Chapter 43

Jiu Ling'er looked at the turbulent river, and heard the thunderous roar of the river, feeling anxious.

When the rain is big and small, it still keeps falling.

The soldiers of the Egret Tribe were more familiar with the terrain of the Kesiang River than Jiu Ling'er had imagined.They walked quickly through the mountains and forests at the fastest speed, and finally arrived at the river before noon.However, the river has risen, and they missed the best time to wade across the river.The soldiers gathered by the river, looking at the water and sighing.Soon, the river began to surge.

In the evening, the flash flood finally broke out.Its earth-shattering, devastating momentum is jaw-dropping.

At this moment, Lu Tengfei secretly arranged news from the scout pile along the Kosiang River.This group of people was left by Lu Tengfei when he withdrew from the Kosiang River, and they have been providing Lu Tengfei with the latest information.

Thirty kilometers away, the Kusset supply convoy was spotted.The convoy is huge, with tens of thousands of cattle and sheep, escorted by more than 2000 soldiers.If you add the grooms and handymen of the convoy, there are three to 4000 people.

What luck.As soon as the troops arrived at the Kesiang River, news of the enemy's supplies came, as if God was helping in the dark.Everyone is very excited.

Jiu Ling'er immediately called everyone to discuss how to deal with it.As a result, they were at a loss, and they couldn't find a way to eliminate half of the team.Everyone had nothing to do, and the enthusiasm that filled them suddenly cooled down.Because of the flash floods, the troops couldn't find a suitable place to cross the river for a while.Even if you cross the river, the enemy's troops are more numerous than your own, so encirclement and annihilation will naturally fail.Moreover, there is no dangerous terrain along the way, and there is no place to ambush.

Jiu Ling'er asked everyone to call the junior officers to discuss again, and walked to the river by herself, silently watching the rushing river, thinking about something on her mind.

"My lord..." Afraid that something would happen to him, Lu Feishui and Lie Zha followed.

"Last year, I was chased hard by Sebujan in the Epettis mountain, and finally fell off the cliff with him. At that time, there was also a flash flood, and the water level soared. I almost drowned. Fortunately, I caught a A tree with a crooked neck, lucky enough to survive."

"Good luck, my lord." Lu Feishui said with a smile, "The Kesiang River is much narrower, and the current is turbulent. It flies all the way, and from there it turns eastward, making seven turns, and goes straight to the Khazar Sea ( Lake Tanis (Nihu Lake is also called Nihai, Nihu, and Kazahai). If your lord falls from here, I’m afraid we won’t be able to find you until we reach the Khazar Sea.”

Jiuling'er and Liezha laughed loudly.

"Aren't there any better shallow rivers and tidal flats along the way? It's too far to get to Ni Lake, and I would have died a long time ago."

"Our place is a big steep bend, and there is another seven or eight kilometers down. After several generations of hard work, a small dam was finally built in that place, but as long as the rainy season is longer, it will still break, so the locals call it Open your mouth. When our Egret tribe moved here, we suffered floods every year. Once the dam burst, the torrential flood poured down, stretching for hundreds of miles, and almost submerging the entire Epinosa area. Every year, there are floods and people die Many people, the common people lived in poverty. Later, under the leadership of several city officials, the local people built and strengthened the embankment every year, and the repairs stopped and stopped. It has been more than ten years, and it has not yet been fully completed."

"Will a ghost burst the embankment when there is a big flood like today?" Jiu Ling'er asked.

"If it rains like this for two days, if it doesn't break, that section of the embankment will probably collapse." Lu Feishui said with a wry smile, "However, it doesn't matter if it breaks. This year, everyone fled to avoid disaster. , a large part of them fled into the Tanon Mountains with us. Even if they drowned, they also drowned the Kusaites."

Lu Feishui's eyes lit up suddenly, and he screamed wildly: "Yes, we can open the mouth of the ghost and drown the Kusaites."

Jiu Ling'er was dumbfounded.

The next day, it was raining heavily, and it didn't seem to stop at all.

In the morning, outside the city of Urbinosa, Lu Tengfei's 3000 people had nothing to do, and started a horse race in the heavy rain.

At noon, in the small town of Upinosa, [-] Cusaite soldiers left the city to the east to meet the supply convoy from Tepes.

In the afternoon, a thousand Cusaite soldiers from the small town of Avassington also arrived, and together with the convoy, they escorted the supply convoy to the west.

Almost at the same time, in the city of Epinosa, the Kusaites suddenly opened the south gate, and [-] soldiers, led by Sebutao, walked out of the city of Epinosa boldly.

Lu Tengfei, who was racing horses at the west gate, was shocked, and hurriedly fled with his troops.

When Se Butao received the news, he smiled lightly and didn't care.Immediately, he ordered Sebu raccoon to take 1000 troops from his headquarters, and he led [-] cavalry to march towards the small town of Upinosa without haste.

In the late afternoon, the supply convoy, escorted by [-] cavalrymen, approached the small town of Epinosa.In the evening, the rain gradually diminished and gradually stopped.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering loud noise from the direction of the ghost's mouth opening.

The news soon came from the scouts: the ghost opened its mouth and broke the embankment, and all the supply convoys were swept away by the torrential flood.

When Se Butao received the news suddenly, his chest felt as if struck by lightning, he became dizzy for a while, could barely breathe, and almost fell off his horse.

"My lord..." The guards turned pale with fright, and hurriedly helped him off the horse.

Se Butao barely managed to stabilize his mind, pointed at the messenger, and said in a trembling voice: "Immediately rush to several nearby towns, order all the troops, abandon all supplies, and set off overnight to the city of Epinosa."

"Hurry up to the city of Amprela and tell your lord that the ghost opened its mouth and burst the embankment, and all the supplies of our army have been lost."

"We rushed to Shapesht Jiulinger immediately and prepared to retreat."

In the middle of the night, light rain began to fall, as if someone was crying, resentful and sad.

Jiu Ling'er's troops followed closely behind the Cuset soldiers who retreated from the small town of Avassington, and quickly pursued them.The horses galloped wildly on the muddy road, splashing black mud all over the sky, and the sound of thunderous hooves resounded through the dark night sky.The knights on horseback were covered in mud one by one, melting into the night like ghosts.

"My lord, there is a large group of cavalry on the right side of the army." A scout suddenly emerged from the night and shouted loudly at Jiu Ling'er.

Looking at the light rainy night, Jiu Ling'er called out to the scouts: "Investigate again."

Jiu Ling'er turned her head and shouted to the horn soldiers: "Order the troops, be careful and advance at full speed."

Since midnight, Lu Tengfei's troops followed the hundreds of Cusaite soldiers who were evacuated from the small town of Rokana.They really didn't understand why the enemy suddenly ran towards Shapesht like lifeless.He and Alan the Red Beard were divided into two armies. He led the soldiers of the Egret Tribe in the front, and Alan the Red Beard led the cavalry of the Karade Army to support them in the back to prevent being ambushed by the enemy.

In the middle of the night, he received a report from the scouts and learned that there was an army marching in the direction parallel to him. He was taken aback and hurriedly led the troops away from the road and proceeded carefully.

At dawn, the two troops found each other almost at the same time. They turned out to be their own people, and it was a false alarm.

Lu Tengfei couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw Jiuling'er, who was covered in mud and water and had a dark face.

"Boss, have the enemies in Rocca's town also retreated?" Jiu Ling'er asked loudly while urging the horse to gallop away.

"Yes, the enemy suddenly abandoned the city and fled. Although we don't know the reason, we still chased them down. My lord, why did you appear here? Has the enemy's situation changed?"

"We turned defeat into victory. Damn it, it's a miracle, do you believe it?" Jiu Ling'er shouted excitedly.

Lu Tengfei felt ecstatic in his heart. He whipped his horse and tried to catch up with Jiu Ling'er. He almost roared, "What's going on? What happened?"

"The ghost opened its mouth and burst the embankment. The flood rushed down and wiped out all the enemy's supplies."

Lu Tengfei's eyes widened, and he could hardly believe his ears. "Fuck! The ghost opened his mouth and broke the dike...?"

Suddenly he growled: "Damn it! Did you send someone to dig it?"

Seeing his angry eyes round like bull's eyes, looking like he was going to eat people, Jiu Ling'er was startled, and instinctively shook her head again and again.

"We spent more than ten years working on that embankment, invested a lot of property, and finally repaired it. It is absolutely no problem to resist ordinary floods. How could it fall? It has only rained for less than two days. How big will it be?" How could the mountain torrents be overwhelmed?"

Jiu Ling'er felt guilty, and was stunned by his yelling, she didn't dare to make a sound, and just ran with her head down.

Lu Tengfei and his father led the tribe and the people near the Kosiang River for two generations. With the support of local officials, after going through all kinds of hardships and tribulations, they finally built a strong levee in Guizhangkou.There is their sweat and hope.I didn't expect it to turn into a bubble before it was used for a few years.The collapse of the levee seemed to stimulate Heron to take off far more than defeating the enemy.

Lu Tengfei roared twice, and then felt his gaffe.But the joy in his heart has been washed away by the collapse of the levee.He was heartbroken, disappointed, even a little depressed.

But the warriors, no matter they are Nachahans or Karads, in the dawn rain, frantically beating their mounts, shouting with all their strength over and over again, celebrating the sudden and incredible victory .

Lu Tengfei saw Heju. "Ghost Zhangkou Is the breach of the embankment a good thing you did?"

Lu Tengfei looked at him viciously, gnashing his teeth.

Heju nodded in embarrassment. "My lord, please calm down. The Kusaites have occupied our homeland. If we don't drive them away, how will we live? The dam is broken and we can repair it, but our homeland is gone. Where are we going? We hide all year round. Is it in the mountains?"

Lu Tengfei cried out in pain: "In order to build that dam, hundreds of people in the clan have died over the past ten years, even my father died on the dam, you..."

Heju looked at the cheering crowd and shouted loudly: "Sir, didn't we also die hundreds of people when we fled from the Kesiang River into the Tanon Mountains? Don't be angry, we should get all the hatred from Sebu Aren't you happy that Seb thorn failed and we can go back to the Khosiang River in a moment?"

Lu Tengfei let out a long sigh.He couldn't be happy, although he knew that breaking the embankment was a helpless move, and defeating the Kusaites was more important than anything else, but he just couldn't bear to part with that embankment.He has feelings for it.

"Where is Lu Feishui?" Lu Tengfei asked, and then he came to his senses: "Is he the one who took people to dig the Guizhangkou embankment?"

Heju had a wry smile on his face.

"The idea is also his idea, right? This bastard! I peeled his skin later." He had nowhere to vent, so he had to lash his horse a few times, and shouted back: "Come on! Kill all the Kusets!" .”

Lu Feishui sneezed more than a dozen times in a row.He and more than 300 soldiers hid on the hill near Guizhangkou, shivering from the wind and rain.In front is the endless water, a vast expanse of whiteness.The sound of huge water flow from the gap can be faintly heard.

"Xiao Wang, will the flood be subsided in two or three days?" A centurion sat beside Lu Feishui and asked lazily.

"If it doesn't continue to rain today, it's probably about the same. I hope the Kusaites can leave us something." Lu Feishui said with a smile.

The centurion couldn't help being happy. "Dream. There is such a large amount of water, a big drop in the terrain, and a turbulent current. What else can be left behind? Cattle or sheep?"

"But the embankment is broken, and it will take a lot of effort to repair it this year." Lu Feishui immediately put on a bitter face.

"Do you think the adults will ask me to settle accounts for this matter?"

"Of course. Just wait for the whip, a thick and big whip. Haha!" the centurion laughed gleefully.

Sebuci sat alone in the large tent and was enjoying a hearty breakfast.Suddenly, Se Buhui rushed in covered in rain.

Sebuji's face immediately darkened.He didn't like being disturbed when he was eating, and he didn't like his subordinates breaking into his big tent without warning.He looked coldly at Sebu, waiting for him to speak.

"The ghost opened its mouth and burst the embankment." Se Buhui almost shouted in panic.Sebuci was expressionless, staring at Sebuhui sternly, slowly swallowed the beef in his mouth, and reached for several golden bowls containing mare's milk.

"Sebutao sent people to send news that the Kosiang River flooded yesterday, the ghost opened its mouth and burst the embankment, and the flood rushed down. Our cattle and sheep, war horse concentrates, and luggage were all gone before they arrived in the small town of Epinosa. Swept away by the flood, more than 3000 soldiers and more than 1000 horsemen and handymen disappeared without a trace, and it is estimated that they were also swept away by the flood, and their survival is slim."

The muscles on Sebu's face twitched nervously a few times.As if he didn't hear it, he drank the mare's milk in the golden bowl in one gulp, and then slowly put down the golden bowl in his hand.

"My lord, let's withdraw our troops immediately. There are still three days of rations left in the army. I'm afraid that the army's morale will be in chaos, and they will collapse if they don't fight."

Sebuji stood up suddenly, roared angrily, grabbed the wooden table with both hands, and smashed it hard to the ground.

With a sound of "click", the wooden table broke from the middle, and the wooden plates and golden bowls on the table flew into the air, and fell to the four corners of the big tent, and the food was scattered all over the floor.Still puzzled, Sebu Trick kicked the broken wooden table on the ground with all his strength.Two pieces of wood flew out, hit the strong cowhide tent, and fell to the ground.

Sebuhui seemed to be very familiar with Sebuci's temperament, and stood silently aside, allowing him to vent his inner anger.

"How did it become like this?" Sebuji shouted angrily.

"What's the water situation in the lower reaches of the Kesiang River?" Sebuci calmed down a little, then turned his head and asked.

"According to reports from scouts, the water level has soared, and there is no way to ford across the river. It is estimated that it will be difficult for the troops remaining in a few small towns to retreat unscathed."

Sebu screamed again in anger.A heavy rain, just because of a heavy rain, a powerful army fell into such a disastrous situation.The cattle and sheep enough to feed the army for more than half a month are gone, the weapons and supplies are gone, and the troops transporting supplies are washed away by the water. A total of more than 1000 people were trapped in the flood, and they were in danger of being surrounded by food shortages at any time.The easy victory was snatched away by a sudden rainstorm.

Sebuci bent down to pick up the golden bowl on the ground, and sighed.

In the morning, Jiu Ling'er led an army of five thousand and quickly caught up with Sebutao by the Kesiang River.Without waiting for a rest, the troops immediately formed a charge array, ready to attack the enemies by the river at any time.

Sebutao formed a semicircular defensive position by using the embankment of the Kosiang River and backed by the Kosiang River.Several very small leather boats on the river shuttle back and forth between the two banks, and a small boat can only transport two people at a time.These small boats were originally used by the scout team to carry out their missions, but now they are used as escape tools, which is better than nothing.

Jiuling'er drove the horse to a place beyond the range of the enemy's long arrows, and carefully observed the formation of the Kusaites.Then he took Lie Zha and a few guards and ran back to his front, and summoned the officers of various ministries with the horn.

Lu Tengfei secretly admired Jiuling'er when he saw that Jiuling'er was calm, confident, and very experienced in dispatching troops.Although I have been the leader of the Egret tribe for four or five years, when it comes to leading troops to fight, I am far behind this legendary little savage in terms of number and scale.

Lu Tengfei knew that Jiuling'er had participated in several battles involving tens of thousands of people, including the Battle of Baimatun, the Battle of Corinia Fortress, and the recent Battle of Odessa.Participating in a battle of this scale can help a fighter accumulate rich combat experience and quickly improve his combat literacy and psychological quality.There is a difference between large-scale battles and small-scale brawls.Soldiers and generals who have experienced large-scale battles will understand campaigns and battles far better than those who have only participated in ordinary battles.Generally speaking, all generals look forward to participating in such a large-scale battle if they have time, so as to improve their military command ability, but many people rarely encounter it once in their entire lives.However, Jiu Ling'er experienced it three times consecutively in just a few months, which is really enviable.

"Will it still rain tomorrow?" Jiu Ling'er asked with a smile after seeing several regiment captains, Heju from the Bailu tribe, and the two thousand commanders rushing over. "The dark clouds in the sky are gradually dissipating. Although there is no sun, there will be no more rainstorms! If it rains again, I will almost become a water king."

Everyone roared with laughter.The laughter immediately dispelled the tension that was pressing on everyone's hearts.

"It probably won't rain tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The water level of the Kesiang River should drop quickly in two or three days. If we want to eat Sebutao, it must be in these two days." Lu Tengfei said loudly.

"Sebutao has been in the army for decades, and he is used to fighting. With his back against the Kosiang River today, he set up such a semi-circular defensive formation. He must have defended himself until the river water dropped and waded away. Under the strong attack , our army must have suffered heavy casualties." Yu Oath said slowly.

"My lord Lieutenant Captain said so, does he have some clever plan?" Lu Tengfei asked immediately.He knew that in the face of a group of desperate enemies, a strong attack would definitely cause huge losses.He also didn't want too many casualties among his subordinates.

Yu Shi shook his head and looked at Jiu Ling'er.

"Sebutao deployed spearmen densely on the outermost side to deal with the impact of our army. On both sides of the semicircle are archers to help the spearmen defend. Inside the circle are iron cavalry waiting for an opportunity to counterattack. This The formation like an iron barrel is the most difficult to attack, especially they don't need to guard the back, they only need to concentrate on dealing with the front."

"If our troops attack by force, I'm afraid they won't die, but we will be dead already." Jiu Ling'er said with a relaxed smile.

Everyone's faces were serious, and they looked at Jiu Ling'er in puzzlement.Judging by his appearance, it seems that he has stopped fighting.

"We won't fight anymore." Jiu Ling'er said as expected.

Everyone was in an uproar.Although the loss of the troops may be greater after the fight, it is too unreasonable not to fight with a large group of enemies in front of them.

"My lord..." Lu Tengfei shouted very angrily.

Jiu Ling'er smiled and signaled everyone not to shout.

"Our army has been running back and forth in the rain for days, and is very tired. It is indeed not suitable for combat. Moreover, we are light-packed, do not have enough rations, do not have enough arrows, do not have an advantage in numbers, and do not have the ability to fight tough battles. So this We will not fight the First World War. Sebutao’s troops have been staying in the city, and only started their activities yesterday afternoon. Their physical strength is better than ours, their rations are more than ours, and they occupy a favorable terrain, and their soldiers all know this War is about life and death, and their fighting spirit is strong. On the balance, it is better not to fight. If you really want to fight, if you accidentally let the enemy turn the tables, it will make the world laugh."

"My lord, do you have another clever plan to wipe out the enemy?" Li Song asked.

Jiu Ling'er shook her head. "All the enemy's supplies have been washed away by the flood. After receiving the news, the main force must withdraw from the city of Amprela as quickly as possible. Sebutao's troops were trapped here because they could not cross the river. They went to There is a big river, followed by pursuers, the foreign aid is cut off, and the food and grass are about to be exhausted. Under such circumstances, their morale will inevitably be low. But they still have one hope, that is, after two or three days, the water level of the Kesiang River will drop, and they can take the opportunity to escape .”

"If we want to annihilate them all, we only need to completely cut off their hope."

"How?" Atzo asked immediately.

"Can you think about it?" Jiu Ling'er said with a smile, "Think about it, what is the best way?"

"It's definitely impossible to expect rain in the old days." Atzo said hesitantly, "It would be great if there is one of our troops on the other side."

"That's right. The best way is to let our troops appear on the other side, and completely cut off the enemy's idea of ​​fleeing across the river."

"The enemy can't cross the river, how can we cross the river?" the red-bearded Alan said dejectedly.

"Xiao Xin is not here, could it be that the Lord told him to go to the reinforcements?" Ur Ho suddenly asked loudly.

"Yes. You came up with a solution so quickly. It's amazing. As long as Sebuji receives the news of the loss of supplies, he will retreat in the shortest possible time without any delay. At this time, time is more important than life. Tititoer will immediately follow. There will be no more enemies under the city of Ampereira later today. As long as the defenders of Ampereira city dispatch 1000 people to march here overnight, Sebutao and his troops will Five thousand soldiers have no choice but to surrender." Jiu Ling'er slapped her hands together and smiled at Lu Tengfei, "Can the chief be relieved now?"

"The Kusaites are fierce. What if they must break through?" Lu Tengfei asked immediately.

"If we have 1 people, do you think Se Butao will forcefully break through?" Jiu Ling'er asked.

"1 people?" Lu Tengfei was surprised, "Do you still have reinforcements?"

Jiu Ling'er laughed out loud.

When Sebuja's army came, it was mighty and terrified, but when it left, it was like a gust of wind, swiftly and silently.

After Titu got the news from Se Buhui, the expression on his face was as ugly as possible, he was so sad that he almost slapped himself a few times.He always thought that he was very smart and never did anything that was a disadvantage.I didn't expect to suffer a big loss this time.It rained for two days, and I lost everything.This time he sneaked out and persuaded several tribal leaders in Makeb to send troops together to invade the Karad Empire with the troops of the Tuotu tribe.At first, I thought I could make a living, but I didn't expect a heavy rain and a flood to shatter all my dreams.

"Is it true?" He looked around at his subordinates and asked with a wry smile.

"Your Excellency, you don't have to care about victory or defeat. If God doesn't help, no one can do anything. Along the way, we attacked the city like a bamboo, and captured a lot of spoils. It is more than enough to compensate for the loss of the army. Helping each other, I was lucky enough to keep Ampreella. Next time, they won't have such a good chance." Tun Jie stood behind him and comforted him in a low voice.

Tititoer was not reconciled to returning empty-handed like this.He thought of the eyes of the elders who despised him before he sent troops, and he felt angry.Going back like this, I will definitely be blamed by them.He really wanted to sit in the seat of Da Nayan in Makeb and rule Makeb, but without Munchug's trust, outstanding military exploits, and strong strength, how could he sit in this seat?He also has an ulterior purpose in sending troops this time, which is to use the hands of Sebuci to destroy the egret tribe and kill Lu Tengfei of the egret tribe. It is very annoying that this guy has been blocking his way to the west.But now everything is in vain.

Seeing the menacing Karad army and Nachahan people retreating like a tide, Sebutao and several of his subordinates let out a long breath.

"My lord, the flag of Jiuling'er, the wild man, is on the opposite side. Let's be careful of his tricks?" Sebu raccoon pointed at the battle flag that was gradually disappearing in the distance, and said loudly.

Jiuling'er's bravery was a haunting shadow to the people of the Tuotu tribe.The lives of the three leaders of the tribe were buried in his hands one after another, including Sebuhong, a warrior who was famous in Kuset.

"His number is equal to ours. He will suffer when he attacks and defends. Now he leads his troops to retreat, intending to suppress us and create pressure and panic for our soldiers." Se Butao shook his head and said in a low voice, " He's smart and a tough opponent."

"Can we escape?" Sebu raccoon hesitated and asked softly.He was Sebja's nephew, very young.

Se Butao glanced at him and sighed.

"If we want to go back safely, we need three conditions. One is God's help, stop raining, and the water level of the river will drop within three days. We retreated in a hurry and had no other food except the usual dry food. Three days later we If we can successfully cross the river, we will have to kill horses to satisfy our hunger along the way. Second, I hope that the Karade army will not have reinforcements coming these days. If they have enough troops, they can launch an offensive to defeat us. We are backed by the Kesiang River. It’s okay, but we don’t have any room for maneuver, and the defeat will happen sooner or later. Third..."

Se Butao turned around slowly, pointed at the other bank of the Kosiang River, and said with a wry smile: "If the other bank is occupied by the enemy army again, we will be completely finished."

Sebu raccoon was in a heavy heart, looking at the muddy river, he was speechless for a long time.

In the afternoon, a scout sent by Sebuja shot a letter from the opposite bank. After Sebutao read it, he threw it into the river.

"What message does your lord have?" Sebu raccoon followed behind him and asked cautiously.

Se Butao smiled wryly. "The main siege army has already begun to retreat. We can only fend for ourselves and hope for good luck."

"My lord, we can break out of the siege, go all the way south, and then detour around Makeb. Although the journey is far away, it is better than staying in this tiny place." A subordinate of Se Butao suddenly suggested.

"The army has no food supplies, and there are pursuers behind. After a long journey, how many people can return to the grassland?" Se Butao retorted.

"My lord, why are there so few food stocks when we go deep into the territory of the Karad Empire to fight? If our army still had [-] days' rations, wouldn't it be so embarrassing?" a commander said indignantly.

Se Butao remained silent.Sebuci insisted on refusing to listen to him and Sebu's dark advice, and insisted on going his own way, which resulted in today's tragic situation.Man is not as good as God, and it has been the same since ancient times.

In the evening, it began to rain lightly.The soldiers of the Tuotu tribe took turns to guard in the narrow defensive position, always guarding against the sudden attack of distant enemies.Soldiers resting in shifts hid in tents, and everyone gathered together in groups, staring blankly at the rushing river.Although it is only more than 100 meters away from the opposite bank, which is close at hand, in the hearts of the soldiers, it is so far away and insurmountable.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, Se Butao sent dozens of scouts to the opposite bank, and immediately ordered the soldiers to destroy all the cowhide boats.No one is allowed to cross the river and escape alone.The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and everyone's mood is like a gray sky, heavy and hazy.

In the early morning of the next day, Se Butao just fell asleep in a daze when he was awakened by the scout's roar.He jumped up and shouted loudly: "The enemy has attacked?"

"My lord, reinforcements from the Caladians have arrived."

Se Butao didn't know whether it was from too little sleep or exhaustion, his body shook a few times involuntarily, and he sat down on the muddy embankment.

"how many people?"

"We don't dare to get too close. It's the troops of Xiolonia Military Affairs Officer Xio Yiying, about 3000 people."

By noon, although the rain had stopped, the situation was getting worse.Another batch of Caladian reinforcements came, and their total strength has exceeded 200.Moreover, the Karade army brazenly set up the camp [-] meters away from the Kusset defensive position.Seeing the densely packed tents of the Karad army camp, countless colorful battle flags, and cavalry cavalry rushing to and fro, feeling the suffocating tension over the battlefield, the psychological defense of the Kusait soldiers was greatly shocked. shock.Facing the aggressive momentum of the Karade army, they all looked ashen, terrified, and their morale was extremely low.

In the afternoon, the fatal blow finally came.After the scouts on the other side got the last news, they fled.The defenders in the city of Amprela also rushed to the Kesiang River.

Looking at the cavalry lined up on the opposite bank, the heroic and high-spirited cavalry, Se Butao couldn't say anything anymore.The development of the matter was told to him.What he thought of, the Karad army also thought of it, and quickly completed the siege of him.Now, he is a dead turtle.

"My lord, when will we launch an attack?" Lu Tengfei asked happily.

"Attack?" Jiu Ling'er said in surprise, "We have less than 5000 people now, how can we attack?"

Lu Tengfei laughed: "We pretended to be reinforcements and rushed to the camp one after another, which must have frightened Se Butao. As long as we charge forward, we can guarantee that we will kill him and leave nothing behind."

Alan the red beard smiled and said, "Your Excellency is in a hurry. Do you want revenge?"

Lu Tengfei stared and said: "Of course. Sebutao was very aggressive at the time, leading his troops all the way to kill, very arrogant. We have no choice but to retreat. Now that he falls into my hands, let's see if I don't peel his body." Skin."

Everyone in the big tent laughed.

"I'm afraid it won't be as you wished." Jiu Ling'er smiled while entertaining everyone for dinner.

Lu Tengfei looked at him puzzled.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Jiu Ling'er asked.

"Aside from cakes, you have a pot of soup here. What should I eat?" Lu Tengfei said bluntly, "No wine, no meat, it's really hard to swallow."

Jiu Ling'er and the several officers looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy.

"We can't compare with you. You are the leader of a big tribe. You eat delicious food every day, drink spicy food, and have wine and meat. You don't drink mare's milk but drink alcohol, which shows how extravagant you are." Red-bearded Alan immediately teased , "You all say that the Karad people are rich. You go and see what our soldiers eat? Eating this every day is already very good."

Lu Tengfei shook his head. "I've eliminated Sebutao, and I'll treat you to a meal."


Everyone shouted excitedly, even Jiu Linger's appetite whetted.Pointing to Lu Tengfei, he said, "I knew you were so rich, I should have accepted your gift last time and gave the soldiers extra meals."

"I invited you together." Lu Tengfei waved his hand boldly, "When will the attack begin?"

"Don't fight." Jiu Ling'er said, "Surround him and force them to surrender."

"I'm sorry for digging a big hole in the embankment you have worked so hard to repair. I have nothing to compensate you, so I will compensate you five thousand Cusette prisoners, how about it?"

Lu Tengfei smiled embarrassedly.Yesterday morning he lost his composure and yelled at Jiu Ling'er. Although Jiu Ling'er didn't take it seriously, he always felt a little rude.

"Five thousand captives, if you're lucky, plus one Sebutao, you can get back a lot of things. If you kill Sebu and stab him again, you're guaranteed to get a lot of money." Hu Zi immediately said.

Yu swore also said to him with a smile. "The big boss is going to get rich this time."

Xiao Yiying is from Odessa.He is handsome, with a fair face and a bookish air.But he is very martial and good at archery.He was born in a family of officials in Odessa, and his family was relatively well off, and he received a good education since he was a child.Xiao Yiying is kind and charitable, likes to make friends, and has a little reputation in Odessa.

When Solasin arrived at Amprela, the armies of Sebuci and Titituer had already withdrawn.Inspector Liao Fusi'an was wondering what happened and why the menacing enemy suddenly left.After receiving Jiu Ling'er's letter, Liao Fusi'an hurriedly summoned a group of government officials to discuss Jiu Ling'er's request.A group of bachelors, worried about this, worried about that, finally decided to stand still until it was found out that the enemy had indeed withdrawn to the border before making any plans.Only Xiao Yiying raised objections.He believed that Jiuling'er's explanation of the battle situation was very thorough, and now it was absolutely correct to send troops to support Jiuling'er's troops and rush to the Kosiang River to prevent the Kusaites from retreating.But no one listened to him.So he proposed to Inspector Liao Fusi'an that he would lead a thousand cavalry from his headquarters to support him, and he would take responsibility for it.His troops belong to Silonia and are not under the command of Inspector Leofthian.Leofsian agreed very happily.He won the battle, and he deserved the most credit for his excellent command.If they lose, the army belongs to Silonia, and Xiao Yiying is responsible, so why not do it.

"When does the captain think the river will recede?" Xiao Yiying's speech was as gentle as his appearance, and he asked Suo Lixin in a leisurely manner.

Suo Laxin looked at the sky and said with a smile: "Hurry up. Let's stay here and completely cut off Se Butao's way back. Let's see how he can escape?"

Xiao Yiying nodded, and praised: "Master Menghuo has a thorough plan and a careful mind. This plan is really high. It is the first time in more than ten years that I can calmly surround and annihilate more than 5000 Kusaites. I It was a pleasure to be able to participate.”

So Laxin laughed, "The Karad army has beaten them badly in the past few years. This time let them taste the power of our Karad iron cavalry."

On the third day, Sebutao's troops began to lack food.The soldiers were very panicked, losing control of their emotions one by one, shouting and arguing everywhere, what's more, they didn't agree with each other and waved their knives at each other.

The level of the Khosiang River dropped very slowly.Sebu raccoon and several officers hurried into Sebutao's big tent, demanding to break out to the west, escaping one by one.

"Who can escape?" Se Butao sneered. "Breakthrough is the annihilation of the entire army, and there may be nothing at all."

"Then what to do. Now the soldiers' emotions are gradually getting out of control. If they don't think about it, the whole army will also be wiped out." Sebu raccoon said excitedly.

"The water level drops very slowly. Even if it drops in the past two days, it will not reach the depth at which people and horses can wade across the river." A commander said.

"The cavalry of the Karade army is on the other side. If we forcefully cross the river, we will all be shot to death in the river by the enemy's long arrows. We have no way to reach the other side safely." Another commander said dejectedly,
"Now there are dead ends on both sides of the east and west. If we knew that we would be trapped in such a desperate situation, we might as well go directly south and break out in the direction of Yoglius. Maybe that direction is the way to survive." Sebu raccoon said very excitedly.

Se Butao shook his head and smiled wryly, "Jiu Ling'er's troops came from the south, which means that they were in ambush near the town of Ubinosa. If they ambushed us in the south, or simply dug the embankment on the south bank, We are not the same dead without a place to die."

Sebu raccoon suddenly screamed: "My lord, do you think they dug the dam of Guizhangkou intentionally?"

There was a moment of silence in the big tent.If this is the case, this fiasco is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

At this time, a centurion shouted loudly from outside the tent: "Report to my lord, the Karad army has sent letters from outside the formation."

Seeing the contents of the letter, Se Butao's face turned pale.

The Caladians tell them to surrender! .

"I'd rather die than surrender." Sebu raccoon barked wildly, jumping up and down, cursing.Several commanders were silent, some looked at Sebu raccoon dog, and some lowered their heads in thought.

"Do you know why our Tuotu tribe suddenly became the largest tribe in the northern Kusaite? Do you know why the Achite tribe suddenly lost its popularity? They used to be the most powerful tribe on the grassland, you know Why was the Kujit Ministry moved to Makeb and was guarded by the Khan Guards? They were better than the Acht Ministry in those days, and Geradelk, a princeling, was placed with high hopes by Al Shinan Khan, but you see Look at the Kujit people now, they will disappear in a few years, and no one will ever remember them." Seeing that Sebu raccoon gradually calmed down, Sebutao suddenly asked.

Sebu raccoon seemed to be tired, and sat on the side panting without saying a word. "If the [-] troops of Tu Luge from the Achite tribe hadn't been wiped out in the Broken Heart Field, the Achite tribe would still be the largest tribe in the northern Kuset, and no one would be able to shake their position, including Turag Your Excellency, even Khan Munchug is not good. We annexed the Broken Stone Tribe, replaced the Achite tribe, and became the number one in the northern Kuset. Why can we easily annex the famous Broken Stone Tribe? Because they The tribe's [-] elite troops were all lost on the Baimatun battlefield."

"Broken Stone, Spike Fang, and Rotten Bone each lost five thousand elite warriors on the battlefield of Baimatun. As a result, they were exterminated. Can you still see their tribes in the Kuset tribe?"

"The flood washed away our [-] cavalry, and now there are [-] soldiers here. We can fight to the death. It is an honor to die on the battlefield, but the Tuotu tribe was annihilated with [-] troops. We have lost at least [-] troops in the attack on Calad. Like the Acht tribe, although we will not be wiped out, we have been reduced to a small tribe. Hundreds of small tribes that once attached to us will leave us If we go away, we will no longer be able to gather tens of thousands of troops, and the Tuotu tribe may decline like the Kujit."

"The Achette department can replace our Lord Turag at any time and become the big Burke of Kuset in the north again. They have eaten away almost all the pastures and tribes in Kugit, and they have this strength."

"The fact is cruel. If a tribe has no population, it has no strength. Without strength, it can only be an accessory of others. Now, do you want to understand?"

"I don't understand." Sebu raccoon exclaimed angrily, "Several large tribes in the southern Kusaite failed to attack the Korenia fortress and suffered heavy losses. Didn't they not exterminate the tribe?"

Sebutao nodded, "You're right. But which of their tribes lost 8000 people at one time? The Kuoletite and Tekerit tribes are both large tribes, and they can still bear the loss of 2000 to 4000 people. After losing [-] people in the Battle of Broken Heartland, the largest Heerbit tribe in Kusaite was seriously injured, and could not recover in a few years. Therefore, there is not a single tribe in Kusaite in the east that is Mu Le Uleman and the entire eastern Qusait now listen to Mulek. Mulek now has the support of most tribes in the central and southern Qusait, and his power is now unmatched in Qusait. In this case, it is very important to preserve the strength of our Tuotu tribe."

"After all, you are nothing more than afraid of death and want to surrender." Sebu raccoon said angrily.

"For the sake of the Tuotu tribe, we can escape or surrender. Although the reputation is not good, the strength of the tribe is still there. Is your reputation more important than the future of the entire Tuotu tribe?"

"Do you know how much property Big Burke will spend to redeem us? Isn't the tribe just as harmless?"

"As long as there are people and troops, no matter how much property we send out, we can still get it back. Don't you even have this confidence?"

Sebu raccoon was at a loss for words for a while, but couldn't find anything to refute, so his face turned purple with anger.

"Have you figured it out?" Se Butao asked.

Although Sebu raccoon was furious, he had to admit that Sebutao was right.On the grasslands, weak tribes often surrender to one today and cling to another tomorrow.They are also forced to endure the humiliation for their own survival and the future of the tribe.This kind of thing is commonplace for them, and they are not surprised.However, surrendering to the Karad people, who have been enemies for generations, is indeed psychologically unacceptable to him.

Looking at Sebutao's resolute eyes and haggard face, he suddenly felt the pressure in the heart of a leader and the responsibility on his shoulders.Everything is for the tribe and the nation, for the future.Suddenly the knot in his heart was untied.He nodded at Sebutao, and immediately calmed down.

"On behalf of us, go to the Karad army camp and meet that savage Jiulinger." Se Butao said slowly.

Sebu raccoon's heart was beating violently.He opened his eyes wide, looking at Sebutao as if asking for help.Go to the Karad army camp alone.He didn't even dare to think about it.

Sebutao's five thousand troops laid down their weapons on the fifth day of the siege.Although the water level of the Kesiang River behind has dropped, no one cares about it anymore.The soldiers were so hungry that they all looked forward to walking into the Calad army camp and eating a warm meal.

Xiao Yiying and Solasin led a thousand cavalrymen across the river, and followed behind the Cuset soldiers to prevent accidents.

Sebu raccoon led Sebutao and several commanders closer to Jiuling'er's big tent.Se Butao saw Jiu Ling'er at a glance.Although he had never seen it before, he recognized it easily.

With loose long hair, tall body, ordinary appearance, kind smile, and shabby armor, Jiu Ling'er was very inconspicuous in the crowd.But Sebu raccoon saw Jiuling'er for the first time, and treated him as a bodyguard, making a joke.

What makes Jiu Ling'er different is that he has loose hair, doesn't comb it, doesn't wear a crown, he's unrestrained, like a lunatic.

Lu Tengfei resolutely opposed the preferential treatment of Sebutao, because it was he who led the troops and swept across the entire Kesiang River, forcing tens of thousands of people from the Bailu tribe to flee.Jiu Ling'er laughed at him for being mean.When the two armies are at war, each is its master and each relies on its ability, and no one has any personal enmity with the other.Now that the opponent is defeated and surrendered, it is normal for people to eat and get to know each other.

Lu Tengfei was very angry, and said that you should treat him to pancakes and clear soup.When Jiu Linger heard this, she became anxious. In such a big country, it would be too embarrassing to spread the news that the surrendered generals were served with flatbread and clear soup.Be sure to take Lu Tengfei with wine and meat.Lu Tengfei had no choice but to agree, muttering to himself, unable to see that this little savage was still desperate for face.

Jiu Ling'er went up to meet him, shook Sebu Tao's hand, and said with a smile: "The Sebu raccoon you sent is very powerful, he stalked and negotiated terms, how can you surrender, it's just like persuading us to surrender? "

Se Butao smiled bitterly in embarrassment.It's the first time to be a prisoner, and only you know what it's like.

"My lord's kindness to me will be repaid in the future." Se Butao said in a stiff tone.

Sebu raccoon had spent two days in the Karade army camp, and he seemed to know several of the Karade army generals very well, so he hurriedly introduced him to Sebutao.Lu Tengfei refused to come.

Sebu raccoon actually didn't mention any conditions.Surrender, what conditions are there to mention.But he said a condition that Jiu Ling'er had to agree to.They surrendered to the army of the Karad Empire, not to the Nachahans.So their 5000 people should be guarded by the Karad army, not the Nachahan of the Egret tribe.In this way, all the captives are not the trophies of the Egret tribe, but the trophies of the Karad army.

The ensuing problem is that if Sebuci wants to redeem them, he should not talk to Lu Tengfei, but to talk to Mr. Liao Fusi'an, the inspector of Amprela.The Karad Empire's consistent policy towards the barbarians is to win over the barbarians with gentle means, and it is inevitable that the asking price will be lower, allowing the other party to take advantage of it.In particular, Faron, the inspector of Onila, is willing to do good and good, and he is easy to deal with if he is afraid of neglecting them.

This move of Sebu raccoon caught Jiuling'er by surprise, and he couldn't help admiring the young Sebu raccoon.Although Lu Tengfei was not happy, but when he heard that more than 5000 war horses, all the weapons, and the luggage left by the Kusaites belonged to the Bailu tribe, his mouth was crooked with joy.

Immediately, Jiu Ling'er went out of the camp and brought Xiao Yiying and Solasin in.Xiao Yiying was a few years older than Jiu Ling'er, and similar to Xiao Yifu.Jiu Ling'er heard Xiao Yifu talk about him, and knew something about him.

The rumors about Jiuling'er Dongtu are well known to everyone, so Xiao Yiying will naturally be no stranger to him.The two hit it off immediately and were very affectionate with each other.Hearing that he had dinner with Sebutao and others, Xiao Yiying became very interested.He is Silonia's military affairs officer, in charge of military affairs. Of course, he wants to take the opportunity to get to know the generals of the Tuotu tribe, especially Sebutao, one of the four leaders of the Tuotu tribe who is well-known as Kuset.

Sebuci led the army to climb over Tanong Mountain, detour to Makeb and return to the prairie. The troops got supplies and finally got rid of the crisis.They suffered the most losses, more than 5000 people were killed, more than 5000 soldiers were captured, and a large amount of food and supplies were lost.

Tititor's army retreated to the pontoon bridge at the ferry northwest of Makeb, and was reluctant to return to Makeb.They worked hard for more than half a month, but lost more than 1000 people under the city of Syratos, and got nothing.

The news of the total failure of the two-way invasion plan of the Kusaites spread to all parts of the East.Although they still occupy several counties along the border, they can no longer threaten the hinterland.The Bailu tribe and people from all over the country who fled to the mountains of Tanon began to return home one after another with their families.Fleeing to the mountains, officials from all over the country rushed back to their respective jurisdictions with their subordinates.

Jiu Ling'er's troops, Heju's Nachahan troops, guarded 300 Kusaite prisoners in the camp south of the small town of Epinosa near the Kosiang River.Lu Feishui led more than [-] soldiers to rush to various small towns immediately after the flood retreated, and it was really rewarding.

Inspector Liao Fusian rewarded Lu Tengfei and Lu Feishui, as well as the cavalry of the Bailu tribe, according to Jiulinger's battle report.The Jiuling'er Department was also rewarded by Inspector Faron of Onila and Inspector Liao Fusi'an of Amprela. Everyone from the officers to the soldiers smiled happily.

As quickly as possible, Sebuji sent someone to invite the Black Feather King Le Anleou to come forward and invite the inspector of Ampereira of the Karad Empire to discuss the matter of redeeming the captives.Since all the troops in Epinosa City had been killed in battle, Jiulinger's troops would naturally be responsible for guarding the prisoners of Cusette.Although many officers and soldiers wanted to go home, and Luzes, the mayor of Corenia, also sent someone to urge them, the Inspector of Ampereira City, Leofsian, still found an excuse to keep them.

Jiu Ling'er's military position is too small, and it's a frontier army establishment. Although the salary is good, but now he himself is not so important in the eyes of inspectors, city officials, and town mayors.His troops were left in the camp, and for a long time no one bothered.At this time, Inspector Liao Fusi'an and the officials from all over the country were busy working day and night in order to rebuild their homes and resume production.

Jiu Ling'er didn't take it seriously, he wasted no time in training in the military barracks, and was so busy that he was dizzy, completely unaware of the contempt the local officials had for him.Xio Yiying's troops soon received the order of Silonia and went back to Silonia.

One day at the end of May, Jiu Ling'er received news from Silonia.Faron commanded Tiankai, Garsonzad, and Huoshayun, and fought several battles with the fierce troops around the town of Gledeng, winning and losing each other.After Humeng learned that Sebuja was defeated in the Amprela battlefield, he immediately gave up Gledon, led the main force and retreated directly to the city of Akkarak, leaving only a small number of troops in the city of Aizenur as a containment.The Odessa battlefield then ended with the Karad army completely defeating the Kusaite invading army.

After learning that the Karad army had won the battle of Odyssa, the warlord Malizius of the city of Yoglius immediately regrouped and led the army out of the city, preparing to drive Tittos away and take back the city of Syratos.

Black Feather King Le Anleou, as an intermediary, has already negotiated the terms of Tuo Tu tribe's redemption of all captives with Inspector Faron of East Land and Inspector Liao Fusi'an of Amprela.The Tuotu tribe's army withdrew from the border, withdrew to the prairie, and paid a certain amount of horses, cattle and sheep as compensation.Because the main force of Ampereira's guards had been transferred away by Marizius, the task of escorting the prisoners to handover was left to Jiuling'er's troops.

Considering that there are too many captives and accidents are easy to happen on the road, inspector Liao Fusi'an quickly sent someone to discuss with Lu Tengfei, the leader of the Bailu tribe, and planned to requisition a thousand troops from him to assist the Karade army.Lu Tengfei immediately agreed to let Heju and Lu Feishui lead a thousand cavalry to accompany him.

Although Sebutao and his subordinates have become captives without horses and weapons, since the entire army surrendered, the soldiers of the army are still very disciplined and live peacefully in the captive camp, waiting patiently. Then the tribal leader sent someone to redeem their lives.

After Jiu Ling'er received the official document sent by Liao Fusi'an, the inspector of Amprela, she immediately called Sebu Tao, Sebu Raccoon and several commanders, and told them the specific situation, hoping to get their cooperate.

Se Butao readily agreed.They were still very excited at the thought of going home soon.Three thousand cavalry and five thousand captives formed a huge team.Led by Jiu Ling'er, they marched on the road

On the third day the troops began to cross the Khosiang River.

Standing on the embankment, Jiu Ling'er pointed in the direction of Gui Zhangkou, and asked Lu Feishui who was standing beside him, "Has the gap in Gui Zhangkou's embankment been closed?"

"It's temporarily blocked. It will be repaired in autumn." Lu Feishui said softly.

"I heard that Lu Tengfei beat you hard several times." Jiu Ling'er laughed.

"I can't help it. It's the painstaking efforts of the tribal people for more than ten years. How can I not feel heartbroken when I cut a big hole in two or three times? I also feel heartache. It is also right to let the big leader beat him twice to relieve his anger." Lu Feishui said helplessly with a bitter face.

Jiu Ling'er patted him on the shoulder vigorously a few times to express her comfort.

At this time, Solasin arrived on Pegasus. "My lord, Lord Inspector General Wei Eryu, Lord Theo Yifu, and Ampereira's Priest Affairs Officer De Hongsi Lianjue have rushed to see you."

"Do you know what's going on?" Jiu Ling'er asked hastily.

Solasin shook his head. "Looking at their expressions, it seems that there is something urgent. Could it be that the Kusaites have changed their minds?"

The faces of Sebutao and Seburaccoon who were standing beside him changed drastically.

Callad December 1084.

Wei Eryu is older, about 40 years old, thin and thin, and the most impressive thing is his pair of small eyes, which blink constantly when he speaks.Jiu Ling'er had met him once in the Corenia Fortress, and knew that he was Inspector Faron's confidant, he spoke and acted neatly, and was shrewd and capable.Ampereira's priestly affairs officer, Dehousi, had a rosy complexion, a round face, and a smiling face that looked very kind.He is the confidant of Mr. Liao Fusi'an, Inspector Amprela, and he is very smooth in his dealings with others.He is good at dealing with barbarians, he is popular among all tribes, and he often comes forward to solve some difficult matters.He is very famous among the officials in Eastern Xinjiang.

Jiu Ling'er was very happy to see Xio Yifu again.He exchanged pleasantries with the three adults in the big tent, and immediately got to the point.

"Little cutie, do the common people and soldiers below have any opinion on the exchange of prisoners with the Kusaites this time?" Wei Eryou asked with a smile.

"Yes, there are big opinions. Everyone thinks that the two inspectors are selling too cheaply." Jiu Ling'er said with a smile.

"Then what do you think?" Dehongs asked immediately.

"I think the two races should live in peace, so that everyone can live a good life. Generations of vendettas, nothing can be gained but death and poverty. Whether it is the Kussets or the Karads, they hold this view The majority should still be the majority. So I very much agree with the decision of the two adults. Both sides should make peace, and it is best not to fight. It is better to adopt a soft policy towards them, although it cannot solve the fundamental problem, but it is better than fighting for years and months. Let The common people cultivate and live in a peaceful and tranquil environment, which is actually the ultimate goal of our war. If we can do it without fighting, it is of course a pleasant thing.”

"It's great for adults to think so." Dehongsi praised.

"Little cutie, do you think that among the Kusset tribe, the biggest threat to the Karad Empire is Mulek or Sebthorn?" Weiryu asked again.

"Both are, not much difference. Fortunately, the contradiction between the two of them is very big, which is a good thing for us. This invasion, if the two of them work together, it is estimated that they have already hit The city of Onila is gone. Since the death of Al Shinan, no one can completely control the three tribes of Kusait, and its gradual decline is inevitable."

Wei Eryou said slowly. "But things have changed now?"

Jiu Ling'er was taken aback: "One died?"

Dehongsi smiled and shook his head: "How can there be such a good thing?"

"According to the information we have received, Mulek intends to take advantage of the defeat of Sebuja to unite with several large tribes in Kuset in the north to wipe out Sebuja in one fell swoop." Xioyifu said solemnly, "They plan to Make Zong the head of the Khan and eradicate Mengzuge."

"Is the news accurate?" Jiu Ling'er asked in disbelief.

"Absolutely accurate. This is the news from Mulek. It is absolutely true and can be guaranteed." Xio Yifu said solemnly.

Jiu Ling'er shook her head in disbelief, "You are so powerful that even Muleke has people around him. I admire you. But this time is indeed a good opportunity to defeat Sebuja. Taking advantage of his greatly weakened vitality and morale Unsteady, when the breath is not yet settled, a group will attack them. Good, good way. The generalissimo takes action, it is extraordinary."

The three looked at him strangely and seriously at the same time.

Immediately, Jiu Ling'er felt a slip of the tongue and smiled embarrassedly.

"Once Mulek succeeds, the entire Kusaite kingdom will be his world, and he can do whatever he wants." Weiryu said worriedly, "Mulek's ambition for the Karad Empire has a long history, if he holds Kusaite The three armies will definitely try their best to attack me, Karad. With our current situation and status quo, it is difficult to stop his attack."

"So, the two inspectors discussed for a long time, and decided to take the initiative to cooperate with Sebuja to stop Muleke's plan." De Hongsi said softly.

Jiu Ling'er felt a little dizzy. "Can the three adults speak more clearly?"

The three looked at each other, as if they were unwilling to speak.Wei Eryu looked at Xio Yifu with his eyes, intending to ask him to speak.

Xiao Yifu smiled apologetically at Jiuling'er, and said slowly: "We have secretly contacted Sebuji, and Sebuji is also eager to get our help. We have agreed on a plan in private. But this plan It is very complicated to implement. First, this matter must not be known to other imperial officials. No matter what the reason is for the enemy to cooperate with the enemy, there is suspicion of colluding with the enemy and betraying the empire. Once the matter is leaked and spread to the court, Being used by people with ulterior motives to make a big fuss, the two adults and we will have the disaster of exterminating the nine clans. Second, the cooperation between the two parties must be tacit and cannot reveal any flaws. If you want to hide it from Mulek and Sebushi traitor, we must be seamless, and there must be no clues to be discovered by the enemy. Third, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better, so the person who performs this task must be absolutely trusted by both parties. Finally One point, and the most important point, while ensuring the continued survival of the Tuotu tribe, we must also take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, hit them hard, and weaken the strength of the Kusaite people. What the Inspector means is to let you go. "

Jiu Ling'er's eyes widened suddenly, damn it!

Everyone looked at Jiu Ling'er in embarrassment, and the big tent fell silent for a while.

"The task I got was to send the captives to handover. If there is no accident, the soldiers will be very safe along the way. But if we participate in this plan, the troops will be in a very difficult and dangerous environment, and the soldiers' lives are in danger at any time." Nine Ling'er thought about it for a long time, but didn't hesitate.

"The war has temporarily ended, and many soldiers can go home. Let me take the troops to participate in the internal strife of the Kussets, and to help an enemy who has just invaded our Karad Empire and committed heinous crimes to all parts of the border. This... ..." Jiu Ling'er was very angry.

"How can I tell my subordinates?" Jiu Ling'er spread her hands in embarrassment, with a mournful face, very annoyed.

On the seventh day, Jiuling'er's troops arrived in the north of Epinosa.

Here is rich in water and grass, beautiful scenery, is a good natural pasture.But because of the war, both the Karad people and the Nachahan people gave up this precious land.It's too dangerous here on the border.

According to Jiu Ling'er's arrangement, Solasin ran to the opposite side in the middle of the night to pick up a woman from the Kusaite tribe.Jiu Ling'er asked the other party to sit down and looked at him carefully.

This man was tall, with firm eyes, but those wise eyes were full of sadness, mixed with some tyranny.She doesn't look like an ordinary weak woman at all, but more like a brave warrior.

Jiu Ling'er was very surprised. While he was still looking secretly, the woman spoke. Her voice was particularly magnetic, powerful and infectious: "Are you Master Jiu Ling'er?"

Jiu Ling'er nodded, and said, "Your Kalade language is very authentic, did you learn it by yourself?"

"My father once captured a Calad bard, and I learned from him." The Kusset woman said with a casual smile, not nervous at all.

"Can you tell me who you are?" Jiu Ling'er asked with a smile all over her face.

"The Kujit people are guarded by Makeb Khan's guards. I am the leader of this tribe, Mosuyi."

Jiu Ling'er was even more surprised. "Are you the famous Kujit archer Mesuyi? Every time Uncle Adaku Lumu mentioned you, he was full of praise, saying that your five-arrow arrows are the best in the world on the grassland. It was a surprise to see you."

Jiu Ling'er immediately stood up excitedly, and circled Mosuyi twice, with a look of admiration on her face.

"It is really an honor to be praised by the master of archery, Adaku Rum Atlantis. My father admired his archery very much during his lifetime. It is a pity that I have never had the opportunity to meet him, and even more so now. It's possible." Mosuyi looked at Jiu Ling'er in surprise, is this guy a fool, what is he doing around me?Want to kill me?Do you deserve it?
Thinking of old man Adaku Lumu, Jiu Ling'er felt a little lost. "Are your troops still in Karad?"

"After Titito'er withdrew, we withdrew to the grassland. The leader Fanguo and I have led our troops back to Makeb."

"Master Inspector Faron communicated with Sebuci through you?" Jiu Ling'er asked strangely.

Mo Suyi just nodded slightly and did not speak, obviously unwilling to reveal the specific situation, she kept looking at Jiu Linger warily.

But Jiu Ling'er remembered very deeply what Adaku Lumu had instilled in him at first.When he saw Mesuyi, whom he had always admired, he naturally felt very close to him.

"Mulek will find out about your participation in this matter sooner or later. How will you survive in Cusette in the future?" He asked with concern.

Mesuyi smiled at him gratefully, and said slowly: "I promise Lord Faron with conditions."

"What conditions? Can you tell me?"

"After the internal strife between Sebuci and Mulek is over, our Kugit tribe will break away from Kuset and move to the hinterland of the Karad Empire."

"Why?" Jiu Ling'er asked in surprise.

Mosuyi smiled bitterly and said: "There are many reasons. In the past, our tribe lived on the far northern grasslands, and it was one of the best. But the brave don't ask about the past. It was then, and now is now. There is no place to live on the Seite prairie. This time, Master Faron proposed that as long as I help him, he will allow our tribe to move to live near the Kesiang River, and the place can be chosen. So I agreed."

Jiu Ling'er stared blankly at her, and said worriedly: "Are you sure you can safely move the tens of thousands of people of the tribe to the vicinity of the Kesiang River?"

Mosuyi shook his head, and said resolutely: "It is man-made, there must be a way. We have experienced no matter how great the suffering is, this is nothing."

Jiu Ling'er looked at him with admiration, "If you need help then, just say so."

Mo Suyi was very moved, and stood up to thank Jiu Ling'er, but Jiu Ling'er stretched out her hand to stop her. "Tell me about your plan with Sebuja, how can we cooperate?"

"Can you call Sebutao?" Mosuyi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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