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Chapter 121 121 Ding Abacus: Do you need "fire escape" Yamada Jingma?

Chapter 121 121 Ding Abacus: Do you need "fire escape" Yamada Jingma? (4k)

The next phase of the task is to rest and rebuild.

Although the Independent 2nd Regiment has achieved good results in the continuous combat process, the reduction in personnel is relatively serious.

In addition to the sacrificed soldiers, a large number of minor and serious wounded were also produced during the battle to annihilate the Shimamoto Brigade.

Although the 2nd Independent Regiment had advantages in firepower, terrain, and first move in this battle, the Shimamoto Battalion still had [-] people.

To eat all these thousand people, the price to be paid is naturally not small.

In addition, under the deterrence of anti-aircraft guns, the three Japanese fighter planes still dropped a certain number of bombs in a panic, causing certain casualties.

After the battle was over, Wang Liang immediately reported the battle process and results to Brigadier Chen.

Appreciation and congratulations are naturally indispensable, and he immediately stated that all the meritorious service awards reported by the Independence 2 Group in the early stage have been reviewed and approved, and the awards will be included in the personal file at the same time.

Wang Liang also notified the soldiers of the good news as soon as possible. In this way, everyone became more motivated.

It is worth mentioning that Yamada Ima, the pilot of the fighter plane shot down by Wang Liang with the Flak18 37mm anti-aircraft gun, escaped by parachuting before crashing.

However, it did not escape smoothly. The fall of such a big bird naturally aroused the attention of the villagers around the county town, and everyone gathered to watch the fun with curiosity.

I want to see what the guy flying in the sky is.

As a result, by coincidence, he ran into Yamada Ima who was seriously injured.

Although there was a parachute, the height of the parachute was too low, so Yamada, who was seriously injured, didn't even have the ability to draw a gun.

Inevitably, the pain worsened, and the fellow villagers beat him up again.

Until the captain of the militia arrived at the scene, kicked Yamada Ima several times, and stopped the villagers who even went home to bring the pickaxe.

Yamada was already dying when he was transferred to the Independence 2 Regiment. Wei Dayong wanted to let the gun go off according to the usual practice, but was stopped by Wang Liang.

Arrange Ding Dasuan and Takeda Heiji to escort him back to the headquarters of Liushan Hospital where the medical conditions are more favorable for treatment.

Of course, Wang Liang didn't know Yamada Ima's family background, and it wasn't because of the overflowing of the Virgin Mary's heart, but because he knew the value of a pilot too well.

If Yamada can use it for himself, then turn back to the system to reward or turn back and capture a few planes, then he can also form an air force.

Even if Yamada is stubborn to the end and refuses to cooperate, then use him to trade with the Japanese.

Blood is expensive to train a pilot, and the devils will definitely be willing to exchange it.

Let Yamada return to the Japanese camp alive, and burp the next day. Wang Liang believes that Zheng Yaoxian has such ability.

In this way, no matter what the result is, it will benefit you and not harm you, so why not do it?

within the next month.

Li Daben and Xu Hu returned to Liushan and Yangquan with their own battalions, and continued to carry out the garrison tasks in the two places.

The Independent 2nd Regiment also started conscription and training under the organization of Ou Xiang and Zhou Weiguo.

The recent battles have made the 2nd Independence Regiment famous in the Xing City area. Many young people from the local area, including those from other places, flocked here, strongly demanding to sign up to join.

In just one month, the strength of the 2nd Independence Regiment quickly increased to 1100 in the visiting city.

During this process, Yan Yangsheng, Han Zengyu and other traitors were beheaded by the public trial.

The crimes cannot be written on a single page, such as serving as lackeys of the Japanese invaders, exploiting compatriots, enslaving the people, actively supporting the Japanese army in the war of aggression against China, spreading traitorous remarks, mutilating compatriots, admitting a thief as a father, interfering with financial order, and attempting to murder Eighth Route Army soldiers...

After the public trial was over, it was announced that the enemy and puppet registration would be carried out.All members of the puppet army and puppet organization and their family members should register by themselves, and quickly return to a new life.

The government will adopt a leniency policy for active registrants.

If you do not register, you will be seized in the future and dealt with severely.

With such kindness and coercion, the traitors hidden in the county came to register one after another, and actively provided clues.

Soon, the remaining forces of the devils in the county were uprooted.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Liang held a gentry meeting, a citizen meeting and a businessman's symposium.

Preach the policies and laws of the Eighth Route Army, declare discipline, and specifically stipulate that soldiers are not allowed to enter private houses.Answer questions and dispel doubts, dispel the doubts in the hearts of the citizens, and stabilize the hearts of the people.

At the same time, a series of corresponding measures have also been formulated.

Because the citizens in the county suffered a lot in the last two battles, Wang Liang arranged for the soldiers to distribute the supplies in the devil's warehouse to relieve the citizens who suffered losses in the war.

In addition, Wang Liang also distributed a certain amount of relief funds and organized soldiers from the whole regiment to help fellow villagers repair houses damaged by the battle.

At the same time, more than [-] people in the county were mobilized to destroy the city walls that could be used as fortifications by the enemy.

Wang Liang didn't intend to garrison large troops in the city. If that was the case, his independent 2nd regiment would be trapped by such a broken county.

You know, Wang Liang's goal is the sea of ​​stars.

The reason why the city walls were demolished was to prevent the devils from counterattacking.

The city wall is demolished, without the barrier, the value of the county town to the devils will not be great.

A city that is indefensible and can be breached at any time is really meaningless.

Even if the Japanese army regained control of the county seat and reorganized people to build the city wall, this large project could not be completed in a short period of time, not to mention the need to deal with the attack of the Eighth Route Army in the process.

Wang Liang predicted that under such circumstances, the devils would choose to lose control of Lincheng by default, and would not rashly carry out the next military operation.

As for the bricks obtained after the demolition of the city walls, they belong to the citizens and can be used to repair houses.

How much to dismantle, how much to get.

As a result, the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in the demolition of the city wall has increased.

In order to further strengthen the control over the county, Wang Liang also asked Ding Suan to gradually replace the currency in circulation in the county from counterfeit banknotes to border currency.

In order to prevent counterfeit banknotes from rotting in the hands of county residents, a special cooperative was established to exchange border currency for counterfeit banknotes.

In order to take care of the interests of the citizens to the greatest extent, Wang Liang also worked out the most suitable exchange price.

On the first day, the counterfeit banknotes were exchanged for one yuan.

On the second day, one yuan of counterfeit banknotes was exchanged for 2 cents of side currency.

On the third day, one yuan is exchanged for 3 cents.

Counterfeit banknotes can still be bought and sold during the exchange period, and will be confiscated after the exchange period ends.

At the same time, the exchange implements a real-name registration system.

So I'm not afraid that there will be rioters who commit crimes.

Through this series of measures, the public security in Lincheng County is stable, the economy is improving, and the prosperity of the past has been restored.

A month later.

Wang Liang called up the soldiers of the whole regiment again and held a mobilization meeting.

That's right, the main force of the 2nd Independent Regiment is about to withdraw from Lincheng County.

In the county seat, there are only one infantry company and one public security company, totaling more than [-] people.

In addition, a militia-like county brigade with more than [-] members was formed.

These [-] people are enough to maintain the basic order of the county.

Wang Liang deduced that the devils should not make a comeback, even if the time comes when the soldiers are really overwhelming, just withdraw the troops as soon as possible.

If the devils dare to carry out the occupation again, they must pay the price in blood.

After all, all the city walls have been demolished, and a counterattack is a matter of minutes.

The reason why Wang Liang wants to pull the main force out is because under the current struggle situation, the county seat is obviously not a good place.

The Independent 2nd Regiment is a field force. From the perspective of training and preparation, it is more appropriate to be stationed in the suburbs or villages.

After all, there are too many people in the county seat, knowing people and faces but not knowing their hearts, so if there is any trouble in the army, it is easy to be leaked.

What Wang Liang has to do today is to explain clearly to the soldiers:

"I know that when everyone learned that they were going to withdraw from the county, they all had thoughts and emotions."

"I thought to myself, why should we evacuate the county town that we took with blood and sweat and sacrificed so many comrades?"

"I thought to myself, the county is thriving now, our soldiers are deeply loved by the citizens, and the military-civilian relationship is so friendly and harmonious, there is no reason for us to leave."

"It is precisely because of the main reason that we have to go! We must live in adversity and die in peace, so we must be prepared for danger in times of peace. We are making great strides back now to make great strides forward in the future."

"Don't fight for the gains and losses of a city or a place, and don't care about the honor and disgrace of the day and night. Withdrawing from Lincheng is not because we are greedy for life and fear of death, let alone fear the enemy like a tiger and dare not confront the Japanese army head-on. We have proved ourselves by annihilating a brigade of the Japanese army. .”

"Withdrawing from Lincheng is to preserve our foundation for fighting the Japanese army, and to better train and prepare for war."

"The city walls have already been demolished. As long as the devils dare to repair them, we will fight them. They will naturally abandon this county."

Wang Liang's prestige in the 2nd Independence Regiment is not so high.

After saying these words, the warriors who were still very confused at first were instantly relieved.

Just when Wang Liang was about to lead the team to set off, Sun Shulin came to report in a hurry. The brigade commander called and asked him to answer it in person. His tone seemed anxious.

Wang Liang couldn't help but wonder, he had already paid the congratulation fee, could it be that there is an urgent task?
"Did you catch a devil pilot, what is it called Yamada Ima?"

After answering the phone, the brigade commander asked straight to the point.

"There is such a devil, what's the matter, Brigadier?" Wang Liang was a little confused.

"Is he still there? Didn't you ask me to give you anything?" Brigadier Chen asked, having heard some of Wang Liang's bad habits.

Wang Liang thought about it, and he really didn't dare to guarantee that he didn't die. After all, he had been sent to Liushan for a month, and he didn't call to inquire about the situation, so he didn't dare to say so deadly:

"Should still be there, brigade commander. Even if this devil dies, he can't blame us. He was injured when he parachuted from the plane, and when he was sent to us by the villagers with hoes and shovels. It’s almost gone.”

"I arranged for a doctor to treat him out of humanitarianism. As for the current situation, I really don't know much about it. Brigadier, can you tell me what happened to this devil? Why does our brigade attach so much importance to it?"

Brigadier Chen told Wang Liang about the identity of Yamada Jingma.

The disappearance of Yamada made the First Army go crazy. After all, his uncle Neiji Okamura had already assumed the post of Commander of the No. 11 Army of the Central China Expedition Army, and he was a powerful figure.

His father's status as a senior general of the Kwantung Army should not be underestimated.

The First Army sent a lot of forces to search and investigate around the plane crash.

Finally, knowing that Yamada Ima might be in the hands of the Eighth Route Army, he took the initiative to negotiate and wanted to get him back.

The purpose of Brigadier Chen's call was to confirm with Wang Liang whether this Yamada was in the hands of the Independence 2 Regiment and whether he was still alive.

The Japanese army attached great importance to it. If this guy is still alive, he must be taken care of so that no accidents can happen, and he is still expected to exchange him for some hard goods.

After hanging up Brigadier Chen's phone call, Wang Liang immediately called Liu Shan and asked Ding Suan about the situation of Yamada.

"Yamada? He's fine, he's fine. After the treatment of Director Takeda, he's basically recovered."

Having said that, Ding Suanan lowered his voice: "What's the matter? Captain, are you going to fire him?"

Wang Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he wondered why the people of the Independent 2nd Regiment were so dark in their hearts, they would shoot off at every turn.

"What is the state of his mind?"

Ding Suan on the other end of the phone replied:
"Leader, I'm about to report this matter to you. I think it's better not to escape this Yamada. He is valuable to us."

"At the beginning, he was still very hostile to us, and he was a diehard. But later, after President Takeda worked for him, he has made great progress in thinking."

"Yamada said that he doesn't like war. According to him, he was forced to join the army because of family reasons. When carrying out the mission of bombing Lincheng County this time, the reason why he continued to carry out it knowing that we have anti-aircraft guns The bombing is to obtain the opportunity to go home and visit relatives through meritorious service, and then escape the war."

"Dr. Takeda let him have a certain understanding of our Eight Routes. In addition, we also showed him photos of devils committing evil deeds. Because he has been a pilot since he came out of school, he has never been on the ground. Basically, it is the airport and the plane. Two points and one line, so he was shocked and shocked by these photos."

"I said that I don't want to continue to participate in this war anymore, and I hope to be a pacifist... Now I go to work on the farm when I have time, and I am very active."

"Besides, because Men Shulan from Sun Chenghai's family is in charge of taking care of Yamada, the relationship is very good, and he even recognizes Men Shulan as his sister."

Judging from Ding Suanan's report, Yamada is indeed a malleable talent.

But Wang Liang doesn't care about these anymore, as long as this guy is still alive.

After all, the brigade commander still counts on this guy to exchange some captured comrades and supplies.

"With this calculation, you arrange someone to keep an eye on this kid 24 hours a day. There must be no problems. You may come over here to pick him up at any time." Wang Liang warned.

"Okay! Okay! Don't worry, Tuan..."

When Ding Suanan said this, he only heard the sound of an explosion from the other end of the phone, and then the call was cut off.

No matter how Wang Liang called back there, he couldn't get through again...

(End of this chapter)

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