Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 52 The Great Counterattack

Chapter 52 The Great Counterattack

Xiang Yu spent a day to reorganize and redeploy the troops after he led the army to capture Dasan Pass. He reorganized the newly surrendered rebel troops. He left some of the original soldiers to mix with the surrendered soldiers. They were compiled together, and then let them stay and station in Dashan Pass, while he led the remaining troops to support Chencang City, which had been besieged by Han Sui's returning troops for a while.

In the face of the enemy's onslaught for days, Sun Jian, who stayed in Chencang City, did quite well. Although there were very critical situations several times, Sun Jian was able to make correct judgments at critical junctures, and finally put the critical situation to rest. Turning around, one of the times, the east gate of Chencang City was almost lost. Sun Jian personally led the army to fight with the enemy in front of the city gate. Hold your ground and stay out of the line of fire with minor injuries.

In the end, under Sun Jian's desperate battle, he succeeded in resisting the enemy outside the east city gate, but then Sun Jian suffered from some infections due to his injuries. He fell on the bed and couldn't get up. He was a little confused, as if his life was going to die in an instant.

At this time, the Han Sui rebel army outside the city led the army to attack the city again. When the soldiers in the city were feeling a little discouraged, Xiang Yu led his cavalry from the west along the Wei River in time. Outside the south gate of Chencang City, they encountered Han Sui's rebels. These rebels were planning to attack the city, but they never thought that such a fierce cavalry force would attack from their flanks.

At this time, the generals and troops defending the city were exactly what Xiang Yu had brought with him at first. Seeing that Xiang Yu finally led the troops to kill him, he was so excited that he immediately organized his troops and reorganized a cavalry force, and then opened the south of Chencang City. The city gate, went out of the city to meet Xiang Yu's troops, and charged bravely together.

Xiang Yu was in full swing all the way, and he had killed three young generals under the rebel army in a row. Facing the fierce offensive from the army led by Xiang Yu, the rebels threw away their helmets and armor, and threw all the siege weapons on the ground. Under the gate of the city, countless people died by jumping into the Wei River in desperation. Xiang Yu led his army to chase to the wooden bridge of the Wei River outside the south gate, and ordered no more pursuit, but turned around and walked along Chencang City. Outward to the east, rushing to the east gate of Chencang City.

Outside the gate of the east city, Xiang Yu saw that Han Sui's thieves were very powerful, and the blackness was full of enemy troops. However, he showed no fear on his face, and went straight to the front of the battle with his horse and gun raised.

Rushing forward, an extremely burly man was placed on the horse. Compared with the horses under him, the horses under him looked weak. He was covered in flesh, holding a sledgehammer, and the momentum between swings was terrifying. Seeing that he was of very pure Qiang descent, he roared loudly when he saw Xiang Yu, and slapped his horse forward to fight Xiang Yu fiercely.

Xiang Yu had already seen this person from a distance, and he expected that although this guy looked brave, he might not only have some brute strength. There are a hundred ways to easily defeat him.

Xiang Yu's hand holding the thunderbolt gun was secretly forceful, and he also went towards the sledgehammer in the opponent's hand. With a bang, Xiang Yu took the opponent's heavy hammer forcefully, and this time there was a wave of mutual strength Looking at the face of the brutal man, he seemed a little surprised. He probably didn't expect that Xiang Yu, who looked young and not very strong, dared to confront him head-on. What surprised him even more was that the opponent seemed so relaxed. , and can even be described as being able to do a job with ease.

In fact, Xiang Yu did not completely confront the opponent head-on, but used ingenuity to secretly remove a large part of the opponent's attacking force. Xiang Yu didn't hesitate at all, turned around and stabbed again. The sledgehammer was too heavy, and it took a while to prepare for turning around and swinging it again, but Xiang Yu would not give him this time. He stabbed the barbarian's chest fiercely, directly through the gap where he held the sledgehammer. However, it pierced directly through the armor into the heart.

The man roared, with a face full of disbelief, and was stabbed to death by Xiang Yu. The cavalry behind Xiang Yu saw that Xiang Yu beheaded one of the opponent's fierce generals, and their morale was greatly encouraged, although the number of enemies in front of them seemed to far exceed On their own side, they all waved their horsewhips fiercely, shouting in unison, as if they had just been beaten with chicken blood.

This time, the defenders inside the east city gate did not open the city gate and go out to help Xiang Yu. On the one hand, Sun Jian's troops were mainly defending the east city gate. In addition, the number of enemy troops outside the east city gate was indeed far greater than that of the south city gate, so For a while, he didn't dare to open the city gate easily.

Of course, Xiang Yu beheaded a fierce general in front of the opponent's formation almost instantly, which was also seen in the eyes of the soldiers on the city gate, and then they watched Xiang Yu leading the cavalry outside to charge all the way, facing a steady stream of enemies. And the number of enemies far exceeded his own, but the cavalry troops led by Xiang Yu did not panic or collapse at all, but kept killing the surrounding enemy troops and howling.

Although Han Sui's troops are mainly cavalry, cavalry is not very useful when attacking the city, so the siege troops closer to the city gate are mainly infantry, and the cavalry is deployed in the rear. Did not rush here, which shows that Han Sui's real main force is not here yet.

Thinking about it, Han Sui had tens of thousands of main troops, which was enough for him to divide his troops into several groups. At the same time, while Xiang Yu and the others were fighting, a large part of Han Sui's main force should also be fighting with Dong Zhuo's army. When the troops fought, although Dong Zhuo's ability to command troops was not as good as Xiang Yu's, it was actually not particularly bad. At least it was no problem to fight with Han Sui's main force.

I don't know when a figure appeared on the gate of the city. It turned out that Sun Jian had woken up from a coma at some point. He heard that Xiang Yu led the army to rescue him, so he decided to come to the east gate to have a look. He looked a little haggard, and although some wounds on his body had been treated, some places were still infected and pus flowed out, but his willpower was strong enough, and he could carry it for a while even if he carried it hard.

Although he might also want to go into battle to kill the enemy in person, but his current physical condition is really not allowed, so he can only watch Xiang Yu continue to charge outside the city, and finally he gave an order to the soldiers around him, and immediately opened fire. The city gate sent troops to assist Xiang Yu, and together they fought back against the rebels.

From a distance, Xiang Yu looked at the gate of the city, and saw that the gate of the east city was fully opened, and cavalry and infantry rushed out of the city together. There was an invisible smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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