were sporadic resistance, they seemed very powerless.

Xiang Yu launched a surprise attack on the Qiang rebel camp and the Han rebel camp outside the city at the same time. The battle did not last too long. Most of the rebels either fled or surrendered. Xiang Yu left some cavalry to guard these surrendered soldiers , while he continued to lead the remaining cavalry towards Chen Cangcheng.

Before coming here, Xiang Yu sent spies to conduct a thorough investigation of the terrain of Chencang City, and found that the defense in the west is the weakest, but Xiang Yu launched the attack from the south, and it will take some time to detour to the west. So he decisively ordered his cavalry to divide into two groups, and the one with a larger number of them attacked from the south, while he led a cavalry unit of less than 100 people to detour to the west of Chencang to attack.

Because Xiang Yu's offensive intentions had been exposed, the city of Chencang was already flickering with fire, and soldiers defending the city began to appear on the city wall in a steady stream. Crossbow arrows and chaotic stones shot down from the city wall, and many soldiers Or the horses were hit, the cavalry really couldn't exert much power when facing the city wall, Xiang Yu's cavalry also brought crossbows and bows, but they had to shoot the enemy above the city wall from below the city in the dark night. Army, the difficulty can be said to be very great.

Therefore, Xiang Yu's attacking army in the south can only watch from outside the city wall, creating a certain pressure on the defenders in Chen Cang, but Xiang Yu's real intention is to launch an attack from the weak point in the west.

Of course, there is also a city wall on the west side of Chencang City, but according to the report of Xiang Yu's spies, there is an underground passage on the west wall of Chencang City. , Xiang Yu was going to enter the city through the secret passage with a few elite soldiers, and then capture the west gate, and then some troops could detour to the west to attack, and he would lead the troops to capture the south gate.

Xiang Yu rode his horse to a position about a few hundred meters away from the western city wall, then dismounted, and followed him with five or six of his chosen elites, while the other cavalry waited within the enemy's field of vision on the city wall In addition, when Xiang Yu captured the west gate, he would use a torch to signal, and they would enter the city together.

Xiang Yu and a few people processed the soles of the shoes to reduce the noise made when walking as much as possible. Then Xiang Yu walked in the front, and the rest of them followed in a long line. In order not to make too much noise, every All of them carried only a short knife and a long rope.

In the darkness, Xiang Yu and his party couldn't use torches, and they could only rely on the faint moonlight in the sky to advance. Finally, Xiang Yu found the mark left by the spies under the city wall. It was a big stone with a special shape, hidden under the city wall. In the wild grass, after Xiang Yu touched the stone, he gently pushed the big stone away. The stone was heavy, but Xiang Yu knew how to push the big stone away almost silently, and appeared behind the big stone. a dark hole.

At this time, Xiang Yu took out a torch and lit a small torch. He was the only one who lit the torch, while the other people followed closely behind Xiang Yu.

The hole seemed to be big enough for Xiang Yu to stand up straight when he first entered it, but after walking out a few steps, the space began to shrink rapidly. After walking forward, Xiang Yu could only walk forward on his stomach. At this time, he extinguished the torch, and crawled forward only with the help of the faint flame left after the torch was extinguished.

Finally, Xiang Yu touched a hard bump that looked like a rock. At this time, the whole space was a little bigger. He half squatted up and kicked the bump, and with one kick, he The stone was kicked out, and Xiang Yu jumped out of the cave. At this time, he was already under the city wall of Chen Cang City, less than twenty steps away from the west gate.

The main force of the troops led by Xiang Yu was attacking from the south, thus diverting the attention of the defenders. Although there were still many defenders at the west gate, they were all in a relatively relaxed state. , Xiang Yu pulled out the dagger from his waist, and walked towards the city gate step by step.

At this time, a group of patrolling soldiers was walking towards Xiang Yu and the others not far away. Xiang Yu made a gesture in the darkness, and then issued a special signal, and then rushed up first, and the few people behind him were almost Immediately understood what Xiang Yu meant, and rushed over together at the fastest speed.

The patrolling soldiers just saw a few black figures appearing in front of them, and before they could even speak, blood flashed in front of their necks, and they were cut open with a knife, and their mouths were tightly covered, and they could no longer shout. Make a sound.

Xiang Yu and the others carefully placed the corpses of the patrol team under the dark city wall, and then continued to advance carefully. There are still many defenders near the west city gate. He hopes to divide and kill them, try not to Arousing too much commotion, Xiang Yu hid sideways in the shadow under the city wall, picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it out.

After hearing the voice, a defender looked very puzzled. He first looked around, and then suspiciously looked towards Xiang Yu. Finally, he still seemed uneasy and decided to come over and take a closer look.

When he got close, Xiang Yu jumped out of the darkness, covered his mouth with one hand, and cut his throat with a short knife with the other.

Not far away, another guard soldier seemed to sense that something was wrong here. He picked up a torch and walked towards Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu made another gesture. The defender with the torch swished the crossbow and shot it directly through the throat of the defender, making him die without a single cry.

Xiang Yu and the others walked forward immediately, and then suddenly jumped out of the darkness, assassinated all the defenders guarding the city gate, and then rushed to the city wall, killing all the defenders on the city wall Killed, then Xiang Yu lit the torch in his hand, and the 100 cavalry brought by Xiang Yu not far away saw Xiang Yu waving the torch on the city wall, and knew that Xiang Yu had succeeded, so they waved their whips and rushed towards the city gate. .

(End of this chapter)

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