Chapter 50

On the Great Plains, the torrent of galloping cavalry suddenly split into two, turning to the left and right respectively, as if being split by a knife, quickly forming a huge cattail fan.The center of this palm-leaf fan is a rushing torrent, and the two sides of the palm-leaf fan are beautiful arcs like crescent moons.

The cavalry soldiers rode their horses and galloped wildly, turning quickly in these two arcs, accelerating, accelerating again, and then charged towards the enemy.

Poisonous Scorpion, like all the soldiers of the Aserai army, was so busy dealing with the endless cavalry that came all the way, that he didn't even have time to catch his breath.

Suddenly, he heard the exclamation of the soldiers, and the shouts of fear were louder and louder.He looked up suddenly.The cavalry in the formation were still fighting fiercely, but on both sides of the army, front and rear, countless cavalry were killed again.They were like two red-eyed warriors, roaring furiously, whizzing towards them with rumbling wind and thunder.


The Aserai army abandoned the chariot formation they set up because of the change in the attack direction of Ni Hai's iron cavalry, and then because of the heavy casualties, the troops continued to shrink intensively, causing the gap between the chariot formation and the troops to become larger and larger. A pile of trash that no one cares about.The plan that was originally intended to be ignited and destroyed became more and more unrealistic with the fierce fighting on the battlefield.

Jiu Ling'er led Ni Hai's guards, and more than 2000 cavalry from Esuer and Nayantai passed by the chariot formation, and shot into the front army of the Aserai army like arrows.

Alan the Red Beard, Thumb and Lie Zha led more than 2000 cavalrymen like a hurricane to roll up dust in the sky, and rushed into the rear position of the Aserai Army.

Atezuo, Heju, and Lu Feishui's cavalry troops did not continue to turn after Jiuling'er and Redbeard Alan led their troops into the enemy's formation, but immediately turned around, reorganized their formation, turned around and fought back.

The oathed and lazy troops had inserted into the formation of the Aserai army and fought fiercely. They gradually slowed down and started a purposeful siege.

Solasin, the index finger's scout team and the guard team completely slowed down. They did not follow the oath's troops into the enemy's line, but opened a distance, ready to complete the siege of the Aserai army.

Tiza stayed behind the front cavalry corps with the buglemen.The task Jiu Ling'er entrusted to him was to climb high and look far away. Once the troops were encircled, they would immediately blow the horn to notify the whole army to launch a war of encirclement and annihilation.

According to Tiza's arrangement, several buglers circled the horses together.Everyone set up a human ladder, watched the battlefield carefully, and kept telling Uncle Tiza the latest situation on the battlefield.

"My lord, the enemy is shrinking, and there are still more than a dozen phalanxes."

"Captain Atzo's troops have returned."

"Captain Feather Oath's troops have given up the enemy's right flank, and the troops are concentrating on the left flank."

Tiza shouted loudly: "Okay, the encirclement is complete. Come down, all come down. Blow the horn, blow the horn to tell the Lord Overseer. You can order the troops to divide the encirclement and wipe out."

More than a dozen giant horns blew at the same time, and their desolate and majestic voices reverberated over the battlefield filled with killing sounds, and soared straight into the sky.

The leaders of Ni Hai's iron cavalry immediately ordered the soldiers to launch an assault on the remaining enemy soldiers, tearing them apart and dividing them.As long as the defense is torn apart, the Aserai army will be completely finished.

The fierce battle has reached a fever pitch.The fierceness and tenacity of the Aserai soldiers aroused the ferocity of all the cavalry soldiers, especially those barbarian cavalrymen, who completely forgot that they were now regular soldiers of Karad. War knives and spears ruthlessly nibbled at the life in front of them.

Jiu Ling'er's long spear was already stained red with blood, and the black body of the gun was trembling constantly.In order to firmly grasp the big gun, Jiu Ling'er had to frequently put her blood-stained hands on Xiao Hei's mane and wipe them back and forth.The enemy gathered tightly together, and even if they died, they would fall back to their own positions and use their own corpses to form obstacles.Pick and kill, only pick and kill.Look at the cavalry soldiers surrounding the enemy's phalanx. Everyone is bathed in blood, and everyone seems to have taken a blood bath. From top to bottom, there is no place that is not scary.

Yi'an Ling's giant long knife is unpretentious, swarthy, with a long handle and a wide back.This is the most precious thing in his house.His father was a city gate guard in Razih during his lifetime, but after his death he was penniless, and this knife was left to his son.With this knife, Yi'an has won a lot of fame for herself.

He has always been arrogant, because he is too powerful, and he has grown up so much that he has not seen anyone who can defeat him.He instinctively wanted to find a chance to compete with the world-renowned savage Jiu Ling'er, but today's battle suddenly made him completely lose his will to be competitive.Today, he only knew what the fighting between the two armies was all about. Those who have no experience will never understand.Let your martial arts be invincible in the world, on the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, you are just an ordinary soldier, and your bravery is just to kill a few more enemy soldiers.Without the mutual support and protection of comrades-in-arms, without everyone's concerted efforts, without the rich combat experience of the team's coordinated operations, and without the correct command of the general, you will die alone, and you will have no chance of survival.

Yi'an Ling came all the way, beheading countless, killing him until he was out of breath and his hands went limp.Then it was time for him to suffer.His steed was soon cut down, and he flew up from his horse and fell to the ground so hard that he couldn't see where he threw his sword.

Enemies swarmed upon them.Jiulinger, Guerding, Qiercha and dozens of Barutai tribe warriors fought hard to rescue them.It was a hand-to-hand fight, a bloody hand-to-hand fight, and they immediately killed each other, just to save his life.

Jiu Ling'er's long spear poked at the enemy's body and couldn't pull it off, so she flew off her horse and drew her sword to fight again.A Balutai soldier helped Yi'an find the big knife, and another Balutai soldier dragged him out of the narrow death zone by dragging him by one foot desperately.

When Yi An Ling climbed onto the horse in a panic, Jiu Ling'er fell into the enemy's siege.

Jiu Ling'er's brutal bloodthirsty terrified the soldiers on both sides.In one breath, he killed seventeen enemies who surrounded him in one breath.A knife, a small axe, and two feet seemed to be covered with weapons all over his body. In a short moment, that is, from the moment he dismounted from the horse to the time when Yi Anling climbed onto the horse's back, he killed him. Seventeen people died.

Gulding and Qiercha had just wiped out the enemies in front of them, and when they were about to look for their opponents again, there was nothing in front of them.Aserai soldiers fled back into the formation as if seeing a ghost.

Yi'an, Goulding and Qiercha were all stunned.The legendary savage Jiu Ling'er turned out to be so powerful.He killed people like he killed chickens, with a flick of his fingers, he was wiped out in ashes.

Jiu Ling'er put away her weapon, pulled out the spear from the corpse of the enemy soldier, flew onto the horse, and roared at everyone: "Get on the horse...kill..."

Under his leadership, the soldiers of Ni Hai's guards formed groups of three or four, forming arrows to attack in turn, tearing apart the three phalanxes of the Aserai army one after another.

Once the Aserai army's phalanx was broken, the Aserai army soldiers lost support and protection among each other, and immediately fell into a situation of isolation and helplessness, and were immediately slaughtered bloody.But they resolutely refused to surrender, and the cavalry warriors were so red-eyed that they rushed forward and killed without asking.

Yi'an was shocked.He once went to suppress bandits with the guards in the town, and killed hundreds of people back and forth. As a result, he was scolded so badly that he was almost called a murderer.

Look now, look around, there are rivers of blood on the ground, pieces of Aserai soldiers lying in pools of blood, stumps and broken arms can be seen everywhere.After this battle, how many of the [-] Aserai soldiers are left?What is it for him to kill so many people?In just one or two hours today, he had killed far more than a hundred people.

War, war turned out to be so cruel and bloody.Crowds of cavalry warriors are like ferocious wolves on the prairie, staring at pairs of blood-red eyes and opening their bloody mouths, they ruthlessly pounce on piles of prey, biting and gnawing. , endlessly.

Facing fewer and fewer Aserai soldiers who were less and less able to resist, Yi An Ling could no longer cut down.But he had to chop.Those Aserai soldiers were fearless, they went forward one after another, bravely rushed up one after another, until they all died in battle.

On the position of the central army of the Aserai army, the sound of thunderous drums never stopped from beginning to end.The sound of war drums was fierce and powerful, and it was extremely tragic and tragic on the bloody battlefield.

Jiu Ling'er was very angry, he was irritated by the endless fighting of the enemy soldiers.If this fight continues, the casualties of our own cavalry soldiers will increase dramatically.

"Order the oath, Atezor, concentrate the main force, attack the enemy's central army immediately, and destroy their command center!" Jiu Ling'er urged the troops to finish annihilating the enemy's central army.

After receiving the order, Atezor, Lu Feishui, Yu Shi, and Pi Lan personally led the most elite cavalry to launch a sharp blow to the enemy's central army from four directions at the same time.

So Laxin, Index Finger, and Heju then organized 2000 cavalry archers and fired at the central position of the Aserai army, firing continuously and intensively.

Aserai's central army was immediately devastated.Bear the brunt of the drum team.They were caught off guard and were shot straight by the long arrows. In just a short moment, almost all twenty or thirty soldiers were killed in battle.The few remaining people managed to support themselves, and then they were nailed to the war drum by more dense long arrows.

After holding on for a short period of time, the already precarious formation immediately collapsed as the sound of the war drums slowly disappeared.

The poisonous scorpion insisted on being on the front line. He brandished his spear and tried his best to assassinate the horses rushing into the formation. His attendants surrounded him tightly.Some slashed horses' legs with swords, some intercepted cavalrymen on horseback with long spears, and soldiers a little further away threw javelins and long arrows continuously, shooting at will.

Atezor came in with his entourage and personal soldiers.His personal soldiers are all with long spears, riding galloping horses, screaming all the way, invincible.

With a roar, the poisonous scorpion bravely rushed forward with his subordinates.

Atzuo's broadsword slashed head-on, and chopped fiercely on the poisonous scorpion's spear.The poisonous scorpion raised his gun to seal the frame, and with a loud noise, the saber burst open, and Atezuo flew past on his horse.The poisonous scorpion felt as if it had been hit by a giant hammer, and opened its mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.Seeing that the poisonous scorpion did not dodge, the soldier following Atzo stabbed out the spear in his hand.The poisonous scorpion wanted to hide, but his body was no longer in control. Atzuo's saber forcefully swung down with his horse's momentum, which had already hurt his heart and lungs.He watched helplessly as the spear sank into his chest.His attendants had sharp eyes and quick hands, and chopped off the handle of the spear with a slash.Then the poisonous scorpion was surrounded by the attendants and hurried back into the formation.The spear's iron head with a small half of the wooden handle was deeply inserted into the flesh, and blood spurted out continuously.The attendants surrounded him, shouting incessantly.

The poisonous scorpion looked at the blue sky and the white clouds, as if he saw the Great Sultan Wenjid, saw his soft smiling face, and heard his familiar voice.He smiled and died peacefully.

As the drums of the Aserai Army's central army stopped beating, the enemy lost command, and their morale slowly lost. More and more defensive positions were broken through, and the shouts of killing became unprecedentedly fierce again.The Ni Hai iron cavalry surrounded from all directions launched a rapid attack on the enemy like a storm.

Now the entire battlefield is full of wild war horses soaring in length and breadth, and there are almost no Aserai soldiers in full formation.

Even so, the surviving Aserai soldiers, under the command of their respective commanders, still persevered and fought unyieldingly.They will not surrender until death.

"Order the soldiers to shout, let them surrender, surrender immediately." Jiu Ling'er looked at the battlefield full of corpses in despair, and shouted loudly.

The horn horn transmitted Jiu Ling'er's order far away.The horn soldiers of other parts received the news and immediately blew the horn to suspend the attack.

At this time the sun was setting, and dusk was approaching.

Feather oath, Atzo, red bearded Alan, Solasin came like flying horses.

"Is everything all right?" Jiu Ling'er tried her best to suppress her nervousness, and asked.He was very afraid, afraid that he would lose his brother again.The battle of Hengling made him heartbroken.The gradual departure of his comrades-in-arms made him unable to bear the heart-piercing pain any longer.If he lost a few more brothers in this battle, he didn't know that he would have the courage to face the next big battle.

Yu swore that the three of them knew what he was asking.Seeing Jiu Ling'er's worried and anxious expression, knowing that he was always concerned about his life, several comrades in arms were very moved.The emotion of life and death among comrades-in-arms is deeply entwined in everyone's heart.

"We're all still alive. Are you okay?" Seeing Jiu Ling'er covered in blood, So Laxin asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. The Aserai army's fighting power is very strong, which is beyond our surprise. If the fight continues like this, it will be difficult for us to send Adram out of the Eastern Land." Hearing Solasin's answer, Jiu Ling'er The mood immediately improved.Several people nodded in sympathy.

"Are they willing to surrender?" Jiu Ling'er asked.

"At present, no one has come forward to answer. The soldiers of the Aserai army are surrounded by our cavalry regiments, and they can be dealt with at any time." The oath replied loudly.

"None of them put down their weapons. They obviously don't intend to surrender. They still want to fight to the death. These people are admirable, and they are all good men." The red-bearded Alan continued.

Jiu Ling'er shook her head, he didn't know what to do?If they don't surrender, what else can they do besides fighting again?
"How many more?"

"It is estimated that there are three to four thousand people?" So Laxin whispered.

Jiu Ling'er raised her head in surprise, and shouted, "There are only three or four thousand people left? Thirty thousand people have been killed and only this few people are left. Will you surrender?"

Atzo immediately answered, "Of course I won't surrender."

"How could you kill so many people?" Jiu Ling'er said to herself very puzzled.

"There are more than 7000 barbarian cavalry in the army, including Kusaites, Uwaits, Nachahans, Kujits, and Kara Kujits. They fight like life and death enemies. You will be more vicious when you fight against us at the border, and you will never show mercy." Yu Oath sighed and said, "If you give the order later, there will probably be no Aserai army on the battlefield."

Everyone was silent.The hatred between the two races has a long history and is deeply rooted from generation to generation.That hatred couldn't be changed by making them Karad officers for some reason.No one can solve this problem.Although due to Jiu Ling'er's personal reasons, with the support and help of all parties, the first Ni Hai Iron Cavalry Army in the history of Karad was formed, but if the leader of this army is changed, Will it still exist?Obviously not there, it's going to be gone in no time.No Karad official would put his wealth and life on this group of barbarians, and it is impossible for any barbarian tribal leader to trust the Karad official.The current Jiu Ling'er is purely an exception.In the eyes of the Kussets, he is a Karadicized Cussets.In the eyes of the Karadians, he is a barbaric Karadir.Therefore, people of the two ethnic groups can barely accept him emotionally.

As for Jiu Ling'er, in his eyes, there is no difference between the Kusaites and the Karads, only the difference between countries.Therefore, only he can treat the people of the two races equally emotionally, and only he can come up with such an unimaginable idea, and of course only he can command this completely mixed army.

Jiu Ling'er waved her hand and said with a smile: "Yu swear, this is only for us brothers to talk about. Don't mention it in the future, it will easily lead to misunderstanding."

Yu Shi nodded solemnly.

Esuer and Heju came galloping on horseback.

"My lord, since the enemy won't surrender, what are we waiting for? Let's take it down in one fell swoop while the soldiers' morale is high," Heju said loudly.

Esu'er roared with astonishing momentum: "Kill..."

Suddenly there was a loud noise on the battlefield, and then the horns of the charge went straight into the sky.The battlefield that had just fallen silent was full of killing sounds again, and the roar of galloping horses resounded throughout the plain in an instant.

Jiu Ling'er stared at the cavalry soldiers rushing back and forth on the battlefield, dumbfounded.Yu Xie and the other captains did not say hello to Jiu Ling'er, and hurried away on horseback.

The soldiers of the Aserai army were divided and surrounded on the battlefield, without the slightest thought of surrendering.Knowing that there was no way out today, they calmed down instead, only hatred burning fiercely in each of their hearts.Seeing the officers and soldiers of Calad surrounding them in a vigilant manner, with bloody weapons pointed at them, the soldiers' pride erupted again.

"Kill..." I don't know who suddenly yelled loudly.The Aserai soldiers who were full of fighting spirit echoed in unison, and rushed towards the surrounding cavalry without hesitation.

The soldiers of Ni Hai's iron cavalry held back their anger, and they were waiting for this moment.Everyone didn't wait for the charge horn to sound, they all roared loudly, galloped on their horses, and rushed towards the soldiers of the Aserai army with wild roars.

Massacre, cruel and bloody massacre.The infantry of the Aserai Army, which had already been weak, was cut off one by one by the soldiers of the Ni Hai Iron Cavalry like leeks, and every fresh life was swallowed up ruthlessly and willfully.

Jiu Ling'er sat on the black ground, looked up at the sky, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Tiza came slowly on horseback.He walked up to Jiu Ling'er and said with a smile: "Who is so courageous to go out to fight in violation of the military order?"

Jiu Ling'er looked at the old man in surprise, and said with a smile: "Old man, are you in a hurry because you haven't had the chance to display your power as a police officer?"

Tiza nodded solemnly, "That's right. Let's see how many violators of military discipline may be caught this time."

Jiu Ling'er laughed out loud. "It may be the enemy who launched the attack on his own initiative. Don't always think of the bad."

Tiza looked at Jiu Ling'er strangely, and said in a very puzzled manner, "Little cutie, you don't seem to be willing to punish soldiers who violate military discipline."

"Small violation of discipline, let's talk about it." Jiu Ling'er said casually.

"Small violations of discipline are not dealt with, military discipline will be relaxed, and sooner or later it will lead to a big disaster. If you dare to attack in violation of orders today, you don't know what you dare to do tomorrow?" Tiza said very unhappy with a tense old face.

Jiu Ling'er was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes. The old man is right, and we must deal with it seriously."

After a while, the shouting and killing sound became smaller and smaller, and gradually returned to calm.

In the evening, the sun was setting, the twilight was hazy, and the wind was blowing.On the plains of La Mesa, the horns of victory sounded one after another, and the plains were filled with the sounds of soldiers celebrating their victory.The cavalry on the battlefield began to look for their own battle flags one after another, and gathered under the battle flag of the headquarters.

The captains of the troops arrived on flying horses.

"My lord, just now the Aserai army took the initiative to invite the battle. Seeing that the situation was critical, Nayantai launched the attack first. Now the battle is all over." Esuer led Nayantai to Jiuling'er, bowed Said.

Jiu Ling'er saw that Nayantai was wrapped in two cloth belts, and knew that he was injured, so she hurried forward and asked, "Is the injury serious?"

Nayantai smiled awkwardly and remained childish, but didn't make a sound.

Tiza stepped forward suddenly, pretending to be serious and asked, "Little brat, did you attack first?"

Nayantai was startled, shook his hands in panic and said, "No, no. Brother Pilan was there at the time, you asked him?"

Everyone saw his anxious look and laughed. "Have you seen the poisonous scorpion, the leader of this Aserai army?"

Jiu Linger asked.

"He was stabbed with a spear and died."

Atezuo replied regretfully: "Poisonous scorpions are very famous in the Aserai army. The Lai army is also so difficult to fight, we will be in trouble."

Jiu Ling'er nodded, and said disappointedly: "It would be great if he could be captured, at least we can save so many people from dying."

He turned his eyes to the battlefield where the corpses were strewn across the field, and said sadly: "Why do you have to die in battle, wouldn't it be good to surrender?"

Heju snorted disdainfully and said: "If you don't hit us hard, how will they know how powerful our Ni Hai cavalry is? We've broken their courage and made them terrified when they hear us. The next time we encounter a battle, it will be easier to fight. "

Thumb even yelled wildly: "Kill, kill every battle, the enemy will be less and less, and we will become stronger and stronger."

Yu swore looked at Thumb's murderous eyes, and shook his head helplessly. "Last year, General Galius killed hundreds of thousands of Aserai surrendered soldiers in the lower ancient Yaz pit, which stimulated them too much. Surrender is death, and death in battle is death. It is better to die in battle. Now the Aserai army The sharp increase in combat effectiveness is probably related to their thinking. I am afraid that this battle will become more and more difficult and cruel."

In the Battle of La Mesa Plain, 3 soldiers of the Poison Scorpion Division of the Aserai Army were wiped out because they vowed not to surrender, and none of them survived.Ni Hai's iron cavalry took advantage of the right time and place, and those who hit it with one hit won a complete victory, with more than 1000 casualties and more than [-] troops.That night, the troops were stationed on the La Mesa Plain and cleaned the battlefield overnight.

The next day, the troops rushed to the city of Zumr in Hibal with a lot of spoils.Jiu Ling'er stationed the camp on a hill outside the city.

Since the Aserai army attacked the eastern land, all the troops of the Karad Empire have lost every battle, retreating step by step, and soon retreated to the city of Hussen Fulege.If the cities of Hussenfuleg and Danustika are also lost, all the eastern lands will be considered lost.

Now the 15 army of Prince Adram of the Aserai Army has surrounded the city of Hussen Fullerg, and the siege battle will break out at any time.Just when everyone was in panic all day long and had nothing to do, there was a sudden news that the Jiulinger Division of the Jiuling'er Army wiped out 3 horses of the Aserai Army's fierce general Poison Scorpion in La Mesa.

This news came very timely, which greatly stimulated and inspired the fighting spirit and confidence of the soldiers and civilians defending the city.The whole city celebrated the victory that day like a festival.

Jiu Ling'er's troops suddenly disappeared on the Hut Mountain, which made Adram's well-prepared encirclement plan fail.Although he didn't know the reason for Jiuling'er's sudden withdrawal, he understood that the cavalry army was the biggest threat to the Aserai army on the battlefield in Houssen Fulege area.If Jiuling'er was eliminated, the Aserai Army would basically take Housen Fulege down.

Before attacking the East, the Aserai Army did not know the existence of this army.The Sudanese secret envoy who was hiding in the enemy camp only recently reported the news.This made Adram very passive in the formation of troops.

In the earliest days, Prince Adram once organized his emirs, Sheikhs and other leaders at all levels to study how to deal with Garsunzad. (Amir, Sheikh, etc. are the official names of Aserai)

Gasunzade's Shuanghe Cavalry has only [-] troops, which is a well-known secret.But last month, Garsunzad was suddenly transferred from the East, which really made the leaders of the Aserai army happy.Aserai also has cavalry, and has very good Aserai war horses, but they are mostly used as ranger scouts, and they are far from rich enough to form large-scale cavalry.Unexpectedly, before they were happy for a few days, such an army of nine bells appeared.

Not surrounding Jiuling'er, Prince Adram felt very uneasy, so he did not launch an attack on the city of Hussen Fulege for the time being.After he wanted to know the exact location of the Jiuling'er Army, he would consider whether to attack the city first or eliminate the Jiuling'er Army first.It is not difficult to capture the city of Hussen Fullerg. It took a few days for an army of 15 to attack the city of Houssen Fullerge, which was defended by more than 1 people.

Now that Queser's 15 troops have returned to the north gate of Hussen Fulger City, the poisonous scorpion will go to Ravinia City to attract the attention of the enemy as planned, and then return to the city of Shibalzumur to assist Siege.After Hibalzumr was taken, the poisonous scorpion led his troops to join them. As long as all the [-] troops gathered, the siege could begin.

The Jiuling'er army is all cavalry, flexible and mobile, and has always been a huge threat to the army's supply line.

Jiu Ling'er herself was an extremely terrifying character.He fought violently in Kusaite and slaughtered important people in Kusaite in succession, causing Mulek and Sebuci to use the black wooden token to chase him down at the same time.

After returning to Karad, he participated in the defense of the Korenia Fortress. Although the officers and troops of Karad were victorious, he earned him a reputation as a hero. Gave him alone.

Just when people were amazed at his luck, he led his troops in a series of surprise attacks. Under the command of Inspector Faron, he defeated the southern Kusaite army that invaded Odrisa, and killed the commander of the Kusaite army. Achievements.

The subsequent record was even more impressive. He led his troops to hold on to Baoju City for more than 20 days, forcing back the violent attack of the northern Kusai Tebu thorns, and then used his usual surprise attack to directly enter Kusai Te to annihilate Qu Sait The Zongshou army of the Special Khanate then annihilated the invading Titto'er army and killed Titto'er.

This hero who rose purely by military merit has become a role model for the aspiring young people in Karad.This time, if it weren't for the timely news sent by the Sudanese secret envoy hidden in Karad, it is estimated that Queser's troops have lost more than half.Such a man with ten thousand troops in his hands is more terrifying than a mediocre man with one hundred thousand troops in his hands.

So Adram has always wanted to destroy this army, kill Jiu Ling'er, and never cause future troubles.In his opinion, even if the city of Hussen Fullerge is captured, if the lingering Nine Bells keeps haunting the Hurson Fullerg area, the Aserai army may not have attacked Danustika. In the city, Jiu Linger made a fuss in his backyard.

Outside the city of Hussen Fullerge, the camps of the Aserai Army were densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sky, completely enclosing the four gates of the city of Hussen Fullerge.Zoel, Prince Adram's military affairs officer, hurried into Adram's big tent.

"Prince, the drums and firecrackers in the city of Hussen Fulger are buzzing, as if they are celebrating some happy event."

Zoel was born in Hubia. His father helped the owner manage the flax business in the city, earning a good income. His father took him to accompany the owner's grandson to study in the city since he was a child, hoping that Zoel would make a name for himself in the future.Zoe is very smart, and has achieved quite a lot after more than ten years.However, because of his ordinary background, no matter how hard he tried, at most he would help the head of the family to write and settle accounts, and he would not be able to get on the stage.Under the persuasion of his friend Poison Scorpion, he joined Winged's great cause.Soon his talent was spotted by Wen Jide, and he was in charge of teaching the sergeants to read and write. He also worked as Wen Jide's financial officer for a while.Wenjid died of illness last year, and the army was defeated one after another. He fled to the desert with Prince Adram to assist Adram.

Zoe is in her thirties, with a thin body, short beard and long face, and looks very ordinary.

Adram was secretly taken aback when he heard it.

"Is there a wired newspaper?"

Zoe shook his head and said in a low voice: "Not yet, I don't know what they are up to. In my opinion, if there is still no news about Jiu Ling'er, just attack the city. We really don't need to wait like this."

Adram nodded, "I think so too. If we don't have any news tomorrow, let's attack the city the day after tomorrow. What do you think?"

Zoir sat next to the desk, and asked casually, "Prince, when will the grain and grass escorted by Tulule arrive?"

"Almost four or five days."

"Is there any news about Emile Poisonous Scorpion today?"

Adram shook his head anxiously, "There was no news last night, nor this morning. I have already sent someone to look for him. I don't know if there is something wrong with him in the city of Hibal Zumr? "

"I always feel that there must be a big problem. The poisonous scorpion is careful and responsible, and he will not cut off contact with us easily." Adram sighed and continued with a heavy heart.

Zoe said with a smile: "Prince, you can rest assured. Poison Scorpion is brave, resourceful, decisive, and well-managed. The troops he leads are all veterans, and their combat effectiveness is very strong. Even if they encounter the cavalry of the Jiulinger Army, Also has the power to fight."

Immediately, his face changed drastically, and he cried out: "That wild man won't go to Shibal Zummer to surprise the poisonous scorpion, will he?"

Adram turned pale with fright, grabbed his long beard, and tried his best to suppress the uneasiness in his heart.

Seeing the delicate, fair and gentle Xi Ao Yiying, Jiu Ling'er laughed happily. "Brother Yiying, how are you doing recently?"

Since the last breakup, the two haven't seen each other for half a year.

Xi Ao Yiying happily grabbed Jiu Ling'er's hand, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay. You have won several battles within a few months after the last farewell, which is too enviable."

Jiu Ling'er smiled and said, "What are you envious of? Wars are bloody and cruel. You should be a civil servant like this."

Xiao Yiying shook her head and said: "Of course it's fun to fight on the battlefield. It's good to follow you all the time, and you can fight for several battles. When you were besieged in Baoju City, I asked several times to bring troops to support, but I was rejected by the city magistrate. The adults refused."

Jiu Ling'er immediately thanked him gratefully.

"Thank you, I didn't help you. But you are so powerful. Thousands of people resisted the attack of more than 1 Sebu thorns. They defended for more than 20 days. It's amazing, amazing."

Jiu Ling'er smiled awkwardly, he hadn't fought Sebuci in Baoju City, each played his own game, not only did he deceive many people, but he also earned enough fame for himself, in exchange for a great credit .Should we tell Xio Yiying the truth about this matter?Thumb and Index Finger, the two big gangster brothers who are obviously dead, suddenly appear beside him. How should he explain it to Xiao Yiying?

Xi Ao Yiying didn't notice Jiu Ling'er's uneasiness, and was still talking happily. "Your Excellency wiped out 3 Aserai troops in the first battle of La Mesa. The record is impressive."

"Yi Ying, don't you think I killed too many people?" Jiu Ling'er asked suddenly.

Xiao Yiying frowned on purpose, sniffed hard and said, "Your Excellency still smells of blood. Immediately, the entire Eastern Earth will know that Jiu Ling'er is a bloodthirsty savage who has killed too many people. This Is there something wrong?"

Jiu Ling'er smiled wryly and shook her head. "You didn't see the situation at that time. After the battle, those Aserai soldiers had no need to resist at all, but they vowed not to surrender until they were all killed. I fought many battles and killed so many for the first time People, and it is still in the situation where the opponent has no room to fight back. I can't accept my cruelty."

"In the battle of La Mesa, I'm afraid I, a bloodthirsty savage, will never be able to escape being scolded." Jiu Ling'er sighed.

Xiao Yiying laughed: "Everyone who has achieved great things since ancient times has blood on their hands. Why do you blame yourself like this?"

Jiu Ling'er shook her head helplessly, "Don't you know who I am?"

"I know. On the Kosiang River, if you hadn't insisted on Sebutao's surrender, Sebutao and his 5000 troops would have died long ago. The soldiers of the Aserai army are all poor people. Logically, my lord You should let them surrender. You directly killed 3 of them in the battle of La Mesa, and didn't even leave a single prisoner. Although the blood was a little bloody, compared with some people, your work is not worth it I mentioned it."

"Really? Who?" Jiu Ling'er asked hesitantly.

"General Galius killed [-] Aserai soldiers in Guyaz Pit, you know?"

Of course Jiu Ling'er knew, he nodded.

"Apart from the Aserai traitor, do you hear anyone scolding him now?"

Jiu Ling'er nodded, expressing that he could understand, but he was still brooding over this matter in his heart and couldn't let it go.

"Moe, before I came, I received a handwritten letter from the Lord Mayor Amprela. The Lord said that if my troops enter the city of Houssen Fullerg, I will obey the command of the Lord Mayor Wu Angru; if I am with you I will follow your command, Master Overseer. Now, I will follow your orders, and I will do whatever you say." Xiao Yiying chatted with him for a while, and then got to the point.

Jiu Ling'er looked at him and smiled slightly. "I want your cavalry to join Ni Hai cavalry immediately."

"That's no problem. I brought fifteen hundred cavalrymen and fifteen hundred elite infantrymen on horseback. Do you want them all?"

"Of course, I want all of them. What's missing now are soldiers. Isn't there a big gap between infantry and cavalry in the Amprela area?"

Xiao Yiying's eyes widened in surprise, she shook her head and said, "My Lord Overseer, of course the gap is huge. You want to repeat the same trick and use infantry as cavalry?"

Jiu Ling'er smiled and nodded: "Hey, the infantry is the infantry this time, and I want to use them on the knife edge."

Xiao Yiying frowned, and said in surprise: "Is there any action from the troops?"

Jiu Ling'er smiled and said nothing.

Adram's heart was bleeding.Aserai's hero, Poison Scorpion, died, along with his [-] elite soldiers, and none of them survived.

Adram is very remorseful. Since raising the banner again this year to call on the heroes to revolt, the development of the Aserai army and various military operations have been carried out very smoothly.However, when the Aserai army was in a good situation, the poisonous scorpion died. This was no less than a bolt from the blue, and it exploded on the heads of the Aserai leaders and soldiers.The morale of the Aserai army was dealt a fatal blow.

Adram has not eaten all day.After he received the news of the annihilation of the poisonous scorpion army, he stayed in the big tent thinking about the battle situation in the Hussen Fullerg area.Poison Scorpion's best friend, Queser, has come to ask for a battle again and again, demanding an immediate siege to avenge Poison Scorpion and the Aserai brothers who died in battle.The military affairs officer Zoel talked nonsense, and dragged Queser into his big tent, persuading him to calm down temporarily.At this time, the most important thing is not to disturb the morale of the army, and to re-formulate countermeasures, and strive to win the city of Hussen Fullerg in the shortest possible time, and revive the morale of the Aserai army.

In the evening, Adram sent someone to invite Doctor Baima, Zoel and Queser to discuss matters in the big tent.

Now the poisonous scorpions have been completely wiped out by Ni Hai's iron cavalry. The city of Hibalzumur in the north of Hussen Fulege is probably still in the hands of the government and the army. Now Jiuling'er is taking advantage of the cavalry to roam around, looking for more Opportunity to hit the Aserai army.The Nine Bells threat suddenly loomed large on the Houssen Fullerger field.

The 3 people who killed the poisonous scorpions was equivalent to cutting off the left arm of the Aserai army. This sharp and vicious move immediately made the Aserai army feel unbearable pain.

The original plan to capture the city of Hibalzumur, pointing directly at the cities of Lavinia and Odriza, and then encircle the city of Danustika, had to be revised due to the defeat of the poisonous scorpion army. .The city of Tamnu, which was captured earlier, can basically guarantee the unimpeded supply of the army.Although Hibalzumr's temporary inability to capture has affected the plan to capture the city of Hussen Fuleq, it is not a decisive influence.Shibalzumr is the granary in the Hussen Fulger area. Its existence can support the city of Hussein Fulger, but if Hussein Fullerg City is gone, Hibal Zumr What is the meaning of the existence of the city?Without the support and support of Hussen Fulege City, how long can Hibalzumr defend?
So Adram decided to abandon all distracting thoughts and try his best to attack the city of Hussen Fullerge. He must take the city of Hussen Fullerge at the end of this month according to the original plan, and seize and occupy the entire Hussen Fullerge area.

As for the Jiulinger Army that they hated to the bone, because it was difficult to catch its traces, they had to let it do what it wanted.The key to everything is in Houssen Fullerton City.After taking the city of Hussen Fulger, the Nine Bells Army is just like Shibalzumr. Without support and support, what else can they do except flee?Stay near the city of Houssen Fullerg, it is a dead end without supplies and rear.

After listening to Adram's analysis and decision, Doctor Baima nodded repeatedly, and Queser applauded.

Looking at the map on the desk, Zoe said slowly: "Prince, attacking the city of Hussen Fullerg is naturally the top priority. But the threat of Jiulinger Jiulinger to us must not be ignored. The poisonous scorpion His defeat tells us the fact that the threat to us from the Jiulinger Ni Hai Cavalry Army is not his cavalry, but himself."

"Can you make it clearer?" Queser said loudly, "My brother's troops were wiped out by Ni Hai's iron cavalry, not by Jiu Ling'er alone."

Zoir nodded, and continued indifferently: "The news sent to us by the Sudanese secret envoy is very accurate. Jiu Ling'er is indeed preparing to ambush brother Queser's troops near the thatched house mountain, but our trap is not ready. , was discovered by him. But Jiu Ling'er immediately changed tactics, took advantage of the cavalry's advantage, rushed for half a day and one night, ran to La Mesa and beat the poisonous scorpion by surprise. This is called "striking from east to west" in the art of war. Based on this, it can be explained Jiu Ling'er is well versed in the art of war. That's why I said his threat is not his Ni Hai cavalry, but himself. If Jiu Ling'er hadn't guessed that the poisonous scorpion was unsuspecting, he would have dared to attack La Mesa overnight?"

Adram didn't make a sound, he looked very haggard, and his grim face was full of fatigue and worry.

"What do you mean by that, are you worried about our supplies?" Queser asked.

"Exactly. Sheikh Tulule is escorting 1 people to transport food and supplies. If he encounters Ni Hai's iron cavalry from Jiuling'er, it may be a disaster. His troops are too small to be opponents at all." Zoel spoke calmly. , said unhurriedly: "We still have 10,000 days of food at most. The reserves of weapons and siege equipment are obviously insufficient. The siege of [-]+ people is large in scale and consumes a lot. The weapons and siege equipment required The number of equipment is astonishing. According to my estimation, after seven or eight days of continuous siege, if there is no replenishment, the troops will probably stop attacking the city."

Queser cried out in shock: "You did your calculations correctly, right? If that's the case, then that batch of supplies is too important to us."

Zoir nodded and continued: "After defeating Razih, we rushed to the city of Hussen Fulger with only a small amount of food and supplies because we repeatedly asked for a marching speed. We originally took the city of Tanum and we hoarded it. There are a lot of food, grass and equipment, and Tulule can send supplies over at any time, but because of the appearance of the Nine Bells Army, it has become very difficult for us to transport supplies."

"This Jiuling'er is very difficult to deal with. Generally speaking, the most important thing in a war is to fight for the city, so everyone tries to increase the number of troops who attack the city and defend the city as much as possible. But this person's way of fighting is very unique. He uses The Kusaite's cavalry tactics do not pay attention to the gains and losses of a city or a place, but the main purpose is to annihilate the opponent's army, so it is difficult for us to seize the opportunity to fight him, but he can easily attack and kill us troops, especially those escorting supplies."

"Tulule, which is currently transporting food and grass, may be his next target."

After hearing this, Queser's face was full of anger, because he couldn't lead his troops to go forward, so he could only grit his teeth and scolded.

Dr. Baima lay on the desk, carefully looking at the map.

Adram seemed to have thought about this question, and there was no surprise on his face.

"Prince, I suggest that Sheikh Fubio rush back to the city of Tanmunu overnight, bring out the [-] troops left behind in the city, join Sheikh Tullul and escort the supplies together. At the same time, I urge Emir Sukru's army to hurry Go east, and immediately arrive at the field of Houssen Fullerger."

Seeing Zoir's eager eyes, Adram turned to Doctor Baima, who had been silent all this time.

"The military affairs officer is thoughtful and meticulous. I completely agree with his opinion. I also suggest that Emir Suruk should take his troops day and night to rush to the Hussen Fulege area first to strengthen our Hussen The strength on the battlefield in the Fulege area squeezes the range of activities of the Jiulinger Army, minimizing the danger brought to us by Ni Hai's iron cavalry."

Adram pondered for a long time, with a hint of helplessness and sadness in his eyes. "Zoel, go see Su Luke in person!"

Xiao Yiying gnawed on a thick pancake with cold water, with a bitter expression on her face. "My Lord Overseer, isn't it too much for you to entertain me with this?"

"Yiying, here are some pieces of dried meat, I'll give you all. The food is good." Jiu Ling'er said cheerfully.

"This is what I ate in Amprela a few months ago. You have won several battles and captured a lot of spoils, and you are still so poor?" Xiao Yiying asked puzzled.

Jiu Ling'er pointed to the large tent that stretched for several miles outside, and said with a smile: "There are so many brothers, no amount of money is enough." Then she patted Xiao Yiying's shoulder shyly, and said in a low voice: "When I have money , I must treat you to a restaurant and have a good meal."

Xiao Yiying looked at him suspiciously and shook her head. "Forget it, let me invite you. Your monthly salary is either rewarded to your subordinates or paid to soldiers, or you give extra meals to wounded soldiers. When will you have money? I can see through you, you It’s just a poor life. If it’s someone else, if you win a few battles in a row, you’ll already be full of wealth.”

Jiu Ling'er was overjoyed immediately, "It's a deal. Last time in Silonia City, brother Shaw treated me to a meal, and Garsunzad also treated me to a meal. It was enjoyable."

Xiao Yiying asked strangely: "Oh? Before leaving Dongtu?"

"Yes. Not long after we broke up with him, there was a mutiny in his army, and half of the soldiers ran back." Jiu Ling'er said regretfully: "I don't know how he is now? If he goes to the northwest, he should be with him. We, too, are on the battlefield."

Xiao Yiying nodded, and said in a heavy tone: "I, Karad, is now on the offensive, and the country is declining. I have heard about Mr. Gasunzad in Amprela. He has always treated nomads. The tribe adopts tough measures, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, they will all face each other with swords, and sooner or later they will suffer."

"Your attitude towards the warriors of the nomadic tribe is very different from his. Look at it now, your subordinates are basically Kusaites, and everyone is willing to work for you. I really admire you."

"They are also human beings. If you treat them as brothers, everyone will naturally be of the same mind. I don't understand why the Karad people hate the Kuset people so much? Let's just say you. Your Theo family has been in Karad for more than 100 years. Yes. Now it is the most common surname in the Odrisa area. There are a lot of talents in the clan, and he is still the richest man in Oderiza. How could there be the Xio clan in your Oderusa area? Everyone lives together like brothers, helping and supporting each other, what's wrong? Why is it so difficult?" Jiu Ling'er frowned and sighed.

Solasin hurried into the big tent.Xiao Yiying and him got along very well when they were in Ampereira, and they were very speculative with each other.

"Brother Yiying is here, and the strength of our Ni Hai Cavalry will be even stronger." Solasin said happily, holding Xiao Yiying's hands tightly.

"I hope to fight a few battles as soon as possible. I have been staying in Amprela for several months, and I always hear your success stories. I am very envious."

"There will be a war soon." Solasin said, "This time you and my brother will fight side by side, and our brother's wish will definitely be fulfilled."

Xiao Yiying asked in surprise: "Really? I came here by such a coincidence this time?"

"Yi Ying always lamented his bad luck." So Laxin looked at Jiu Ling'er and said with a smile, "Last time he went back without a fight, and it still haunts him. Let him fight this time."

Jiu Ling'er nodded with a smile. "The scouts are back? Any news?"

"Extremely good news, even better than you imagined." So Laxin waved and shouted, "A sheikh (official name of Aserai) of the Aserai Army is escorting food and supplies around the south of Mount Talma. Euphrates?"

Jiu Ling'er looked down at the map.

"How many people? Who is the leader?"

"Several scouts who reported back said that it was about 1 people. Food supplies for 10,000+ troops, thousands of horse-drawn carts, ox carts, long teams of camels, and a huge convoy of supplies. The leader was a Sheikh from Aserai , called Tulule"

Solasin pointed to the Thebes Ferry on the map, and said excitedly: "They are all here, all concentrated here. We can rush all night and catch him by surprise."

Jiu Ling'er didn't say a word, she tapped her fingers lightly on the table, her eyes were fixed on the Thebes Ferry on the map.

"Xiaoxin, what did Lord Overseer think of?" Seeing that Jiuling'er hadn't spoken, Xiao Yiying quietly asked Solasin.

Solasin smiled and said: "The warlord is going to go directly to Tanum City, pretending to attack the city, and lure the Aserai army to send troops back to help. The location of Tanum City is very important, directly related to the supply of the Aserai army. The safety of the route. If there is no accident, Adram will definitely mobilize troops to return to Tannum City. In this way, not only can the pressure on the defenders of Hussen Fulger City be relieved, but we can also wait for the opportunity to ambush him. Reinforcement is a direct threat to the supplies of the Aserai army."

Xiao Yiying suddenly realized.

"Now the supply of the Aserai army is at the Euphrates River. If we rob him of his supplies, do you think it will be very difficult for the Aserai army to attack the city of Hussen Fulger?"

"I'm afraid their time to attack the city will be delayed again and again."

Jiu Ling'er suddenly slapped the table and cursed angrily.

So Laxin and Xiao Yiying hurried over.

"Cute, what's wrong?" Solasin asked strangely.

"Adram hasn't attacked the city yet, but the follow-up supplies have arrived at Thebes Ferry, which shows the importance of this batch of supplies to them. Didn't Adram think of what we thought of? He will definitely send more With a heavy escort, we may have a hard time getting a chance."

"Lion's head..." Jiu Ling'er called out loudly.

Yi'an walked into the big tent in response.

"Notify the captains of the various ministries and come to me immediately."

In the early morning, the sun has not yet risen, and the clouds in the sky are thin and sparse.On the tower of Houssen Fulege City, the tall Callad flag swayed violently in the morning wind, making loud noises from time to time.Flags of various colors are densely inserted on the top of the city wall, colorful and fluttering in the wind, making it a magnificent sight.

The Military Affairs Officer of Dongtu Inspectorate's Office, Xiao Yifu, and Huo Sen Fullerge's Guard Wei Huozhi, one on the left and one on the right, accompanied the mayor, Mr. Wu Angru, to inspect the tower.

The city wall is full of all kinds of weapons for defending the city, a large number of stones, and Leimu can be found everywhere.The soldiers on duty at night were very tired after not sleeping all night, but when they saw several adults walking all the way, they hurriedly cheered up one by one, looking cautious.

Mayor Wu Angru is over 50 years old, not tall, a little fat, with a round face and long beard. Although he is well maintained, he has been overworked recently and looks very bad.Du Weiwei Huozhi is a muscular man with a black face and short beard. He is dressed in a military uniform with a helmet on his top and a long sword hanging from his waist.Compared with Theo Yifu, who was wearing simple clothes and ordinary armor, he looked much more majestic and mighty.

"Is there any news from the acting warlord Jiu Ling'er today?" Wu Angru asked.

"Yes. He and Amprela's reinforcements, Xiao Yiying's troops, have joined forces in the area of ​​Shibalzumur." Xiao Yifu hurriedly replied.

"What actions has he taken recently?" Wei Huozhi continued to ask: "Now the Aserai army bandits are about to attack the city, if he doesn't find a chance to attack the enemy outside the city, let him come back to help defend the city. Ten thousand more soldiers, and the better our chances of holding Houssen Fowler."

Theo Yifu shook his head. "Blindly defending the city will not defeat the enemy. Now we and the acting warlord Jiu Ling'er are attacking and defending inside and outside the city of Hussen Fullerg. We can not only defend, but also attack the enemy. This can give Aserai The army poses a great threat."

"The acting warlord is about to start attacking." Wu Angru and Wei Huozhi's eyes lit up immediately.

The three of them stood on the tower, looking at the rising sun slowly in the distance, feeling heavy.

"Shaw, there are 10,000+ rebels outside the city, and the momentum is huge. Can our 1 people survive until next month?"

Looking at Wu Angru's worried expression, Xio Yifu comforted him, "Why is your lord not confident? Concentrate all our strength and fight the rebels in Hussen Fulege City. This is our plan that we set up very early. In the past month, we have strengthened the walls of Hussen Fullerg, stored enough food and weapons, and mobilized tens of thousands of people to prepare for the work. Even if the soldiers are exhausted, we still have tens of thousands You can continue to fight!"

"Common people?" Wei Huozhi sneered, looked at Xiao Yifu and said, "I want to warn you in advance that these people are of one mind with the rebels outside the city. You ask them to help look after the wounded in the city. It’s okay to transport weapons and food, but they are absolutely not allowed to go up the city wall. Once they get cold feet, the city of Hussen Fullerg will be over.”

Xio Yifu nodded indifferently.

"Has Master Wei Eryou left yet?" Wu Angru asked again.

"He has already set off. With the speed of the clipper going south, it is estimated that he will see the Governor of Ajit in about ten days."

"I hope the governor of Ajit, Mr. Jiawu Woyi'an, can save our urgent need." Wu Angru looked in the direction of Ajit and muttered to himself.

After discussing with Hussein Fleger, Mayor Wu Angru and Theo Yifu, they preliminarily decided that Jiu Linger's proposal was very feasible and the only way.Dongtu doesn't have enough troops to resist the Aserai army now. If he wants to drive away Adram, he can only rely on Ajit to gather troops to launch an attack on the Aserai army's lair, otherwise it will be a dead end.So they wrote their opinions into documents and sent them to the city of Silonia on a fast ride.

Eastland Inspector Yalchiwen and Lazih Magistrate Turiados convened their officials to discuss carefully and agreed to this plan.They immediately dispatched Inspector General Wei Eryu to Ajit in person, hoping to persuade the governor of Ajit, Jiawu Woyi'an, to send troops to attack Hubia's rear where Aserai was threatening Aserai.

All of a sudden, in the Aserai camp hundreds of meters away from the city, the battle drums blared, people shouted and horses neighed, and the huge sound went straight into the sky.

The faces of the three of them changed drastically, and their hearts beat violently.The Aserai rebels are about to attack.

Ni Hai cavalry galloped across the plain against the rising sun.Jiu Ling'er led Ni Hai's guards away from the main force, and drove towards a small hill.On the hill, Tiza and the soldiers of the rear guard were sorting out the things on the horse.He now holds two positions, not only the picket of the Ni Hai Iron Cavalry, but also the captain of the rear guard.Since Xiao Yiying's [-] troops have all joined in, the formation of the troops has been readjusted.Umprella's cavalry was added to the various ministries to make up for the losses of the troops at the battle of La Mesa.For the rest of the cavalry and [-] infantry, Jiu Ling'er asked them to form a separate infantry team, with Xiao Yiying serving as the captain of the regiment, and the index finger as the deputy captain of the regiment.

The index finger went to the infantry team to serve as the deputy captain, and the guard team would not have a chief officer, so of course it would not work.So Jiuling'er let Tiza take over as part-timer.

When Tiza saw Jiu Ling'er, he immediately yelled: "Moe, there are tens of thousands of troops now, but our guard team still has 300 people, and we are really too busy."

Jiu Ling'er flew off the horse, walked up to Tiza, and asked with a smile, "Do you need help?"

"Of course it is necessary. Although the various ministries have set up guard teams to deal with these matters of eating, drinking, and messing around, which has lightened our burden, but the guard team has too many things and too few people."

"That's why you summoned me with the sound of a trumpet?"

"Yes, the army brought out a lot of food and weapons this time. Thousands of horses transported these things. We have a small number of people and we can't take care of them. You can send me some people for a while."

Jiu Ling'er looked at the horses around her and at the guards behind her, nodded helplessly, and said to Tiza: "I have neglected this issue. The importance of the rear guard to the entire army is self-evident. Many, few people. Why haven’t I heard your opinions?”

Tiza smiled lightly.

"This is all caused by your kindness, Lord Overseer."

Jiu Ling'er laughed in surprise, "Old man, just tell me if you are dissatisfied with me, why go around in circles."

"That's true. You put most of the soldiers who survived the Korenia Fortress in the rear guard and paid them a high salary. As a result, the rear guard became the most popular place in the army, and the battle was at the end. On the other hand, they get the most money, and everyone envies it. The soldiers in the guard are grateful to the adults, and everyone works hard. Although they are very tired, no one complains, so naturally you can’t hear your opinions.”

Jiu Ling'er laughed, "When the battle is over, I'll expand the guard team. Now you can overcome it temporarily."

Then he turned around and waved to Qiercha.

"Old man, I will ask Qiercha to bring 300 people to help you along the way, okay?"

Tiza immediately smiled.

Jiuling'er then saw the cripple.As he went up to meet him, he shouted loudly: "Lime, lame..."

Limp in his 30s, a hunter in the small town of Mettakia.Jiu Ling'er didn't know his name, but everyone knew that he was called Kulai. In the scout team back then, he was good at martial arts and had a little reputation.An arm was cut off during the defense of Korenia Fortress.According to the requirements, he could not continue to serve in the army, but his relatives died in the war and he was homeless.There were quite a few people like this at the time, who were disabled but homeless.So Jiu Ling'er put all those who could still do things into the rear guard. If they really couldn't do things or even take care of themselves, Jiu Ling'er had no choice but to pay a little more for returning home and let them fend for themselves.Although he couldn't bear it in his heart, he really didn't have the ability to solve this matter.For this reason, he was always very uneasy.

He is of medium height, strong and strong, with a long face and thick beard, and a pair of very shrewd eyes under thick eyebrows.He only has one left hand left. Although he is not good at martial arts, it is not a problem to do some ordinary strength.

Seeing Jiu Linger calling him, Kulim hurriedly jumped off the horse, and wanted to salute Jiu Linger, but Jiu Linger stopped him.

Jiu Ling'er supported half of his shoulders, and said with a smile, "What are you doing, we're old friends. How have you been lately?"

Kuli looked at him gratefully, and nodded repeatedly.

Jiu Ling'er was very sorry for him, if it wasn't for the loss of a hand, he would be a squadron leader now.Originally, Jiu Ling'er wanted to promote him to be the captain of the centurion of the guard, but because he was crippled and illiterate, he couldn't handle many things in the guard if he couldn't read and write, so he had to give up, and he is still an ordinary soldier to this day.Jiu Ling'er felt very sorry for him.As long as the veterans of Corinia Fortress are in good health, they are basically low-level officers.

"How many of our veterans are left?" Jiu Ling'er would ask this question every time she saw Kuli.

"Not many, there are casualties in these few battles. There are still 110 and seven people." Kuli also noticed that Jiu Ling'er cared about the veterans, so after each battle, she carefully inquired about the veterans' deaths. When Jiu Ling'er asked, she finally got an answer.

"More than 160 people came out of Corenia Fortress with me. In less than half a year, dozens of people died in battle?" Jiu Ling'er asked in surprise.

"Many people are leaders of ten, fifty, or hundreds, so..." Kuxi didn't continue.These people are all grassroots officers who rushed to the front line after the battle started, and the chance of death is of course greatly increased.

Jiu Ling'er was a little depressed, he and Kuai walked aside and chatted.Tizha ordered Qi Ercha and Sanbai Yiming to help the soldiers pack up the supplies and prepare to leave immediately.

Solasin came flying.Limp, Jiu Ling'er and Solasin were both in Fatis's scouting team last year, and after Fatis was injured and left, he took them with him.In a year or so, after the ravages of war, things have changed.Fatis, the horse legs died in the battle one after another, and only a dozen comrades in the scout team survived.Jiu Ling'er was the luckiest, he was promoted all the way, and now he has the highest rank among the veterans in the Corinia Fortress, and he is the acting warlord.And the comrades in the scout team back then, Solasin who arrived at the Corinia Fortress later than the lame, are now the joint captain of the scout team, and the younger fart is also the team leader.It would be a lie to say that Kuma had no idea after seeing all this.Just because he was missing an arm, the promotion had nothing to do with him anymore. He felt very regretful and desolate.

Solasin greeted him affectionately.When he was crippled, his former comrades-in-arms sympathized with him.After one battle, too much has changed.Some died, some were promoted, some went home with their bags on their backs, and some became useless with missing arms and legs.Kulam is unfortunate, unfortunately, he is missing an arm, and how to survive in the future has become a darkness; Kulam is also lucky, fortunately, he met Jiu Linger, who resolutely compared him with a group of people who suffered almost the same experience. The comrades-in-arms stayed by their side so that they would not live on the streets begging for a living.

Therefore, suffering from lameness is particularly tolerable.He always compares himself with his dead comrades-in-arms, and being alive is actually the greatest happiness.As for being an official or not, it doesn't really matter.Just live happily.

Seeing that So Laxin came to find Jiuling'er, Kumai knew that they had something important to talk about, so he left immediately.

Seeing him get on the horse, Jiu Ling'er patted his thigh and said, "You seem to be more flexible with your left hand than your right."

"It's been almost a year, and I'm used to it." Kulim smiled heartily, and rode away.

Watching him disappear into the distance, Jiu Ling'er sighed, turned around and asked Sola, "Any news about the Aserai Army?"

"Yes. The scouts reported that Tulule had set up a large defensive vehicle formation at the Thebes Ferry with the carts transporting weapons, which was very unfavorable for the cavalry to launch an attack. Now his follow-up convoy is crossing the river. At the same time, He sent people to the city of Tanum and the Aserai army camp in the city of Hussen Fulger in succession, wondering if it was to call for reinforcements."

"Is there any scout reporting from the direction of Tanum City?"

"Yes. The report said that Tannum City has not moved for the time being."

"What nonsense is this? Is there any news from Husson Fowler City?"

"I haven't received any news from Hussen Fullerge City today. We set off early in the morning, and the scouts will catch up from Houssen Fullerge City. It may not be until the afternoon."

Jiu Ling'er walked back and forth for a few steps, and then made a gesture to Yi'an Ling who was standing in the distance.

Yi An Ling immediately took out the map from the bag on the horse and ran over.

Jiu Ling'er sat on the grass for a long time looking at the map without making a sound.

"Adram and Tulule will both consider that we will attack their supply transportation." Solasin said sitting on the side, "so they will not easily give us the opportunity to attack. They only need to have enough manpower to protect the convoy. , you can ensure that the food and supplies are safe."

"Yesterday you told everyone that even if we can't destroy the supplies of the Aserai Army, we must delay its arrival at Hussen Fulege City. But now it seems that this Tulule is not easy to deal with. He has probably already We received the news that the poisonous scorpion was raided by us, so we were very careful and made careful preparations at the Thebes Ferry. Now we rush directly to the Thebes Ferry to beat him, I am afraid we will not take advantage of it."

Jiu Ling'er nodded.

"In order to protect the convoy, Tulule's 1 horses are obviously a little weaker. If Adlam sieges the city and draws troops from the camp to rush to the Thebes Ferry to meet it, it will weaken the siege force. Now attack Hussen Fu The Aserai army in Leg City has only 11 people. With their strength, they are barely just right. Moreover, they may be attacked by us at any time along the way from Hussen Fullerge City to Thebes Ferry. Too big, and Adram certainly wouldn't take the risk."

"For the time being, there is no Aserai army in the direction of Razih to support them, and the number of Aserai troops remaining south of the Euphrates is very small."

"The only thing that can be used now is the [-] troops left behind in Tannum City. This troop Adram was originally used to protect the safety of the supply transportation route."

Solasin glanced at the map, shook his head and said, "If this troop is deployed, it is tantamount to abandoning Tannum City. Doesn't Adram consider that we will take the opportunity to occupy Tanum City?"

"According to our information, Tulule is one of the most promising young generals in the Aserai Army. His ability should be very good. Could it be that he has no ability to send this batch of supplies to Hussein Fuller alone? Gecheng?"

Jiu Ling'er shook her head and said with a smile: "Sukru, Tulule, and Aozan, although they are young and good at fighting, under the current situation, who would dare to say that I can defeat ten thousand cavalry. "

Seeing that Jiu Ling'er said something funny, Suo Laxin and Yi'an Yao laughed.

"As for the city of Tanum, a small town, if you give up, you give up. It's no big deal. If Adram takes down the city of Hussen Fulege, this small town will be his. Besides, I don't care about that small town at all. Not the slightest interest."


Solasin was surprised, "Why?"

Jiu Ling'er ignored him, raised her head and said to Yi'an Ling: "Lion, help me invite Xiao Yiying, Yu Shi and Atezuo."

Yi'an promised, and flew away with a few attendants.

(End of this chapter)

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