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Chapter 27 027 Magnet: What is psychological warfare propaganda?

Chapter 27 027 Magnet: What is psychological warfare propaganda?

After the meeting, Wang Liang called the team members to the conference room for a small meeting.

He thinks this meeting is very necessary.

After all, there are so many new members on the mountain, and they are all entrusted with important tasks.

Everyone must get to know each other well, so as to facilitate the development of subsequent work.

At the same time, we will also discuss the next step of work deployment and development direction of the Wolf Fang Brigade.

When everyone was present, Wang Liang said:

"I believe that after a few days of contact, everyone should have a good understanding of each other. Let me give you a brief introduction."

"Both Weiguo and Huzi graduated from the Central Military Academy."

"During the Battle of Songhu, Weiguo was already the commander of the lieutenant colonel, and Huzi was the captain's adjutant."

"Both of them are excellent officers. They have led the team to fight many beautiful battles and killed many little devils."

After introducing Zhou Weiguo and Xu Hu, Wang Liang pointed to Sun Desheng again:
"Sun Desheng, old Sun, is a veteran cavalry soldier for more than ten years, brave and good at fighting."

"Our Spike Brigade's formation of cavalry is entirely dependent on him."

Wang Liang made a formal introduction to everyone, and then immediately turned to the topic.

"Captain, I still have some doubts about our special commando." Zhou Weiguo took the initiative to speak.

"Wei Guo, tell me." Wang Liangliang nodded.

Zhou Weiguo continued: "The staffing of the special commando team is eight people. When Vice President Ou read the list just now, he also arranged the division of labor for everyone."

"What I'm thinking is, how will the training of such an elite team be carried out in the future? How will the equipment be configured?"

"Also, what kind of combat missions will be carried out in the future."

"Leader, have you considered these issues?"

Although Zhou Weiguo did research on special operations when he was studying in Germany, he has not yet put it into practice.

And he didn't know what Wang Liang's purpose in forming this team was?
So Zhou Weiguo is eager to understand Wang Liang's understanding and philosophy of special warfare.

He didn't mean to look down on Wang Liang.

It's just that Zhou Weiguo felt that the cadres at the battalion and even levels of the Eighth Route Army generally had not received systematic learning in military academies.

Not to mention the opportunity to exchange and study in foreign military academies.

What's more, he heard that Wang Liang was only a militia company commander in the county brigade.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Weiguo couldn't help worrying that Wang Liang's understanding of special warfare had great limitations.

I don't even know what special operations is, but I just heard such a word somewhere and used it casually.

At that time, the special commando team has been formed with great painstaking efforts and strength, and has formed a certain combat effectiveness.

But being dragged to fight positional warfare and urban battle, it would be too wasteful.

Zhou Weiguo was eager to know Wang Liang's knowledge of special operations.

Hearing Zhou Weiguo's question, Wang Liang couldn't help laughing.

Because he knew that Zhou Weiguo was giving him exam questions, and wanted to see how much he weighed.

Wang Liang cleared his throat, organized his thoughts, and prepared to answer a wave.

He just took this opportunity to refresh Zhou Weiguo's impression of himself.

At the same time, explain the development ideas of the special commando team.

Wang Liang said: "What is a special commando? I think it should have the following characteristics."

"Flexible organization, capable personnel, well-equipped, fast maneuvering, well-trained, and strong combat effectiveness."

"What kind of tasks should the special commando team perform in future military operations?"

"What I can think of at the moment includes, but is not limited to, harassment and sabotage, assassination and kidnapping, reconnaissance behind enemy lines, intelligence theft, psychological warfare propaganda, special security guards, and anti-subversive, anti-agent, anti-sneak attack, anti-hijacking, etc."

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Hearing this, Zhou Weiguo's eyes were already shining.

The way he looked at Wang Liang was different from before.

Many of the things Wang Liang said were things he had never heard of.

Or he knew it, but never thought it could be integrated into special operations.

This Wang Liang has a lot of things!

Zhou Weiguo felt that it was right for him to come to Liushan.

"Captain, what do you mean by mental warfare propaganda? I don't understand, fighting in my heart?" Magnet carried out the fine tradition of asking if you don't understand.

"Captain, our Tangtang county brigade also engages in assassination and kidnapping?" Li Daben also asked.

Seeing everyone's interest in and questions about these new nouns he proposed, Wang Liang explained tirelessly:

"Psychological warfare propaganda, in layman's terms, is psychological warfare."

"The psychological contest between the enemy and us in war is called psychological warfare."

"This is a very large subject, and there are many specific methods and forms."

Wang Liang paused, and continued:
"For example, infiltration and differentiation, camouflage and deception, psychological deterrence, emotional harm, and suggestion induction."

Seeing that everyone, including Zhou Weiguo, was confused, Wang Liang was very proud.

It’s okay if you don’t understand, what I’m talking about is the research results of modern psychological warfare theory.

You'll understand it in no time.

"Let me give you an example, the last time we staged a battle in Guchengzhai Village where devils bit dogs."

"My act of deceiving and confusing the devils by pretending to be an officer of the devils is the penetration and differentiation, disguise and deception in psychological warfare."

"There are various forms of psychological warfare, and there are many examples of warfare in history."

"Liu Bang's tactic of besieged from all sides when he attacked Xiang Yu, and Zhuge Liang's seven captures and seven captures of Meng Huo, all used this tactic."

"Let's talk about what we can use every day. Shout out to the puppet soldiers and devils on the battlefield, and distribute anti-Japanese leaflets in the county town. This is the simplest psychological warfare."

Li Dashen listened to it, and he was interested in these, and found it more enjoyable than listening to books, so he continued to ask:

"Then Captain, how many methods of psychological warfare are there?"

"Can you tell us all about it carefully, so that we can learn from it."

Wang Liang couldn't laugh or cry. Psychological warfare was just a course he studied in the second semester of his junior year in the military academy. How could he learn it so deeply.

But the knowledge I still remember is enough to scare this guy:
"There are many types of this kind. According to the level, it can be divided into strategic psychological warfare, operational psychological warfare, and tactical psychological warfare."

"According to the method, it can be divided into propaganda psychological warfare, deterrent psychological warfare, and strategic psychological warfare."

"According to the field, it can be divided into political psychological warfare, cultural psychological warfare, and economic psychological warfare."

"According to the media, it can be divided into leaflet psychological warfare, radio psychological warfare, film and television psychological warfare and Internet"

Li Daben was already dizzy, but Zhou Weiguo could hear some tricks.

While in Germany he read a large number of military books.

After the First World War, psychological warfare research was valued by the participating countries.

And set up a psychological warfare unit to study the theory of psychological warfare, and published a large number of related books.

Zhou Weiguo felt that Wang Liang's knowledge and understanding of psychological warfare far exceeded the current level of Western countries.

He didn't understand how there were such talents in the Eighth Route Army.

Originally, Zhou Weiguo was surprised enough to deal with such ruthless hands as Wei Dayong with one move against Wang Liang.

After the exchange just now, he found that Wang Liang was both civil and military, so he couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Zhou Weiguo was glad that he was able to come to Liushan. He felt that he would definitely learn a lot from working with such a person in the future.

"Going off topic, let's get back to the topic first."

"The psychological warfare I mentioned just now, including other military skills, everyone has to learn and use in the future."

"The special commando first masters, and the special commando is also a teaching team, which has to undertake the teaching task of other companies."

Wang Liang continued to answer Zhou Weiguo's question: "My preliminary thought is that the members of the special commando team are mainly equipped with light weapons."

"British MKII Sten submachine guns, German MP40 submachine guns, [-] rifles with scopes, box guns, Czech light machine guns, grenade grenades, etc."

Zhou Weiguo nodded again and again. He had already experienced Wang Liang's rich military knowledge reserve and advanced strategic vision.

Speaking of this, Wang Liang said to Ding Suan:
"Abacus, our clothing factory needs to order individual combat clothing for special commandos."

"I will give you the blueprint of the design later, and you hurry up to produce it."

Auspicious suits, body armor, tactical helmets, these things are definitely essential.

"Okay, I must give priority to ensuring the supply of weapons and equipment for the special commando team." Ding Suanan nodded again and again, he has already realized the importance of the special commando team.

Having said that, Wang Liang couldn't help but ask again:
"How about the production efficiency of the quilt factory and the arsenal?"

Ding Suanan replied: "A lot of the fabrics of the military uniforms that were just issued were modified from the enemy's military uniforms. Now they are almost used up, so they can only produce cloth by themselves."

"The amount of ramie on our mountain is very sufficient, but limited by the production speed of looms, we can currently produce more than a dozen sets of military uniforms every day."

"The arsenal has all the equipment here. You can use the shell casings you picked up to refill gunpowder to produce bullets or blank shells. Grenades and landmines can also be produced."

"It's just that there is no iron, and the guns will not be produced for a while, so we can only repair and maintain the existing guns."

"Well, I will find a way to solve this problem later." Some arsenals could not produce weapons, which made Wang Liang very uncomfortable. It seemed that he had to build an iron mine or dig some railway tracks.

Next, Wang Liang instructed Sun Desheng to train the cavalry as soon as possible and form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

At the same time, the company commander Magnet and instructor Ou Xiang will urge Wang Chengzhu and Wang Xikui to train gunners and snipers respectively.

While the special commando trains itself and cooperates with tactics, take a look at the military training of the recruits.

After the meeting, Wang Liang left Zhou Weiguo alone, and discussed with him the future development direction of the Spike Brigade.

Zhou Weiguo spent the past two days wandering around Liushan Mountain, and also read the diary of the brigade, and already had a preliminary understanding.

"Leader, my suggestion is that we have to find an opportunity to fight a big battle with the devils, so as to enhance the influence and reputation of our Spike Brigade."

"Let the Japanese, as well as the common people in several surrounding counties, know that there is a team like ours still fighting the devils in the middle of Jizhong."

"I don't think we can just live in Liushan and settle down in a corner. After all, we are no longer a county brigade, and we can develop into surrounding counties."

"One day in the future, maybe the superior will give us a defense or other military tasks. So our next step is to develop externally and open up more base areas."

"The fortifications on Liushan are indeed well-equipped, and there are tunnels, but we can't blindly defend, we must take the initiative to attack when we find an opportunity."

"My idea is to develop in the direction of Shanxi province or eastern Hebei in the next step."

Zhou Weiguo talked about his thoughts very frankly.

"Well, Weiguo, what you said is very good." Zhou Weiguo's words can be said to have reached Wang Liang's heart.

Although it seems that Liushan is very good at the moment, gradually the problems and disadvantages are exposed.

First, using fortifications to fight defensive warfare, the combat effectiveness of soldiers cannot be effectively improved, and the influence and popularity of the Spike Brigade cannot be fought.

Second, almost all the young people in the surrounding villages and towns who should join the army have come, which is close to saturation. In recent days, fewer and fewer people have signed up for the army.

If the team wants to continue to grow, they can only continue to expand externally.

The two continued to discuss.

Wang Liang took out modern military concepts from time to time, which made Zhou Weiguo feel very novel and very interested.

I have to admit that Zhou Weiguo's learning and comprehension ability is very strong.

He can always ask questions from different angles and express his own unique views on what Wang Liang said.

The two hit it off and chatted happily until late at night.

Everyone has not realized that in this quiet night.

The danger is approaching step by step.


Wang Liang, who couldn't sleep after tossing and turning, put on his clothes and planned to walk around the mountain to check the status of his post.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese army controlled the lines of communication and had strong mobility.

In the situation where the enemy and the enemy are intertwined, they often organize raids and night raids.

Some of the troops lacking vigilance suffered huge losses for this.

Wang Liang didn't want to suffer such a loss.


"Password corn, return command!"

"wooden club!"

The soldiers guarding the clear post on the mountain were very vigilant, and quickly raised their guns when they heard footsteps.

And ask the other party to pair the password.

If the signal is wrong, he will not hesitate to fire a warning shot.

Seeing that it was the captain, the sentinel quickly put away his gun: "Captain!"

Wang Liang was very satisfied with this state, patted the soldier on the shoulder, and said:

"Thank you, where are the others?"

The sentry put his finger to his mouth and whistled.

The soldiers of several lurking posts all got up and saluted Wang Liang.

"Okay, you are the last guarantee of our brigade's life, you have worked hard! You must be more vigilant!" Wang Liang urged.

The soldiers said in unison: "Please rest assured, Captain!"

Wang Liangliang nodded, indicating that the soldiers should continue to lurk and carry out their work normally.

On the way, Wang Liang encountered several mobile sentries, and after a few words of advice, he left.

Most of the mobile sentries are in groups of two or more.

The patrol time and shift cycle are not fixed, and the enemy cannot figure out the rules, which has a great effect on the security work of the station.


PS: Big guys, please follow up!Check it out frequently!
(End of this chapter)

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