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Chapter 45 045 Chu Yunfei: Garedon Military Academy?

Chapter 45 045 Chu Yunfei: Garedon Military Academy? (4.2K)
28 Regiment Headquarters.

Fang Ligong was still stubbornly expressing his opinion that the Eighth Route Army had little chance of winning.

He is also a talented student who graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy, and it was because of his alumni that he gained Chu Yunfei's trust.

As a subordinate, being able to be called "Brother Merit" by Chu Yunfei is enough to show that this person has some ability.

"I still think that your army should not act too hastily, and complete all its achievements in one battle."

"To fight against the Japanese army, we must fight steadily and take one step at a time, so that we can go far and steadily."

Fang Ligong is not a stickler. The reason why he is keen to debate with Kong Jie is because he does not recognize Kong Jie as the head of the regiment.

In his eyes, Kong Jie was nothing more than a battalion commander.

Unlike Ding Wei's 28th Regiment, which has a regular number, the independent regiment led by Kong Jie is not in the official battle order announced by the government.

The independent regiment was expanded from the battalion, and so far it has not been recognized by the World War II zone.

Furthermore, the entire regiment of the Independent Regiment has a total of 900 people, which is not even as many as the reinforced battalion of the [-]th Regiment.

Of course, Fang Ligong would not give in to a debate of unequal levels, and he had to use his quick tongue.

Ding Wei looked at the two people who were blushing from the quarrel with great interest, and it was quite rewarding.

I have to admit that Fang Ligong has two talents, and he has some dry things in his stomach.

From the data he listed, through analysis and comparison, this helped Ding Wei to generate many new ideas for the combat plan, which was further improved.

Of course Ding Wei knew that Fang Ligong, the chief of staff of the [-]th Regiment, was the spokesperson of the regiment.

His attitude largely represented Chu Yunfei's thoughts.

Chu Yunfei's original intention was not to ask Fang Ligong to belittle the Eighth Route Army.

It's just that he thinks Ding Wei and Kong Jie are both heroes, and he doesn't want to see the anti-Japanese forces lose.

I want Fang Ligong to make the two of them change their battle plan through objective analysis.

Chu Yunfei was also not optimistic about this battle, after all, the combat effectiveness of the Hengtian Brigade was obvious to all.

Unexpectedly, because my meritorious brother has been wearing colored glasses to watch the Eighth Route Army, his words are also a little more contemptuous.

Turn a friendly exchange between students into a heated debate.

Then Ding Wei also explored and analyzed the value and significance of this battle from the strategic and tactical levels.

He has strong language skills and a high level of military theory, so he has frequent golden sentences.

Kong Jie is a big boss, and he was offended, so he replied directly:
"We don't need others to point fingers and make irresponsible remarks here."

"Our determination to fight has already been made. If you want to stay and observe, then just watch quietly."

"If you can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that others can't do it. Put away those old ideas and concepts, and don't be a frog at the bottom of the well."

"Don't Zhu Bajie wear glasses here, pretending to be gentle."

Fang Ligong was still surprised and admired by Ding Wei's superb military theory level.

Just about to have a friendly exchange and discussion, I heard Kong Jie's vulgar words.

Immediately, his temper also came up, straightened his glasses, and said:

"If your army can really take down the Hengtian brigade with two regiments, we will call you your masters after our meritorious service, and we will be your students!"

The chief of staff of the 4000-strong regiment does not recognize the head of the small regiment who is in the regular sequence as a teacher.

This can be regarded as a poisonous oath.

Anyway, even if Fang Ligong was killed, he didn't believe that the Eighth Route Army could take down the mighty Hengtian Brigade with only two regiments.

That's why I dare to make such an oath.

Kong Jie is also the one not to be outdone:
"Okay, once a gentleman says something, it's hard to follow a horse. If I don't do it, I will still recognize you as a teacher!"

Chu Yunfei and Ding Wei looked at the red-faced two, couldn't help but shook their heads with a smile.

Kong Jie is a well-known fool of Kong Er, so the axis point is nothing more than that.

Fang Ligong is a well-known Confucian general, so he has become like this today.

When a real scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain.

Just as the two sides were discussing fiercely and swords were on the verge of breaking out, the reconnaissance staff officers of the Independent Regiment and the 28th Regiment ran to the regiment headquarters at the same time.

These two reconnaissance staff officers were arranged to observe the dynamics of the Hengtian Brigade outside Songta Town.

Kong Jiegang took a big gamble, and seeing that the two staff officers had left their posts, he was so angry that he criticized angrily:

"Didn't I let you stare over there? What are you all running back for?"

"Are there any cadres on duty over there? Nonsense! Can you bear the responsibility when something happens?"

Ding Wei's mind was very clear, and both of them ran back suddenly, panting and flustered, realizing that something must have gone wrong.

Call the guards to pour a glass of water for the two of them, and then talk again after recovering.

"Captain, there is a fight in Songta Town!"

"What? Tell me more clearly, who fought with the devils in Songta Town?" Ding Wei was taken aback, this situation really caught him by surprise.

"I don't know who the other party is, but one thing is certain, they are all wearing the clothes of our Eighth Route Army, and they are our own people." The staff officer said.

"Our people?" Kong Jie paced back and forth pinching his waist, and soon had the answer in his mind:
"The ones that are active in this area, except for our two regiments, are the Xinyi regiment!"

"It's Li Yunlong!"

"Isn't that right? Old Ding, didn't you say that Li Yunlong is currently embroidering in the quilt factory?"

Ding Wei also frowned, and shook his head with certainty after some brainstorming:
"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"When I went to the division yesterday, I was talking to the director of the Political Department about the arrival of Li Yunlong."

"His punishment has not been revoked, and he is still working in a quilt factory in Hebei Province. He definitely did not fight this battle."

Kong Jie was confused and confused:
"Then who else can there be? People must be from the new group, Zhao Gang? Lao Xing? Isn't this like the style of the two of them?"

"The strength and weapons of the new regiment are not much better than my independent regiment. If Li Yunlong is here, I believe he can do such crazy things."

"But this guy is not here, who did it?"

Ding Wei quickly calmed down and cleared his mind:

"Who has the guts, why don't we go and see?"

"No matter who did it, as long as it's beating devils, it's a good job."

"Old Kong, let's assemble the team immediately. The new regiment who are single-handedly is definitely not the opponent of the Yokota Brigade. We must go to support them immediately!"

"Okay!" Kong Jie agreed without a second word.

Hearing this unexpected situation, a new group and Li Yunlong popped up suddenly, Chu Yunfei became more interested:
"It's getting more and more interesting. Let's go, brother Ligong, let's go and have a look!"

Fang Ligong was a little nervous. The three regiments fought against the Hengtian brigade, and it seemed that the odds of winning were higher.

If he really worshiped the Eighth Road as a teacher, he would not be able to hold his head up in the Jinsui Army.

But think about the fact that the Yokota Brigade was able to break through the defense lines of the three regiments of the Central Army back then, and its combat effectiveness was extraordinary.

Eight Road's chances of winning shouldn't be too great...

Ding Wei and Kong Jie ordered their deputies to assemble and mobilize troops.

The two of them took the soldiers of the guard company one step ahead and rushed to Songta Town first.

Desperately want to know what's going on.

Chu Yunfei, Fang Ligong and the guards also mounted their horses and galloped towards Songta Town.

When the time came, they couldn't help being dumbfounded at the scene before them.

It was the Xinyi Regiment led by Wang Liang who fought against the Hengtian Brigade.

After Wang Liang submitted his combat plan and emergency plan to Zhao Gang and Xing Zhenguo, both of them thought it was very good after reading it carefully, and immediately made up their minds to fight and made a decision.

The entire Xinyi Regiment was under the unified command of Wang Liang and defeated the Hengtian Brigade.

So there is today's big scene.

Before Ding Wei and Kong Jie could act, Wang Liang made his move.

Since the fat is flowing oil, it must be played like a local rich man.

Under the command of Wang Liang, under the unified organization of Liu Cheng, Sun Shulin and Yaozi.


The scientific name is indiscriminate bombardment.

In order to minimize the casualties of the soldiers, Wang Liang told Zhu Chuanwu and Li Daben that there is no need to save, and they opened up the reloading.

Blow it up and it's over.

The rain of shells really caught the Yokota Brigade by surprise.

Many vital parts were directly hit by shells, such as oil depots and arsenals. After the second explosion, raging flames burned.

The devil soldiers on duty for rest, study, training, and combat readiness were also killed and wounded in large numbers.

The devils wailed in pain while panicking.

They don't know where so many shells are pouring from.

Today seems like the end of the world.

Fortunately, the old non-commissioned officers and officers of the Yokota Brigade have seen the world and fought tough battles.

Quickly gather the team, make corresponding deployments, and fight back.

However, the new regiment of soldiers under Wang Liang's command was not vegetarian either.

At the same time as the shelling, the heavy machine guns carried by the truck had already advanced forward while the devils were blown into a daze.

And a temporary bunker was piled up with sandbags prepared in advance.

After assembling the heavy machine gun in the shortest time, the fire suppression began.

Subsequently, the light machine gunner carried by the cavalry was in place.

Putting the gun on the ground is a fire.

The connection was very fast, the trumpeter was in place, and the charge horn was sounded.

The charge began.

"Damn it, isn't the stupid Yokota Brigade claiming to be the elite of the Japanese army?"

"Damn it's two shoulders and one head, who's afraid of whom?"

"I'm beating the elite bastards of his bastards! They're all fucking with me! Kill devils!"

Wang Liang used the shortest language to mobilize the soldiers on the battlefield.

Then he took the lead in charging with his exclusive Hk416 assault rifle.

This is the case on the battlefield, and there is no need for too gorgeous vocabulary.

Sometimes it may be a few swear words from the commander that can mobilize the fighting enthusiasm of the soldiers to the best state.

Ding Wei and Kong Jie stared dumbfounded with binoculars.

It was obvious that the Yokota Brigade was in disarray and overwhelmed.

"When did Li Yunlong's new regiment equip so many cannons? Are they fat enough?" Ding Wei couldn't help being surprised.

"Not only that, I think their formation during the charge is also different from what we usually train, triangle in the front and triangle in the back, this formation is not like Li Yunlong's method." Kong Jie also found out.

Those who can read are watching the doorway, those who can't read are watching the excitement.

After observing for a long time, Chu Yunfei couldn't help but praise:
"Beautiful! So beautiful!"

Fang Ligong came out in time to be a commentator and gave a professional commentary:

"It is true. Their offense is very tactical. The reconnaissance platoon conducts forward reconnaissance and firepower probing, and the front triangle and rear triangle formations approach the enemy."

"Infantry advances in alternate leaps with fire support, although these tactics have been born as early as World War I."

"But to be able to master these and use them so proficiently, there must be a master in the formation."

"It's really strange. When did such a capable person appear on the land of Eastern Jin? Why have I never heard of it?"

The battle was still going on, and through the telescope, Chu Yunfei saw something that surprised him even more.

I saw the infantry of the Eighth Route approaching the Japanese position at a distance of about 50 meters.

The artillery even dared to carry out extended shelling.

Light and heavy machine guns fired at full speed.

In order to cover the infantry's final charge.

In the process of individual charge, the formation is regular, and the distance of five to ten meters is always maintained, leaving sufficient firepower channels for the fire of light and heavy machine guns.

When the infantry rushed to 30 meters, the infantry began to throw grenades and grenades very tacitly.

Then he entered the enemy line and began to fight.

At the same time, the machine gunner quickly rushed in from the two wings, and fired at the enemy with hip fire.

Chu Yunfei admired the commander of this battle so much that he developed the war into a kind of violent aesthetics.

This method, this command, is definitely a graduate of an orthodox military academy.

Chu Yunfei asked Ding Wei curiously:

"Commander Ding, did Commander Li of the new regiment graduate from the Whampoa Military Academy?"

"Or Baoding Military Academy? Or Yunnan Lecture Hall? The first four phases of Whampoa don't seem to have this name."

Without waiting for Ding Wei to answer, Kong Jie started to talk about it:
"Li Yunlong, he graduated from the Garedon Military Academy, and he also worked in the Boligan Lecture Hall."

Chu Yunfei was stunned: "Galedon Military Academy? An American military academy? Bo Ligan Lecture Hall? Why have I never heard of the name of this lecture hall?"

Ding Wei couldn't help laughing: "Chief Chu, don't listen to Lao Kong's nonsense."

"Galidun he said means squatting at home, and Poligan means doing farm work in the field."

"Li Yunlong doesn't know a single word, and he can't even write his own name. Where did he go to school?"

Ding Wei went on to explain that Li Yunlong is definitely not in Jindong now and has been assigned.

Moreover, the command style of this battle is very delicate, which is obviously not Li Yunlong's style.

The commander must be someone else.

Before the teams from the 28th Regiment and the Independent Regiment could be pulled over, the Xinyi Regiment was about to end the battle.

The whole process lasted only an hour.

Ding Wei was also very curious and sent a staff officer to inquire about it.

"Deputy Chief of Staff Wang Liang?"

Whether it was Ding Wei, Kong Jie, or Chu Yunfei and Fang Ligong, they all felt strange when they heard Wang Liang's name.

"Old Kong, do you know him? Why haven't I heard of him?" Ding Wei asked.

Kong Jie shook his head: "I have been to Xinyi Regiment several times, but I don't remember any deputy chief of staff."

The staff officer said everything he knew: "He just took office. I heard from the cadres of the Xinyi Regiment that he is still the captain of the Spike Brigade stationed in Hebei Province and belongs to the 386th Brigade."

Having said that, Kong Jie remembered it. After all, unlike Ding Wei, his independent regiment was under the 386 brigade sequence:
"Oh, I have a little impression. The Spike Brigade has been making a lot of noise recently. It has won several battles and has been upgraded from the original militia company to an independent battalion."

Chu Yunfei and Fang Ligong were both stunned, the militia company?
Isn't this another muddy leg?
(End of this chapter)

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