Chapter 62
On the outer city wall of Dashan Pass, Xiang Yu and Sun Jian stood on it, one on the left and one on the right. Xiang Yu looked at the undulating hillsides and ravines outside the city wall with piercing eyes, without saying a word.

"What is Brother Xiang thinking?" Sun Jian followed Xiang Yu and looked outside, but he still couldn't guess what Xiang Yu was really thinking at this time. "This Dasan Pass is built on the mountain, which makes good use of the characteristics of the terrain. Even if Han Sui's army invades, we can support it for a long time with sufficient food and grass."

"But we lack enough crossbowmen and corresponding crossbow arrows, and even though the Great Sanctuary is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is difficult for our troop composition to exert a strong combat effectiveness on this terrain." Xiang Yu shook his head slightly. "What I'm worried about is not that Han Sui will lead an army to attack, but that he will find a way to block us here. When they build various fortifications on the spot outside the pass, it will be extremely difficult for us to fight out."

Sun Jian couldn't help frowning after hearing the words. It seemed that he finally understood the stakes, but obviously he couldn't think of any good solution for a while. "According to the reports from my subordinates, Han Sui has already led his army to withdraw as much as possible. It seems that he didn't get much profit after this battle, and finally plans to retreat to Xiliang."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Xiang Yu said lightly. "We can't hand over the decision-making power to our opponents. Fate must be firmly in our own hands. Tomorrow morning, I will personally lead five hundred cavalry to go out."

"Brother Xiang, don't be so impulsive! What can you do with five hundred cavalrymen? Most of Han Sui's main force outside are Xiliang cavalrymen. Han Sui was not there before, so you took advantage of it by luck, and now you are rushing out of customs Go, isn't it hitting a rock with an egg?" Although Sun Jian now believed in Xiang Yu's bravery, he still couldn't believe that Xiang Yu would make a seemingly impulsive and stupid decision again.

"Hmph!" Xiang Yu snorted coldly. "Five hundred riders are enough for me. General Sun will prepare a banquet in Guanzhong, just waiting for my good news."

At the end, Xiang Yu added another sentence. "It is difficult for the cavalry to display their combat effectiveness in this vicinity. Once Han Sui's army came to block it, then this Dasanguan will become a huge cage instead, trapping you and me in it. If someone has to come out to help, it can only It's me, Xiang Yu!"

"Xiang Yu?" Sun Jian looked at Xiang Yu with some doubts, as if he had heard it wrong, but seeing that Xiang Yu continued to look into the distance with a blank face, he did not continue to ask. "If so, wouldn't it be better to go out with a thousand cavalry?"

But Xiang Yu shook his head again. "Five hundred cavalry is enough, any more will be bad, and you need people to hold on to the big break. Even if the five hundred cavalry I lead can't confront Han Sui's main force head-on, they can It can play a diversionary role, not to mention that according to my estimation, the troops of General Zhang and General Dong should also be on their way."

Sun Jian nodded heavily. Although he still hadn't fully guessed Xiang Yu's thoughts, he still had an intuition in his heart telling him that Xiang Yu's decision was probably correct, but someone had to stick to this big break. Because as long as the Great Sanguan is not broken, it will always be embedded here like a nail.

Once Han Sui has the idea of ​​continuing the eastward expedition to force Sanfu, Han Sui's strength and attention can be restrained here, and once Han Sui regains control of Dashan Pass, it will be difficult for them to counter the rebellion. It will also be a very big threat, and it is precisely because of this that Dasanguan has become an extremely important battleground for military strategists, and its strategic position may even be greater than that of Chen Cangcheng.

Early the next morning, before the sky was completely bright, Xiang Yu had already led 5000 cavalry out of Dashan Pass, and at the same time Han Sui was also dispatching troops to prepare to attack Dashan Pass. Mobilize a [-]-man infantry-based force, and their main combat goal is to block and attack Dasan Pass.

Whether or not the Dashan Pass can be defeated is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to completely block Xiang Yu and Sun Jian's troops in the Dashan Pass, preventing them from having any chance to come out to do things.

As a result, Xiang Yu and this army passed by in such a miraculous way. Sometimes the arrangement of fate is always very strange. If Xiang Yu stays half a day at night, he may really have no chance to come out of Dashan Pass. Five thousand With spears, shields and bows and crossbows, the entire Dasan Pass was blocked by three layers and three layers outside. With the undulating and winding terrain outside Dasan Pass, the cavalry could not charge at all. Disadvantage, even if Xiang Yu personally leads the army to the battle, it may not be able to take advantage of it.

But now it's all right, Xiang Yu has led the five hundred cavalry to sneak out from the Dasan Pass, it can be said that Han Sui's blockade plan can no longer be perfectly implemented.

Soon the army sent by Han Sui discovered Xiang Yu's army, and Xiang Yu also noticed the intention of this army. There were some collisions between the two armies, but Xiang Yu was not too fond of fighting, but was killing After killing an enemy general, he stopped as soon as he saw it, and led the troops along the south of the Wei River near the half-hill slope. Proceed to the south of Chencang City.

Later, outside the Weihe Bridge in the south of Chencang City, Xiang Yu was blocked by Han Sui's troops again. This army seemed to have estimated Xiang Yu's marching route in advance, and it may also be because Han Sui's troops were everywhere. But just met here.

This Han Sui army was commanded by a Qiang general, and the main components were Qiang cavalry. There is no way to avoid it.

Before the battle, Xiang Yu saw from a distance the very tall Qiang general, holding a long-handled ax in his hand, and the horse under his crotch was also quite handsome. World War I.

"Are you the general of the Han Dynasty that some cowards say has the power of ghosts and gods? It looks like that! I don't know if you are lucky, or those guys are really too weak, but your good luck today Just come to the end, see I want your dog's life"

This guy talks a lot, even though Xiang Yu didn't want to hear him talking big at all, even though he saw that Xiang Yu had rushed over, he was still talking nonsense. Stabbing towards his chest, how could he have imagined that the speed of the thunder rushing under Xiang Yu's crotch was so fast, and the speed and force of the thundering spear in his hand were also so fast.

He was still thinking of using a long-handled ax to block it, but the thunderbolt spear directly pierced through the gap between the tomahawk that had not had time to block back, piercing his chest in one stroke, and with a miserable howl, he directly passed through the gap. Jun immediately fell down.

The other soldiers behind him were so startled that they couldn't speak, but they didn't become a mess because the general was killed, but came to attack Xiang Yu in an orderly manner.

After all, they still have a certain advantage in numbers, not to mention that in their opinion, the cavalry under Xiang Yu's command is definitely not as powerful as their Qiang cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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