Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 69 The Smart Han Sui

Chapter 69 The Smart Han Sui

Han Sui was shocked when he heard that his main force, mainly Qiang cavalry, had been defeated, and the number of the opponent was far less than this Qiang cavalry. This news meant at least two points .

The first is that the troops he sent out to block the Dasan Pass were a bit slower, allowing the elite cavalry led by Xiang Yu to come out ahead of schedule, and the second point is that the combat effectiveness of this cavalry team led by Xiang Yu is very terrifying. His most powerful cavalry unit, these Qiang cavalry can be said to be the core of his army's combat power. If they can't beat Xiang Yu, then the problem will be very serious.

Thinking of this, Han Sui couldn't help being a little annoyed, and said that he had never heard of such a number one figure in the Eastern Han court before. At this time, Han Sui had unknowingly started to retreat. After a disastrous defeat, there will inevitably be many discordant voices within the army under his command.

Even though their troops seem to be very large, this young man named Xiangji is too fierce, and now he is completely out of his control. The number of troops he commanded before was very small, and once he and Zhang Dong Zhuo's main force of the Eastern Han Dynasty gathered together, and then fought all the way, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to fight.

If this is the case, it would be better to be wise and give up this area resolutely while there is still a chance to get out of the body, and retreat to Xiliang first. On the one hand, winter is coming soon, and the problem of food supply will become more prominent However, if the troops of the Eastern Han Dynasty dare to continue to attack him at this time, then the chances of winning will be much higher if they are led to fight on his own territory.

Han Sui made up his mind, so he called his generals together to discuss the issue of whether to stay or not. He wanted to take this opportunity to feel the true thoughts of these generals under him.

Sure enough, at this meeting, the internal conflicts among the troops began to gradually become apparent, especially after the Qiang cavalry was defeated, the Qiang cavalry who had been accused and looked down upon by these Qiang people for their defeat to Xiang Yu The Han generals began to fight back verbally, and their words were full of provocation and sarcasm. However, these Qiang generals were not very good-natured in the first place, so how could they bear this kind of anger.

A smell of gunpowder immediately permeated the meeting, but Han Sui watched coldly from the sidelines, neither adding fuel to the fire, nor coming forward to stop it, just watching the development of the matter silently, no one knew what was going on in his heart at this time What.

It was originally a meeting to discuss the withdrawal of the troops, but it gradually evolved into a state of internal Qiang and Han generals spamming each other, and whether to withdraw the army has also become a somewhat controversial topic. A considerable number of generals, Both the generals of the Qiang people and the generals of the Han people believed that it is absolutely impossible to retreat at this time. There is no reason to retreat after suffering a small loss. You must find an opportunity to make up for the losses you suffered before, otherwise you will not be able to swallow what you say in this tone.

The other part of the generals still maintained the necessary rationality. They opposed the continuation of meaningless battles, and believed that this expedition did not achieve the initial expected results. How much food and supplies would be consumed by an army of nearly 10 people? There will be the slightest benefit, and the cold winter is approaching, many soldiers do not have winter clothes prepared, if they continue to fight, their combat effectiveness and morale will not be guaranteed, so it is wise to retreat.

Neither of the two sides could convince the other, but Han Sui also found that generally speaking, the generals who supported the retreat were still in the majority, so Han Sui announced that he would temporarily put this issue aside and let him think carefully before making a decision.

Han Sui had already made a decision in his heart, but why he didn't directly announce his decision at this time, the reason was actually that he felt that although the number of generals who opposed the withdrawal was less than the number of generals who supported the withdrawal, the overall number was still quite large However, if he made a decision directly like this, it would probably arouse their dissatisfaction, and it might even accelerate the internal division of the entire army, which Han Sui absolutely could not accept.

Although he was elected as the commander-in-chief of this rebel army, he has done his job well for a period of time and won the unanimous trust and support of most people, but the contradiction between the Qiang people and the Han people has always existed and has existed for a long time. Yes, even in the past many years, it has been intensified, and Han Sui has no way to fundamentally resolve this contradiction. All he can do is to temporarily put aside the contradiction between the two parties and cooperate for a common goal. .

And once some kind of huge setback is encountered in the process of realizing this common goal, it is likely to cause the contradiction that was shelved to become the main contradiction again, which will lead to the disintegration of the internal unity and alliance that was hard-won.

In order to solve this problem, Han Sui decided to adopt a relatively stupid method, that is, to personally interview those generals who opposed the withdrawal of troops one by one.

As the commander-in-chief, Han Sui would actually feel powerless in the face of a group of generals. As long as they speak with one voice and firmly maintain their own ideas, then Han Sui can't force them to change their minds.

But if you separate them and talk to them one by one, you may be able to find some opportunities and solutions, because in fact, everyone's personality and actual demands are different. They support or oppose a certain opinion. The reasons and starting points may be different, so if Han Sui can find out the crux of the problem, and then prescribe the right medicine, he might be able to change their minds, at least temporarily.

Ever since, Han Sui met alone with more than a dozen generals who opposed the withdrawal from morning to night, including Qiang generals and Han generals. Han Sui did not express his thoughts and decisions as soon as he came up, but Communicate calmly with the other party like a friend, such as asking about the other party's life experience, whether there are wives and children at home, whether there are old parents and other trivial matters, and ask some seemingly useless topics such as why they rebelled .

However, the effect of this method is still very good. During the conversation, many generals expressed their desire to go home. Even though they still said that they did not want to retreat, they could see that there had been some changes in their attitudes. Then Han Sui took the opportunity to say that the retreat was only a temporary thing, and they would definitely come back in the coming year, to cheer up these generals again, or to draw a new picture. pie.

After Han Sui's patient persuasion, most of the generals who originally opposed the withdrawal finally changed their attitudes and agreed to withdraw, so Han Sui temporarily resolved the current problem. Although internal contradictions and divisions still existed, Han Sui still Buy yourself some time.

(End of this chapter)

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