Chapter 60
Xiang Yu led a hundred cavalrymen to defeat the Han Sui rebels who were chasing after them. This battle directly cast a psychological shadow on these Han Sui rebels, and described him as a man who stood at the top of the mountain when the sun was about to set. The living King of Hades on the hillside led a group of cavalry like ghosts who rushed out of hell with blood all over their bodies. They had unimaginable powers of ghosts and gods, which were simply beyond the reach of mortals.

Although Xiang Yu is indeed very powerful, it is obviously too exaggerated to say that he and his cavalry have the power of ghosts and gods. However, as the saying goes, the rumor spreads among Han Sui's army. Of course I didn't believe it, but I couldn't bear the fact that more and more people were affected by this statement, gradually Xiang Yu was really described as an invincible and terrifying existence.

For this reason, the generals under Han Sui have tried to stop the spread of this saying by killing a hundred people. Many soldiers were beheaded in public by the so-called military law, but they still failed to stop this kind of attack on Xiang Yu. The panic spread in the army. On the contrary, some even more outrageous claims began to appear, saying that Xiang Yu could breathe fire and was not afraid of fire. He led the army from hell and set Chen Cangcheng on fire. .

Some people say that Xiang Yu is the god of killing reincarnated from heaven, which is a proof that the troubled times are coming. He is the one who is punished by heaven to punish this sinful and corrupt world. His power is beyond the reach of ordinary people. All those who stand in his way have only a dead end.

There are many similar sayings, but basically they all highlight the terrifying and invincible nature of Xiang Yu and his army, but some describe Xiang Yu as an evil god who devours the body and soul and is full of desire to kill, while others describe Xiang Yu as Described as a righteous existence sent by heaven to punish evil, and a great hero who wants to turn things around through his own force.

But no matter what kind of statement it is, it will obviously shake the morale of Han Sui's army, but the generals have nothing to do. No matter how many soldiers they kill, they still can't stop this statement or some kind of fear. The spread of war emotions, and the more soldiers they killed, the more these soldiers began to spread another emotion, that is, rebellion.

Originally, the composition of these soldiers was relatively complicated. There were Qiang people from the Xiliang area, some Han people who were mixed with Qiang people, and some pure Han people. In fact, there were obvious regional differences in culture and personality among them. And some of them initiated and participated in this rebellion voluntarily, and some were coerced by the general trend. There are some problems in the loyalty of these people.

Beigong Boyu forced Bianzhang and Han Sui to join the gang and elected them as leaders in order to use their blood and status as officials of the Han Dynasty to better absorb the power of the Han people and some Han and Qiang mixed ethnic groups in the Xiliang area. Judging from the actual effect, Han Sui has indeed completed this work beyond expectations, and it is precisely because of Han Sui that this rebel force can develop and grow to the present level.

But now Han Sui is not here, maybe Han Sui can still rely on his personal prestige to suppress these soldiers, so that even if they have fear of Xiang Yu in their hearts, they will not be disobedient, but when Han Sui is not around, these sources The complex is originally the soldiers of the rebel army, and there may be various battalions and even internal rebellions.

Maybe they also felt that the situation was not good. These generals finally stopped killing their soldiers to prevent the spread of rumors. Instead, they tried to gather soldiers together for ideological education. At the same time, they stopped marching. Waiting patiently for Han Sui's arrival. At this time, the entire main force under Han Sui has begun to have the problem of insufficient food and grass supply, but it can still last for a period of time by regulating the food supply.

After the entire Chencang City was baptized by fire, more than half of the area was turned into ruins, and the army could only be stationed outside Chencang City temporarily.

The current situation is that the connection between Han Sui's main force and its rear is still blocked. Before Bian Zhang was captured by Xiang Yu, the army behind Xiliang lost a backbone, and Beigong Boyu was forced to come to the front line himself. Commanding the soldiers, but he was also hesitant at this time. Before Bianzhang was defeated by Xiang Yu three times in a row, he not only lost Chen Cangcheng but also lost Dashan Pass. Han Sui's troops joined forces.

Because Xiang Yu or Sun Quan can come out of Dasan Pass at any time and attack Beigong Boyu's army from the flanks, and Beigong Boyu is naturally cunning and suspicious, and will not easily put himself in a dangerous situation, and he also heard that his soldiers Xiang Yu was described as a very terrible general, so he was even more afraid to lead troops to Chencang to border on Han Sui's main force.

His mind was to wait for Han Sui to lead the army back, so that even if Xiang Yu was really brave, he would not hit himself when he attacked. You only need to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, there is no need to lead the army yourself.

If he had absolute confidence in his own strength and influence, he would not have forced Bian Zhang and Han Sui to join the gang and elected them to become the leaders of the rebel army.

Let’s say that Xiang Yu led his army back in a big victory, and Sun Jian personally led people out of Dasan Pass to meet Xiang Yu. At this time, Sun Jian seemed to have completely got rid of his original knot, and he was really convinced by the strength of Xiang Yu, a later generation. In fact, he himself can be regarded as a character, so why has he been fighting against a junior.

What's more, he had a chat with Xiang Yu before, and he also had some understanding of Xiang Yu's character. He knew that Xiang Yu was actually an upright and upright man. What reason did he have to hate such a person?

Seeing that 200 or 80 of the [-] cavalry led by Xiang Yu were still alive at this time, Sun Jian asked Xiang Yu's passage in detail. Xiang Yu smiled slightly, and while drinking and eating meat, he detailed how he ordered Chen Cangcheng Then he dealt with Han Sui's army in the city, and told the story of how Han Sui's army was beaten in circles.

Sun Jian was fascinated by what Xiang Yu said, and he was completely taken in by the scene Xiang Yu said, as if he was also deep in the battlefield, and then how Xiang Yu would lead his army to fight back against the pursuers, and kill the opponent's corpses everywhere, and the process of blood flowing into rivers After saying it again, Xiang Yu laughed out loud, saying that these Xiliang rebels are really not good at it.

At the beginning, Sun Jian just thought that Xiang Yu was indeed brave, but the more he heard it, the more his scalp became numb, and he thought that Xiang Yu was not ordinary brave, he was like a god of war. Of course, he did not doubt what Xiang Yu said. Is it a bit exaggerated? After all, it is only a few people who can do it with only [-] cavalry behind the nave of Chencang City, and after several fights, and finally bring [-] or [-] cavalry back. The opponent was terrified, how could he give up the pursuit when he had an absolute advantage in troops?
(End of this chapter)

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