Chapter 36

Callad December 1084.

Jiu Ling'er was always in a bad mood.He couldn't forget Binglu's eyes. He didn't know what happened to Binglu, but he knew that it must have caused Binglu a lot of pain.He often stands alone on the city tower, looking at the snow-capped mountains and the white-capped snow fields, feeling in a trance and feeling depressed.It wasn't until more than ten days later that Atzo's men returned to Coriniasai one after another that Jiu Ling'er knew the truth of the matter.Binglu is getting married.She was going to be married to Chaikan, to Mundchug, Khan of Kuset.Jiu Ling'er was stunned, he was at a loss as to what to do with the huge sense of loss, his heart felt as if it had been hollowed out, extremely uncomfortable and painful.Jiu Ling'er suddenly lost her laughter and became taciturn.

After the two adults, Weieryu and Zerda, finished handling the handover of the prisoners, they left.Omina proposes to Jiulinger to go back to the small town of Methakia.Jiu Linger called Pi Lan and told him to bring a dozen soldiers and escort Omina home (Because Pi Lan was too young, Sikanis asked him and others to stick to the last city wall, but Pi Lan was not convinced On the fourth day, he sneaked out to participate in the battle, and was injured in the first battle and was carried back. He was also one of the soldiers who survived the war).

Jiu Ling'er was sent five kilometers away.Omina resolutely does not want him to give it away.

"Brother, you go back." Jiu Ling'er was very disgusted with Omina calling her an adult, and after saying it a few times, Omina changed to calling him big brother.Jiu Ling'er thought it sounded very kind, as if Omina was really his sister now.

Jiu Ling'er nodded, but didn't make a sound.For three or four months, we got along day and night. Although we didn't spend much time together, because of each other's special backgrounds, we had no relatives in this world. They were connected with the same illness, and vaguely regarded each other as the only one relatives.

"Big brother and Miss Binglu are life and death friends?" Omina asked suddenly.Jiu Ling'er didn't make a sound.A few days ago, when Jiu Ling'er was chatting with Omina, Jiu Ling'er unconsciously told about Binglu because of the depression in her heart.Thinking of the few days of fleeing on the grassland, he and Binglu spent a lot of effort to take care of those women and children, and to avoid the pursuit of the Tuotu tribe.If you really want to talk about it, it can be a friend of life and death.He nodded and looked at Omina puzzled.

"If a life-and-death friend is in danger, will the eldest brother go to rescue him?"

Jiu Ling'er nodded again.He understood Omina's meaning, smiled wryly, and said helplessly: "Binglu's marriage to Mengzug this time, no matter what the reason is, it involves the stability of the Kusset Kingdom, the central Kusset and Chaikan The relationship between the Mingquan tribe and the survival of the Mingquan tribe is self-evident. If Binglu does not marry, the consequences will inevitably be serious, which will definitely affect the interests of the tribes in the central Kuset, and affect the close relationship between the Generalissimo and Chaikan, as well as Ming The lives of thousands of people in the Quan tribe. Yi Binglu is an insignificant little girl, who will care about her fate and feelings? How dare she not marry? How can I save her?"

"But brother is very painful."

"Binglu is also very painful. She is giving her a chance to escape and commit suicide, but she dare not. This is directly related to the survival of her relatives and her clan. Binglu has come to this point. Looking at it, what else can I do? How can I not do what I know I should do, how can I not make people suffer?"

Omina looked at Jiu Ling'er very sympathetically, and said softly: "If this matter affects the safety of Karad, what will big brother do? For example, this marriage made Kusaite more united and powerful, which seriously threatened Karad Germany"

Jiu Ling'er blurted out without hesitation: "Destruction."

Jiu Ling'er suddenly understood what Omina meant.For some time now, he was immersed in the misery of disappointment and loss every day, completely losing his mind.Omina's words were like a knife splitting the black cloud that covered the sun, and the golden yang gate instantly dispelled the haze in her heart.The sadness and sorrow pent up in my heart suddenly disappeared.

Jiu Ling'er thought it went well, and was very excited, he laughed. "Thank you, Omina."

Omina smiled gratifiedly: "As long as the eldest brother is happy."

Jiu Ling'er looked at Omina's beautiful and refined face, looked at her quiet and elegant eyes, and couldn't help saying in her heart: as long as you are happy.

The heavy snow began to melt slowly, and many places exposed their original black appearance.Among the mountains and fields, on the grasslands, there is a piece of white and a piece of black, which is really beautiful.Sebuhong Zhuma stood on a small hill, looking around.Going forward is Luohong Grassland, looking to the right is Rainbow Creek, and to the left is Xiaokesa Lake (a small lake beside Ni Lake).Going northwest from Luohong Grassland for five days is the boundary of Khamsha (place name).But if you walk across the frozen Little Khazar Lake, you can get close to Kamsha in just three days.

Sebuhong is the half-brother of Sebuci and one of the four chiefs of the Tuotu tribe.This time, he was ordered to take three hundred cavalry to escort Khan Munchug's wedding party.Khan Mengchug is going to marry Binglu at the spring hunting meeting at the beginning of next month.The annual spring hunting meeting is the top priority of Kusait Kingdom, and all the heavyweights from the north, central and south of Kusait are present.The first is to pay tribute to the Khan, the second is to discuss some important military and state affairs in the Kusait Kingdom, and the third is to connect the feelings among the tribes through hunting meetings and select talents.Now that Munchug holds the real power inside, with the full support of the three chiefs Mulek, Uleman, and Sebuja outside, the various forces of the Kusat Khanate have once again united, vaguely reappearing the powerfulness under the rule of Al Shinan back then. momentum.

The Tuotu tribe's loss of troops at the hands of Muleke's former bodyguard, Jiuling'er, had already annoyed Sebuji, and Humeng's request to send protons to Chaikan completely angered Sebuji.Sebuja put all the hatred on Mulek.He wanted to take revenge on Mulek, so he had an idea and recommended the most beautiful woman on the Kuset grassland to Khan Munchug.There are hundreds of women in Mengzug's tent, so he doesn't care about such a little woman, but under the strong praise of Sebuci, especially Sebuci told Mengzug that he can weaken Mulek's power, and he can also take the opportunity to win over Mingquan The tribe divided Mulek's internal forces to better control Mulek, which made Mengzug very excited, and then his lust became aroused, and he immediately sent someone to talk about marriage and set a wedding date.

Mulek loves Binglu, treats her like his own daughter, and is well known on the prairie.Although Mengzug is the Khan of the Kuset Kingdom, Muleke dislikes Mengzug's behavior from the bottom of his heart, and he will never marry Binglu to such trash.So Muleke was furious when he heard the words, knowing that Sebuja deliberately retaliated.But in this matter, he could not raise objections.Only the dumb can know the pain of eating Coptis chinensis.If you openly objected, it would be to clearly tell the tribes of the Kusait Kingdom that Mulek did not take Khan Munchug in his eyes at all, which is no different from raising the banner of rebellion.Countless tribes mistakenly believed that the relationship between the two was still incompatible because of Mulek's actions, and then some tribes who were extremely dissatisfied with Munchug would riot because of this.

Mulek now hates Sebuja very much.Last year, if he hadn't been forced by the situation to ask him to help, there would be no chance for a small tribe like Sebuci to make his debut.Who would have thought that this insidious villain not only does not want to repay, but will repay every grievance.What Mulek couldn't stand the most was that he spread the news about Yimiza all over the Kuset Kingdom.And that licentious and shameless Munchug, who turned the tide by himself and kept his throne, but he healed his scars and forgot the pain, and committed suicide.Muleke never tolerated those who might hinder Kuset's prosperity, especially the kind of villain, he suffered too much from the villain.Then he came up with the idea of ​​eradicating the Tuotu tribe and getting rid of Munchug.The two reckless people were complacent at this moment, unaware that they had been hated to the bone by Mulek, and they had to get rid of them first and then quickly.

He Lianbo approached with a horse.He is the deputy leader of Chaikan Khan's personal guards, Chief Wan, and Mengchug's confidant, and he is specially in charge of the escort work for this wedding.

"Which way does the chief think is more appropriate?" He Lianbo asked with a smile.

Sebuhong hurriedly gave half a salute on the horse, and said cautiously: "The weather is gradually getting warmer. I'm worried that the ice of Little Kaza Lake is getting thinner, and it's not safe to walk. Let's take some detours, how about going to the Rainbow Grassland?" ?”

He Lianbo glanced at him with a smile, and there was a trace of sarcasm in his eyes, "Okay. Your troops will clear the way in front, my men will stay behind, and Kazaban will protect the convoy."

Riding on a tall horse like a stab, leaning closely next to Binglu's carriage.His subordinate Scarface led 200 guards around the convoy.

"Bald wolf, the two uncles, Iron Fox Head, are besieging horse thieves all over the border like crazy. The generalissimo must have taken action again?" Gull said loudly.

Shagul also returned safely to Muleke after Muleke returned to the Red Stone Plains. Muleke was too busy to take care of him, so he sent him to the Mingquan tribe to stay with his relatives.This time, the two little guys are clamoring to go to Chaikan to attend the spring meeting to see their sister Binglu get married.He liked the two of them so much that he took them together.

Shagul's little face was flushed red with cold, and his nose kept running. "You know what a fart. The Generalissimo must be afraid that horse thieves will rob us, so he ordered his subordinates to wipe them out everywhere. Look, how valuable is my sister and so many cars of expensive dowry now." Shagul disagreed with him, and immediately refute.

Akadan sighed and said: "Looking at how unhappy my sister is, it's better to let the horse thief snatch my sister away."

"Hey! There is no horse thief with such a powerful force on the prairie. There are so many warriors here, more than 700 people, who can snatch my sister away. Even if there are, those horse thieves are not so bold." Shagul also cried for a while His face was pitiful and authentic.

"I know you will say that. Last time I told you to go to Corinia Sai with me to find Uncle Savage, why didn't you go?" Akadan said unhappily.

"Don't be stupid. Didn't you see that my sister stopped crying when she came back from Corinia? As long as my sister goes to find Uncle Savage in person, Uncle Savage will definitely come to rescue my sister. What are we going to do again? Find me on the way Guilty wow."

Akadan stopped talking.Looking at the continuous hills on the right side and the vast white forest, he suddenly said to Shagul, "Do you think Uncle Savage will come to rescue sister?"

Shagul shook his head and said, "Why don't you believe me. Uncle Savage will appear soon. Do you know why I followed?"

Akadan looked around worriedly, and said casually, "Didn't you say you want to go to Chaikan?"

"You are such an idiot. Uncle Savage is coming to rescue my sister. My sister was snatched away by Uncle Savage, why should we go to Chaikan?"

"Why is that?" Akadan wondered.

"I want to return the BMW to Uncle Savage. It was given to Uncle Savage by the Generalissimo. When I grow up, I will snatch it from Uncle Savage by my own ability."

"Haha..." Akadan looked at Shagul's serious face, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Shagul got angry and yelled loudly.

"Haha... Uncle Savage captured the fat man Henuzhan, Hulu Nage, and the king of the Uwait tribe in Koreniasai. If Uncle Humeng didn't run fast, he would have been killed Uncle Savage won the pot. You still have to beat Uncle Savage, haha..., you are too funny." Akadan laughed so hard that he fell down on the horse, and then he couldn't help it anymore, and his whole body lay on the horse's back, Laughing wildly.

Shagul's little face turned even redder with anger.He shouted angrily: "Don't laugh, I will definitely do it."

Akadan looked at him, just kept laughing wildly.Shagul couldn't bear it anymore, so he raised his whip and whipped it.

Hearing the two children arguing in the back like a stab, I felt sad for a while.He vaguely heard a lot of rumors about his father Yimiza, but Muleke didn't say anything, and the people around Muleke didn't dare to say anything, so he had no way of confirming it.But he believed in his father, and he would never do anything wrong to Kusait Country or Uncle Mulek.Even if the rumors are true, as long as Uncle Mu Leke is around, Mingquan tribe will be fine.But once Mulek is gone one day, what will the Mingquan tribe do?Binglu wants to escape.He had no choice but to tell Binglu the rumors that had recently spread throughout Kusait.Binglu went to Hongshiyuan to meet Mu Leke, and she never mentioned the escape after she came back.

Binglu was going to Coriniasai, and when she met Jiuling'er for the last time, he also stopped her.It would be even more detrimental to the Mingquan tribe if people found out that the people of the Mingquan tribe had connections with the Karad people, especially during the sensitive period after the defeat of Coriniasai.Binglu washed her face with tears all day long in Lover Mountain, so pitiful.Until Humeng came to Lovers Mountain.

Humeng looked at the frowning and worried look like a thorn, and suddenly burst out laughing.Then he said something earth-shattering.Humeng said calmly: "Mengzug and Sebuci are looking for their own death, and the time is numbered."

While looking at each other dumbfounded, Hu Meng said another sentence. "Tell Binglu to go to Coriniasai."

Kaji couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and asked, "Why do you want my little sister to go to Coriniasai?"

"Don't worry about the Mingquan Tribe, the Generalissimo has his own arrangements. The Generalissimo once said that, except for being tricked and failed miserably in the Bison River Valley, he will never allow himself to be tricked again throughout his life. This time is no exception. He wants to embarrass those who plot against him, and see who can cover the sky with one hand in the country of Kuset."

Suddenly, there was a spectrum in my heart like a stab.Munchug and Sebu irritated Mulek, and finally Mulek couldn't stand someone hindering his great cause of revitalizing the Kusait Kingdom, and he wanted to establish another Khan.

"The Generalissimo is sure that Jiuling'er will return to Kuset for the sake of my little sister?" Kathar looked at Humeng with some doubts.

Tiger laughed fiercely and didn't answer.

Kaciba knew that Jiu Ling'er was a hero who stood up to the sky and stood up to the sky.Last year, I only met Binglu once. Jiulinger, who could have gone to Karad safely, helped Binglu without hesitation. Although he finally escaped back to Karard, how could he be an outsider because of the hardships and dangers involved? all that can be known.He was already a hero in Callad after his great victory in Corinthiaser.As the leader of the garrison of Coriniaser, will he leave his post without permission and risk re-entering the country of Cuset to help the poor little girl escape the clutches of Munchug?he does not know.He looked at Binglu's desperate face, he didn't know how to comfort her.I asked her countless times if she had seen Jiuling'er in Coriniasai, but she refused to answer.This makes the piercing heart icy cold.

Shagul suddenly saw a man and a horse appearing on the snow mountain in the distance.His heart was beating violently, and he suddenly turned over and stood on the horse, trying to look up.He saw the long hair flying in the cold wind.Only Uncle Savage has long hair without any fetters.Shagul's eye sockets suddenly became moist.He raised his hands excitedly, and roared with all his strength: "Uncle Savage..., Uncle Savage..."

Akadan also saw it, he suddenly had a sore nose, and tears welled up in his eyes.He stared blankly, with adoration and admiration on his face.His heart trembled violently, and he looked up.On the snow mountain, a knight in full armor held high a blood-red battle flag.The battle flag danced wildly in the wind.Bells are ingeniously decorated on the flagpoles, and the bells can be heard far away in the wind!It makes people feel excited!
The horn of the charge resounded through the snowy field, and Binglu saw a scene that she could never forget in her life.Jiuling'er planted the red flag on the mountain, blew the horn, and one person, one rider, shot down like an arrow off the string.

Sebuhong was walking in the forefront of the team. Seeing the knight with disheveled hair rushing towards him like a lunatic in the distance, and hearing the soldiers of the Mingquan tribe behind him shouting for the savage Jiuling, he was very puzzled. He and his men A look of disbelief was exchanged.It was this insane lunatic who killed Sebukui, Sebujian, and hundreds of Tuotu warriors.That unhesitating, courageous momentum is indeed very admirable.Dare to face a huge cavalry team alone, even a lunatic must have the determination to die to have enough courage to kill.

Se Buhong looked at him coldly, and the anger that had been smoldering for a long time ignited in his heart.He waved to the next centurion: "Take 100 people up."

The centurion was so excited that he pulled out his horse first and shouted loudly: "Brothers, get rich, get rich..."

The 100 people looked excited, roared, raised their swords, followed the centurion, and rushed up the hill in a swarm.

Binglu's tears flowed down.This idiot-like savage brother, even though he was totally unwilling to take risks with him, he still came.Why did he come, and what is the significance of his coming?Even if you snatched me away, how could I disregard the Mingquan tribe and my relatives and go with you?Binglu looked desperately at Jiuling'er's galloping figure, tears blurred her eyes.

"Lulu..." He whispered softly.

"Brother..." Binglu raised her teary face and cried out in grief, "Tell him to go, tell him to go. He will die here alone."

Kaciban is in a good mood now, seeing his sister's heartbroken look, his heart softens, and he almost wants to tell her the truth, but he is afraid that Binglu will reveal his flaws when he finds out, so he resists the urge to speak out.He let out a sigh, and stared at her intently.I don't even know, but I will still have a chance to see this baby sister in the future.

"Lulu, remember, if you have a chance, you must come back to see us from Lovers Mountain." Kaji said softly.

Binglu didn't care about what he said at all, just nodded and looked at the snow-capped mountain with all her attention.She regretted going to Coriniasai very much now.If you don't go by yourself, Big Brother Savage won't come.But in her heart, she felt a little relieved that Big Brother Savage still liked her. Regardless of his own life and death, he ran all the way to the country of Kuset to save her. Although she would not go with him, she already felt that Big Brother Savage affection for her.That's enough.

At this time, Hao Lianbo led 200 people to surround them, guarding the periphery of the soldiers of the Mingquan tribe.

Jiu Ling'er came galloping along the side of the forest.The centurion of the Tuotu tribe led his men, roaring all the way to intercept them head-on.The distance between the two sides is getting closer.Jiu Ling'er suddenly pulled the reins, and the horse neighed wildly in pain.The speed of the war horse was so fast that it couldn't be stopped at all. After rushing for more than ten steps, it stood upright and hissed on the spot.The enemy on the opposite side was taken aback, not knowing what Jiu Ling'er was up to, but at such a speed, it was simply impossible to order a high-speed troop to stop.The only way is to keep going.Jiu Ling'er watched intently, took out the horn and blew the attack horn suddenly.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the dozen or so riders in the front row fell into the ground at the same time along with a huge snow field. A huge trap was like a bloody mouth waiting to be devoured, and immediately swallowed more than a dozen lives.The soldiers at the back didn't know what was going on ahead, they still urged their horses to gallop, one after another rushed into the pit, all of a sudden people screamed, screamed, crashing, splashing snow all over the sky, mixed together, The huge noise shook the snow field.The soldiers in the next few rows obviously felt that something was wrong. They turned their horses' heads and ran towards the woods while slowing down.At this moment, the howling sound of piercing long arrows piercing the air came from the woods.The soldiers were stunned, and looked into the depths of the woods one by one in despair.Countless long arrows suddenly appeared in front of them like ghosts.The soldiers instinctively uttered a heart-piercing scream, a helpless and desperate scream, followed by the sound of arrows plunging into their bodies, the sound of soldiers falling off their horses, and howling one after another.

The welcoming team stood in the middle of the snowy field. The soldiers were stunned, watching a centurion cavalry be wiped out in an instant, and they were wiped out by the unimaginable attack without even a chance to fight back.People were stunned, and the breath of death and blood filled the sky over the snow field immediately.He Lianbo whispered a few words to the guards around him.The guard turned and ran towards the convoy behind.

"Kaciban, is that Jiuling'er, the famous savage in the grassland?" He Lianbo asked after approaching Kaciban.

He nodded his head stably, still staring intently at the distant battlefield.

"Master Kaciban knows him?" He Lianbo asked casually.

With a stabbing gaze, he sneered: "This is Chaikan's jurisdiction, not my lover's mountain, so don't think too much about it. If something happens, it's all yours, and I have nothing to do with it."

He Lianbo smiled slightly, and looked at Shagul and Akadan, "It seems that these two boys know each other."

The murderous look in the piercing eyes soared, but the mouth still said calmly: "Little child, just talk nonsense."

He Lianbo showed no fear, facing the aggressive and aggressive momentum, he said in a neutral tone: "When I catch this savage, I will ask him if he knows you?"

The stabbing murderous look was even worse, he laughed loudly: "Please, my lord."

Jiu Ling'er single-handedly turned around suddenly and charged directly at the center of the convoy.With a roar, Se Buhong personally led a hundred riders, and rushed towards Jiu Ling'er like lightning.He had to admit that he underestimated the enemy, and Jiu Ling'er and his ambush troops killed a small centurion in one face-to-face.There is an ambush in the woods, and no one will take risks.Se Buhong gritted his teeth, and chased and blocked Jiu Ling'er who was galloping on the snowy field.Jiu Ling'er was lying on the horse's back with her whole body, and she had already increased the speed of the horse to the limit.He wants to surpass Sebuhong's blow from the middle.If Sebuhong ran to the front, Jiuling'er would run into the iron cavalry of the Tuotu tribe with both men and horses, and get into a melee.If you get hit by a cavalry, you will die, and you will be trampled to death by hundreds of cavalry.Only by surpassing the past, not only did Sebuhong avoid the collision intention, but also made the chasing cavalry busy turning around for a while, thus temporarily getting rid of Sebuhong's interception.

The roar of galloping horses immediately resounded through the snow-capped prairie.Jiu Ling'er nervously glanced at the Tuotu tribe's cavalry that was getting closer, and fiercely whipped the red-maned horse she was sitting on, wishing she could fly with its wings.Sebuhong and the soldiers roared angrily, their ferocious faces that wanted to eat people were clearly visible, and even their heavy breathing could be heard.The two sides will contact in a blink of an eye.Jiu Ling'er almost screamed nervously, the horse's four hooves had already vacated, it was impossible to accelerate anymore, the possibility of being hit by the side was almost a reality.Se Buhong couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart, he fixed his eyes on Jiu Ling'er without blinking, and roared with all his strength at the moment of the impact.

Jiu Ling'er suddenly pulled out the small ax from her bosom, and chopped it heavily on the horse's back.The war horse suddenly suffered such great pain, and with a long hiss, it finally inspired the most primitive strength, and it flew into the air with unprecedented strength.The impact interception disappeared in an instant.Sebuhong and the soldiers in the front row were stunned, watching the vigorous and heroic posture of the soaring horse flying through the air.

He Lianbo looked at Jiu Ling'er who was getting closer and closer, and the sarcasm on his face became more and more serious. He roared loudly: "Let the arrows, let the arrows..."

The queue for welcoming relatives was very long, about 150 meters long. More than 400 Helianbo's subordinates and stab-like subordinates surrounded them, and it seemed that there was a huge gap in defense.At this time, the last centurion of the Tuotu tribe at the front of the convoy had already begun to move towards the middle of the convoy. He Lianbo's men quickly gathered in the middle of the convoy under the command of the horn, while the soldiers of the Mingquan tribe were in the middle of the scar. Under the command of the face, they gradually concentrated on the front and back of the convoy.Kaciba led Shagul, Akadan and a dozen of his men back to the back of the carriage on which Binglu was riding.

Jiu Ling'er took the round shield from the horse and put it in front of her. While resisting the dense rain of arrows, she swung her saber and greeted her without fear.

"Suicide." He Lianbo spat fiercely on the ground, and said disdainfully.

Jiu Ling'er's horse was continuously wounded by the long arrows, and it was already driven mad by the stimulation. It hissed wildly and ran as far as it could, trying to alleviate the pain caused by the arrow wounds.In a blink of an eye, Jiu Ling'er was only 40 meters away from the convoy.His crazy roar has already made the enemy on the opposite side feel a strong murderous aura.Se Buhong commanded the cavalry to make a big circle on the snow, and began to regain strength, chasing after Jiu Ling'er.But he and the soldiers soon opened their eyes wide and let out a loud exclamation.

Long arrows, long arrows all over the sky.The enemy's attention was all attracted by Jiu Ling'er, and none of them went to guard their backs.About a hundred meters away from the left side of the convoy, there was a bulging hill.Now hundreds of riders suddenly appeared on this small hill, raising their bows and arrows one by one, and shooting dense long arrows one after another.The defensive soldiers in the middle of the convoy suffered a devastating blow. Dozens of soldiers screamed and fell unsuspectingly under their horses.With a loud scream, he grabbed Shagul with one hand and Akadan with the other, and flew upside down from the horse's buttocks.Akadan saw two long arrows nailed to the spine-like back.He Lianbo was thrown under the horse by the guards beside him. Although he escaped, the two guards were all shot to death.For a while, people shouted and neighed.

Jiu Ling'er arrived.The war horse couldn't stop running wildly, and bumped into a horse facing him, then rolled and crawled, hit four people and two horses in a row, and finally hit the carriage, and then fell to the ground and died.At the moment when the horse collided, Jiu Ling'er flew into the air, slashed an enemy who was facing her with a single blow, then raised the round shield in her left hand high to block the long arrows that came like rain, and slashed with the saber in her right hand, no matter it was People are horses, and they will chop whatever they encounter, and their flesh and blood will fly all over the place, invincible.Jiu Ling'er cut off the shaft of the car with one knife, then raised the curtain with another knife, and opened his mouth to shout. Suddenly, the excitement on his face immediately turned into fear on his face, unbelievable despair burst out from his eyes, and then came out from his throat. There was a terrifying roar.

Sitting in the carriage was a big man with a beard. A cold spear was like a poisonous snake. The moment Jiu Ling'er raised the curtain, he rushed out of the carriage and stabbed Jiu Ling'er's chest and abdomen.There was no way for Jiu Ling'er to hide, and she instinctively pressed the shield with her left hand.The spear directly broke through the round shield, stabbing at Jiu Ling'er without any hindrance.As the shield shattered, Jiu Ling'er let go of her left hand and grabbed the handle of the spear.The spear pierced Jiu Ling'er's waist, and blood flowed everywhere.With a tiger roar, Jiu Ling'er used force with his left hand to forcefully push the spear away from his body, and took three steps back at the same time.Jiu Ling'er danced wildly with the saber in her right hand, smashing all the long arrows flying towards her.The big man on the carriage was condescending, and with a loud roar, he thrust the spear into Jiu Ling'er's body again.

Grinning her teeth, Jiu Ling'er suddenly let out a wild roar, no longer cared about the long arrows that were shooting in all directions, aimed at the triumphant smiling face, and threw out her saber directly.The saber whizzed and pierced hard into the chest of the big man with the beard.Jiu Ling'er felt that as soon as she let go of her left hand, the spear had already left the big man's hands, but she was immediately hit by two arrows.Jiu Ling'er turned the spear around and swung it around. While drawing the long arrow, she shouted loudly: "Lulu, Lulu..."

Sebuhong's cavalry was running wildly, getting closer and closer.The soldiers on both sides of the convoy had woken up from their panic, and shot their long arrows at the hill a hundred meters away.

Jiu Ling'er was very anxious, if she couldn't find Binglu, this raid might end in a fiasco.In a panic, he jumped onto the carriage and roared with all his strength: "Lulu..."

Suddenly, he seemed to hear Binglu's cry.Jiu Ling'er was ecstatic in her heart and immediately calmed down.The sound of thundering horseshoes, the howling sound of long arrows piercing the air, the shouts of soldiers, the long hiss of war horses, all kinds of sounds were intertwined, making it impossible for Jiu Ling'er to identify the source of the sound.He picked up a round shield with one hand to defend against the long arrows, while looking around for ice dew.He saw the BMW that Mulek had rewarded him at the beginning was running back and forth nearby.Immediately he saw Akadan.

This bold and careful child had impressed him too deeply, and they had established a secret and deep relationship.Jiu Ling'er suddenly became happy, this Akadan will definitely give him the answer.

Akadan was lying on the ground, gesticulating back and forth on his face with his small hands, with an anxious expression on his face, and his small mouth opened and closed regularly.Jiu Ling'er shouted unconsciously: "Scarface."

Shagul nodded vigorously, then pointed to the shiny black BMW and then to the rear of the convoy.Jiu Ling'er whistled a few times, BMW heard Jiu Ling'er's familiar voice, saw the familiar owner, and immediately ran over.Jiu Ling'er leaped high from the carriage, united with the horse and flew out, and then ran wildly along the convoy.The soldiers standing outside the convoy and shooting arrows were the first to suffer the bloody massacre by Jiu Ling'er.

Sebuhong roared angrily, and ordered the soldiers to catch up.Soldiers near the convoy formed groups of three and four and began to block Jiu Ling'er's charge.

"Lulu..." Jiu Ling'er shouted loudly.Time is already very tight.If you can't find ice dew again, you have to fight to the death.

"Lulu..." Seeing Sebuhong's cavalry getting closer, Jiu Ling'er almost cried out.

white horse.Jiu Ling'er suddenly saw Binglu's peerless BMW.Without even thinking about it, he swiped his spear across, forcing back the two enemies on the side, and then clamped his legs tightly around the horse's belly.The BMW under the crotch cooperated tacitly and accelerated immediately.Jiu Ling'er gave a loud roar, the spear landed on the ground, the BMW soared into the air, and leaped high over a carriage.Jiu Ling'er saw Scarface, and saw the long arrow pointed at him by Scarface.Jiu Ling'er's mind went blank, her eyes stared blankly at the murderous scarred face.Jiu Ling'er's body still in the air fell weakly on the horse's back, while the BMW was still flying in the air.

Scarface let go of his right hand, and the long arrow that was close at hand left the longbow with a "boom".The long arrow whizzed past Jiu Ling'er's neck, and the sharp arrow clusters brought a drop of blood on the neck.Jiu Ling'er cheered, and as the panther fell to the ground, she took advantage of the momentum and kicked Scarface off the horse.One man and one horse Amidst the exclamation of Kusaite soldiers, the icy dew on the white horse's back was swept like a gust of wind.

Binglu was temporarily invited out of the carriage by He Lianbo, and rode her peerless white horse closely following Uncle Scarface.But when he saw Jiu Ling'er rushed into the carriage, she cried, she thought Jiu Ling'er would definitely die.Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Jiu Ling'er was standing on the carriage and yelling.She involuntarily agreed.She didn't know why she agreed. Could it be that she really wanted Brother Savage to take her away.cannot.I'm gone, what about the two brothers?What about Uncle Mulek?What about the loved ones in Lovers Mountain?What about the Mingquan tribe?
Binglu felt that she was about to suffocate, and she was almost out of breath in pain.She hurriedly wrapped the black cloak tightly around her body, and carefully hid behind the scarred face, for fear that Jiu Ling'er would see her.But she forgot her peerless BMW.She looked at Jiu Ling'er in panic, not knowing what to do.She wanted to go with Jiu Ling'er, but her conscience told her that she couldn't go, and she couldn't abandon her relatives.

She was picked up by Jiu Linger's waist, and she was flying in the air like flying through the clouds, and then she was hugged tightly by Jiu Linger and shot towards the snow-capped grassland like lightning.Binglu suddenly lost herself in this moment, she just wanted to be hugged by Jiu Ling'er forever like this, she didn't want to do anything, she lay comfortably in Jiu Ling'er's arms.

Scarface got up from the ground in embarrassment, and cursed angrily: "This idiot savage, what are you doing with such a hard kick?" Immediately after he saw Jiu Ling'er holding Binglu, galloping on the snow, Binglu The peerless white horse followed closely behind them.The soldiers hurriedly chased after him.

Se Buhong was so angry that he almost vomited blood.This savage was indeed superior in every way, and within a very short period of time, he made a series of strange moves and snatched the ice dew away.He roared crazily, and led the iron cavalry to leap over the convoy, barking like a mad dog, and pursued him closely.

He Lianbo now regrets his carelessness.He didn't expect that Jiu Ling'er was not only extremely brave, but also very scheming.This guy had planned for a long time, and made careful plans on the road he had to pass, so that he was hit repeatedly today, and he was hit hard in a short period of time.He Lianbo roared continuously, beckoning the soldiers to pursue quickly.

He grinned his teeth in pain from being hit by several arrows in his back like a thorn, but he was very happy in his heart. His sister was robbed, so he had to pretend no matter what, so he could only chase together.Now he hated Jiu Ling'er to death.What the hell, regardless of enemy and friend, shoot indiscriminately.I'm dead, what good is it to you.

He Lianbo left 50 people to guard the convoy, and the rest of them all dispatched to chase Jiu Ling'er.He no longer cared about the ambush in the woods, even if they robbed the convoy of property.The loss of gold and silver treasures does not matter much, but the loss of Münchug's bride will know the fate without asking.It's not that this woman is so important to Munchug, but that the Khan of the Kusait Kingdom can't afford to lose face.

More than 100 people who covered Jiu Linger's attacking convoy saw Jiu Linger's success from a distance, and immediately turned around and ran, running much faster than Jiu Linger.

Four 500-man Cusaite iron cavalry chased after them desperately.This woman is related to their wealth and life, and it would be strange not to pursue her.

Binglu suddenly opened her eyes, she heard the shouts of chasing soldiers behind her, and the sound of long arrows whistling past, she woke up startled.She thought of her brother.Binglu turned her head and looked behind.The Cusaite soldiers held their weapons high and chased after them with unprecedented madness.Immediately, she smelled the bloody smell from Jiu Ling'er's body, and felt Jiu Ling'er's heavy breathing.Binglu closed her eyes in pain.

"Brother Savage, thank you for saving me. This kindness can only be repaid in the next life." Binglu murmured to herself.She seemed to have made up her mind, and she sat on the horse slowly and straightly, and suddenly grabbed Jiu Ling'er's arms with both hands, exhaled lightly, and threw Jiu Ling'er out like that lightly, and took advantage of the situation Sitting firmly on the horseback.

Jiu Ling'er was completely defenseless, dancing in the air, following the inertia of the galloping horse, fell heavily on the snowy ground, and rolled a dozen times before stopping, the two long arrows on her body were broken, and the arrows clustered deeper into the flesh .Jiu Ling'er was so dizzy from the fall that she couldn't find the north and the south, and screamed in pain.He is stupid.I didn't expect this little girl to really know martial arts.

The pursuers who followed gave a cheer, and then went dumb again.The white horse that followed immediately saw that his master's companion had fallen off, and suddenly slowed down and stopped.Jiu Ling'er knelt on the snow, looking at the peerless BMW that was slowly running towards her, her mouth parted from laughter.Or this peerless BMW!What a god!She is much more reasonable than that little girl.

Jiu Ling'er leaped onto the horse's back, furious.This little girl deliberately didn't let me live.I came all the way to save you, but I rescued my enemy instead.Jiu Ling'er sighed in her heart, her eyes were not idle.He watched Binglu in front of him and was about to turn the horse's head, but he immediately turned over and hid under the horse's belly.The white horse immediately accelerated and galloped.

His mouth was crooked with anger.This little girl has no brains at all, stupid!Stupid! .He wished he could run up and scold her severely.Seeing her turning the horse's head and preparing to run back, she was so painful that she almost fell off the horse.What kind of world is this? My father spent so much effort to train her, yet he taught such a fool.

Seeing that Binglu was galloping back, the Kusait soldiers who were chasing cried out worriedly.Jiu Ling'er hid under the white horse's belly, and all the soldiers behind saw it.They were all anxious like ants on a hot pan, and their throats were broken.But the distance is far away, and the sound is so noisy that you can't hear it at all.

Binglu turned her head and didn't see Jiuling'er on the snowy ground, tears rolled down her eyes immediately.She originally planned to give the white horse back to Jiu Ling'er as a souvenir after turning the horse's head around.She could only repay Jiu Ling'er's affection for her by dying.Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Jiu Ling'er disappeared, and the snow was empty.Before she had time to think about it, she instinctively cried out: "Brother Savage, Brother Savage..."

The white horse came galloping.Binglu cried and screamed, looking for Jiuling'er everywhere, but she didn't pay attention at all.Jiu Ling'er jumped out from under the horse's belly, hugged Binglu, sat on the horse's back again, and whistled repeatedly, telling the horse to turn around, the black horse turned around quickly and ran after Jiu Ling'er .

Kaza-like roared happily, to vent the tension in his heart, Shagul and Akadan were young and ignorant, but they applauded loudly.The sound was inconspicuous amidst the tide of exclamation, but He Lianbo, who rode his horse and ran nearby, noticed it.He raised his head vigilantly, but saw a pair of piercing murderous eyes staring at him.He Lianbo trembled for no reason.What the hell does he want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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