Bourne's Nemesis

Chapter 118 You are fooled!

Chapter 118 You are fooled!

Hiromi Nakajima felt a little guilty, after all, she was betrayed by Sato Yoko, but because she had been prepared for a long time, she still said calmly: "I don't know too much, I only know that Zhou Qian led people to follow Xijo Island once he arrived at Dongya TV In the warehouse of the factory, someone rushed into Sato Yoko 10 minutes later. Mr. Sato Yutaro and his people were all arrested. The director, it should be Zhou Qian who discovered the warehouse. He followed Saijojima to catch the current situation. Now I guess the evidence It is indeed difficult for Sato Yoko to explain."

"Master Nakajima, President Sato of Sato Co., Ltd. is very angry about this matter, because everything accumulated by Sato Yoko in Hangzhou has been wiped out, his eldest son was arrested, and the consulate went to negotiate, but because Sato Yutaro The evidence of espionage is solid, so Nanjing will not back down and will not let anyone go."

"President Sato wants to take revenge?"

"We just came back from visiting President Sato. He did have the idea of ​​revenge, but we persuaded him. We promised him that you would kill Zhou Qian."

"I will indeed kill him, because he killed my father!"

"Major Nakajima, what happened to the funds left by your father?"

With 100 million pounds deposited in HSBC Bank in Hangzhou, Nakajima Hiromi will take out this money at the right time, and treat it as the money she has worked hard to get back.

"Zhou Qian admitted that he left the funds, and also said that he had transferred part of the money, but we can't believe his words."

"You think he hasn't moved?"

"I think he only transferred part of it, so we have to find another way."

"This man has swallowed so much money alone."

Hiromi Nakajima was not sure about getting the money back, and said, "Director, the Chinese can't just look at the surface of things, maybe his superior ordered him to do so."

"It is indeed possible, but as long as it is kept by someone, there is still hope for the money. Major Nakajima, hurry up and find the supplies, and then find a way to get the money back."

"Hay! I'm going to get the letter now."

"I'll drive you there."

"Don't bother the director, I still have to look for my belongings carefully. I have everything in my office. I will come back immediately after I decipher my father's password."

Yumi Nakajima came out of the consulate and called a rickshaw, while Zhou Qian, who was wearing makeup, took Yunyan and called a rickshaw to follow her.

Nakajima Yuyoumi was alone this time, and she was quite at ease in Hongkou. She did not let down her vigilance, and used various methods to investigate the surroundings, hoping to see if there was anyone following her.

Yumi Nakajima saw Zhou Qian and Yunyan, and she also took a few glances. The man was wearing a kimono and looked about 40 years old, and the little girl was only [-] or [-] years old. She looked like a father and daughter, so there was no Pay attention again.

When they arrived at the Navy Command, Yumi Nakajima got out of the car first, rummaged through the change and looked around from the corner of her eyes. The rickshaw that the father and daughter were riding passed by. She heard clearly that the man spoke Japanese. , so it is more reassuring.

Hiromi Nakajima is so vigilant because she knows that Zhou Qian will definitely send someone to follow her, and she dare not be careless even in Shanghai.

People in the Navy Command basically knew her, and many people even greeted her. This is a rare female major in the Navy Command, and she is also very beautiful.

But here Nakajima Yumi is aloof. She walked into her previous office with a serious expression. No one has moved here, and all her things are still there.

Hiromi Nakajima opened the third drawer of the desk, which was full of letters from her father. She carefully checked all the envelopes and letter paper, because she had read all these letters more than once, and the contents were ordinary family letters. If there was anything wrong with it She would have discovered it long ago.

The envelope and the letter paper were very ordinary, and she couldn't find any hints in the letter after trying all the methods, which made her very surprised, so she set her sights on the envelope.

The envelopes were folded and pasted with kraft paper. Hiromi Nakajima suddenly remembered that when he was a child in Japan, his father used to fold the envelopes by himself, so Hiromi Nakajima opened an envelope immediately, and found that the pen was used in the fold of the kraft paper envelope. Write 3598, 5342 two sets of numbers.

Yasuo Nakajima was very careful when writing these numbers. In order to be more safe, he also wrote the numbers on the fold, so that the numbers inside the envelope could not be found from the outside.

Yumi Nakajima immediately opened all the envelopes according to the date of sending the letters. Each letter contained two strings of numbers. For her ace agent, this is the simplest Morse code.

Yumi Nakajima still remembers that her father mentioned in the letter not once that she was asked to read the novel The Tale of Genji when she was free. There was a set in the office, and it was a birthday present from her father the year before last.

According to the order of numbers, Nakajima Yumi quickly translated these numbers. After reading the content, she couldn't help but cursed: "Zhou Qian! You bastard, you actually concealed the two warehouse keys left by your father. The two keys are also tokens, without them, the warehouse cannot be opened to take away the supplies of the two warehouses."

The key must be in Zhou Qian's hands, because Yasuo Nakajima wrote very clearly, a total of four keys were specially made, and the gates of the two warehouses must be opened with two keys at the same time, otherwise the self-destruct device will be triggered.

Yumi Nakajima took the translated content and left the naval headquarters. When she arrived at the consulate, she wanted to show the translation to Yoshioka Nobutake, but she searched her pockets and handbags and found nothing. What shocked her most was that the bank key was also missing. lost.

Hiromi Nakajima carefully recalled the people who approached her along the way. Only when she was getting on the rickshaw, a little girl seemed to pass by. Could she steal the letter paper and keys in such a short time!This is too unbelievable.

"what happened?"

"The content I translated was written on a note. I wanted to show it to the two directors, but now I can't find it!"

"I can't find it!? What is the secret language?"

"I found the answer based on the letter my father gave me. My father stored the materials in two warehouses, but he needed a specific key to take out the materials. Zhou Qian concealed the key!"

"Has Zhou Qian never mentioned the keys to you?"

"No! Never mentioned it."

"Are you sure the translated content is lost?"

"Yes! I'm very careful. I don't feel anyone approaching me. It's really strange."

"Mr. Nakajima, have you been fooled?"


"Zhou Qian deliberately asked you to take away the things in the Xie mansion. The purpose is to let you translate the secret language and then send someone to steal it. The key is in Zhou Qian's hands. Now that he knows the location of the warehouse, he can directly take the materials. Take it away." After Yoshioka Fanwu finished speaking, he hurriedly circled around his desk.

(End of this chapter)

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