Beacon starts from the number

第105章 105系统:奖励克虏伯105毫米榴弹炮1门(4k)

Chapter 105 System 105: Reward a Krupp 105mm howitzer (4k)

Of course, these materials are hard to come by.

But for Wang Liang, chairman of Langya Group, which owns a winery and a match factory, this is not a difficult task, after all, the Japanese will provide it for him.

As the incendiary bottle hit the armor and shattered, the incendiary agent adhered to the armor and was quickly ignited, igniting a raging fire.

For that vicious Type [-] armored vehicle, its elastically suspended track lost its elasticity in an instant under high-temperature combustion, and its mobility was destroyed, and it fell directly to the nest.

Coincidentally, the Molotov cocktail thrown by Zhang Anding hit the top of the Type [-] road patrol armored vehicle.

This is extremely fatal for this armored car, which is cast with a riveted structure and has a poorly sealed body. I saw the fuel penetrate into the body along the gap, and the cockpit immediately caught fire.

The particularly hilarious Xincun Private First Class who had been shooting earlier was the first to climb out of the cabin.

As soon as he poked his head out, Xincun saw Zhang Anding greeting him with a smile, and immediately another Molotov cocktail flew towards him.

This time the incendiary bottle hit the hatch directly, and all the propellant flowed directly into the car body, not a single drop wasted.

Xincun immediately became a burning man, screamed and fell back into the car, bringing warmth to his companions.

The flame intensified, and finally burned to the grease on the surface of the armored vehicle, directly triggering the explosion of the vehicle body.

Just like that, the Type [-] road patrol armored vehicle and the six devils inside were wiped out.

The airtightness of the Type [-] armored vehicles is better, and this situation does not occur.

But it has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the armor is too thin.

As the fuel attached to the armor continued to burn, the temperature inside the cabin rose rapidly, and the oxygen inside became thinner and thinner.

The devil's crew, who couldn't bear the heat, opened the hatch and was about to climb out, but Wei Dayong and Duan Peng shot them back with bullets from their submachine guns.

Seeing no movement for a while, Wei Dayong climbed to the roof and opened the hatch, and what came out was a strong burnt aroma, which was called authentic.

With the removal of the two road patrol armored vehicles, the pressure on the soldiers of the Independent Battalion instantly eased a lot.

But Wang Liang's work is not over yet, the next thing to play is the two [-] flamethrowers.

In previous battles, both the compressed gas cylinder and the incendiary agent of the flamethrower had already been exhausted.

Although there is no original one, Wang Liang immediately found a replacement, and the effect is not worse than before.




Stimulated by the officer, the crazy and ruthless devil wanted to rush forward to fight bayonets and hand-to-hand combat with the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

The result was that everyone was sprayed into firemen.

Guiwailing and howling, rolling on the ground, the burning of the fire made them miserable.

Wang Liang found that the only shortcoming of the incendiary he prepared was that it was not as flammable as the previous one. After the devil thumped on the ground a few times, the fire would be much smaller and even extinguished.

So Wang Liang made a heart-warming move, carrying a plastic bucket, walked towards the almost devils who had put out the fire, and said in Japanese:
"Senior, I'm here to save you, don't get lost, I'll pour some water for you to put out the fire."

The devil had already been stunned by the fire, and he really thought he was his companion, so he obediently obeyed.

As Wang Liang sprinkled some "water" on them with a ladle, the fire burst out all of a sudden.

At this moment, the devils were exhausted, they couldn't move anymore, they just howled.

There are many such plastic barrels, which are carried by the fire-breathing soldiers to replenish the fuel of the flamethrower at any time.

After all, it's my own family's business, so alcohol isn't bad at all.

Watching the battalion commander's showy operation, the soldiers followed the gourd painting and did the work of warming devils and benefiting devils.

On this cold autumn night, the devils undoubtedly felt the pure and simple enthusiasm from the Chinese soldiers, burning their militaristic hearts.

Seeing that the devils on the train were so rampant, Wang Liang asked the fire-breathing soldiers to give them warmth as well. Every aspect must be taken care of.



The flamethrower fired a few points, and the devil who was shooting out of the window stopped immediately and just rolled around in the carriage to put out the fire on himself.

"Go to the inside of the carriage to spray, and help the soldiers above to control the entire train as soon as possible." Wang Liang called the fire-breathing soldiers again.

Okamoto Temple, who arrived at the forward command post, observed the real-time situation on the battlefield through a telescope, and couldn't help sneering:
"It's not as vulnerable as I imagined, but it's an interesting opponent. Show off your skills, and I want to see what's so good about you."

Okamoto didn't panic at all, that's where he went.

He didn't believe that Wang Liang could burn his whole brigade to death with just those two flamethrowers.

What's more, he still has a backhand.

Even if Wang Liang escaped by chance this time, it would only make his death worse later on.

While talking, the devils and the railway guard who had completed the encirclement launched a general attack on the independent battalion.

Because the eighth route was too close to the military column, the devils did not execute the tactics of the infantry rushing after the artillery bombardment, and the infantry rushed after the artillery bombardment as usual, but directly launched a charge.

Okamoto is very confident that his more than 2000 people will definitely be able to tear apart the less than 600 people left in Wang Liang's independent battalion.

Seeing that there were densely packed enemies in all directions, Sun Chenghai yelled at Wang Liang: "Battalion Commander, it's broken, we are surrounded by devils! They are all devils!"

Wang Liang replied directly: "Fucking shit, it's obviously me who surrounded the devils."

After all, he fired a signal flare into the sky.

With the brilliant light blooming in the night sky.

A few seconds later, hundreds of shells were seen slanting down from the sky, falling towards the charging devils and railway guards.

Type [-] infantry artillery
Type 75 [-]mm infantry mountain gun
81mm mortar

31 mm rapid-fire gun

and grenades

More than 80 guns fired at the same time, shaking the mountains and the ground, and the scene was particularly spectacular.

Except for the property of the Independent Battalion, these guns were the same batch of equipment seized by the Japanese army in the warehouse of Donghui Town Railway Station in Shanxi Province earlier based on the clues provided by Liu Cheng.

Although a few units were given to the new regiment symbolically and a little was handed over to the brigade headquarters, the large-caliber artillery and the thousands of shells were all placed by Wang Liang in the Fenghuanggou brigade of Li Daben and Zhu Chuanwu.

Although some shells were used in the fight against Sakata United, there were still a lot left, and they were all pulled over.

Yangquan is more than 130 kilometers away from Xingshi in a straight line. On the way, there are many Japanese blockades and so many cannons, even if it takes two days and two nights to march, it is difficult to reach.

This is all thanks to Li Daben's good management in the Fenghuanggou area, and seized four trucks and many wagons through various means.

After receiving a call from Ou Xiang at eight o'clock last night, Li Daben ordered his troops immediately, put on devil uniforms, pulled on the cannon, and drove all the way towards Xing City in a frenzy.

Facing Haohao Tangtang's convoy, Xu Chengye, who is good at Japanese, stepped forward to negotiate, and then showed the shiny new cannons on the car.

Before one o'clock in the morning, Li Daben and others had already arrived at the periphery of the battlefield.

He strictly carried out Wang Liang's previous instructions, and waited for the signal flare to lift off before taking action.

Exactly the same, Ding Suanan and Xu Hu of Liushan are basically the same as Li Daben.

They also wore Japanese military uniforms and came in trucks.

In addition, Geng Hui also drove over the Tiger tank with the plaster flag on it.

In this way, no Japanese and puppet troops would dare to stop such a murderous team rashly on the road.

Whenever Luka was encountered, there was still a distance of tens of meters, and the Japanese and puppet troops had already removed the roadblocks in advance, saluted and watched the convoy pass.

In the minds of the Japanese and puppet troops, a fixed mindset has been formed. They think that the Chinese army does not have the courage to pretend to be the imperial army so grandiosely and run wild on the road in the occupied area.

Counting the twenty or so mortars and projectiles brought by Ding Suan, Wang Chengzhu commanded a full hundred artillery pieces to launch shelling this time.

But the battalion commander said that [-] shells were fired.

Wang Chengzhu, who had never fought such a surplus battle, was both excited and nervous.

Whether it is judging the nature, distance, direction and movement of the target, or determining the parameters of the artillery shooting, he is very careful, for fear of making any mistakes.

The preparations were done long ago, and only after Wang Liang gave the order, all types of artillery along the entire line opened fire, and dozens of tons of ammunition poured towards the devils and the railway guard team.

boom boom-

boom boom-

boom boom-

boom boom-

In an instant, the entire battlefield was booming, the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and the flames lit up half the sky, creating a spectacular scene.

With the sound of continuous explosions, the devil who was charging was directly blown into the sky.

There are some who are torn apart, and there are not a few who turn into blood mist directly, and many of them still leave a basic whole body.

After Wang Chengzhu corrected the azimuth and distance according to the point of impact, the shells roared out again, and the entire battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke and corpses littered the ground.

The barrage roared like thunder across the mountains, and tons of shrapnel poured down on the charging team.

Hundreds of shells were like a rain of death, and Wang Liang preferred to call it a massacre.

If he could be killed by the shells that Li Daben brought from Fenghuanggou, he would be absolutely happy.

If it was blown up by the shells that Ding Suanan brought from Liushan, it would be bloody bad luck.

Through Liu Cheng's match factory, Wang Liang got a lot of raw materials for making matches - yellow phosphorus. After this stuff was handed over to Geng Hui, he added it to the shells.

This kind of cannonball with yellow phosphorus added is terrifying. Even if it hides far away and is not killed by the shock wave and air wave generated by the explosion, if the scattered burning material sticks to the clothes, it can kill people.

After quickly burning through the clothes and eroding the skin, it cannot be removed at all.

The burning temperature can reach 1000 degrees Celsius, continuously burning, penetrating the skin and flesh, and then going deep into the bone marrow, until the organism is burned to ashes before it goes out.

How painful it is to be burned to death by this kind of thing, you have to interview the devils who turned into ashes.

Anyway, these guys swallowed their last breath amid hoarse and miserable screams.

After more than 2000 shells were built, the devil's vitality was almost exhausted.

It's time for the Independence Battalion to fight back.

Sun Desheng charged forward with a cavalry company, slashing and killing the lucky ones who survived the bombardment.

Geng Hui tore off the plaster flag on the Tiger tank, drove this behemoth, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and while it was crushing wildly, the machine gunners in the cabin also fired wildly.

Okamoto Temple is not a dead-headed person. When such an unexpected situation occurred, he immediately ordered to gather his troops and evacuate quickly.

If the attack continues, not only the people and things on the military ranks will not be rescued, but the remaining troops will also have to go in.

So knowing that it was irreparable, he decisively chose to give up.

For Okamoto, there is no need to do meaningless things.


The battle was finally over, and Wang Liang finally had time to go to the military column to see what treasures were there.

Wang Liang, who was worried that the devils would make a comeback, ordered Yin Hua to take the soldiers of his independent company to disperse around the periphery and set up observation posts.

Report any situation immediately.

This is also the scene where Chang Naichao was captured alive by Yin Hua at the beginning.

As for why Chang Naichao's observation post mistakenly thought that the devils had completely wiped out the independent battalion, it was because when the devils surrounded them, the soldiers of the national army who were afraid of being discovered and burned themselves chose to retreat.

After the artillery was fired and the battle was over, what they came back to see was the scene of a group of soldiers in Japanese military uniforms led by Sun Shulin, Li Daben, and Ding Dasuan cleaning the battlefield, and they made a misjudgment.

As for why Yin Hua led people to capture Chang Naichao's troops, this was also instructed by Wang Liang.

Although the independent camp is very rich now, Wang Liang comes from a hard background, and he who is used to hard life naturally understands the principles of diligence and thrift in housekeeping.

Seeing the cannons set up by the No. [-] Jue Zong Cannon Battalion, even though he himself had them, Wang Liang couldn't help but groan.

Simply arrange for some soldiers in devil uniforms to pull back their cannons.

This black light is blind and messy, who knows who did it.

When Chang Naichao came to ask, he didn't know what to say.

Anyway, the guns belonged to the Independent Battalion of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army.

If you call it it promises, then let you pull back.

Good guy, it's just like the equipment list I found in Luan Dabing's purse earlier.

Brand new [-] rifles, crooked light machine guns, and Type [-] heavy machine guns were found in the back several freight cars.
Just checked it out.

800 12 rifles with [-] bullets.

There are 80 crooked light machine guns with 8 rounds of ammunition.

There are 30 Type 5 heavy machine guns with [-] rounds of ammunition.

There are 81 75mm mortars and 10 3000mm mountain rifles each, with [-] rounds of shells.

500 boxes of grenades.

This is exactly the same as the number on the list.

There was also good news in the front compartment. After some melee, the soldiers who occupied the entire train found the bodies of a major general and a commander.

In addition, there are more than 20 assistant officers and lieutenants.

However, they have all been killed suddenly by the soldiers or given warmth by the fire-breathing soldiers.

Wang Liang checked the military handbooks found from them one by one.

The two high-ranking officials are Fujii Shoji, deputy chief of staff of the First Front Army of the Kwantung Army, and Kawasaki Takeshi, chief of staff of the Kwantung Army Cavalry Third Brigade.

The remaining officers were members of the Kwantung Army's First Front Army and the Staff of the Third Cavalry Brigade.

There are also a few who are the chief staff officer of the Kwantung Army General Command, the chief staff officer of the rear, the chief staff officer of the chemical department, and the policy chief staff officer.

He co-authored and killed a car of staff officers.

The staff officer doesn't have a leader, and the fart doesn't make a sound.

Wang Liang was somewhat disappointed.

系统:“奖励克虏伯105毫米榴弹炮一门,FH.Gr.38 Stg钢珠高爆弹2发,FH.Sprgr.Br.燃烧弹2发,FH.Gr.38高爆弹2发。”

Wang Liang was not calm when he heard about the reward.


The 105mm howitzer is a heavy artillery.

The absolute killing radius is 10 meters, and the effective killing radius can reach 30 meters.

Let's put it this way, one shot is enough to make an infantry squad deployed in a skirmish line not even scum, and half a company deployed in a skirmish line loses its combat effectiveness in an instant.

With this thing, won't it stand up right away?

Sure enough, in the inconspicuous corner of the freight car, I found a 105mm howitzer covered with a tarpaulin and the 6 rounds it was equipped with.

(End of this chapter)

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