Chapter 40

Bootsul's saber slashed down swiftly, chopping on the chest of an old man.

Immediately, his saber was firmly held in the hands of the black and thin old man with a pair of dry wood-like hands.He roared and drew the knife with all his strength.The old man's two hands were grasping the blade, which was already dripping with blood, and when he pulled it hard, all ten fingers were broken.Without saying a word, the old man suddenly rushed forward, allowing the enemy's saber to penetrate his entire body.Don't talk about drawing the knife now, the knife almost sank into the old man's chest even the handle.

A middle-aged man shouted, jumped up, and grabbed his neck.At the same time, he clenched a fist with his left hand and hit the face of a young man who rushed forward.The young man howled miserably, his body flew up, and his face was punched to pieces.His right leg flew up and kicked a middle-aged man hard in the crotch.The man fell down without even screaming.Immediately after Susuer's left hand, his right leg was rushed up by more people and held tightly.

No matter how he was beaten and kicked by Ren Xuesuer, the person who was holding him tightly held him tightly even if the blood was flowing, and he would not let go even if he was beaten to death.His knife was stuck in the old man's chest, and his neck, left hand, and right leg were all hugged by others. Although he had all the strength and martial arts, he couldn't use it at all.He dropped the knife and swung his right fist to hit the man who was stuck in his neck from behind.Already he was finding it increasingly difficult to breathe.Blood sprayed out with the back and forth heavy blows of the right fist.The old man in front of him couldn't hold it anymore and fell down.

But Susuer's eyes suddenly widened, and he saw four spears stabbing at the same time from different angles, and there was no way to hide.The four spears rushed towards his chest soundlessly like poisonous snakes.With Xiao Wang's desperate and shrill cry, the spear pierced into his body and penetrated his body.Xiao Wang opened a pair of horrified eyes, and saw that he was being lifted high by four spears, and blood dripped down the spear shafts like water.

Katong raised his head and looked at him with horror on his face. Katong was surrounded by four or five sabers. For a moment of hesitation, when the lights of the sabers flickered, flesh and blood flew everywhere. He was cut down to the ground, but ten Several Kusaite soldiers overcame the obstacle, rescued Katong in time, and dragged the blood-stained Katong out of the battlefield. Legs in combat boots.

There were more and more Kusaite soldiers, and the archers were caught among them, shooting cold arrows that would kill them from time to time.Under the cover of their comrades-in-arms, more than a dozen Kusaite soldiers stubbornly and resolutely built a ladder, preparing to pull out the latch on the city gate.The soldiers of the Karade army kept shooting long arrows at them.After paying more than a dozen lives, the Kusaites finally succeeded in building a tall human ladder, and quickly pulled out thick and heavy bolts from behind the city gate.

The gates are about to be opened.

The defensive formation on the western wall completely collapsed after more than a dozen defensive points were completely breached.A regiment captain who succeeded Yasu and continued to command the operation immediately ordered the remaining personnel to form three blocking formations and guard firmly at the stair passage.Do not fight to the last man, and never allow an enemy to break through the last line of defense.

The emergency drum sounded, heavy and desolate.It is announcing to all Karad soldiers that the western part of the north gate is about to fall.If there are reinforcements, come and help.

Inspector Faron heard the sound of war drums in the alarm, and was so anxious that he took a few soldiers back to the city gate.He looked at the retreating Calad warriors on the western wall, frowning deeply, helpless.He stood silently like a clay figure, as if he hadn't heard the sound of the drum, motionless looking at the bloody battlefield above and below the city.He occasionally looked up at the sky.The dark night sky is the darkest period before dawn.

Bo Lufeng personally led the reserve soldiers to climb up the city wall, preparing for the final blow, completely defeating the tenacious defense of the Kalade army on the western part of the city wall.

Through their superiority in numbers, the Kusaites concentrated their superior forces, continuously and non-stop, aiming at a point on the defense line of the Karad army, carrying out key attacks, and finally successfully tore a hole in the defense line of the city of Odessa. .

Now this gap has turned into a huge gap, and what needs to be done now is to cut through this gap again to completely defeat the overall defense of the Karade army.

Occupying the city of Odessa has gradually become a reality.Bolu Peak let out a loud roar, and led a hundred soldiers in full swing, like tigers out of the cage, and rushed towards Karade's army fiercely.

The soldiers of the Karade army lined up on the city wall more than seven meters wide, forming a dense defensive formation, never taking a step back.It was as if the Kusaites had hit an iron plate, and it was difficult to shake them at all.Every step they push, they have to step on the corpses of soldiers on both sides.The soldiers of the Karade army only fell and did not retreat.

The city gate was slowly opened.The Kusaite soldiers who were seven or eighty meters away from the city gate let out an earth-shattering cheer. They roared, shouted, and rushed towards the city gate like crazy.Faron closed his eyes in pain.

He knew that the city of Odessa was about to fall, and the overall defense of Odessa city had collapsed because of the loss of the west wall and the loss of the north gate.

The fall of the city of Odyssa is imminent.

Jiu Ling'er led 3000 two hundred riders to the outside of the city of Odessa on the eve of dawn.

The flames outside the city of Odessa were soaring into the sky, and huge flames flew into the sky from time to time. The flames reflected on the towering and majestic city, illuminating the bloody battlefield in every detail.The figures on the city wall were flying, and the army of the Kusaites was lined up neatly under the city wall, with banners and flags waving.The sound of fierce fighting, the sound of loud horns, the rapid and violent sound of war drums, and the loud and noisy shouts all gathered together to form a huge roar, as if the night opened its bloody mouth and roared.

Everyone could vaguely see that Callad's battle flag was still dancing wildly in the night wind, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xio Yifu let out a long breath as if he was relieved.Finally, he lived up to the great trust of the Inspector, and at the most critical time in Odriza City, he moved all the rescuers who could be moved here, and brought them to the foot of Odriza City without anyone noticing.In the darkness of night, he looked at the densely packed soldiers behind him.Everyone was in a heavy mood, and their uneasy faces were full of tension and worry.

He slowly turned his gaze to Jiu Ling'er.

Jiu Ling'er was riding on Xiao Hei, carefully observing the distant battlefield.The long hair draped over her shoulders blows up with the night wind from time to time.He doesn't like to wear a helmet. He doesn't like wearing a helmet by nature. He has always insisted on letting his hair down, which has caused many subordinates to comment that it is detrimental to his image. If he meets his boss, he will be mistaken for being uneducated and impolite.Jiu Ling'er ignored it and didn't listen at all.Xiao Yifu and Huo Shayun, who met him not long ago but hit it off immediately, also advised him to change his habits a little.Now he is an officer of the Karad Empire. He is not herding sheep and hunting on the desolate prairie. He should not be so sloppy anymore. This will affect his promotion and future.

Jiu Ling'er curled her lips in disdain and said a lot, what kind of future would she have?Live a life of licking blood every day, and may die at any time.future?For him, there is nothing, including his own life.Today he is alive, tomorrow he may be dead.Don't think too much, live your every day happily, this is the reality.Several people couldn't speak against him, so they gave up immediately.And the BMW he rode back from Cousette was so rare in the world that everyone rushed to give him a famous name.Jiu Ling'er didn't accept anything, so she called him Xiao Hei.Really stubborn like a cow.

Jiu Ling'er waved to the regiment captains who were following her, as well as Xiao Yifu and Huo Shayun, and everyone urged them to get together.

"The Kusaites went crazy, and they didn't let the troops rest to attack day and night. This greatly helped us. Although we traveled a long distance and the soldiers worked very hard, we have not yet reached the point of exhaustion. On the other hand, Kusaite Set people, I'm afraid I'm too tired to stand up now."

Everyone laughed when they saw Jiu Ling'er's exaggerated appearance.

"Everyone watched for a long time, talk about it, how to fight?" Jiu Ling'er seemed to have a plan in mind, looking at everyone with a smile and said.

The red beard said carelessly: "We rushed out from the dark place suddenly, and we can scare them to death. This victory is settled."

Talos, who had always been gentle and shy and cautious, also shouted proudly: "Everyone line up in a line of charge, kill anyone you meet, cut anyone you meet, and fight wherever you need."

Xiao Yifu and Huo Shayun exchanged admiring glances. Jiu Ling'er still has time to discuss combat methods with everyone at this time. She is either an idiot who knows nothing, or a brave man with extraordinary courage.And Jiu Ling'er was undoubtedly the latter kind of person.With a casual move, he lured away all the Kusaite scouts who were closely monitoring near the Black Pick River.When everyone is crossing the river slowly and happily, you can't help but admire their brains just because they are easy to use, it is definitely a talent.

Yu swear, Atzo, Wu Ermao sat on the horse and bowed his head and ears, he didn't even bother to say anything, it seemed that he was too lazy to use his brain, just waiting to listen to orders, why think so much!

Jiu Ling'er looked at Xiao Yifu and Huo Shayun.

"The archers and arrows of the Kusaites are all concentrated on the first line below the city. The troops preparing to take over the siege are on standby on the second line. The soldiers at the end of the line are all soldiers who have just been withdrawn from the city wall. The overall defensive formation is maintained very well. Neat, in the event of an emergency, we can respond quickly in a short period of time. I think we should attack from its side, and we will definitely receive very good results." Xio Yifu put forward his views in a calm manner and suggestions.

Several of Jiu Ling'er's subordinates immediately looked at him intently, secretly admiring him.As expected of the military affairs officer of the inspector's office, he really has real talents and learning.

"Attacking its flanks is bound to fail to encircle and annihilate it. From my point of view, Bo Luji's troops must have been severely attrited in the continuous days of siege battles. At most half of the 8000 troops are left. Calculated by the number of people, it is about the same as ours. Under such circumstances, we will surprise them by outflanking and annihilating them, as long as the tactics are used properly, we can completely annihilate them under the city of Odessa." Huo Shayun immediately retorted.

Huo Chayun was brave and fearless, bold and careful, and his tone was extremely loud. He even proposed a bold idea to wipe out the enemy army, which stunned Talos and others.

The red-bearded Alan knew him in the early years, and immediately gave him a thumbs up when he heard the words, which means that you are really awesome and powerful, and I am convinced.

"My lord, how can you be sure that the Kussets have lost at least 4000 people?" Atzo turned towards the city of Odessa, looked left and right, but couldn't see how the Kussets' army was only 4000 people.

"Look at the city tower."

Huo Chayun pointed to the city of Odessa and said to Atzo: "On our side of the city wall, our battle flags are gone, and all the flags flying are the battle flags of the Kusaites. This shows that after another For a period of time, the north gate of the city of Odessa is about to fall. That is to say, almost all the soldiers of our army defending the north gate have been killed. There are at least 4000 people in the city of Odessa, and the north gate is very important, at least 2000 people are enough. According to the conventional calculation, the loss ratio of the two sides in a siege battle is about five to one. But for the heroic Hu people, and they are unexpected, this calculation should be half. So I said that if our army If all 2000 people die, the enemy will have to pay at least 4000 people.”

Atzuo suddenly realized, and nodded in conviction.In his heart, he admired this horse thief who was once rampant on the prairie, just like himself.No wonder this kid is wanted even if he is no longer a horse thief. "

"The Kusaite army in front of us is still in an orderly formation, stable and undisturbed, which shows that the losses of the siege troops are still within the range they can bear. Besides, our army is still holding on to the city wall and has not abandoned the north gate. Can this prove from the negative side that the enemy's loss is not as much as what the adults said?" So Laxin, who has been silent all the time, said on the side.

"I don't agree either. It's better for our army to repel the enemy and temporarily lift the siege of the city of Odessa by the Kusaites. This risk cannot be taken. Once the enemy cannot be eaten, it will be deadlocked on the battlefield with the other party." At this time, as long as the fierce troops rush over from the east gate, we will be surrounded and wiped out." Xiao Yifu said firmly.

Huo Shayun stared unconvinced, and opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by Jiu Ling'er.

"Brother Huo, Brother Shaw's idea is right. It is really not suitable to take risks at this time, and the first goal is to make a surprise attack. Listen to what I think."

"The archers and arrows of the Kusaites are at the forefront of their entire formation. Whether we use a line or a geese formation, we cannot deal a devastating blow to them. But when we turned around for the second attack, the enemy's bows and arrows The troops may reorganize soon and shoot violently at our flanks, which will cause heavy casualties to our flanks." Jiu Ling'er said with a smile.

"So, I plan to launch an attack from the enemy's flank with a diamond formation. The left wing of the diamond formation is the main striker, and it will attack the Kusaite's bow and arrow troops first. It must be scattered and defeated to prevent them from organizing an effective counterattack. , Seriously injured our army. I led the scout team, 200 people from the logistics team were in the front, 600 people from the Feather Alliance Captain were in the middle, and Brother Shaw's [-] riders were behind."

"The center of the rhombus array is also used as the main attack. Brother Huo's 600 people are in the front, and Talos's 600 people are behind. The enemy's fresh troops preparing to attack the city are concentrated here, and their defensive and counterattack capabilities are the best. Vicious, so the attack in the middle is the most difficult and dangerous."

"The right wing of the rhombus array is an auxiliary attack. The siege troops that the Kusaites retreated to rest are all here, and they should be some exhausted troops who can't fight any more. Once we start a surprise attack, we will first flee in fear and destroy the enemy's overall defense. The gap in the formation is here. The main purpose of our army is to disperse them and annihilate them as much as possible on the basis of dispersal. The 600 men of the red beard undertake this task."

"Do you have any different opinions and opinions?" Jiu Ling'er asked.

Everyone shook their heads unanimously.Jiu Ling'er's attack method is simple and applicable, with clear purpose and impeccable.

"Do you all know what you are doing?" Jiu Ling'er asked again, "I don't know, I can explain it again."

Seeing that everyone was excited and eager to try, Jiu Ling'er immediately smiled and waved: "Go back and regroup. Let's go."

Uncle Tizha led a logistics team of more than two hundred skilled fighters and quickly stepped forward, forming a team with Solasin's scout team, neatly lined up behind Jiuling'er's horse.The messengers were running around in the night, the tension and busyness before the great war came.

Jiu Ling'er turned her head to look at the solemn-looking old man Tiza, and a thought suddenly flashed in her mind: This veteran will definitely get his wish fulfilled in the future, and die with him on the battlefield.

Uncle Tiza smiled at him, took out an arrow from the quiver behind his back, and put it on the bow.Jiu Ling'er kicked the horse's belly fiercely, Xiao Hei was in pain, and with a long hiss, he galloped out first.

Suo Laxin and Uncle Tiza lead their teams to keep up.Yu vowed to lash the horse with a whip, and led his team to start moving.

At the same time, Huo Shayun's troops in the middle also set off simultaneously.The troops of Theo Yifu, Talos, and Redbeard were basically in a line, and then their cavalry slowly sank into the boundless darkness.

Jiu Ling'er's heart was like still water.His whole body lay on Xiao Hei's back, and his body rose and fell rhythmically with Xiao Hei.He closed his eyes, let the strong wind blow his face, and enjoyed the fun of running freely.It is getting closer and closer to the city of Odessa.Soldiers can clearly hear the shouts and screams on the battlefield, the clash of swords and guns, the sound of horns and drums below the city; they can clearly distinguish the smell of blood floating in the air, The scorched smell after burning the trees, and the tragedy and pain that permeated the battlefield.

Bo Luji was very excited. He sat on the horse, full of spirits, and felt that his ability was no worse than Muleke.Mulek didn't take down the Corinian fortress, but he did take down the city of Odriza.Seeing that the overall situation on the west wall had been settled, he finally showed a smug smile on his face.Immediately, he prepared to send a reserve force to reinforce the Heimoli tribe at the city gate.

At this moment, the war horse he was sitting on suddenly jumped up in place, and Bo Luji almost fell off the horse because he was inattentive.

Immediately afterwards, more war horses were uncharacteristically, or raised their heads and neighed, or moved their hooves, or shook their heads and tails.

Bolu Jifeng looked around vigilantly, feeling vaguely that something was wrong.

Jiu Ling'er slowly sat up straight from the horse, and took the spear in her hand.He seemed to be able to absorb some mysterious power from the spear, and suddenly he seemed to be a different person, completely without the smiling expression just now, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.He was hoarse, and roared loudly: "Blow the horn, move forward at full speed..."

On the battlefield, the Karade army mainly used semaphore and war drums and golden gongs to command the troops to change formation and advance and retreat.Jiu Ling'er thinks that the flag language is silent, how many people will look up at the command flag behind them when they are free on the battlefield of fierce fighting, and soldiers fighting at night can't see the flag, so they lack flexibility.Although war drums and golden gongs are good, they are not convenient for cavalry to carry and use compared to horn horns.Only the horns are suitable for cavalry.Regardless of their size, they can be hung around the neck or waist, and they can ride on high-speed horses at the first time and issue orders.So Jiu Ling'er insisted on using the bullhorn in the cavalry.

The sound of a huge bull horn suddenly tore through the dark scene and went straight into the sky.Bo Luji stared wide-eyed, staring into the depths of the darkness in surprise.He didn't know which force it was and why it suddenly appeared here.But he is familiar with the oxhorn, which is the sound of a pure oxhorn.So he, like all Cusaite soldiers, intuitively thought that this was his reinforcements.The sound of horseshoes running like thunder became clearer and louder, and finally turned into a roar.Nine
Ling'er turned her head and saw that the cavalry army was divided into three huge torrents, and the morale was like a rainbow, sweeping towards the Kusaite army overwhelmingly.He felt that his whole body was boiling with enthusiasm, and a wave of pride spewed out from his heart, so excited that he wished he could jump away with the galloping horse.He raised his spear high and roared with all his strength: "Accelerate...accelerate..."

The sound of the huge bullhorn came from the depths of the darkness again, and accompanied by the roar of galloping horses, an atmosphere of tension and fear instantly enveloped the hearts of every soldier in the city, and the mysterious and terrifying sense of fear almost made them suffocate up.He was already very close to his own army, and he was still blowing the charge. If it wasn't an enemy, it would be hell.Even if it is the army of the Kusaites, it is the army of its own enemy.

Bo Luji's complexion changed drastically, and he roared hoarsely: "Defense formation, defense formation, enemy surprise attack, surprise attack..."

Before his shout fell, the horn soldiers around had already sounded the alarm horn, and the rapid and low sound of the horn sounded all over the battlefield in an instant.The soldiers were at a loss, not knowing what was going on.Although the roar of the galloping horses has covered all the sounds on the battlefield, and although the hearts of the soldiers are tightly oppressed by the unknown forces in the depths of the darkness, they still subconsciously make quick decisions under the command of the siren. To meet the enemy's reaction.

But Boluji and his men knew at once that all this was futile.

One person and one rider suddenly flew out of the darkness, their flowing long hair dancing wildly with the wind.

Jiu Ling'er brandished her spear and shouted loudly: "Kalad for me, kill..."

Uncle Tiza, Solasin, Liezha, and the horn soldiers echoed in unison: "Kill..."

The sound of killing suddenly resounded, shaking the entire dark night.More cavalry soldiers heard the shout, and they followed behind with all their strength and shouted: "Kill..."

The Karad iron cavalry was like a ghost in the night, the killing sound shook the sky, and suddenly rushed out of the thick darkness.They were like a flood that broke the embankment, whistling, roaring, and roaring all the way, carrying the wind and thunder all over the sky, and with the momentum of thunder, they rushed towards the Kuset army with a thunderous momentum.

On the city wall, Bolu Peak led hundreds of assault fighters forward with difficulty and bloody.The soldiers on both sides had become ferocious beasts, tangled together, tearing at each other, hacking with knives, hacking with axes, poking with spears, and biting with their teeth.On the top of the city wall, which was only a few tens of steps away, there was already a thick layer of corpses, and blood accumulated on the ground and began to trickle down the stone steps.They only hear the enemy's screams in their ears, and only see the enemy's body in their eyes. Nothing is more important to them than killing each other.

Bo Lufeng was hacked several times, and his body was dripping with blood.Several guards pulled him out from the pile of dead people.He lay prone on the city wall, opened his mouth wide with difficulty, panting heavily.Immediately he saw the cavalry army galloping out of the darkness.He yelled in despair, but what came out of his throat was a barely human whimper.

Bo Luqin stood on the left wing of the army and commanded.He stared dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes.Could it be that this support army of the Caladians emerged from the ground?Bo Luqin almost shouted nervously: "The bow and arrow are ready..."

Behind him there are no archers, no spearmen.Because it was a siege, the archers were all transferred from their respective troops and concentrated under the city wall.During the siege of the city, the spearmen used their battle knives and battle axes to act as the front army of the assault force.Behind him, besides his own bodyguards, were swordsmen and axemen. They were the reserve team preparing for the next attack on the tower.He can only choose to retreat, and he retreats alone.

"Launch, launch at will..." Bo Luqin roared loudly while kicking his horse back.The archer on the left immediately aimed a head-on blow at the cavalry army rushing out of the darkness.The long arrow roared, screaming like a ghost, and rushed towards the crazy-looking Karade soldiers with all their teeth and claws.

Bo Luji was so anxious that he ordered the trumpeter loudly and blew the horn to retreat. "Order all siege soldiers to retreat immediately."

"Notify Tiger Meng, immediately stop the siege, and rush to the north gate as quickly as possible to cover our army's retreat."

"Order the right-wing reserve troops to move closer to the central army, assemble a dense defensive formation, and delay the enemy's attack speed."

The dense rain of arrows shot into the fast-moving iron cavalry army, and immediately some soldiers were marching at high speed, or they fell off their horses from arrows, or turned their backs on their backs.The soldiers of the Karade army ignored them at all, and still galloped wildly.

The shield soldiers standing in the front row were stunned by the overwhelming ferocity of Calad's iron cavalry. They retreated subconsciously, as if they could avoid being hit by the enemy's iron cavalry.After shooting two arrows, the archers were already within easy reach of the Karad soldiers.Their defense was the worst. When they were unstoppable, they took the lead in turning around and starting to scatter towards the rear of the army.

With the help of the huge impact brought by the galloping horse, Jiu Ling'er's spear first picked and killed a shield soldier.The shield soldiers screamed and flew in the air, falling heavily into the ranks of the archers.The two armies collided, and there was a huge and dull roar. This sound resounded across the battlefield and struck heavily in the hearts of Kusaite soldiers, horrified and terrified.

"Kill..." the soldiers of the Karad army shouted, brandishing their sabers fiercely.The war horses under them were galloping and roaring, hitting all the enemies that blocked their progress.

The Kusaite soldiers are like boats in the stormy sea, and like fallen leaves in the strong wind, helpless and weak, they are cruelly trampled, trampled, hit, and chopped down by this huge force that suddenly descends from the darkness Then, they simply don't have any power to fight back.The flight of the archers aggravated the fear of the Qusait army and accelerated their death.

Jiu Ling'er took the lead, stabbing left and right with the spear in his hand, there was absolutely no possibility of escape from the spear.The spear in Solasin's hand was like a poisonous snake that devoured the life of the enemy with impunity.Uncle Tizha bowed his bow left and right, his long arrows roared fiercely, every arrow was sure to hit.Liezha's saber is like a whirling millstone, whoever hits it will die.The soldiers of the scout team and the logistics team all fought bravely and fought fiercely.

Faron suddenly opened his eyes.When the rapid and deep ox horn sounded suddenly in the dark night, Faron's desperate heart that had almost stopped beating started beating violently again.He opened his eyes wide and looked towards the roaring battlefield.Under the illumination of dozens of huge bonfires, the entire battlefield can be seen at a glance.He saw that the formation of the Kusaite army under the city was rapidly adjusting, and the soldiers seemed very panicked and nervous.

The Cusaite soldiers on the western wall suddenly retreated along the ladder like the tide when they had completely gained the upper hand.The siege battle on the eastern section of the city wall slowly came to an end with the sound of the retreat horn.Only the battle downstairs of the city gate continued.But Kadong's archers had already withdrawn first, occupying a favorable position under the city, and were preparing to cover the withdrawal of the soldiers in the city.Throughout the battlefield, the horns of emergency retreat kept coming and going, completely covering up the sound of fighting on the battlefield.

The sudden tense atmosphere almost froze the bloody battlefield for a while.Faron heard a huge impact, like a hammer breaking a war drum, deep and powerful but implied the sound of ruin.Immediately he saw that the enemy's right flank began to ripple like water in a pond, and then the ripples turned into waves, and the waves shook immediately, and then the entire enemy's right flank began to vibrate.

Faron couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart, and roared loudly: "Beat the drum, beat the drum..."

The remaining soldiers and civilians on the tower hadn't been immersed in the bloody and cruel fight for a while, and they hadn't had time to believe that the vicious enemy would suddenly retreat.The drums of war thundered like thunder.This is the drumbeat of victory, this is the drumbeat of victory over the enemy.The soldiers and the people in the city woke up from the blood.They were finally looking forward to reinforcements, and at the moment they were about to collapse, they were looking forward to reinforcements.

The sound of war drums and cheers resounded through the city of Odriza in an instant.

Feather oath, Atezor's [-] cavalry rushed into the battlefield immediately after Jiu Ling'er led the advance troops, and quickly expanded the impact surface for intercepting and killing the enemy's bow and arrow soldiers.Kusait's soldiers fought fiercely while running away at high speed.They are good at riding and archery. Although they don't have horses, their individual combat capabilities are still outstanding.Their precise shooting skills and combined attacks of small units caused a lot of casualties to the soldiers of the Karad army.

Huo Chayun led [-] cavalry into the middle of the left wing of Kusaite's army.Huo Shayun was riding a fiery red war horse and wearing a blood red battle robe. Under the reflection of the fire, it looked like a burning fire soaring on the battlefield.His broadsword was wide, heavy, and extremely sharp. When he swung it, he could only see the light of the knife flickering, his head flying, and blood spraying everywhere.

The new force of the Kusaites was hit head-on by the Karad army, causing heavy casualties.But their ferocious nature was not intimidated by the blood in front of them.After the initial panic, they began to fight back, their swords and axes raining down on the horses and soldiers of the Karadian cavalry.Enemies are crazy.

The six hundred riders of Theoyev on the left, the six hundred riders of Talos in the middle, the six hundred riders of Urma, and the six hundred riders of Redbeard Alan on the right. The three horses roared like thunder and rushed onto the battlefield almost at the same time.The joining of the main iron cavalry was like stabbing a fatal knife on a dying enemy.The left wing of Kusait's army collapsed in an instant.

The enemy's bow and arrow troops were routed very quickly. Jiu Ling'er and the cavalry had no resistance.

Huo Chayun's troops were violently blocked by the enemy.The siege reserve team of the Kusaites was full of energy, and their desperate fighting style gradually slowed down the speed of the Karad army's iron cavalry.Speed ​​is the soul of a cavalry unit. Without speed, cavalry will only be beaten on the battlefield.At this moment, Talos' follow-up troops rushed in.In an instant, the Karade army was like a flood that broke the embankment, without any fetters, and poured down with a force of destruction.The blocking enemy soldiers were immediately swept away by the surging iron cavalry, and were submerged by the rolling torrent in a blink of an eye.

When the horn of retreat sounded, the Kusaite soldiers who had been withdrawn from the siege battlefield in the early stage, dragged their exhausted bodies as fast as possible, and gathered towards the left wing of the army.They hoped to gain the time and opportunity to withdraw safely with the help of the left-wing troops.However, it was too late.The red-bearded cavalry swept in like a gust of wind, facing the enemies who had no ability to resist, only shouting and fleeing desperately, they carried out a merciless and bloody massacre.

The morale of the soldiers of the Heimoli tribe under the tower was low.They experienced a tragic fight in the city gate tower and paid a heavy price. Just when they were about to firmly occupy the city gate, they fell short.They had to retreat as ordered.

On the battlefield below the city gate, there were only a dozen or so remaining soldiers of the Karad army shouting, and the people with high morale, encouraged by the sound of thunderous drums on the city tower, fought against the stubborn enemy. Launched a fierce attack.They broke through the barriers defended by the enemy soldiers, and several or even a dozen people besieged a Kusaite soldier.The Kusaite soldiers had completely lost their fighting spirit. They looked at the surging crowd in horror and fled.

The crowd passed through the still burning city gate and rushed out of the city.They stood still, and they saw an exciting scene.They burst into tears, weeping with joy, reinforcements have arrived, reinforcements have arrived!

Jiu Ling'er's troops have all been deployed. Under the command of the loud and clear ox horns, the morale of the soldiers is like a rainbow, roaring, roaring, like a rounded sword, whistling, with the momentum of thunder He slammed it down hard.The Kuset army who had been stabbed was howling and crying, their livers and gallbladders were torn apart, and they were running like wolves, unable to fight any more.

Bo Luji looked helplessly at the soldiers who were withdrawing from the city wall, feeling as if a piece of flesh had been cut off, in great pain.There was no time left for them to retreat safely back to the siege camp.The defensive formation of the army has been broken, and the whole army is in a rout.The enemy's reinforcements descended from the sky like ghosts, and their cavalry swarmed in, and all life on the battlefield would be swept away by them.The defeat is over, and there is no possibility of salvation.

Bo Lufeng thought of Hu Meng.As long as Humeng leaves the Dongcheng battlefield as soon as possible to come to the rescue, the troops will be able to get out of danger and minimize losses.At this moment, he suddenly and completely understood Humeng's state of mind when he suffered a disastrous defeat at the Corenia Fortress that day.When victory is at your fingertips, it is like the moon in the water or the flower in the mirror, illusory and out of reach.

Bo Lu invaded Pegasus and rushed over, shouting loudly: "Let's go quickly, we are afraid that it will be too late."

Bo Luji glared at him angrily, and shouted loudly: "There are still thousands of soldiers retreating on the city wall, how can they just ignore it and leave?"

"We will lose all our archers immediately. Without their cover, our retreat will be very dangerous, and we are very likely to be attacked by the enemy. At that time, you will not be able to leave even if you want to. Hurry up and order the right wing troops to leave the battlefield , quickly retreat." Seeing that Bo Luji was a little irritated and commanding abnormally, Bo Luqin hurriedly reminded him.

Bo Luji was horrified when he heard the words, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.He saw the battle flags of the Wild Boar Tribe and the Black Cloud Tribe slowly moving towards the central army, and immediately felt that he had made a wrong judgment on the situation on the entire battlefield.Now that the enemy's reinforcements have all been deployed, it can be clearly seen that the enemy's main attack direction is its own bow and arrow troops and siege reserve troops.On the contrary, the main force was not invested in the weakest rear army, and that was the best direction for his retreat.The enemy's reinforcements attacked from their own flanks. They charged in a straight line from north to south, and there was no way to turn suddenly to the east.But the direction of his withdrawal is to the east.As long as you move fast enough, you can avoid the enemy's thunderbolt and withdraw as many troops as possible.His horn ordering the retreat of the right wing and the rear immediately sounded all over the battlefield.

Brownstone and Junhao led their troops and quickly disappeared into the darkness at an incredible speed.

Under the pursuit of the iron cavalry led by the red beard, the Cusaite soldiers in the rear army were torn apart and scattered like birds and beasts. Instead, the soldiers of the Karad army who were arranged in a dense charge formation were at a loss. go ahead.Redbeard chose the latter.It is wrong to lose the speed of the cavalry in order to kill the enemy's soldiers.

When Jiu Ling'er heard the enemy's horn, she immediately roared loudly: "Accelerate, accelerate with all your strength..."

The passionate and loud horn sounded like thunder on the battlefield with roaring horseshoes, and suddenly exploded in the dark night sky, shaking every soldier on the battlefield.

"Kill..." Accompanied by roars and roars that shook the earth, the most primitive killing hearts of the soldiers were finally ignited.They frantically drove their horses, and slashed at the enemy with even more fearless bravery.

Huo Chayun's troops once again encountered great resistance.Bo Luji's main force, under the command of the little leader Bo Lulin, vowed to stop it.In front is the central army of the Kusaite army. The huge Boru battle flag is flying high in the night sky. It seems to tell all the soldiers who are fighting bloody battles that the flag has not fallen, the battle is still going on, and the commander is still commanding.

Looking at the approaching Karade army, Boluqian suddenly saw a huge red battle flag, with a disheveled grimace drawn in the middle of the battle flag, and the crisp sound of bells and bells could be faintly heard on the flagpole.He yelled nervously: "Jiu Ling'er, it's the wildling Jiu Ling'er's troops. Withdraw, withdraw quickly."

Immediately, Bo Luji was surrounded by the guards, and together with Bo Luguo, they hurriedly fled on horseback.

Huo Chayun's sword slammed on Bo Lulin's mace with the momentum of his horse.Bo Lulin let out a miserable cry, his jaws split open, and the mace flew out of his hands.Before he could stand still, a spear pierced him, and he was thrown far behind the cavalry army of the Karade army.Immediately, he was trampled into a pulp by countless horseshoes.

"Cut it down..." Huo Chayun roared, brandishing a big knife, and shouted hoarsely: "Cut down the enemy's battle flag, cut it down..."

A Calad soldier heard the sound and stabbed the rear of the horse with a knife.The war horse suffered from pain, neighed and jumped up high, and ran into the big banner of the Kusaites.The enemies guarding the battle flag were not afraid of life and death, they raised their weapons and aimed at the horses and knights in the air almost at the same time.

There was a loud "boom", and the flagpole was hit hard by the body of the flying horse, and it was immediately broken in the middle.The huge Bolu battle flag immediately fell to the ground along with half of the flagpole.On the huge body of the war horse, more than a dozen swords were inserted in front and back. Before it died, it followed the inertia and violently killed several enemy soldiers.The knight on horseback was hit by several long arrows, and he fell to his death.

The Cusaite soldiers suddenly lost their last support in their hearts, and their tenacious will to fight finally collapsed with the chaotic and indiscernible sound of horns.The battlefield suddenly seemed to stop for an instant, and then a terrifying roar resounded through the night, and the Cusaite soldiers began their desperate and chaotic escape.

Almost all the war drums in the entire city of Odessa were beating.Dawn suddenly opened the shady scene.

The soldiers of Kusaite panicked one by one, running and fleeing like lifeless, stretching for several miles.With great difficulty, with the help of the soldiers, Bo Lufeng snatched a batch of war horses and tried to escape.

Xio Yifu and his cavalry were blown like a whirlwind, smashing and slashing, more than a dozen enemies were immediately wiped out.Xiao Yifu's iron halberd mercilessly swung away the saber from Bolu Peak, and pierced into his chest.Bo Lufeng cried and was raised high by Xio Yifu's halberd.A cavalry galloped past, his sword flew up, and chopped off his head with a single blow.Katong was tied to a horse by his subordinates, and led by his subordinates, he fled eastward quickly.Redbeard and the soldiers chased after him, and they killed several Kadong guards in a row with arrows and knives.The red beard swung the big knife with all his strength, and the big knife whizzed down amidst Katong's desperate roar, hacking both the man and the horse to death.

In the cold dawn, Jiu Ling'er's iron cavalry slaughtered all over the battlefield, and they chased down the enemy's fleeing direction like wild horses with bloody terror.Outside the city of Odessa, Karad's iron cavalry, led by the blood-red Nine Bells battle flag, was like a stormy sea, overwhelming the fleeing enemies of Karad with overwhelming momentum.

Suddenly, a long, desolate horn sounded on the left side of Karad's army.Jiu Ling'er Muran, who was screaming wildly, was shocked when he saw the tiger's ferocious battle flag, and he roared almost without thinking: "Arrange, re-arrange..."

The fierce force attacked only once throughout the second half of the night.He seems to have a tacit understanding with Tiankai in the east of the city. One does not attack, and the other orders the soldiers to fall asleep on the city.Although the battle in the direction of the north city gate was extremely fierce, and the sound of war drums calling for help resounded throughout the city of Odessa, Tiankai sat on the tower, unmoved at all.After Hu Meng received the news from Bo Luji, the look of horror on his face made Tie Hutou who was standing by the side startled, and only then did he know that there had been an unexpected change in the battle situation in Odessa.

"Quick horse told Bald Wolf to immediately retreat to Green Water Bay."

"Kazan, you lead the siege troops to retreat to Green Water Bay as quickly as possible."

"Hutou, gather a thousand cavalrymen and follow me to the north of Oderusa City to meet Bo Luji's troops retreating."

All of a sudden, all kinds of horns sounded from all over the Kusset army.

Tiankai stood on the tower, and what he saw was no longer the familiar scene where the enemy was about to attack, but the frequent mobilization of the Kusaites preparing to retreat.He saw a large army of cavalry, disorganized, hurrying off into the night.Tian Kai laughed. He raised his arms and shouted excitedly: "Reinforcements are coming. Our reinforcements are here."

With the sound of horn horns, the galloping Iron Knights of Calad stopped suddenly.Under the guidance of their respective battle flags, they began to face east and reorganize their charge queue.

Holding a spear in her hand, Jiu Ling'er stood at the forefront of the team, silently watching the Cusette cavalry approaching in front of her.He watched the fierce battle flag and his heart beat violently.He turned around and roared: "Spread out the geese and prepare to meet the enemy."

The distance between the two sides is 700 meters.This distance is the optimal acceleration distance for the cavalry to start attacking.Jiu Ling'er raised her spear high.Xiao Hei raised his front legs and hissed his neck, preparing for a new round of galloping.Seeing Jiu Ling'er raising his spear, the horn soldiers quickly put the horn to their mouths, ready to blow the horn to charge at any time.

At this moment, Jiu Ling'er discovered that the Tiger's troops had actually stopped.Jiu Ling'er laughed.This fierce tiger is smart.Jiu Ling'er's troops were already a little tired after a long night's journey. In addition to the fierce and brutal battle just now, the soldiers' physical strength had reached their limit. Even if this army wins by chance, there is not much left.

Jiu Ling'er's cavalry unit was pieced together with great difficulty by him. We lived and trained together for more than half a year, and he would not be willing to ask him to fight to the death.

Humeng was unwilling to fight again.He has only 1000 troops, and when the main force is defeated and morale is low, even if he fights one battle, he will lose more than win.As long as he stopped the Karad's chasing troops, he would have completed the task.He guessed that the raiding force of the Caladians must also be unable to fight again, so he wanted to take a gamble.He won the bet.

Jiu Ling'er slowly lowered the spear she held high.He turned his head and saw the tense faces of the bugle soldiers behind him, as if they were engrossed in the face of an enemy, he couldn't help laughing.The soldiers didn't understand why their lord had time to have fun by himself at this time, and they all looked at him puzzled.

"Brother Humeng is really good at predicting things." Iron Hutou couldn't help admiring when he saw that Karade's army did not take the initiative to launch an offensive as expected by Humeng.

Humeng smiled bitterly, and said slowly: "The opposite is Jiulinger."

Two late-night raids, both of which were utter defeats, Humeng's heart suddenly burst into anger.This savage boy who used to be like an idiot turned out to be a hidden master. If he had known how powerful he was, he might as well have killed him.Humeng couldn't help but think of Mulek.The generalissimo is the eye of wisdom.He repeatedly praised Jiu Ling'er in front of him, but why did he keep ignoring his existence?The result was yet another defeat.

Iron Fox was silent.We used to be comrades in arms fighting side by side, but now we have become enemies.He suddenly thought of Uncle Adaku Rum.What would the old man think if he was still alive?Would he regret having turned a fool into a terrible enemy?
A round of red sun is rising slowly, and the morning glow reflects half of the sky red.All creatures on the earth are bathed in the golden sunlight, appearing warm and peaceful.The crystal clear dewdrops lie docilely on the newly green leaves, enjoying the warmth of the rising sun.

After watching the fierce team leave slowly, Jiu Ling'er led the cavalry back to the city of Odessa, and set up a camp far away from the battlefield.Jiu Ling'er, Xiao Yifu, and Huo Shayun immediately rushed to the city of Oderusa to meet the Inspector Faron and the mayor of Oderusa Hely.

Faron happily grabbed Jiuling'er's big hand, praised him repeatedly, and introduced him to Hely, the mayor of Odessa City.

Hely was a well-known maester with profound knowledge.He has a refined appearance and a serene demeanor, and he looks like a man who has read a lot of poetry and books.In this regard, Faron is far inferior to him.The majestic Inspector Faron looks like an old farmer who is still farming in the mountains.

Helly just nodded slightly as a greeting.To him, a small regiment commander, a slave of the Kusaites, and a savage who didn't know where he came from were simply lowly-born warriors. He didn't even bother to look straight at him, let alone say hello.

Seeing his haughty expression, Jiu Ling'er didn't pay much attention.He is a little man with a low official rank, and he is indeed not qualified to associate with these people.

At this moment, Tian Kai, the supervisor, walked in.Tiankai is in his 30s, tall but not muscular, with a fair complexion.He looked less like a soldier than a learned scholar.

After meeting with the two adults, Tian Kai immediately walked to the right of the two adults and prepared to sit down.Jiu Ling'er, Xiao Yifu, and Huo Shayun hurriedly left the table to salute.Tian Kai worked hard and helped them up one by one.

"You are the recently famous Jiu Ling'er?" Tian Kai patted Jiu Ling'er's shoulder vigorously, and praised: "He is really a good guy. Hearing a hundred things is better than seeing one."

"I have found this famous warrior in the east, which is enough to make those Kumans frightened." Tiankai turned his head and said to Faron who was sitting on the top.

Farong nodded again and again, and said with a smile: "Little cute guy led the army all the way to break the siege of Odessa and severely injured the Kuset people. He has made a lot of contributions and should be rewarded heavily."

Jiu Ling'er hurriedly said: "Xiaguan, Brother Yifu, and Brother Huo, two colleagues, followed the orders of the adults, and worked together day and night to come here. Fortunately, they did not disgrace their orders and defeated the enemy in the raid. The adults in the city led the soldiers to resist bravely. , Without flinching, the credit is great. Whether inside or outside the city, the soldiers fought bravely to kill the enemy. If we talk about the credit, it should be theirs."

Faron nodded appreciatively, "Little cute guy is right. Whether it is the soldiers defending the city or the soldiers who came to support, their contribution is the greatest. Without their bloody battles, the city of Oderusa would be in danger. It was captured by the Kusets. And the people of Odessa City, they also paid a huge price and sacrificed in the battle of defending the city. We should thank them well."

"However," Faron's tone sank, and he immediately said seriously: "The city of Odessa was only temporarily relieved. Although the raid in the early morning severely damaged Bo Luji's siege army and wiped out two or 3000 of them, the attack on the east city However, the Humeng troops retreated unharmed. The Humeng troops plus the escaped Boluji remnants, and after deducting the 3000 to 7000 people they lost in their siege a few days ago, their army still has [-] to [-] troops. The city of Odessa is still a huge threat. What do you think of the future development of the battle?"

Heli, the mayor of Odessa, looked solemn, and continued slowly: "There is still no news from the direction of Corenia, and it is estimated that there has not been any battle with Lord Luzes. You can continue to stay in Odyssa for a while. But the emergency documents from the north are being delivered like snowflakes every day. The Marizius Governor Army in the Amprela area led the troops to stick to the city of Syratos. It has been more than ten days since the fierce attack of Tittoer, the general of the royal court of Cusit, the siege must have been extremely fierce, and the situation is now very critical. And Amprela's reinforcements were surrounded by the Tuotu tribe army of Kussett. In the city of Epinosa, it is difficult to move an inch. Looking at the entire battle situation in the north and south, if you want to make a breakthrough, you must defeat one of the enemy's roads in order to effectively contain the enemy's attack from the other road."

"Does your lord mean that we should defeat the enemies of Odrisa first?" Tiankai asked.

"Lord Guardian is right. I have discussed with Lord Helli for a long time, and I feel that the enemy who attacked Odrisa suffered a disastrous defeat just before they succeeded, and their morale must be low. In order to completely reverse the situation, the breakthrough point may be the general Kusaite, Boluji and Humeng." Faron said slowly, stroking the goat's red beard.

"Although the strength of the two sides is very different, we have to do it. We must rescue Epinoza and Syratos. But we don't have enough troops now, and the far water can't save the near fire. The only way now is to fight in the shortest possible time. Defeat Boluji and Humeng within a short period of time, and survive in a dangerous situation. If Boluji and Humeng's troops slow down and join up with the stabbing reinforcements from Akkarat, Odelu Sa will be besieged by them again. You are all leaders, and you should find a way out for Odrisa at this difficult time." Hely said calmly.

"Now there are only more than 500 soldiers left in Odessa, plus the reinforcements brought by Mr. Menghuo and Mr. Huo Shayun, the total number is less than 5000, and there are only more than 2000 cavalry. Boluji and Humeng Once the [-] to [-] troops of the Chinese army arrived on the Great Plains, they were all cavalry, and we had no chance of winning, not to mention they had the backup of Kazapan. My lord, this is not a question of whether there is a solution, but a question of impossibility. "Tian Kai said in a low voice with a bitter face.

Helli's face darkened, and he stopped talking, thinking about things in silence.Faron turned his head to look at the three of Jiuling'er.Xio Yifu frowned tightly, helpless.Huo Chayun's big hand gently touched the edge of the desk, repeatedly, with a dazed expression.Jiu Ling'er took out a map from her pocket, laid it carefully on the desk, and looked at it carefully.Faron easily noticed Jiu Ling'er's actions, and his heart immediately relaxed.

"Little cutie, what can you do?" Faron asked.Several people in the room immediately fixed their eyes on Jiu Ling'er's face.

"According to the report from the scouts two days ago, the stabbing troops have already left the city of Akkarat and are heading down the river. Once they meet up with Humeng at Green Water Bay in the north of Gledon, there will be 1 taels 3000 people. This is about the same as the number of troops they attacked Odyssa at the beginning. With so many people, if we fight against them, we will naturally seek our own death. A fundamentally reversed battle situation will end in defeat sooner or later."

"I hope they will suffer such heavy losses. There is almost no possibility of retreating and not attacking. The Tuotu tribe in the north and the Titituer army of the Cusette royal court are besieging Epinoza and Sylatos day and night. The two armies will join forces It is just around the corner to reach the city of Amprela. And Gledon in the south has been taken by Humeng long ago, and the problem of food and grass transfer has been solved. Boluji was only defeated once. Although he was hurt, his strength is still there. He still has a chance to make a comeback. Asking the Kusaites to give up such a good opportunity and give up halfway, don’t even think about it.”

"Then do you have a solution?" Seeing that Jiu Ling'er was talking nonsense, He Yi interrupted him unceremoniously and asked seriously.

Jiu Ling'er nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "It is not an easy task to provide food and grass for an army of more than 1 cavalry. Humeng took the lead in attacking Gledon. A safe grain and grass transfer station provides security for the long grain and grass transportation line."

"Are you going to attack Gledon and cut off their supplies?" Tiankai asked immediately.

"But our troops are still too small to attack Gledon." Huo Chayun continued.

"Little Menghuo's idea is very good, but we don't have to attack Gledon at all. As long as we frequently attack their grain and grass transportation team, we can put the Kusset people in a passive position and force them to withdraw." Xio Yifu continued.

"But this method takes too long. Once Syratos is captured, the enemy will swarm down, and it won't have much effect on the Odessa battle." Hely sneered and immediately denied it.

"Little cutie, do you have a way to defeat the enemy in the shortest time?" Faron didn't take this method seriously.He saw Jiu Ling'er looked at everyone with confidence, and continued to ask questions.

"Yes." Jiu Ling'er said loudly.

early morning.Standing on the edge of an unknown section of the upper reaches of the Wesis River, Kazaba looked far into the distance.It was early spring at this time, and the blue waves on the river surface were rippling, which was very beautiful.The wind on the river was blowing, and the air was cold.The big trees around the river bank swayed back and forth in the wind, and the freshly green branches and leaves made a pleasant rushing sound with the sound of the wind.

Scarface came galloping on horseback.

"My lord, Bo Luji's army was raided by the Karade cavalry at the foot of the city of Odessa, and suffered heavy losses. Now the troops have withdrawn to Green Water Bay." Scarface said excitedly.

Startled like a stab, he asked in disbelief: "Where is the tiger fierce?"

"His troops attacked the east gate, and after receiving the news, they have already withdrawn to Gledon. Hu Meng sent fast cavalry to urge us to quickly gather to Gledon. When they retreated from the city of Odessa, they were very hasty and discarded a lot of Supplies urgently need to be replenished."

"Master Humeng, did you say how long their food, horse grass, and weapons can last?" asked eagerly.

"The food has been exhausted, and the horse fodder can last for a few days. More than 1 war horses are concentrated in Gledon. If there is no fodder, they will soon lose their combat effectiveness. By then, they will be powerless even if they want to withdraw."

"How many troops are left in Boluji?" He pondered for a while before asking suddenly.

"Bongshi and Junhao ran fast and snatched out more than 2000 people. The Bolu tribe, the East and the West, and Heimoli and other tribes suffered heavy losses. Basically, the entire army was wiped out. It is said that there are only more than 1000 people left. Katong, Both Bolu Peak and Bolulin died in battle at the city of Odessa." Scarface replied.

Can't help laughing like a thorn. "The Bolu tribe is finished. In this way, the Grand Marshal's plan to unify the Bolu family may be realized soon."

"Last year in the Broken Star Plain, Akrum of the Heerbite Division and the two Bolu tribes defeated Tuluge of the Achite Division, but Uleman's troops were severely damaged, and the Heerbite Division was in a slump. At the end of last year, at the fortress of Korenia, Henuzhan of the Kortite tribe in the south and Hurunag of the Tekrit tribe were completely annihilated. Now three of the four major tribes in the south of Kusait The strength has been greatly damaged, and they can no longer compete with the Generalissimo, so they can only bow their heads obediently. Now that Boluji and Boluag have lost their battles, what else can they do besides expressing their allegiance to the Generalissimo? Now Kusait Kingdom Several large tribes in the southern and central parts of China have been successfully eradicated and weakened by the Generalissimo using various opportunities. The Generalissimo now firmly holds so many tribes and armies in the palm of his hand, and everything is guided by the Generalissimo. I Let’s see if Munchug can be a khan for a few more days.”

Scarface nodded again and again, "The Karad people are very powerful. Without their indirect help, Boluji Boluag, Hulunag, and Henuzhan these huge tribal forces really have no way to settle them in a short time. "

"The Grand Marshal is very aware of the strength of the Karad people. Although he has repeatedly told the chiefs of the tribes that the Karad people are vulnerable, in fact he just wants to lure them to send troops. How can the foundation of Karad for hundreds of years be destroyed in a day? It can be defeated. Many people have underestimated the Karadians, and they have suffered the consequences. The defeat of the Korenia Fortress, and now the defeat of the city of Odriza, has proved that the Generalissimo's statement is correct. The Karadians His strength is indeed not to be underestimated." Said with a serious expression like a stab. "None of Sikanes in Korenia Fortress, Tiankai in Odessa City, and Faron are easy to deal with."

"Now there's still the savage Nine Bells." Scarface said with a smile.

"That's right, there's also Jiuling'er." With a wry smile, he asked strangely, "Oh, why do people from Calad also call him a savage?"

"Didn't he make a flag? It's the flag we saw in Luohong Grass. Isn't the one on the flag a grimacing savage." Scarface explained.

"The news from Hu Meng said that it was he who led the cavalry of the Caladians to launch a surprise attack in the dark."

"Jiu Ling'er reappeared in the city of Odessa?" she asked in surprise.

Scarface nodded, "This is the second time he has carried out a night attack. Hu Meng seems very angry."

"So the Karad people have already seen through the fact that Uchahan's troops in Chidori Ranch are fake." Kaza said worriedly.

"Jiu Ling'er was able to lead his troops from the Corinian Fortress to support, which shows that the Karad people have seen through the camouflage and diversion in the direction of the Corinian Fortress. In other words, the other reinforcements of the Karad people will continue A steady stream came from other places to the city of Odessa."

"What did Tiger Meng say?"

"He didn't send any instructions. He just urged us to rush to Gledon immediately and transport the food and grass as soon as possible."

"But now the Generalissimo's goal of dispatching troops has been achieved, is it time to withdraw the troops?" he said softly, frowning like a stab.

"Before leaving, the Generalissimo has repeatedly instructed that this time, we don't want to siege cities and lands, but only to achieve our goals. Our purpose is only three. One is to use the attack on the city of Odessa to weaken Bolu and Bolu's achievements. Luag's troops were preparing for the annexation of Bolu's eastern and western tribes. The second was to lure the Tuotu tribe and Montchug's confidant general Titito to attack the northern city of Karad, taking the opportunity to consume their strength. The third was to hit Kara hard The German army plundered property destructively in preparation for occupying the entire eastern land in the future. Now that these three goals have been achieved, Humeng not only does not rush to withdraw the troops, but instead asks us to rush over to assemble and rush for food. Isn’t he Blinded by defeat?"

"Forget it, Gledon now has nearly [-] troops. Even if Hu Meng wants to retreat, he needs to feed the soldiers. Let's rush there as quickly as possible."

The bright red sun hangs on the gorgeous morning glow, dazzling.The Wesis River flows quietly, with a thin layer of mist floating on the clear water.On both banks are dense bushes, half green and half black, silently surrounding the Wesis River.

Jiu Ling'er sat on Xiao Hei, staring at the Wesis River motionless.This section of the Wesis River is not very wide, about 50 meters away.More than a dozen wooden boats were busy back and forth on the river, transporting soldiers and horses to the opposite bank.


Jiu Ling'er's thoughts flew back to yesterday's meeting hall.His proposal met with the unanimous opposition of almost everyone except Faron, who was desperate for victory.Faron is under a lot of pressure.The spring plowing season was about to enter, but the invasion of the Qussets seemed to have just begun, which made him anxious.If the enemy cannot be driven away before the spring plowing, the fields will be barren and there will be no harvest this year.No common people will stick to the fields and cultivate when the enemy rushes into their homes at any time.If there is no harvest in the second half of the year, how will the people live, and what will happen in winter?Without a harvest, the national treasury will be even more scarce, and the economic development of Eastern Xinjiang and the expansion of armaments will become empty talk.

Faron hungers for miracles, for defeating his enemies.Jiu Ling'er's suggestion is very risky, but very tempting.Hely, the magistrate of Odessa city, sneered and ignored him.Inspector Tiankai spoke fiercely, hoping that Inspector Faron would give up this risky idea and stick to the city as the best policy.Xio Yifu was noncommittal, he didn't know whether Jiu Ling'er's strategy would succeed, but his intuition was that Jiu Ling'er had some wishful thinking, as if he underestimated the enemy's wisdom.Huo Shayun stood by Tian Kai's side. He thought that since the chances of winning were not high, it would be better to concentrate on defending the city and then recruit reinforcements.

In the end, Faron decided to take the risk, just like he trusted Jiuling'er in the Corenia Fortress, he believed that Jiuling'er would succeed.He only said one sentence to Jiu Ling'er: "Take your people and go."

Jiu Ling'er looked at the thin Faron in front of him, at the deep wrinkles on his face, at the wisdom and trust in his firm eyes, he suddenly felt that he could die for him.He knelt down excitedly and kowtowed three times to Faron respectfully, then turned and left.

"Little cute..."

Jiu Ling'er heard Uncle Tiza calling him.He respects old man Tizha, so he doesn't allow old man Tizha to call him a gentleman in private, not to mention that old man Tizha saved his life.A person who has fought all his life is a legend, a hero, and he should be respected by everyone.Jiu Ling'er regards Uncle Tiza as her relatives just like she treats her elders.

"There are still 300 people on the other side, and the crossing of the river will be over soon. You can go to the woods ahead and have a rest." Old Man Tiza said with concern.

Jiu Ling'er smiled, "Old man, you've been tired all night, you should go and rest."

"It doesn't matter if you get old and lack sleep. You are the commander-in-chief of the first army, so you can't be exhausted," Old Man Tiza said with a smile.

"This time when we go deep into the enemy's rear, what we need is flexibility and speed, so it is very important to maintain sufficient physical strength. You should go,"

"Okay, don't argue, I'll go right away and fight with you. It's thrilling and fun. Haha" Old Man Tiza laughed softly.

"Did any of the veterans of the Corenia Fortress die this time?" Jiu Ling'er asked.

"Two. But Xiaoxin's scout team is in good condition, and the veterans have all survived. It's just my old bones that can't die." Uncle Tiza shook his head and said disappointedly.

Jiu Ling'er was speechless and looked at him silently.

"Are we going behind the Kusaites this time, are we going to attack their camp again?" Uncle Tiza asked casually as he was about to leave.

Jiu Ling'er shook her head and whispered, "It's to burn their food."

His eyes widened like a piercing, looking at the panting scout, he asked loudly, "How far is the enemy from us?"

"It's more than eight kilometers away, just opposite the Shankou Ferry on the Wesis River."

"Whose banner?"

"It's Jiuling'er's battle flag. There are about three or four thousand infantry."

Kajiba and Scarface exchanged surprised looks, and they both looked at each other very confusedly.

"Isn't he in the city of Odessa?" Kazaban said, "Why did you come to Shankoudu again today? It's more than 40 kilometers away from Odessa. Could it be that he rushed here overnight?"

"People sent by Humeng once told me that there is indeed a Calad reinforcements on the other side of the Heihao River, under the banner of Jiuling'er. Bald Wolf even led people to the ferry to set up an array to stop it. Jiuling'er should not be there In this team. But what are they doing here?"

After thinking about it for a while, he said slowly: "The Karad people probably want to take advantage of our new defeat and the unstable morale, sneak deep into the rear of our army, and attack back and forth with Jiuling'er's cavalry to surprise us. Troops of the Inlet."

"Very likely. My lord, do you think we should notify Hu Meng?" Scarface said from the side.

"Quickly ride and notify Tiger Meng immediately." He said loudly to the messenger.

"Order "Chaikan Star" to assemble the manpower immediately, let him take the two little kings, Zhuye and Baqi, and each of the two little kings also leads 500 people from the headquarters to escort the supply convoy together. They are not allowed to rest all the way, and they arrive overnight. Meet up at Green Water Bay and Lord Humeng."

"The main force assembled immediately, and we quickly rushed to set up an ambush near Shankoudu. Once the Karad army crosses the river, we will attack it."

The messengers behind him immediately dispersed in all directions.The rapid and loud blaring of horns sounded all around.

"It's already afternoon, will the enemy cross the river?" Scarface looked up to the blue sky, hesitated for a moment, and whispered.

"The Karades are cunning, and they might cross the river quietly at night. We will attack them unexpectedly with 500 people, and we will be able to wipe out the Karade army." He said excitedly.

Fatis stood at the edge of the mountain pass to cross the river, looking anxiously at the water downstream, frowning.

"Brother Fa, don't worry. According to the speed, the ship should arrive." Deoqiao comforted in a low voice.

"Captain, do you want the troops to camp and rest? Since last night, the troops have marched for nearly [-] kilometers, and the soldiers have worked very hard." Zhi Angxun asked from the side.

Fatis turned around and nodded, "Okay, set up camp 200 meters away from the river bank to rest. Let's pitch more tents with 4000 people to confuse the enemy's scouts." An orderly rushed away immediately.

"Lieutenant Captain, when shall we cross the river?" Deojo asked.

Fatis looked at the flowing river and said with a smile: "When the boats arrive, order the vanguard troops to cross the river immediately and set up a defensive position at 1000 meters from the opposite bank. The large troops will start to move in the middle of the night. What do you think?"

Zhi Angxun and De Oqiao nodded again and again, expressing their agreement.Zhi Angxun asked softly: "Where are we going next? Now this is the place where the Kusaites are active, and it is very difficult to hide their tracks."

Fatis smiled and said: "I received the order to rush to the mountain pass, and then pretend to cross the river in the middle of the night to contain the enemy. Don't you know?"

Deoqiao said embarrassedly: "This operation is under the command of the wing commander, Master Jiu Ling'er. We thought you would have other orders? We really don't know what we are going to do, so we just asked."

"According to the report from our scouts, the piercing army will probably pass by here. The enemy we want to restrain is probably his army. As for the next step, we only have to wait for orders here." Fatis pondered After a moment, he spoke slowly.

At this moment, a rider suddenly galloped from the opposite river bank, at an extremely fast speed.

Zhi Angxun's sharp eyes immediately exclaimed: "It's our scout. There's news."

(End of this chapter)

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