Bourne's Nemesis

Why didn't Chapter 121 appear?

Why didn't Chapter 121 appear?

Zhou Qian didn't believe what Asai Kojiro said, because when he found the radio station, there were obvious marks on the table, and he could be sure that the radio station had been there for a long time. He might not be from the Joint Espionage Investigation Institute, but he was certainly not innocent. .

Now Zhou Qian's task is to quickly find Yuyou Nakajima, and these people will interrogate slowly.

It is impossible for Yumi Nakajima to come here. Zhou Qian called Dai Yunong to ask about the situation of the warehouse, and learned that a dozen militants had actually arrived at the Daxing warehouse last night. After a fierce gun battle, all but two of the dozen were seriously injured. All were killed, and the wounded were sent to hospital for treatment.

Zhou Qian immediately ordered all personnel to withdraw to the mansion, and he drove to the hospital to see Liu Changdong by himself.

"Station Master, is your injury better?"

Seeing a strange middle-aged man, Liu Changdong asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

"I'm Zhou Qian. I just came here after performing the operation, and I haven't removed my makeup yet."

Liu Changdong recognized Zhou Qian with tears in his eyes and said: "My good brother, you are here. I heard that you have been busy recently."

"Well, I took away Yuyou Nakajima's hiding place last night and found the basement where she interrogated you. It's a pity that this cunning woman didn't show up."

"Brother, what's the matter with me?"

Liu Changdong should really be called Liu Digu, but anyone would do the same, after all, it is about the future, Zhou Qian hurriedly comforted: "I have already assured the Virgo that you have not betrayed any of our secrets, so the Virgo has given you credit, you Not only can you not lose the stationmaster position, but you will also be rewarded."

Liu Changdong wept with joy when he heard this, and said: "Really, brother, then you are my great benefactor, I am inconvenient, if it is convenient, I will give you a knock."

"Station Master, you are breaking me like this. You are the Colonel Station Master. I am your subordinate. You support me so much. How can I not do my best if something happens to you and you suffer such a serious crime."

"Okay, I will take a big gift later to thank Principal Zheng Longwen, I want to thank him for sending you to my station." If I really told Zhou Qian, this time I was a blessing in disguise, so the stationmaster Isn't the position stable?

Liu Changdong was glad that he changed quickly enough, and he fully supported Zhou Qian afterwards, otherwise there would not be such a result.

Zhou Qian came here purely to find an excuse to get out of everyone's sight, and also to wait for time. Seeing that it was past seven o'clock, he said to him: "Station Master, I still have something important to do. do not worry."

Zhou Qian left the hospital and went to the HSBC Bank to find a food stand on the side of the road to have breakfast. While eating, he observed the surroundings. Nakajima Yuyoumi did not show up at the hotel yesterday, so she must have guessed that the hotel has been exposed. She has private insurance in the bank. The 100 million pounds in the safe will not be given up easily, so Zhou Qian must immediately transfer the box she stored in the safe, otherwise she can take out the things with the lease agreement.

Zhou Qian has a better understanding of Nakajima Yuyou's figure, as long as she is there, even with makeup on, she can't escape her eyes.

But after looking around, she was not found. She waited until the bank opened, and Zhou Qian walked into the bank with a slightly hunched body and a slight limp.

Zhou Qian went into the personal safe, took out the key, because he didn't know which safe it was and tried it for a while before finding it. In addition to the black suitcase he gave her, there was also the pocket watch and the brooch in the shape of a maple leaf. The things are back in his hands, and he has no loss at all in the calculation of the transaction with Yuyou Nakajima.

Zhou Qian put the money back into his safe, including the pocket watch and brooch. After he came out of the bank, he continued to look around, but he still didn't find Yuyou Nakajima.

"Why didn't you show up?"

Zhou Qian drove back to the mansion, because the demon knife was still needed next, and this woman would have trouble sleeping and eating if she didn't get rid of herself.

At the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai, Yoshioka Nobutake got the news that Shigeno Houtaro took people to the warehouse and encountered an ambush and was wiped out by the whole army. He was so angry that he cursed: "This bastard, no wonder Nakajima said he can't do it. Why did he come to Hangzhou?" Why don't you contact the local intelligence personnel first!"

"Director, Section Chief Nakajima should have arrived in Hangzhou by now, but I haven't contacted her." Sensenshan Qiao said,
"This woman has been dazzled by hatred and shame, she must be going to kill that Zhou Qian!" Yoshioka Fanwu said angrily,

"But Zhou Qian is waiting for her with a big net."

"She was a very good agent. The death of Yasuo Nakajima and the successive blows made her lose the calmness that an agent should have. I hope she can kill Zhou Qian as she wished. If she can come back alive this time, she will become even better. excellent."

Yoshioka Fanwu sighed after finishing speaking, and it could be seen that he didn't seem to give any hope. After all, he was alone, and her opponent Zhou Qian was too cunning.

"Director, I think Major Nakajima might not be so reckless, she might want to take the blame and make meritorious service."

"You mean she wants to get that money back?"

"Killing Zhou Qian and bringing back the funds is her only chance."

"I hope, Director Sensen, immediately send someone to investigate this Zhou Qian in depth, I want to know all his relationships! Are the other people from the second class in place?"

Sensenshan Qiao also had the same idea. It is obvious that Zhou Qian is better than Yumi Nakajima. He said: "Director, we have lost too much in Hangzhou this time. If we blindly want to take these things back from them, we may The losses will continue to expand, Sato Seken called me just now, he has already applied to Deputy Consul General Iwai and obtained approval, and the affairs of Hangzhou will be handled by Sato Co., Ltd."

"I just received an order from General Iwai, but I am very unwilling to leave the matter of Hangzhou to Sato Seken like this! You must know that this is related to the future Jin Jue plan."

"The director means that the Jinjue project will continue here?"

"Why not continue? Just look at the wealth accumulated by Yasuo Nakajima in just three years. It's a pity that all this wealth is cheaper for the Chinese!"

"What does this have to do with Sato Corporation?"

"Before, Chengheng Co., Ltd. cooperated with Sato Co., Ltd., and now we also need funds for activities, because the funds given to us by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Navy Headquarters are not rich, and you also know how many people we have to support."

"I see! After the people from the second class arrive, do you want them to go to Hangzhou?"

"Wait and see, isn't it right now that you are running into Zhou Qian's blade?"

"Understood, will Miyuki Sakamoto and the others also withdraw?"

"They have been asked to withdraw, and they have already been exposed."

"Then should we remind Sato Seken?"

"Why should we remind them? What qualifications do we have to remind them that the Sato family has been operating in China for more than ten years, and their foundation is much bigger than we imagined. Now our only hope is Yumi Nakajima. If she can Kill Zhou Qian and bring back the funds, then we will become very proactive."

"I'll continue to contact Major Nakajima."

(End of this chapter)

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