Chapter 1

Callard 1083, Summer.

The Great Snow Mountains in the east of the Kusait Khanate.

The warm sunshine crosses the rolling snow-capped mountains and shines on the sparse grassland in the valley, and the crystal clear dewdrops among the grass and trees reflect a dazzling halo.

Unknown wild flowers are mixed among the weeds, attracting all kinds of flying insects to dance up and down; the stream formed by melting ice and snow is winding and slender, and a few birds fly low and disappear quickly from time to time; The snow-capped mountains in the distance are majestic and majestic, looking at the earth like a proud warrior.

A fierce horse came galloping, breaking the tranquility and peace just now.

Immediately there was a rider prostrate, with a long arrow stuck in his thigh and a bloody scimitar in his hand.Not long after, a group of about 20 cavalry came out from behind the fleeing cavalry. They cursed loudly and shot a long arrow from time to time. The long arrow almost flew past the body of the rider in front and sank into the grass.The war horse under the Escaper's crotch was also obviously injured. Although it ran as hard as it could, its speed and stamina were being equalized and exhausted bit by bit by the pursuers behind.The chaser is bound to win!

Suddenly, a cavalry team of more than 500 cavalry rushed out from the small slope about 50 meters in front of the fleeing cavalry.They wore worn-out leather armor with black and furry fur coats.Many of them don't wear helmets and don't tie their hair. They look very primitive and savage, like a hunting team of some savage tribe.The equipment is very good, everyone is carrying strong bows and long knives, and some of them are holding spears that are about four or five meters long, which is very obvious from a distance.

The wildling cavalry lined up, each armed with weapons, rushed down the slope and went head-on with the pursuers.The group of cavalry who were chasing spotted them, but they only hesitated for a moment, and continued to pursue them regardless.The two teams of cavalry were getting faster and faster, and the distance was getting closer.The sound of hoofbeats became more and more urgent.

When the distance was about 200 meters, someone in the wildling cavalry team suddenly shouted something!Then a small cloud of arrows shot out from the wildling cavalry, drew an arc in the air, and flew towards the oncoming chasing cavalry from a distance.The cluster of arrows tore through the air and made a whistling sound, and after a while there was another command, and another cloud of arrows whizzed up from the savage team.The chasing cavalry team, who only cared about their horses and galloped wildly, was obviously stunned for a while, and only then did they shoot back a sparse rain of arrows.

After a while, the long arrow entered the body and made a sound of "puchi" and "puchi". Some riders on both sides turned their backs, but more people still galloped at high speed.

When the distance between the two sides was nearly 50 meters, a young rider of the wildling cavalry team shouted


The voice was loud and high-pitched, and it spread far, far away, and even reverberated in the valley.

The riders of the savage team put away their strong bows one after another, drew out their long knives around their waists, and looked ahead.In an instant, the horses slammed into each other and made a dull crash; the spear pierced the flesh; the war knife cut into the broken bones of the body.The heart-piercing howl quickly spread throughout the valley along with loud scolding and cursing, endlessly.

The rider who gave the order was none other than Jiu Ling'er, he was the last one to put away his strong bow, and watched the person hit by the arrow fall off his horse.When the two teams crossed each other, he leaned on the horse's belly to avoid a flying spear, drew out the long knife hanging from the horse, and slashed across the chest and abdomen of a rider opposite him with his backhand, looking at the rider from the corner of his eye They staggered and then fell off the horse.Then he returned to the horse as nimbly as a squirrel, but there was almost no one in front of him, and he and a few companions rushed past the contact point.

Jiu Ling'er quickly drew out her bow and turned back to mount an arrow, "Boom" the arrow flew straight to the back of the neck of a rider on the other side.Jiu Ling'er turned the horse's head and picked up the long knife again to drive the horse forward!More wildling riders rushed past the engagement point, and they quickly turned their horses and charged.Jiu Ling'er's saber sliced ​​across the low sky, and the whistling long saber sliced ​​off half the head of a pursuer who had fallen from the horse, and he rushed past the battle point again.When I looked back, there was no one standing in the pursuit team.The savage team killed the pursuers in two rounds.

Jiu Ling'er put away her long saber, and her companions dispersed in twos and fours, some got off their horses to collect their weapons, some checked if there were any dead enemies, and added a knife at any time, and some bandaged up their wounded comrades, or buried them to death Corpses of compatriots.Still others rummaged through the money of dead riders.

Jiu Ling'er drove the horse to a small hill not far away, stood outside the field and watched Gao Song's snow-capped mountains motionless.He was originally from an extremely distant country beyond the mountains, and he and his family were exiled by that country to this far west, and his parents lost news during the exile.A burly man passing by bought him from the slave market with nine bells.From then on he was called: Jiu Ling'er.

That burly man is the patriarch of a small tribe. His youngest son likes Jiu Ling'er very much, and is especially curious about Jiu Ling'er's mysterious life experience in that distant country.The patriarch, Aiwujiwu, often takes Jiuling'er out to hunt around the mountains, ride horses and shoot arrows!He even taught Jiu Ling'er martial arts in person.A year ago, the patriarch was recruited by the tribal king to participate in a battle with another tribe, but the tribal king suffered successive defeats and was caught and killed by the other party.The brave and invincible patriarch also died on the battlefield, and then everyone was driven to run around. Jiu Ling'er had to protect the little patriarch and accompanied the other tribesmen of the tribe all the way westward, returning to the mountains where their ancestors lived.One day, a gorgeously dressed man came from the mountains. It is said that the tribe had received great favor from him.He asked the patriarch to send someone out of the mountain to escort a big man, and promised a lot of money.The succeeding patriarch appointed Jiu Ling'er as the leader of the team without hesitation.

After Jiu Ling'er stared blankly for a while, she turned her head and looked at the people who were cleaning the battlefield.Four brothers were lost in today's battle, most of them were shot by bows and arrows.In addition, more than a dozen were injured to varying degrees.The opponent was a bit tenacious, even if he was ambushed suddenly, he would not flinch, and pursued the escaped horse to the death.Jiu Ling'er threw away the saber and sat on the ground, staring at the Daxue Mountain.At that time, we must see what kind of big man,

At this time, a companion called him from a distance and beckoned him to go.

Jiu Ling'er agreed, picked up the saber and strode towards her companions.Under the guidance of his companion, he saw that the rider who escaped just now was lying next to a dead horse, with a huge wound on his chest and abdomen, obviously unable to survive.The rider saw him, handed him a small token with difficulty, and told him to go to a place called Adaku Rum Atlantis, and then died.

Jiu Ling'er carefully put away the small black token with a sad face.This escape rider should be the person to meet for this mission, but he disappeared before he could say a few more words.

Jiu Ling'er led the team out of the long snow-capped mountains, and wandered aimlessly on the desolate grassland for three days before meeting an old herdsman herding sheep.

The old herdsman told them with a kind smile on his face, "Everywhere you have walked in the past three days is Adaku Rum Atlantis!"

Jiu Ling'er fainted.Then he took out the small black token and asked him if he recognized him.

The old herdsman smiled all over his face. Although he had a gray beard, he looked very healthy.He glanced at the token for a while, then stared at Jiu Ling'er and the team behind him.

The young leader of the team in front of him is probably in his twenties, his clear eyes reveal a fairy spirit, and he is very good-looking. He is tall, with strong muscles and a bulging chest that seems to burst The old leather armor and the long hair behind his head gave him a wild look.The team behind him was also tall and strong, holding spears hanging from the waist and swords and strong bows. They were basically wearing worn-out leather armor, and some of them were wearing black bearskin sweaters.Probably due to staying in the snow mountain for a long time, everyone wore long hair that swayed wildly in the wind.

The old herdsman stared at it for a long time, which made Jiuling'er feel a little nervous. Just as he was about to speak, the old herdsman spoke first.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Jiu Ling'er"

"give me the token"

Jiu Ling'er casually threw it to him.

The old man took the token and looked at it carefully for a long time without speaking.

Jiu Ling'er couldn't bear it anymore!
"What is this? What the hell can I do with this thing?" Jiu Ling'er said as she grabbed the handle of the knife.

He wanted to scare the old sheep herding man, he had already felt that something was wrong with this old man.Herding sheep in this barren mountain?joke!Where are his sheep?

The old herdsman looked at his hand holding the handle of the knife and snorted softly.He said without fear: "This is a hunting order! It is used to hunt down and kill the heinous people on the prairie." Then he turned and left, beckoning Jiu Ling'er to follow.

Jiu Ling'er was startled!Kill order?He felt that the old man in front of him was so simple, he should know more!Maybe it's the person who met at the joint.

He immediately chased after him and said angrily: "Who are you? What kind of ghost hunting order is this? My people walked in Daxue Mountain for more than half a month, and four brothers died because of the person I met. I have to ask Clear! I can’t let my brother die without knowing why.”

The old herdsman got angry, "You young man talks a lot! Can you go away! If you don't go away, I will go!"

Jiu Ling'er was also angry, and he threatened: "Say it or not, or I'll go back to Daxue Mountain right away, I don't have time to chat with you!"

The old herdsman is helpless!Suddenly he said loudly: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that the person you want to escort is the person you want to kill, now I will take you to meet the person you want to escort!" After finishing speaking, he rode on his horse and left. Don't pay any attention to Jiu Ling'er.

Jiu Ling'er was both surprised and delighted, and finally took over!But the old man had already run away, and he had to call the team to keep up with the annoying old sheep herding man.Jiu Ling'er caught up with the old herdsman and rode side by side with him and sincerely apologized for his recklessness just now.The old herdsman was open-minded and cheerful and didn't care, instead he joked and asked him if he was a savage?

Jiu Ling'er smiled shyly!My impression of him changed drastically.Ask the old herdsman back: "Aren't you an old man herding sheep? Where are your sheep?"

The old herdsman smiled a little embarrassedly: "Why are you driving sheep when you come to pick up people?"

Along the way, the old herdsman was very chatty, as if he knew Jiu Ling'er very well.Jiu Ling'er finally accepted the task's interviewer, so she was naturally very happy.

The old herdsman introduced the beautiful surroundings to Jiu Ling'er while talking about anecdotes.It made Jiu Ling'er and his team laugh out loud!Seeing this, the old herdsman also laughed smugly!He went further and further away.Slowly talked about the various past events of the Kusait Khanate.

He said that the entire prairie is the Kusat Khanate, and a few decades ago there was a hero in the prairie: Uerhun Khan.

He told Jiu Ling'er that Urhun Khan led a group of warriors capable of conquering all the tribes on the prairie and defeated the imperial army in the west, establishing the Kusait Khanate.The three major tribes who followed Urhun to conquer the Quartet, the Kujit tribe, the Achite tribe, and the Tekerit tribe had the most outstanding military exploits. The Khan generously rewarded them with large pastures to help the Khan stabilize the territory.

The Old Herdsman specifically tells about a legendary man named Mulek!

He told Jiu Ling'er that Mu Leke was brave and invincible at the age of 16 and let his name resound throughout the Kuset Prairie, and then he abandoned his martial arts and went from Wenyuan to the distant Padisha Abbey to become a famous teacher.After returning from his studies, he defected to Al Shinan, the eldest son of Khan Uerhun, and became the right arm of Khan Al Shinan.Mule Kewen can hold a pen, and Wu can hold a spear.He made great military exploits for the Kusait Khanate.Later, Al Shinan Khan made an expedition to the country called Padishah, but he was defeated and died soon after.After the death of Al Shinan Khan, the position of Khan was passed on to Urhun's grandson, the current Khan Munchug.

But Munchuk is a fatuous person. He was afraid of Mulek's prestige, so he shamelessly exterminated Mulek. Mulek escaped with the help of his former comrades-in-arms and brothers, and Munchuk issued a grassland hunting order. He wanted to drive Mulek to death, but Munchug has been unable to succeed.Because Mulek friends are all over the prairie, no one can catch him!
Jiu Ling'er couldn't remember those complicated names, and didn't bother to care.However, he gradually had some longing and longing for this vast world.In particular, I admire the hero named Mulek very much, how could there be such a powerful character.Jiu Ling'er fantasizes that one day she can become a world-famous hero like Muleke.

"How do you, an old sheep herder, know this? Who told you?" Jiu Ling'er asked casually.

"Because I followed Mu Leke in the Southern and Northern Wars and made many military exploits. I was once the commander of the army." The old herdsman said very proudly.

When Jiu Ling'er heard this, she admired the old herdsman very much.Looking at the healthy body of the old herdsman, he should have been a brave warrior when he was young, but I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for a high-ranking official like a commander-in-chief?But Jiu Ling'er still looked at the old herdsman with admiration.

The old herdsman looked at Jiuling'er's big eyes and adored face, raised his head triumphantly and said, "Hi! Little savage! I am the top ten archer in the Kusait Khanate. Shooting three arrows at the same time is still the best." I can hit the target with five arrows at the same time, no matter whether it is an eagle in the sky or a rabbit on the ground, I can hit it with one arrow."

"The old sheep herder is boasting again!" Jiu Ling'er didn't believe it.

The old herdsman made an exaggerated gesture: "Did you see the big rock that passed by just now? If there is a rabbit on it now, I can shoot it in the eye with an arrow."

Jiu Ling'er looked back, and searched for the big rock from memory, but the big rock had already merged into the grass and could not be seen at all.Jiu Ling'er snorted, and followed suit with nonsense: "Then I can cum on the rabbit's ass, which is a little worse than you!"

The old herdsman laughed loudly: "Little savage, you are bragging!"

Jiu Ling'er also laughed loudly, "Old sheep herder! Each other! Each other!"

In this way, they talked nonsense all the way, going farther and farther.Jiu Ling'er told the old herdsman about her memories of a distant country when she was a child and about being sold as a slave.The old herdsman suddenly told him very seriously, don't live in the pain of the past, there is a country at the end of the western grassland that is very similar to his memory, the subjects of that country can support a large family by themselves, and the women are as beautiful as Fairies in the sky, endless food and gold can grow in the land, and everyone is dressed in silk-like clothes.

The old herdsman led them out of the meadow, through the lush woodland to the foot of a huge cliff, and they walked south along the cliff.Jiu Ling'er looked up at the cliff. The cliff was straight and steep. It seemed to be cut off by a sharp sword and then fell down suddenly. It seemed like a huge long snake stretching down without end.

In the evening they arrived at a camp.Several vigilant tribesmen in the camp found them early, and they greeted loudly: "Adaku Rum Atlantis Patriarch", the old herdsman gave each of them a warm hug, and then greeted nine Ling'er and the others set up camp here to wait for the next instruction.Jiu Ling'er looked at the old herdsman adoringly, and it turned out that this pasture was named after the old herdsman.

The camp was built on a cave under the cliff, and a row of crooked wooden fences surrounded the entrance of the cave.At the entrance of the fence, a row of sharpened and thick wooden stakes were inserted upside down into the ground.A small flock of sheep in the fence were bleating and bleating, and there were a few tied horses. When they saw someone approaching, they immediately scratched the ground and sneezed.And around the entire camp, except for some trails in and out, the rest is full of dense jungle.This is an excellent hiding place.

Jiu Ling'er immediately arranged for her companions to patrol around the camp.He also helped his companions build a tent, and ran to change dressings for the injured companions.The old herdsman took out a large pile of food from the cave, lit a bonfire and asked everyone to slaughter a few fat sheep.After dinner, everyone reveled around the bonfire for a long time before resting slowly.

Jiu Ling'er and her companions stayed in this camp for more than two months, and the old herdsman sent people out every day to bring various food and news.Jiu Ling'er is not in a hurry, anyway, she has food and drink after getting online, so just wait.

During this period, Jiu Ling'er became more and more familiar with the old herdsman of Atlantis, Adaku Rum, and he also confirmed that the old herdsman was really a high-ranking official like the commander.He quickly changed his name and called Adaku Rum, the old herdsman of Atlantis, old man.

He and the old man talked about everything, talking nonsense every day.The old man seemed to like Jiu Ling'er very much, and he taught Jiu Ling'er to familiarize herself with the customs of the nomadic tribes on the grassland.When the old man and Jiu Ling'er were exercising martial arts, they also discovered and corrected many of Jiu Ling'er's mistakes. The old man demonstrated in person and strictly supervised him.This made Jiu Ling'er's martial arts have made great progress, and she was able to use it more clearly.It didn't take long for Jiuling'er to tame the horse, to shoot arrows more accurately, to be good at wrestling and fighting, and to be very proficient in all kinds of weapons.Sometimes Jiu Ling'er is bored and carries a huge log to exercise himself. The old herdsman looks at him like a fool and laughs!
(End of this chapter)

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