Bourne's Nemesis

Chapter 58 You Can Die

Chapter 58 You Can Die
Zhou Qian sat on the sofa to sort out his thoughts. There are a few things that must be done now. The first is to kill Ji Yuan Jianyi. Mao Sen must not let Gong Peiwen and Tan Mo know. This person is full of comrades from our party. The consequences of blood falling into his hands are unimaginable, and there may even be greater losses.

The second is to find Miyuki Sakamoto, Kanako Mitsu, Kaori Kuike, and Tseri Matsumoto with the help of the police station and the Green Gang. In addition, Zhou Qian also wants to try to find the women in the photos on Yasuo Nakajima's pocket watch. If Nakajima Yuyouyou is this woman, so things become a lot more interesting, because a daughter who just lost her father, her behavior may greatly affect the development of the situation.

The spies must be aware of this, so why did they send her here? There is only one possibility, that is, she probably knows about the safe and the Jinjue project, and she may also know the purpose of the two keys. All the secrets of Yasuo Shima.

Thirdly, Kenichi Yoshimoto said he did not see the important files, which means that Matsumoto Tserin took the materials from the coffin, and now these things may be in the hands of Shigeno Houtaro and the others. These materials are what he wants most of.

Fourth: continue to let Qiao Weiliang hold the banquet, because the spies want the list, and they are likely to make a move. If Yumi Nakajima is the daughter of Yasuo Nakajima, then their purpose of making a move will definitely not be a simple murder, so The plan in Zhou Qian's mind has changed a lot.

Now Zhou Qian is very confident in interrogating spies. He himself is a top student who graduated from the Zhejiang Police Academy. Interrogation is a compulsory course. Because he is full of hatred for devils and traitors in his heart, he is absolutely capable of interrogating. , In order to obtain a confession, he can use any means.

In addition, there is the most important thing, which is to find a way to inform Gong Peiwen and Tan Mo that their identities are no longer safe, and let them evacuate Hangzhou as soon as possible.

Zhou Qian knew very well that he could not contact the two of them directly, because Comrade Fan had said that he was the only one who knew him in Hangzhou. Zhou Qian didn't know the specific level of confidentiality.

Zhou Qian felt that his rank would not be too high, because Comrade Fan did not mention his code name, how high a rank an underground party without a code name could be, let alone few people know him.

Zhou Qian continued to think about the question, to see if there was anything else to ask, and he was also thinking about how to kill the spy, because he promised Dai Yunong to hand over the person to Mao Sen, and he would be suspicious if he killed him directly, so how not to be suspected kill him.

After thinking about it for less than 5 minutes, Zhou Qian came up with a solution. He came to the basement again. There is no separate room in this basement. Ji Yuan Jianyi was still tied to a chair, but he was able to move around a little.

"Mu Hong, Mu Qing, go and prepare the meals. I want to continue chatting with him. Remember, the tableware is made of wood, so that he will not have a chance to commit suicide." Zhou Qian deliberately let Ji Yuanjian hear it.

Zhou Qian wants Ji Yuanjian to die, the ideal is for him to commit suicide. In the current environment, he has several ways to commit suicide, so it is necessary to create opportunities for him to commit suicide.

Zhou Qian understands devils quite well, even though they can't bear the torture, they are definitely not afraid of death, just like Ryuichi Murakami, he confessed that he just wanted to die happily.

The vast majority of people are like this. Why do other comrades of our party immediately transfer as long as they are arrested, because no one can guarantee that the arrested comrades can withstand torture.

Zhou Qian is not afraid of death now, but if you ask him whether he can withstand torture, he really can’t guarantee it. When he chooses this line of work, no matter who he is, he is ready to die at any time. Comrades would rather die than suffer torture.

Zhou Qian speculates that Ji Yuan Jianyi must think so too, especially since he has a strong sense of guilt now, if he is timid and cowardly and dare not commit suicide, then Zhou Qian will also find a way to help him commit suicide.

Liu Muhong and Liu Muqing quickly set up a table and got some dishes. Zhou Qian untied Ji Yuanjian, and the three of them watched him stretch his muscles.

In order to make Ji Yuan Jianyi not so nervous, Zhou Qian asked the Liu family brothers and sisters to step back a few steps, and said to him: "Ji Yuan Jun, please sit down, and tell me about the people you have already bought."

Ji Yuan Jianyi moved his wrist with purple marks, and said, "This is out of our control."

"Don't lie, you have created so many people's data, as long as some of them work for you, you will naturally create separate files for these people for easy management, so it is impossible for you not to know."

"I do know, because there are too many such situations. It can be said that as long as the people who create files have been used by us to a greater or lesser extent, they often do not know when they are doing things for us, because Yasuo Nakajima It has always been Xie Youlin, who contacted them as a Chinese businessman, and it is precisely because of this that our analysis team is necessary, because we need to analyze valuable intelligence from the information they provide.”

Zhou Qian was right when he thought about it. Yasuo Nakajima’s main task is to make money, and he probably would not reveal his true identity to any Chinese, which really makes sense.

"In fact, what we have established is a network of relationships to investigate the use value of people in the network, and then the selected people will be determined by other intelligence teams on how to develop and deal with them." Jiyuan Jianyi said,

"For example, the information will be given to Sato Corporation?"

"Sato Co., Ltd. has relationships with multiple intelligence agencies. Most of the time, we are complementary to each other. A lot of information we have analyzed has been given to them. They will complete things that are inconvenient for us to do."

"You are all subordinates of Yasuo Nakajima, how many people are there?"

"I don't know how many people there are. I only know that there are action teams, intelligence analysis teams, intelligence collection teams, and economic management teams working with Yasuo Nakajima."

"In this case, why did your operation team carry out the assassination operation?"

"Even if we have a cooperative relationship with Sato Co., Ltd., there are some secrets that we don't want them to know, especially when it comes to money. There are also situations that must be resolved as soon as possible before we can notify them. Naturally, we need our own action team to act."

Now that Zhou Qian has finally figured out the relationship between Chengheng and Sato, it sounds a bit complicated, but it is actually very simple. This Yasuo Nakajima is all about making money, and Sato Yoko is basically responsible for other things. Report useful information or share it with Sato Corporation.

Zhou Qian basically asked all the questions he could think of. After that, Zhou Qian helped him pick up food and started to give him a chance to commit suicide. He just stopped staring at him and pretended to be drinking while thinking about things in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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