Chapter 25

Sebuwei, the little king of the Tuotu tribe, led six to seventy people, escorted a thousand high-quality horses bought from Yemayuan, and rushed northward to chase Sebukui.According to the plan, Sebukui should wait for him and go on the road together.But Se Bukui wanted to show off in front of his grandmother, so he didn't wait for Se Buwei and started on the road ahead of time.

On Mulek's territory, logically nothing would happen.But that was a long time ago. During the Al-Heathna period, Kusait’s national power was flourishing. The city of Otungard was first established by Darhi-speaking merchants. It is located in the middle of the dry Devsaig plateau. Spring and summer are very suitable for grazing, especially the horses on the Wild Horse Plain are touted by various tribes.Because Otungard connects the north and the south, Mulek attaches great importance to this commercial route, and immediately strengthens security patrols to fight against thieves, robbers, horse bandits and rebellious troops.The law and order improved, and it soon attracted countless merchants. They went south from the northern Baltahand area, or purchased horses, sheep, and cattle from the herdsmen villages around Otungard, and guarded against grassland raiders. Accompanied by them, they drove groups of cattle, sheep, horses and furs to the imperial market in the west for sale, and then brought back a variety of clothing, porcelain, salt, grain and other goods.Created a lot of wealth for himself and for the central Kusaite.

But not long ago, the central Kusaite had just experienced civil strife, and there were many stragglers in the mountains and fields.Once something happened, it would be difficult for him to explain.So Sebubi ordered everyone to catch up with all their strength.

Seeing four tribal soldiers galloping towards them, Se Buwei had an ominous premonition in his heart.After they finished listening, their whole bodies were icy cold.Sebukui was dead, and was killed as soon as he was confronted.After the horse ran back and forth four times, 26 soldiers were killed.Sebu Wei almost suspected that his ears had misheard.He quickly rushed to the place where the accident happened with forty soldiers.The dead soldiers were lying on the ground in disorder.The carriages were all abandoned, and all the horses were ridden away by the enemy.

Si Buwei was furious sitting on the horse, but he tried to calm himself down.He first sent three people to Hongshiyuan to inform the big Burke Mulek in the middle.Because this matter must have something to do with the ice dew of the Mingquan tribe.It was she who led the people to attack Se Bukui first.At the same time, I hope that Mulek can send someone to help search.Sebukui is dead, no matter how Mulek can't escape the responsibility.Then arrange for two soldiers to rush back to the Tuotu tribe day and night on two horses, report the details to Sebuca, and ask him to send a helping hand quickly.At the same time, he asked a soldier to return back the same way immediately, and informed the horse team to drive the horses to the nearest Bailuxi pasture to wait for reinforcements.Sebukui is dead, and nothing can happen to a thousand horses.Seeing the obvious footprints going south, Se Buwei immediately led his troops to chase after him without any hesitation.

Jiu Ling'er led everyone for nearly ten kilometers, and then detoured into a nearby hill.Immediately, he chose a low-lying place and asked everyone to dismount and set up camp without leaving.Jiu Ling'er sat alone on the top of the hill, looking at the distant fields.Binglu climbed up with two pieces of dried meat and handed them to him.Jiu Ling'er took it bluntly and began to eat slowly.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you." Binglu said softly.

Jiu Ling'er didn't make a sound, but just smiled nonchalantly.For the first time since his exile, he was sitting with a girl, and a very beautiful one at that, which made him feel fresh and enjoyable.Smelling the faint fragrance wafting from Binglu's body, he was intoxicated, and for the first time had an impulse towards the opposite sex.The two of them sat in silence, neither of them spoke.

"Brother Jiuling'er, can we escape safely?" Binglu asked worriedly.

Jiu Ling'er nodded, "Of course."

Watching Binglu's long hair fluttering in the mountain wind, Jiu Ling'er suddenly asked strangely, "Why do you have long hair and wear a veil?"

"I'm not from the Kusait Khanate, I'm from Padishah, and I was picked up by my father." Binglu knew that Jiuling'er replied suspiciously.

Jiu Ling'er almost thought she had heard wrong.Binglu was not Yimiza's biological daughter.It was picked up by Yimiza in Padishah.The things in the world are really wonderful.

"The people of Padisha live in the far southeast. When I grew up, my father sent me to a friend of Padisha. I also practiced martial arts with Master Diu of Padisha. Because of an accident with my father, I just came back from Padisha."

"You still practice martial arts?" Jiu Ling'er looked at her in disbelief.

Binglu nodded,
"I learned swords from Master Diu in Padishah. My martial arts is very good. I often beat and cry Master Diu's grandson Bilia!"

Seeing Binglu's serious face, Jiu Ling'er burst out laughing!

Seeing Jiu Ling'er's expression of absolute disbelief, Binglu laughed at herself, and said anxiously, "Don't think that I was caught by Sebukui because my martial arts were not good. That kid couldn't beat me, so he asked several of his men to fight against me." Catch me with a net. I was caught in the end." After speaking, she was a little frustrated.

Seeing her aggrieved look, Jiu Ling'er hurriedly comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay. It's not uncommon for martial arts masters to be caught by mistake. But now that we know you're a martial arts master, let's rush to Lovers Mountain." It will be much faster.”

"Really?" Binglu looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course. By the way, have you ever killed someone?" Jiu Ling'er asked seriously.

Binglu was dumbfounded.

Waking up early the next morning, Jiu Ling'er took them to the northwest.

Binglu found out that something was wrong. Yesterday, she was running all the way to the northwest, but today she went to the southwest again.She immediately approached and asked strangely, "Brother Jiuling'er, won't we be getting farther and farther away from Lovers Mountain by walking this way? Broken Heart Lake is not in this direction."

"Let's go to Bailuxi Ranch." Jiu Ling'er said with a smile.

ice dew?immediately?After realizing it, she looked at Jiu Ling'er very worriedly and said, "The thousand high-quality horses that Se Buwei bought at Yemayuan may have rested there yesterday. Isn't it a trap for us to run over now?"

Jiu Ling'er smiled and replied: "Now Sebuyan is leading people south to pursue us hard. There should not be many soldiers on the Bailuxi Ranch. Sebukui is dead, and Sebuyan has no face to go back to see their big Berke Sebu Stabbed. If he loses a thousand more horses, he'll kill himself."

Binglu and the few children around them laughed out loud when they saw what Jiu Linger said was funny.

Akadan probably regained the respect of his companions again, and seemed very excited.He shouted: "Uncle Savage, we can help you."

He was gearing up to the side: "Uncle Savage, what do you think you will do?"

Jiu Ling'er laughed loudly: "Haha...the Kusait Khanate really have a lot of warriors. It's very simple, just wait a moment, you children, divide into two groups and go to the pasture to steal horses."

The children got excited and rode their horses and galloped.

Drowning Riverside, Hongshiyuan.Muleke couldn't help but wryly smiled when he heard the report from the soldiers of the Tuotu Tribe.No need to think about it, he knew that Jiu Ling'er did it.I don't know where the girl Binglu stopped him and caused such a big disaster.Now quickly find a way to stabilize the Sebu thorn first.

When Binglu ran away from Jiuling'er in a fit of anger that day, she had threatened Muleke that she would take people on the road to rob the families of the Wolf Fang tribe and the Broken Stone tribe.Mueller didn't care either.At most, Binglu was caught by the people of the Tuotu tribe, and he sent someone to the Tuotu tribe to get Binglu back.Unexpectedly, Jiu Ling'er appeared.As soon as he thought of Jiu Ling'er, Muleke knew he was in trouble.If you don't control him, things will get worse.

Mulek called his bodyguard in.They were familiar with Jiu Ling'er, so it was convenient for them to do things.Some things are tacit and cannot be said.

"Twelve of you immediately take your blackwood tokens and rush to several tribes in the south, gather your troops and prepare to intercept Jiuling'er." The guards were stunned.

"Generalissimo, didn't you promise Jiu Ling'er to let him go back to Karad?"

"This idiot savage. He robbed the families of Nasugi and Umuda on the road, and killed Sebukui and 26 soldiers of the Tuotu tribe."

The guards were shocked and looked at each other.After only a few days of walking, he stabbed a hornet's nest and killed Sebuja's sons.

"That's why I specially asked you to go. After all, when people die with us, they must do their best."

"Grand Marshal, is it too much of a fuss to use this black wood hunting order? Jiu Ling'er has become the target of arrest for the entire Kuset Khanate, and will be wanted for the rest of her life."

"He will never come back again." Mulek said sadly.

Egret Creek Ranch.Jiu Ling'er was like a vigorous cheetah, she flew towards it.The seven soldiers in the tent were stunned.They were having dinner when they suddenly saw a disheveled savage in the tent.A soldier still had a piece of meat in his mouth, and his head had already flown up.The whole face of the person next to him was bloody and bloody from Jiu Ling'er's kick, and he couldn't tell the nose from the mouth.Jiu Ling'er took two more steps and hacked to death two soldiers who were about to stand up.Taking advantage of the situation, he kicked the heart of a soldier who rushed over empty-handed.The soldier screamed and retreated seven or eight steps, blood spurting from his mouth, and he fell to the ground.The remaining two soldiers roared angrily, and rushed towards each other with their sabers raised, but Jiu Ling'er dodged one of them.Collided with another double sword.That man was not as strong as Jiu Ling'er, and was immediately hit on the forehead by the back of the knife, screaming and backing up again and again.Jiu Ling'er turned around to meet the saber that was slashing at her back, roared angrily, and the two sabers slammed into each other again.The man's mouth trembled so loudly that he couldn't even hold the saber.At this moment, Jiu Ling'er raised her knife again and chopped it on the man's neck, blood spurted out, the knife fell to the ground, and the man fell down.Jiu Ling'er strode up to the soldier whose forehead was hit by the back of her saber, and raised her saber to chop it down.

On the pasture, more than a dozen soldiers of the Tuotu tribe were yelling and chasing a few children with their horses.The soldiers thought they were children from nearby herdsmen playing a prank, so they chased them, threatened them, and laughed loudly, unaware that the danger had quietly approached.

In the temporary horse shed on the left side of the tent, several soldiers were lying on the wooden fence, happily watching the people chasing in the distance, watching the excitement and pointing happily.

A soldier suddenly heard the sound of arrows plunging into his body, and quickly turned his head to look around vigilantly.He saw an arrow, an arrow stuck straight into his companion's temple, and blood was spilling from around the shaft.He opened his mouth wide in horror, and was about to shout, when a faster arrow suddenly shot into his mouth, passed through his neck, and nailed to the wooden post, making a "boom..." Tremor.The sound alarmed the other soldiers, and they all looked to the right in unison.A tall, shaggy man was standing in the stable at some point, with two arrows dangling from his drawn bow.Jiu Ling'er let go of the bowstring, and the two arrows shot out with piercing whistles.The two soldiers fell in response to the string, without even making a sound.Only then did the soldiers come to their senses, let out a neat roar, rushed up, and rushed towards Jiu Ling'er.Jiu Ling'er took her time and shot an arrow first again.A soldier who drew his knife screamed and fell on his back.It was too late for Jiu Ling'er to take the arrow with his right hand, so he took out the small ax from his bosom and threw it headfirst.The small ax screamed strangely in the air, whirled and slashed into a soldier's chest with a "poof".The soldier let out a miserable roar, dropped the sword, held the hatchet in both hands, and tried to pull it out, but his legs had already knelt down incessantly.Blood soon soaked the whole body.He slowly raised his head, and saw that the big man who looked like a murderous devil had already rushed towards his companion like a tiger.All I saw was the flash of the knife, the movement of figures, the sound of metal impacts and screams, and all my companions lay down on the ground in a blink of an eye.He saw blood dripping from the saber in that man's hand, bright red blood.

Jiu Ling'er lit the hay in the stable.The forage is flammable and immediately caused a skyrocketing fire.In the distance, the soldiers suddenly noticed something unusual.They left the troublesome child behind and ran back, yelling.Running to the front one by one flew off the horse, calling out the names of their companions.

Jiu Ling'er hid in the dark of the stable, enduring the scorching heat.The three soldiers rushed in almost in no particular order, and were shot dead by Jiu Ling'er in the blink of an eye.The soldiers behind felt that something was wrong and did not continue to rush in.Jiu Ling'er had no choice but to rush out by herself.The remaining five soldiers suddenly saw a big man with disheveled hair rushing out of the fire, and they were shocked.Before he could react, Jiu Ling'er had already knocked down two of them.Although the rest were panic-stricken, the inherent ferocity of the Kusait Khanate made them rush forward to fight Jiu Ling'er without hesitation.

But their strength was far behind Jiu Ling'er.Without fighting a few moves, Jiu Ling'er had already killed two of them, and the remaining one was knocked off by Jiu Ling'er's saber and stepped under his feet.

"Go and tell Se Bubi that the war horse he bought was robbed by me." Jiu Ling'er laughed loudly, stepping on him proudly and said.

The soldier was lucky enough to survive, so he got on his horse and fled in a hurry.

Jiu Ling'er ran back quickly with Akadan and several children.Binglu and their mother have long been eager to see through.Seeing that they were all safe and sound, they greeted them happily.The children were so excited that they nestled in their mother's arms and shouted non-stop.

Binglu greeted Jiu Ling'er with a look of relief and happiness beyond words.Looking at her beautiful smile, Jiu Ling'er felt that beautiful things are really good, no matter how you look at them, they are so comfortable.In my mind, I couldn't help but think of the beautiful figure of Binglu and white horse, elegant and elegant.

"If we speed up, we should be able to reach Lovers Mountain safely soon." Jiu Ling'er said to Binglu with a smile.

"Thank you very much." Binglu said gratefully, "Without you, we would all be dead. How can I be grateful to you?"

The beauty's gentle speech almost made Jiu Ling'er's heart fly.

Under the urging of Jiu Ling'er, the group of people mounted their horses quickly and galloped towards the direction where the sun was setting.Then he turned to the south again, and he asked everyone to ride on horseback without rest, without stopping to rest in the middle.Adults can barely support it, but children can't. They fall asleep while riding, and often accidentally fall off the horse.Jiu Ling'er tied them to the saddle.Binglu came to Jiuling'er in a hurry to make a theory. Jiuling'er looked at Binglu's face that could be easily broken, and then gave up and allowed everyone to rest for a while.

On the evening of the second day after Bailuxi Ranch was attacked, Se Buwei and his soldiers rushed back exhausted.Seeing the wild horses on the pasture in groups of three or four, Sebu Wei and the soldiers were still grazing and drinking leisurely, and they couldn't help shouting as if they were relieved.Thank you.He really wanted to thank the wild man who killed the man but didn't take the horse.If the horse is taken away, the Tuotu tribe will lose a lot of property.This is a bigger loss than a moderate defeat, it's no wonder that Sebu thorn didn't peel his skin.But it doesn't matter if Sebukui is dead, Sebuci still has several sons.Go to grandma's to clear it up, and Sebuci won't blame him too much for this.

Se Buwei never mentioned the matter of chasing and killing the enemy.He would rather go back to the Tuotu tribe and not be this little king, than go back and be skinned by the Sebu thorn and lose his life.What's more, Sebukui's death on Muleke's territory is not entirely his responsibility.

Se Buwei admired this murderous little savage more and more in his heart.This person is not only superb in martial arts, but also careful in mind.He first tricked himself to go north to pursue, and waited until he went north before attacking the ranch.The most amazing thing is that this person seems to know that he values ​​these horses more than chasing and killing them.After killing the man, he did not attack the horses and left the horses intact.In this way, I have learned the lesson from the last time, and will never go after him no matter what.But if this person messes around and kills the horses, in despair, he has no choice but to fight him to the death.This man is amazing.

On the third day, the soldiers who had gone to see Mulek returned with good news.The murderer was a spy of the Karad Empire, named Jiu Ling'er.It is the snow-capped savage who has become quite famous in the Kusait Khanate recently.Some time ago, he heard that Mulek was going to attack Karad, so he fled suddenly.For this reason, Mulek had already issued a blackwood token to summon the tribes of the central Kusset to arrest them.

Sebuyan let out a long breath: "It's all right now, the grievance has its head, the debt has its owner, and I will wait for the reinforcements sent by the adults. Only in this way, this little savage will become more famous. Even Mu Leke Hunt him down with a black wooden token, which shows how powerful this person is."

His subordinates echoed.Bragging about the enemy is more clever, it will be of great benefit to oneself to escape the crime.

(End of this chapter)

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