Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 77 The Right Choice

Chapter 77 The Right Choice
Originally, everything was carried out according to the plan. After enough soldiers climbed up from the rock wall, they could try to take down the city gate. In this way, Sun Jian could save a lot of people from losing. In the case of Tianshui City, I really don't know how many people will be lost and how long it will take to attack.

It's a pity that the news finally leaked before the attack was launched. It may also be because the patrol team in Tianshui City was killed. The soldiers of the defenders did not see them, so they became suspicious and reported the situation to The guard in Tianshui City, so the guard sent troops to investigate what was going on, but he didn't know what was going on, but after a look, he found that the enemy had climbed up from this inconspicuous corner, and the number of people Come a lot.

The soldiers defending the city immediately swarmed towards this side. Sun Jian sent only a few dozen people at this time. Only find a way to retreat back.

Those monkey-like macaque army can't care so much at this time, their first thought is to save their own lives, so if they escape faster than anyone else, that's a very normal thing However, they used their vigorous skills and small stature to become an advantage when retreating.

The soldiers who came up later rushed to the front, and the macaque army took the opportunity to retreat, and then they quickly fell down the rock wall, while the soldiers in the rear were not so lucky, and they were quickly captured by the city. Surrounded by the defenders who came, some surrendered immediately, while others died heroically.

Since then, Sun Jian's plan to steal the city was seen through by the defenders. When the news reached his ears, he immediately felt quite depressed, but he didn't say much. Tactics, it is gratifying to succeed, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal to fail. In this case, we can only continue to find ways to strengthen the attack from the front.

But in fact, there are still many places around Tianshui City that are built along the mountains. As long as you are willing to search, you may find other places with defensive loopholes, so Sun Jian ordered the Macaque Army to continue to search for such places, and arrived Even if there is no way to find a place where a large number of soldiers can directly enter, at least these macaque troops can rely on their own extraordinary ability to go to the city to explore some information about the defenders.

Among them are the deployment of the defenders' troops, and the distribution and arrangement of some important strategic materials. These military intelligence are very valuable. Of course, the macaque army is good at rock climbing. It's not easy to say.

From the second day onwards, Sun Jian dispersed his forces and did not concentrate his forces in one place to attack Tianshui City. Instead, he launched a siege battle from several aspects at the same time. It is very good for defense. No matter how Sun Jian attacks, as long as the defending side does not take the initiative to fight, then Sun Jian's army's offensive efficiency will be very low.

In many places, because the terrain is too narrow, even if Sun Jian's army invades, there is no way to expand, and the defenders can take advantage of the good defensive terrain to wait for work. The attacking side will always be the side with more casualties. In fact, Sun Jian The army doesn't have a big advantage in terms of strength. There is no doubt that there is no way to attack by relying entirely on numbers like this.

In fact, if you want to win Tianshui City, the best way is to cut off water and food, and then prepare for a long-term siege. With the arrival of severe winter, the living conditions in the city will become worse and worse, but this This method is obviously not advisable for Sun Jian who is eager to take down Tianshui City. He doesn't have the patience to besiege Tianshui City here for such a long time.

If it is really difficult to win Tianshui City for a long time, Sun Jian has also considered another strategy, that is to leave some troops to station around Tianshui City and block Tianshui City as much as possible. It was difficult to completely block Tianshui City, and he took most of the rest of his troops down the Wei River and headed directly for Ji County.

In fact, if he made this choice, it would be a good strategy, because even if he did not attack Ji County, in Han Sui's strategic deployment, the troops hoarded in Ji County would go to support Tianshui City, just like this The initiative is in the hands of Han Suijun, but if Sun Jian can directly attack Ji County, then the initiative of the attack is in the hands of Sun Jian.

Although it seems that the same troops will fight in the end, it is still very important to have the offensive initiative, which will greatly affect the morale of the soldiers, and even affect the course of the entire war.

At this time, Xiang Yu had already led his army to the south, heading towards Xixian County, another place where Han Sui had deployed troops. Xiang Yu actually knew that Han Sui had deployed many troops here and in the surrounding mountains, but he was also going to fight for it. An offensive initiative, when the enemy does not expect it, suddenly launches an attack, trying to firmly control the strategic rhythm from the beginning, if successful, the opponent needs to respond to your attack.

And the side that initiates the attack will always occupy some opportunities. Sometimes these opportunities seem to have little impact, but sometimes when these opportunities are gathered, or at a certain time, it is possible Completely different situation.

Xiang Yu dared to challenge the Xiliang cavalry who are good at mountain warfare, because he believed that he could grasp some key opportunities, so that the balance of victory fell to his side.

In the end, Sun Jian made a relatively more correct choice. After the macaque army reported to him the defense situation of Tianshui City, he realized that the defenders in the city had made sufficient defensive deployments, and he did not have a clear advantage in terms of strength. How could it be possible for him to take this city easily, so Sun Jian decisively began to divide and deploy his troops.

When he deployed his troops, he tried his best not to divide them, but to try to besiege the city for a long-term siege plan. Therefore, when there were not many troops left, he dispersed them into more parts. Most of the military flags and drums remained, and many troops still looked like a large area, but many of them were made of fake men and horses in various ways, in order to confuse the enemy.

Then he also quietly left Tianshui City with most of the other troops, and then came to the edge of the Weihe River. Sun Jian ordered to build ships on the spot and planned to go directly up the Weihe River. Both the ship and the people who sailed it presented great tests.

(End of this chapter)

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