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Chapter 112 Chapter 112 Brigadier Chen: Submit the reward materials

Chapter 112 Chapter 112 Brigadier Chen: Submit the reward materials (4K)

Having said that, Yin Hua repeatedly waved his hands to express his refusal:
"Head, you can't say that. You came up with the idea of ​​attacking Lincheng County, and you led us all to study the battle plan day and night."

"I, Yin Hua, do the actual work. If I really have to give the number one credit, it must belong to you, the team leader. You are the one who leads well."

Seeing Yin Hua's smooth appearance, Wang Liang couldn't help laughing out:
"Old Yin, you, you are really good at flattering."

"Okay, I will truthfully submit a detailed report of your recent performance and achievements in the Independence Battalion (Independence 2 Regiment) to the brigade headquarters, and suggest to the brigade commander that we should further treat you on the current basis. use."

"I said, Old Yin, it's a shame for someone as capable as you to be my deputy. With your qualifications, it's more than enough to be a regiment leader like me. I'll ask the brigade commander if there is any shortage. Think about arranging for you."

Yin Hua endured the pain from the wound and sat up, and said to Wang Liang sincerely:
"Leader, I, Yin Hua, can eat a few bowls of dry rice, I know best myself."

"I'm a deputy, and it's okay to help me from the side. If I were to be the chief officer of a regiment and manage hundreds of thousands of people, I wouldn't be able to do that, at least not now."

"I know you are doing it for my own good, but I still hope that I can stay in our independent 2nd regiment and continue to follow you to fight devils, because it is so enjoyable, and it has never been so hearty. This is the most true thought in my heart .”

Achievement without arrogance or impetuosity, with a clear self-awareness.

Yin Hua's words made Wang Liang appreciate him even more.

When faced with the opportunity for further promotion, how many people can refuse it frankly?
Wang Liang said: "You, old Yin, are really different. Others dream of making progress, but you are actually giving in. My opinion is very important, and your idea will be seriously considered."

"However, the organization, inspection and appointment of cadres also has its own set of procedures and mechanisms. The principle is to mature one, appoint one, grow a group, and promote a group."

"As long as you are qualified, then you have to do it, and you can't refuse."

"Okay, you can rest at ease and heal your injuries first, and let's talk about other things after the injury is healed."

After chatting with Yin Hua, Wang Liang entered the regiment headquarters building.

The office of the head of the delegation is the former office of Mr. Kawamoto, with an area of ​​about [-] square meters.

Wang Liang doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, let alone fear of bad luck.

On the contrary, the bloody smell of devils in the room made him extremely excited and indescribably happy.

It's not that Wang Liang is perverted. When he smells this, he thinks that so many ghosts have died, so he is naturally happy.

Zhou Weiguo and Ou Xiang came to report the situation before their buttocks were hot.

Wang Liang told them to sit on the sofa, which is more spacious.

Knowing that both of them are very busy, Wang Liang asked:

"Which one of you is short? Let's talk about the short one first, and then hurry up and go about your own business."

The two communicated with each other for a few seconds with eyes and hand gestures, and finally decided that Zhou Weiguo would give the report first:

"Regimental Commander, two hours ago, three or four hundred devils gathered outside the city. They had already opened up their posture and prepared to launch an attack, but the strange thing is that for some reason, they all suddenly retreated just now."

"Wei Guo, what do you think about this?" Wang Liang asked.

Apparently Zhou Weiguo had already made a judgment, and analyzed: "These devils obviously retreated after receiving the order. They were very quick and straightforward, and they didn't procrastinate at all."

"I speculate that they should have received the news that Xinghe Foreign Company has been laid down by us."

"And the gates of the city have been closed since we captured the county seat. Except for our soldiers, no one else has come in or out."

"That is to say, the devil's eyeliner in the county has a radio station, or other information transmission channels such as carrier pigeons."

Wang Liang shared cigarettes with the two, then lit himself, took a few puffs and then nodded. He agreed with Zhou Weiguo's judgment:
"Weiguo, Wang Chengzhu's artillery position outside the city must be well concealed, and two platoons of soldiers must be dispatched to serve as guards."

"Once the devils make a comeback, the role artillery can play is immeasurable."

"Also, the sentries on the city towers should be strengthened to conduct 24-hour uninterrupted inspections, not only outside the city, but also inside the city, and be vigilant to prevent sneak attacks by enemy agents inside the city."

"At least one cadre above the deputy company rank is on duty every day. In case of any serious situation, report to the regiment headquarters by phone as soon as possible."

"Understood." Zhou Weiguo immediately went to implement Wang Liang's instructions.

Next is the relatively long Ou Xiang to make a report.

"Commander, we found Hao Yiren, the former head of the Xing City guerrilla detachment in the devil's prison. We also rescued 43 people from the prison, including our soldiers, guerrillas, underground traffic officers, and national army officers and soldiers. .”

"In addition, there are 16 people who were convicted by the Devils as thought, political, economic, and criminal criminals." Ou Xiang said.

Finally rescued the Lord, this is the task assigned to him by the brigade commander a long time ago, Wang Liang arranged while feeling relieved:

"Arrange all of them with sick places, guarantee living allowances, treat the injured and treat the sick."

"Ordinary prisoners review their files. If there are no outstanding problems, they should be released. We will give them travel expenses and subsidies as appropriate."

Wang Liang knew that most of these thought criminals were imprisoned because they confronted the devils.

I must have been abused by devils and traitors inside, and when I came out, I was covered in bruises and broke, and I was still penniless, so I needed proper care.

Wang Liang said again: "However, these people with military status still need centralized management and focus on them."

"Let Sun Shulin organize elite personnel to conduct a one-by-one review, through the relevant documents, files, ledgers and other materials of the gendarmerie unit, police station, and prison, combined with circumstantial evidence, to confirm whether there is any act of betrayal."

"Whether there is or not, everyone must go through a strict investigation before returning to work to prevent sickness. This is responsible to them and to other comrades."

"Of course, we must pay attention to the methods and methods during the work process. The comrades who were arrested have been tortured in prison. We can no longer add salt to their wounds."

Having said that, Wang Liang asked Ou Xiang again:

"Is the police chief Ma Lixiong reliable?"

When I was in Xinghe Yangxing earlier, I simply listened to Zhou Weiguo's introduction. This Ma Lixiong led the police uprising, killed the Japanese director, and provided great help in the battle in the county.

Ou Xiang said: "I got to know this Ma Lixiong from the side. He just graduated from the fake police academy not long ago."

"Although he has not been working in Lincheng for a long time, whether it is the uprising policeman or the citizens in his jurisdiction, he has a good opinion of him."

"I think this is a kind-hearted person who never bullies the people, and often diverts the attention of the devils who bully the villagers, because he has been beaten by the devils twice."

Wang Liang thought about it and arranged: "In this case, let him be the company commander of the public security company to assist Sun Shulin in the review work."

"All the uprising policemen stayed on and were reorganized as soldiers of the public security company. They were familiar with the situation in Lincheng and helped our soldiers maintain social order."

"In addition, at least ten soldiers with strong political and military qualities will be selected to serve as squad platoon leaders in the public security company, and one instructor must be carefully selected."

"Yes!" Ou Xiang felt that Wang Liang really considered everything.

Then Ou Xiang reported some other situations.

For example, how to deal with traitors such as Fat Ergou who were captured alive.

From the old man at the noodle stall, Wang Liang heard that the fat dog had done a lot of evil things, so he said:

"Let's take a preliminary look at the situation of these people. Anyone whose hands are stained with the blood of their compatriots will be tried in public. We don't want to make a decision whether to live or die. Let the victims and the people make this decision."

"Yes!" Ou Xiang suddenly remembered something, and said, "Oh, by the way, Captain, there is a person who has been convicted of multiple crimes including political prisoner, thought criminal, public order criminal, and criminal criminal and strongly requests to see you."

"What is this person doing?" Wang Liang was taken aback, wondering what he had done to the devil to be charged with so many crimes.

Ou Xiang said: "This person is Liu Bowen, the principal of the high school. According to the prison files, he was arrested by the gendarmerie for distributing anti-Japanese leaflets, and he was later found out for refusing to use fake teaching materials in class. "

"Teaching Yue Fei's "Man Jianghong" lyrics to students, and also wrote a large number of articles promoting patriotism and denouncing imperialism's crime of aggression against China."

Wang Liang thought to himself, isn't this the propagandist who rewarded him?
Japanese Army Headquarters in Xingshi
"Squad leader, according to your order, all the troops assembled outside Lincheng have been withdrawn!" The squadron leader, Lieutenant Noma, reported to Okamotoji Neihui.

"Okay, I got it, let them rest in place and wait for orders at any time." Okamoto Temple closed the secret message on the table and said.

Zhou Weiguo's judgment was correct, Okamoto did have an eyeliner in Lincheng, and the communication channel was the radio station.

After learning that Xinghe Yangxing was captured and all the jade soldiers of the more than a hundred imperial soldiers were broken, Okamoto decisively gave up the plan of the storm.

He is too clear that without internal cooperation and external cooperation, a forced attack will only pay a very heavy price of casualties, and it may not necessarily win the victory. This kind of result is unbearable for him.

What's more, there is an internal response codenamed "Old Fox" in Lincheng County, and he hasn't played his own value yet.

Okamoto Temple handed a note to Noma and said:

"This is the contact information of the old fox. You will be responsible for contacting him later, and he will assist your people to enter the city."

"In addition to the imperial army, select some reliable ones from the guard to carry out this mission together."

"Sneak in casual clothes, you don't need to bring weapons and equipment, the old fox will provide them to you after entering the city."

"Also, when carrying out military operations, be careful not to hurt the civet cat, just let him go. His code words are also on it, so be careful."

Lieutenant Noma received the order without hesitation or hesitation, because this was the task that Okamoto had given him a long time ago: "Kai!"

After Noma left, he looked at Masahito Kawamoto who was taking a group photo together on the desk in Okamoto Temple in the office, with a sad face.

From the period of the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department, the two have been very good friends, and they have a very deep friendship.

It is really a last resort to let Kawamoto implement the Jade Broken Plan.

After all, in front of the interests of the empire, nothing else is worth mentioning.

"Don't worry, Kawamoto-kun, I will definitely not let your blood flow in vain, Balu will pay the price immediately, ten times, a hundred times the price."

"Just watch from the sky, first the 2nd Independent Regiment, then the 386th Brigade, and finally the entire Eighth Route Army, will be completely destroyed."

"The real tanuki, our secret weapon, will soon surface."

"After recapturing Lincheng, I will search for your bones and personally arrange to send them back to the god toilet for worship! The world will never forget your achievements!"

Lincheng, Headquarters of the 2nd Independent Regiment.

While waiting to meet Liu Bowen, the phone on the desk rang, and it was Brigadier Chen calling.

Brigadier Chen: "Commander Wang, congratulations, you've made a damn rich fortune again!"

"Brigade Commander, hehehe, make a small fortune, just take the brothers out to earn some pocket money, you are too well informed, I just took down the county seat, and I just connected the phone line, your call I just called." Wang Liang said with a sneer.

Hearing what Wang Liang said, Brigadier Chen was not angry at all:

"Damn it, what did I tell you two days ago? You turned your head around and forgot? Why didn't you notify the brigade department in advance of such a big matter as the county attack? Why did you act without authorization?"

"How did you promise me at that time? This time, you cut Wuzuo first! Believe it or not, I will give you your leader right now!"

Wang Liang quit immediately: "I am wronged, I am wronged, my brigadier, I have reported it to you."

"The last time when I was leaving your office, I told you that I planned to call Lincheng County for two days. I told you to report to you in advance, and you told me to go away."

"If I got fucked because of this, I would be more wronged than Dou E! I'm going to reason with the head of the headquarters!"

Brigadier Chen at the other end was taken aback when he heard Wang Liang's remarks, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that such a thing really happened.

But at the time he thought Wang Liang was bragging and talking nonsense, but he didn't take it seriously.

In fact, Brigadier Chen's phone call was not about accountability, and he was already familiar with Wang Liang's behavior of not asking for instructions and not reporting.

Brigadier Chen also discovered that although Wang Liang doesn't talk about martial arts, he is sure to achieve good results every time he attacks.

Always keep a tight grip on this kid's strings, and don't let him lose the chain at critical moments.

As for the rest, simply ignore it, let Wang Liang let go of his hands and feet and do it himself, and he is responsible for congratulations.

"Ahem, ahem, I will not pursue this matter. I will give you a credit for the 2nd Independent Regiment for capturing Lincheng County. As for personal rewards, you should report to the political department of the brigade together with the reward materials for attacking the Japanese military column last time. It’s all approved without any problem.”

(End of this chapter)

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