Beacon starts from the number

Chapter 36 036 Yoshida: I've Already Got the Flavor

Chapter 36 036 Yoshida: I've Already Got the Flavor

One day.

Sun Shulin received a task assigned by the captain of the gendarmerie detachment, Ji Tian, ​​and went to Linghe Town to investigate a case.

His situation has not been good recently because the information brought back from sneaking into Liushan caused heavy losses to the Japanese.

It's not just that the Japanese don't give him a good face.

Even the group of people who flattered and flattered him like a dog's skin plaster in the past began to make trouble.

Or draw the line intentionally or unintentionally.

What's more, they directly ridiculed and ridiculed directly.

As early as the last time the Japanese attacked Liushan, Sun Shulin had already understood.

Why was he able to go down the mountain safely when he was seen through by Wang Liang.

Wang Liang's purpose is to pass the pre-set information to the Japanese through himself.

Lead the Japanese into the trap.

Thinking about this, Sun Shulin couldn't help admiring Wang Liang's strategy and courage.

He even more admired the Eighth Route Army in Liushan for abandoning all the gun towers and fortifications on the mountain in order to rescue the villagers.

At this moment, Sun Shulin could see clearly the ugly faces of the Japanese.

Everything is fake.

They have never regarded Chinese people as human beings.

As Yoshida has always emphasized, he is a dog.

Seeing that the Japanese suffered heavy losses in the process of attacking Liushan, Sun Shulin found that he was actually happy in his heart.

So he didn't regret at all for bringing this false information to the Japanese for Wang Liang.

In fact, he had already noticed that there might be an underground passage on Liushan, and he did not report this situation to the Japanese.

I don't know when, Sun Shulin's subconscious has been on the opposite side of the Japanese.

Linghe Town Police Station.

Sun Shulin was very puzzled. Captain Yoshida personally arranged it. He thought it was such a serious criminal case.

Unexpectedly, after going to the police station to find out, it was the matter of two horses and two donkeys missing from the house of a big family in the town.

He couldn't help asking the sheriff who contacted him:

"Officer Zhao, I'm surprised, why do you dare to report this small case of robbery to the gendarmerie?"

"Do you think that the gendarmerie is idle every day? Or do you think that the Japanese have a very good temper?"

Generally, the cases that the gendarmerie undertakes and interrogates are criminal cases involving the enemy (the Eighth Route Army, the National Army, bandits), Japanese soldiers, and even human life.

Sun Shulin couldn't figure it out. It wasn't the first day for Sergeant Zhao to work, so how could he do such an unreasonable thing?

Sergeant Zhao looked helpless, spread his hands and said:
"Group Leader Sun, I'm wondering too. This case was obviously transferred from your gendarmerie and asked our police station to assist in the investigation."

"I still want to ask you, is there something wrong with the Japanese's head? Why do you even start asking about such trivial things?"

"And I also went to the big family's house to find out. It should be a thief who did it, and it didn't involve the Eight Routes... Besides, the Eight Routes don't bother to do such trivial things."

After hearing what the sheriff said, Sun Shulin's right eyelid began to twitch.

Recalling Yoshida's expression when he assigned himself a task, he realized that he might have been deceived.

Although he didn't know what Yoshida's purpose was, Sun Shulin's heart was pounding and he was in a panic.

He quickly got on his bicycle and headed towards the county seat.

Superintendent Zhao was stunned, and shouted, "Hey! Hey! Team Leader Sun, is this case still under investigation?"

How could Sun Shulin care about these things, he had to go home immediately and have a look.

Riding a bicycle all the way back to the county.

When Sun Shulin saw a few puddles of blood at the door of the house, he felt like a thunderbolt, and his mind went blank.

The worst still happened.

He rushed into the house quickly, only to see that his parents had fallen in a pool of blood.


"Mother! Wake up! Mother!"

The examination found that both parents had passed away, and Sun Shulin was distraught, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

He worked hard so that his parents, who were originally facing the loess and their backs to the sky, could live a good life.

You don't have to live the hard life of looking at God's face and eating.

Finally, he did something "career".

He bought a house in the county seat and took his parents over from the countryside.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days of good life, this disaster happened.

Thinking of his fiancée Xiao Ting also living at home, Sun Shulin hurried to the main room.

Seeing a scene that made him collapse and despair.

Xiao Ting's clothes were disheveled, her body was bruised, and she had more than a dozen wounds.

Obviously violated.

"Xiaoting! Xiaoting! Wake up! Don't scare me, okay?"

Xiao Ting was already out of breath, and Sun Shulin, who had attended the autopsy class, naturally knew how horribly tortured her fiancée had been.

How helpless, how painful and hopeless that must be.

"Yoshida Taiping! I'll fuck your grandma!" Sun Shulin hugged Xiao Ting's body, wept bitterly, and let out a miserable roar.

At the scene, he saw the butts of Japanese cigarettes.

That brand is often drawn by Yoshida.

There are also bloody shoe prints on the ground, which are the boots of a Japanese lieutenant.

Sun Shulin was completely enlightened at this moment.

He could finally deeply understand the kind of hatred and hatred written in Wang Liang's letter about the destruction of his family and the separation of his wife and children.

"Get up, people who don't want to be slaves, please build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood!"

Sun Shulin, who was in tears, sang, and at the same time filled the magazine of Nambu Fourteen with bullets.

The blood debt needs to be paid with blood, and he wants to seek revenge from Yoshida!
But when Sun Shulin was ready to die and just stepped out of the house.

He was surrounded by the military police led by Yoshida and the traitors of the working group.

Yoshida smirked and asked contemptuously:

"Sun Sang, where are you going so angry? Are you looking for revenge on me?"

As early as when Sun Shulin entered the county, he received the news.

The reason why Yoshida waited until he got home before coming to the door was because he wanted to see Sun Shulin's grief-stricken look.

Only in this way can he satisfy his perverted psychology.

Sun Shulin raised his gun and shot at Yoshida, but Yoshida was already prepared.

Grab a traitor and stand in front of him.

With a "snap" gunshot, the traitors in the working group blocked the gun for Yoshida.

Not giving a second chance to fire a second shot, two short but strong military police stepped forward to control Sun Shulin and grabbed the pistol.

The gunshots attracted the Japanese and puppet troops patrolling nearby.

But after the military police showed their documents, they all left angrily.

Yoshida was not angry, he was in a very good mood at the moment.

Engaging Sun Shulin was not his personal act, it was an order from Chief Hirano of the United Gendarmerie.

That's right, after much deliberation, Yamashita Fengwu chose Sun Shulin as the scapegoat.

Judging from his resume, Sun Shulin is a talent.

It is precisely this way that he is the best candidate to take the blame.

"Sun Sang, your wife is very good. She is loyal to you. When we were getting the taste, she kept calling your name. Very good..." Yoshida smiled wickedly.

"Hahahahaha." The military police and traitors also laughed.

"Yoshida, I'm going to kill you bastard! Fuck your ancestors! You're going to die!"

Seeing the appearance of these shameless people, Sun Shulin's eyes became even redder, he struggled desperately, roared in pain, and looked like he wanted to eat people.

"Kill me? I'm afraid you won't have this chance again."

Yoshida laughed, and then ordered the military police: "Take him back to the team. No matter what method is used, I will get his confession tomorrow."

Sun Shulin directly swears: "I know your mother! I really regret it! I didn't really become a gangster! My intestines are so regretful!"

"In my next life, Sun Shulin will never be a traitor again! I want to be an upright Chinese!"

"Kill you little Japs! Yoshida! Fuck your grandma! You're going to die!"

Yoshida was not irritated, but clapped his hands and applauded:

"Okay, great, did you hear what he said? Write it all down. This is the evidence that he knows everything."

The traitor in the working group flattered: "Yes, Taijun, I promise not to miss a single word."

At this moment, a deep and deep voice came from the side: "Why is this?"

Yoshida and the others were wearing casual clothes. The traitor felt that this young man was just here to watch the excitement, so he went over to warn:
"The gendarmerie handles the case! Don't meddle in your own business."

"Are you tired of living? If you don't want to die, get out!"

Unexpectedly, the young man did not walk away, but teased:
"How can he be nosy? I heard it just now. Didn't you say that he had an affair?"

"I'm Eighth Road, so I can't look at it yet."

The traitor felt angry and funny, he thought this man was talking nonsense.

How could Balu be so stupid as to take the initiative to deliver it to your door?
But he will not miss such a good opportunity to make meritorious service:
"Hi! It's really interesting today. Some people offered to send it to their door, saying that they are from Eight Routes."

"I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, go, follow me to the gendarmerie, and enter the interrogation room, I see you still dare to talk nonsense."

Originally, Yoshida was not interested in such a small role, but he felt that the voice was somewhat familiar.

Can't help but look curiously at the guy who uttered wild words.

Immediately remembered, isn't this the guy who pretended to be a gendarmerie officer and kidnapped Takeda Heiji?
"Catch him! He is Balu!" Yoshida ordered immediately.

Naturally, Wang Liang didn't go down the mountain alone, and all the members of the special commando team followed.

Before the enemy could make a move, Wei Dayong and Duan Peng, who were hiding in the dark, took the lead.

Although he was unarmed, he still killed four gendarmes very quickly.

Zhao Shoutian, Yang Dali and Shui Sheng also charged up and stabbed the traitors to death with daggers.

And quickly dragged the body to the yard.

Zhou Weiguo pointed to Xu Hu who controlled Ji Tian, ​​and asked Wang Liang: "Captain, how should he deal with it?"

Wang Liang glanced at Yoshida, then at Sun Shulin, and sighed:
"It's too cheap to kill him directly, gag his mouth tightly, tie his hands and feet, stuff him into the dung collection truck and take him to the safe house."

In fact, soldiers have been arranged at the door of Sun Shulin's house to keep watch.

But Sun Shulin, who has been trained by Japanese spies, has a very strong sense of anti-reconnaissance.

Therefore, as a last resort, Yaozi can only limit the number of people following him to two people, and the monitoring point should be as far away from his home as possible to avoid being discovered.

This also directly led to the fact that when the Sun family tragedy happened, it was impossible to discover the situation in time, and it was impossible to notify the contact point in time to carry out rescue operations as soon as possible, which led to the tragedy.

Fortunately, the soldiers passed the situation to Liushan through the contact point.

Wang Liang quickly led people to drive to the county seat, and at least saved Sun Shulin.

"What's the matter? Are you still planning to continue working for the Japanese?" Wang Liang asked Sun Shulin.

Sun Shulin cried into tears, and his emotions had collapsed. Instead of answering Wang Liang's question, he begged:
"Give me a chance, let me kill this bastard Yoshida with my own hands!"

Wang Liang agreed very readily: "This is no problem."

"But you have to come with me and join my Spike Brigade of the Eighth Route Army."

Sun Shulin didn't say anything, it was a tacit agreement.

In a sense, he was already a member of the Spike Brigade.

After tidying up, Wang Liang took Sun Shulin to the safe point in the county.

As the name suggests, the so-called safe point is a private house purchased with funds.

Wang Liang arranged for Ding Suan to buy more than a dozen sets in the county, after all, he had the financial strength.

It is not used at ordinary times, but it comes in handy in emergencies.

More importantly, some safe houses have been excavated through the tunnel of the shield machine, and they have realized interconnection with Tianhu's east gate tower.

That is to say, Wang Liang can now enter and exit Wuyi County smoothly without going through the city gate.

Even if the devil puts martial law in the whole city, it will not have any effect.

In addition to the safe house, the logistics department of the Wolf Fang Brigade also opened firewood stores, medicine stores, and bowl stores in the county town as contact points.

Responsible for the collection of military intelligence, the purchase of just-needed materials, and the recruitment of personnel who instigated the rebellion against the Japanese and puppets.

Inside the safe house, Wang Liang looked at Yoshida, who had a strong desire to survive, with a half-smile.

He is doing the last struggle, just to save his life.

"It was Sun Shulin who sneaked into your mountain and brought back the information. I killed his whole family. You shouldn't do this to me!"

"Kill me! None of you can escape!"

"Let me go, I can take you out of town!"

Wang Liang ignored him, but asked Zhang Anding, "Did you get here?"

"It's all ready!" Zhang Anding nodded again and again, and then put the whole set of tools from the butcher on the table.

Sharp knives, machetes, picking knives, smashing knives...


Wang Liang touched a knife casually, feeling the sharp blade.

Then he greeted Yang Dali: "Dali, aren't you always bragging that you are a master at killing pigs? You've been ripped apart and still breathing?"

"Come on, let everyone see today whether you are bragging or not. Just one request, don't let this pig die too fast."

"The picked pork is sent to the bowl shop. Isn't there a lot of devils and traitors who like to eat and drink for free? We also have costs, right?"

Next, I heard pigs screaming from inside the house.


The screaming continued intermittently for nearly two hours.

Seeing Yoshida's retribution with his own eyes, Sun Shulin's resentment was completely vented.

After crying bitterly, the traitor Sun Shulin died.

He was replaced by the Deputy Company Training Staff Officer of the Staff Department of the Spike Brigade of the Eighth Route Army and the platoon leader of the Blue Army.

Sun Shulin's job was to select small fighters from the brigade to form a blue army unit that imitated the Japanese army.

Wearing Japanese military uniforms, living and working in full accordance with the Japanese military model, learning Japanese, and carrying out training according to the Japanese infantry drill code.

This Blue Force unit has two main responsibilities: to perform infiltration operations and to play the Blue Force role in confrontation exercises.

After accepting Sun Shulin, the long-lost system notification sound came again: "Reward a business talent."

 Thank you Super Legend Brother for rewarding 1000 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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