Chapter 56

"Old man, is he really Lord Jiu Ling'er?"

Tiza nodded cautiously, and asked strangely: "Is there something wrong?"

Muzai shook his head, and said with great admiration, "It's beyond my surprise that Lord Overseer is so young. He's not at all what I thought."

"What's the difference? Tell me?" Tiza asked with great interest.

"After Lord Warlord became famous in the Battle of Corinia Fortress, his prestige spread throughout the world. Everyone knows his legendary experience in Cusette. Everyone thinks that he is a bloodthirsty barbarian who is easy to kill, but who knows? He is such a hero." Muzai said excitedly with a look of admiration.

"A hero?" Tiza deliberately asked back, "Why can't I see it?"

"That's because the old man has been with him all the time, and he has been negligent. Your lord has fought successively in the east, defeated the invading Kuman army, beheaded more than [-] people, captured and killed many enemy generals, and his illustrious achievements have spread throughout the empire. Every corner. Now it is known to all that I have a hero in the east of Kalaad, who is invincible."

"Now Lord Jiuling'er has defeated Adram, Prince of the Aserai Army in Housen Fulege, and wiped out the 18 troops of the Aserai Army." Muzai opened his eyes wide and exaggeratedly waved his hands and said: "The 18 troops Hey! Once this matter spreads all over the world, your lord's reputation will be even greater than before, probably no worse than General Galius. We used to think that lord Jiuling'er was a middle-aged man, and some people even guessed that since he was Cusette A slave of a human being may still be a burly man, but unexpectedly, the adult has long hair, elegant and unrestrained."

"What's so good about his ghostly hair? It's messed up all day long. It looks like something. If you tell him to tie it up, he won't listen. He's just a vulgar man!" Tiza said angrily.

Muzai opened his eyes wide in surprise, and said in a low voice, "Old man, you are committing a crime by saying that about Shangguan."

"What?" It was Tiza's turn to be surprised this time, "I'm guilty?" Then he remembered that he was the picket, and hurriedly fell silent.

"This time in Jiaxila, the Shangguan asked me to escort the grain and grass. At first I was not very happy, thinking of following the governor to fight on the battlefield. Later, I heard that it was to escort the grain and grass for Lord Jiuling'er, and I heard that I was temporarily in Jiuling My lord is serving under my account, so I set off immediately, for fear that this good thing will be taken away by others. Now there are more people who want to make military exploits, especially after the invincible Lord Jiulinger, there must be more people who want to come .”

Tiza said with a smile: "Don't worry, you are right this time. There will be a war soon."

"Old man, shall we go to fight Musom City right away?" Muzai asked.

Tiza smiled slightly, but did not answer, but asked instead: "Do all your people know how to ride horses?"

Muzai was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Of course it will."

"That's good. Let's go to Razih."

"Not going to Musom?" Muzai asked in surprise.

Tiza immediately put on a very mysterious look, and whispered to Muzai: "Musom's enemies have gone to Razih."

The tall city wall of Razih City is majestic and upright, like a weather-beaten warrior, standing silently between the sky and the earth.

Jiu Ling'er led the troops to rest overnight on the way, and arrived at the city of Razih on the morning of the third day.

He looked at the towering city walls of Razih, and thought of the Korenia Fortress and the city of Odriza.The Kussets were not good at attacking cities, but for the sake of wealth, they gave up the advantage of cavalry and attacked the city of Calad at all costs.The cavalry fights thousands of miles and raids just to defeat the opponent, not just to rob property.But today, with the cavalry, are you going to attack the city?Why did we beat Razih?A bloody battle with the Aserai army on this wall?

Jiu Ling'er couldn't help but think of the bloody pass in the Korenia Fortress, and blood surged in his heart, and he suddenly felt an inexplicable fear of the high wall in front of him.

The soldiers of the Aserai army are all poor people, without any military training, and their weapons and equipment and combat effectiveness are much worse than those of the regular army.Although they have high fighting spirit and determination to perish with the enemy, these alone are far from enough.

The Aserai army can often take advantage at the beginning of a war, but once the stalemate is too long, their shortcomings will gradually be exposed until they are defeated.

On the Hussenfullg battlefield, he miraculously wiped out 18 of them by killing and taking prisoners. This has a lot to do with this reason.

Of course, Jiu Ling'er understood that being able to defeat Adram was certainly related to her flexible and changeable command.But more importantly, Adram was completely unprepared for the task of attacking the East.

It was also because of this that Jiu Ling'er felt that she was lucky to win, and the Aserai army lost for no reason.Now that the battlefield has shifted to the Ajit region, has the Aserai army taken precautions against its own cavalry and has a way to deal with it?
After Jiu Ling'er's victory in Hussenfullage, she often thought of what Turiados said to him.He didn't understand that these people were so heroic and rose up to rebel one after another. Could it be that what Turiados said was because they didn't have enough to eat and they wanted three meals a day?The Aserai Army killed tens of 10 people last year, and another 10,000+ people died this year, but because of the rebellion, they were implicated and killed by the government army, and millions of people were displaced and starved to death in the wild; because of the war, the fields It was barren, and there was no harvest. Countless people had to sell their sons and daughters in order to survive, and finally they simply cannibalized; because too many people died, plague broke out in many places, and more people died as a result.

Does this kind of human tragedy have nothing to do with the Aserai Army?It is said that the emperor is fatuous and incompetent, the officials are corrupt and pervert the law, and the nobles and rich people are rampant, which is indeed true.But the result of the fierce battle between their forces and the forces of the Aserai army was that millions of people died within two years.What the hell is the Aserai army trying to do?Overthrow the current emperor and change the dynasty?Or should we carry this rebellion to the end and let the people of the world die with them?
Now the Aserai army is weak, and as time goes on, they will be wiped out by the Karad army sooner or later.But now they are blindly burning, killing and looting, can they solve the food problem of the people?

Jiu Ling'er thinks that it can't, but more people will die and more people will fall into a more miserable predicament.He believes that to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people, the method of the former Eastern Inspector Faron is more effective.

Everyone said that the court was not good, the parliament was not good, the emperor was not good, and the local officials were not good, but in the East, many people said that the official Rong was good.Faron tried every means to make the people in the various places under his rule eat as much food as possible and live a stable life.Although Faron didn't fully achieve it, nor did he do it well, but he gave the people of the East to see hope.Didn’t the people in Dongtu not rebel this year?Why can't officials in other places do it?In the final analysis, it is still an official, and the official forces the people to rebel.

If you want the people in the world to live a good life, you have to kill all the corrupt officials in the world. This is the simplest solution in Jiu Ling'er's mind.Although he thought it was a ridiculous and naive idea, he really couldn't think of any better idea.Rebellion is not a good idea at all, as the facts have proved.Now, the words of the governor of Ajit, Jiawu Woyi'an, are correct. The Aserai rebel army in front of us must be wiped out as soon as possible, and the people who have fled their homes to escape the war will come back to farm and cultivate the land next year, so as to solve their food problem next year. Otherwise, The number of dead will increase every year.In the future, we must find a way to solve the food and clothing of the people.

Jiu Ling'er secretly thought.Muzai and Tongzai were beside him.Muzai is one year older than Tongzai. The two are about the same age, have the same temper and personality, and appreciate each other very much, so they got acquainted quickly.

"My lord, when will we start our attack?" Muzai asked softly.

Jiu Ling'er looked up at the sky and suddenly laughed. "Waiting."

In the early morning, Fan Yilier stood on a small hill and looked in the direction of Razih. When he received the news that Ni Hai's cavalry had arrived at the city of Razih, his thick body slowly took two steps back.

"My lord, will Ni Hai's cavalry attack the city?" Jia Wuwei, his subordinate, asked casually.

Fan Yilier smiled coldly, and said in a low voice, "He has no chance of attacking the city. Have all the troops to lure the enemy set off?"

"My lord, the [-] soldiers who lured the enemy set off this morning."

"What about the common people? How many common people are going with us?" Fan Yilier then asked.

Jia Wuwei hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "About six to seven thousand people. Many of them are unwilling to leave the city, only those who escaped are willing to go with us."

"Drive them out of the city immediately. If they don't want to leave, they will be executed immediately." Fan Yilier yelled sharply.

Jia Wuwei was taken aback, "You don't want your head. It would be fine if Sukru Emir knew about it."

"What are you afraid of? I will take care of the big things. Ni Hai's cavalry came too fast, and we didn't have time to prepare. As soon as 5000 people left the city, they would be chased and killed by his cavalry. Now we can only mix with the people. We retreated together. If Jiu Ling'er cared about the lives of the people, we wouldn't have killed them all, and we would have a chance to lure him to the Giant Lizard Canyon."

"I heard that he is cruel and bloodthirsty, I'm afraid he won't let us go easily?"

"No. He was able to release three thousand Aserai army brothers, which shows that he still has a little humanity and will not wantonly massacre the people." Fan Yilier said with certainty.

"I hope Sukru Emir's ambush will be successful this time." Jia Wuwei looked up at the sky and took a deep breath.

The weather was still hot, and more than 6000 Ni Hai cavalry quietly lined up under the city of Razih, waiting for Jiu Ling'er's attack order.Hundreds of battle flags of different colors fluttered with the wind, and the shaking sounds gathered together, forming a huge sound that echoed in the open field.

The scouts shuttled back and forth like lanterns, loudly reporting the military situation around Razih City.

A scout came in a hurry, Razih guard Fan Yilier suddenly led the [-]-strong army straight to the Yeshm Mountains, and a large number of people fled southwest with their families and bags.

Jiu Ling'er was surprised.The Aserai army actually retreated among the people, obviously wanting to avoid pursuit and slow down their pursuit speed.

"Xiao Xin, is there any news from the direction of Sahel City?" Jiu Ling'er turned her head and asked.

"The news from the scouts said that the four gates of Sahel City have been closed since three days ago, and entry and exit are prohibited." Suo Laxin replied, "This fan Yilier can only withdraw to Sahel City, and there is no way to go in the direction of Chabrab." There is no danger to defend, and the direction he can't go in is simply courting death. We should go all out and keep chasing until we reach the city of Sahel."

Jiu Ling'er looked up at the sky.He hoped that a huge sandstorm would come, and he would have an excuse not to attack again.His method of using troops was almost entirely derived from Mulek's teaching.And Muleke is good at cavalry warfare. His summary of his military use in his life is based on cavalry.Jiu Ling'er once helped Muleke sort out his military experience, and learned a lot about Muleke's military methods.Later, in the fortress of Corinia, I read Sikanes' military experience and benefited a lot.After more than a year of continuous honing in actual combat, Jiu Ling'er has already developed her own method of using troops in battle.He doesn't like this style of attacking cities and seizing villages.That's not what cavalry do at all, it's what infantry should do.But now that there are no infantry in the army, it shouldn't be fighting like this.He wanted to take control of the battlefield, and he didn't want to passively attack the city.The lessons learned from the failure of the Kussets in the Fortress of Corinia and the city of Odriza are too profound.Cavalry should use cavalry methods to defeat the enemy.

Jiu Ling'er wanted to stop, wait for the follow-up troops to arrive, and redesign the method of defeating the Aserai army.The Aserai army has abandoned Musom, and now another [-] troops have withdrawn from Razih.The purpose of sending troops has been achieved, why continue to attack Sahel?The governor of Ajit, Jawuwo Yi'an, has not launched an attack on Hubia. He hastily advanced and lacked support. Especially Razih has not been captured yet. He is always a threat. Once an accident occurs, he will be asking for trouble. .But the opportunity to attack the Aserai army and attack the city of Sahel is so good, and he is a bit reluctant to give up.If the city of Sahel is captured or the group of enemies in front of us is wiped out, Hubia can be directly threatened, and the city of Razih will become a turtle in the urn, and it can wait for the follow-up infantry siege troops to attack slowly.

Jiu Ling'er raised her hand and chopped it down with all her strength.The horn of the charge soared into the sky.

Monitor Lizard Canyon.In the canyon, the mountains are gentle and the terrain is open. Coconut groves are everywhere, which is very suitable for ambushes.

Su Kelu stood on a small hill, raised his head and took a sip of cold water.When he and Adram returned to Sahel City, the Aserai army was in a state of disintegration, and there was a tendency to disperse.Adram lost his strength, and of course his words were not as important as before, but Su Kelu surrendered his military power in due course and handed over his [-] troops to Prince Adram.The leaders of the various departments of the Aserai army were shocked, and then they dared not mention the matter of choosing another commander.

It is an indisputable fact that Adram's position in the Aserai Army is still irreplaceable.When the Aserai Army was in a precarious situation, Adram couldn't put forward any proposals for mercenaries. Facing the eyes full of expectations, trust and hope, he only had to bravely shoulder the burden and temporarily forget the East and West. The humiliation of the failure of the conquest, and try our best to solve the crisis that the Aserai Army is currently facing.

Adram first beheaded several small leaders who had shaken the morale of the army.They were responsible for providing food, grass and supplies to the front line. When the battle situation on the front line was urgent, they not only failed to fulfill their responsibilities, but took the lead in grabbing food and fleeing to hide it. As a result, the Aserai army suffered consecutive defeats and suffered heavy losses on the front line.

Sheikh Guzid wasn't exactly reckless.He did not attack the camel king's army, but surrounded him to prevent him from escaping.Once he escapes, the possibility of arresting him and punishing him is not great.Adram didn't kill the camel king, he just lifted his military power, took over his troops, invited the camel king to his tent, was in charge of food logistics, and put him under house arrest in disguise.

Adram went to Taras with only a retinue of thirty horsemen.Seeing Adram's painstaking efforts to persuade him in person, Taras was ashamed and uneasy. He took the initiative to admit his mistake to Adram and immediately led his troops back into the battlefield.After Adram quickly quelled the internal strife of the Aserai army in a short period of time, he immediately started preparing for foreign battles.What is needed at this time is a victory that can revive the morale of the Aserai army.

Sukru, who stayed in the Lazih area, actually started to fight back long ago.It will take time for Adram to deal with the internal disputes of the Aserai army, reorganize and assemble the troops, and prepare for the attack.However, the troops of Jawuwo Ngeean and Fenrir are watching closely, and they may launch a second round of attack on the Aserai army at any time.In this case, Su Kelu had no choice but to send troops to delay their attack on the Aserai army.

According to Sukruh's thinking, if the Aserai army captures the city of Jamayer, it will cut off the nearest line of communication between Gasila and Eyakis, directly threatening the army of Jawuwo Ngee'an.Iakis is now the supply point for the army.If the safety of Yakis could not be guaranteed, Jawuwo Ngeean must have had scruples and would not dare to launch an attack on the Aserai army lightly.

Jiawuwoyian originally wanted to take advantage of the civil strife in the Aserai army to launch a fierce offensive to wipe out the Aserai army as soon as possible, but the army in Sukru suddenly appeared near the city of Jamayeh, and he was worried that the Aserai army would take the opportunity to attack , threatening its own supplies.So he had no choice but to give up the attack for the time being, and tried his best to urge Jiu Ling'er in Dongtu to go south to join the battle as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Su Kelu wanted to defeat Jiulinger's Ni Hai cavalry.Jiu Ling'er killed 10,000+ Aserai soldiers and owed a blood debt, this revenge must be avenged.As long as Jiu Ling'er goes south, he will have a chance.This opportunity is now within reach.He himself stayed in Sahel City and carefully planned an ambush to lure the enemy. So far, there have been no loopholes.

The scouts of the Aserai Army rushed over.

"Amir, the troops withdrawn from Razih City are still five kilometers away from us, and Ni Hai's iron cavalry is following and chasing us."

Su Kelu smiled slightly and asked, "How far is the distance between Fan Yilier and Ni Hai cavalry?"

"About four kilometers."


Su Kelu suddenly became surprised, and he hurriedly asked: "How is the speed of Ni Hai's cavalry?"

"Going back to Sukru Emir is very slow, almost like walking."

"Why did this happen?" Su Kelu asked strangely, "Did Fan Yilier's troops run too fast?"

The scout hurriedly replied: "Xie He Fan Yilier withdrew thousands of people in the city at the same time. The people walked slowly, and Ni Hai's cavalry followed far behind. They seemed to be very scrupulous and did not speed up to catch up."

Su Keru's brows slowly frowned, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Emir, what's the matter?" Wei Zai, the military affairs officer standing behind him, asked in a low voice.

"This Fan Yilier, why are you so confused. They are soldiers who lure the enemy, and they want to deceive the enemy at all costs. Only when the cavalry of Ni Hai cavalry can keep killing us along the way, will they lose their vigilance. Their advancing speed It will be faster and faster, and the formation will become more and more chaotic and thinner, so that it will be very easy to kill them, and there will be a chance to wipe them out. I didn't explain to him a few words, but he actually In order to preserve his strength, he did this kind of thing to slow down the enemy's speed." Su Kelu felt extremely remorseful and extremely angry.

"Emile, we have 5 people. As long as Jiuling'er leads the army into the monitor lizard canyon, even if they are in order, they can wipe them all out. Could they still run away?" Wei Zai said disapprovingly.

Su Kelu shook his head again and again, and loudly ordered the messengers behind him: "Order the former army in charge of the blocking to immediately move the blocking position forward by 1000 meters." Then he looked at Weizai with a wry smile and said: "Lately, my luck is very bad."

"Emir, although Fan Yilier didn't do a good job, the enemy is still chasing them. At most, after the siege, we will spend a little more effort to annihilate them." Wei Zai comforted, "Everything is still in Sukru Emir Under control."

Su Kelu sighed in disappointment, and said dejectedly: "Once the encirclement is closed, those people will be surrounded. After the two armies fought, those innocent people were the first to bear the brunt. Thousands of people were slaughtered by us just like this."

"This Fan Yilier, I'm going to kill him." Su Keru cursed fiercely.

Yu Shi has sent people to ask Jiu Ling'er for instructions many times, asking to lead his troops to launch an attack.Jiu Ling'er flatly refused.

"My lord, further ahead is the monitor lizard canyon. We can use the terrain of the monitor lizard canyon to outflank the Aserai army in the monitor lizard canyon." Muzai hesitated for a long time. Gathering up his courage, he hurried forward and suggested to Jiu Ling'er, "If you keep following like this, the Aserai army will always be mixed in among the people and won't give us a chance to attack."

Jiu Ling'er smiled and said approvingly: "This plan is good. Have you read many books?"

Muzai didn't expect that Jiu Ling'er was still in the mood to chat with him at this time, so he hurriedly said, "Not much. I just finished reading the books at the teacher's house."

Jiu Ling'er said loudly in surprise: "That's not much? So, your family must be in a good position."

"My family is in the city. Although I am not very poor, I am not rich either. My parents hoped that I would be successful, so they sent me to school since I was a child." Muzai replied.

"Then you also learned martial arts from your teacher?"

"That is another master, he has passed away." Muzai said, "Are my master and Tong Zai's master still friends?"

"Oh." Jiu Ling'er said with a smile: "Then you are very destined. Tong Zai's family background is similar to yours, and the two of you have almost the same talent and knowledge in martial arts. You will definitely be able to succeed in the future."

"Compared with adults, we are far behind." Muzai said modestly with a blushing face.

Jiu Ling'er laughed, "Me? I'm not as good as you except that I'm a few years older than you, kill more people than you, and have better luck than you."

"Your Excellency is too modest. Your Excellency once surrounded thousands of people in the city of Akkarak in Kuset, and his martial arts skills are famous all over the world. When it comes to using troops, Your Excellency is far beyond our reach." .”

"Okay, okay..." Jiu Ling'er waved her hands again and again, and said loudly: "I'm just a reckless man. I used to be a slave of the Kusaites. Don't flatter me. My martial arts are not bad, and I can protect myself. Knowledgeable Well, no, it's just like Bai Ding. I asked Tong Zai to ghostwrite some of the recent documents. It's better if you come, and you two will take care of things like this in the future."

Muzai looked back at Tong Zai, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Yu vowed to come in person.

"My lord, if we go a little further, we will reach the Monitor Lizard Canyon. As soon as the enemy enters the mountainous area, we will lose the terrain advantage and it will be difficult to launch an attack. If we don't attack now, we will have no chance today."

Jiu Ling'er looked up at the sky, said with a smile, "It's getting dark."

"My lord..." Yu swore urged, "If we rush over and divide and encircle and wipe out, we won't hurt many people."

"Why not?" Jiu Ling'er immediately retorted: "When our cavalry rushes over, the people will immediately scatter and flee, not only blocking our attack line, but also slowing down our attack speed. If your soldiers don't Kill the people, and I'll give you my head."

Feather was speechless.

Muzai pointed forward and shouted: "My lord, the enemy's vanguard has entered the monitor lizard canyon."

Jiu Ling'er yelled: "Stop advancing, stop advancing immediately."

Su Kelu's heart sank, and he suddenly felt a little bad.The scouts reported that Jiu Ling'er's cavalry suddenly stopped advancing.The former army of Ni Hai's iron cavalry quietly watched from a distance as the troops in charge of luring the enemy disappeared into the mountains.

it's getting dark.

"Emil..." Fan Yilier hurried over on a galloping horse, with steam rising from his head.Wei Zai rushed up to meet him, and secretly gave him a wink.

"Emir Sukru..." Seeing Sukru's angry face, Fan Yilier knew that something was wrong, so he quickly knelt down on one leg and said loudly, "Ni Hai's iron cavalry has been fooled and followed him all the way."

Su Kelu smiled coldly, staring at Fan Yilier firmly.

"Ni Hai's iron cavalry has stopped advancing." Wei Zai said to him, "The emir only asked you to lead the troops to lure the enemy, but did not let you retreat with the people. Although your troops are not lost now, but because you brought Walking with the people, it seriously affects the speed and delays the time. It is getting dark."

Fan Yilier immediately understood the reason for Sukru Emir's displeasure, and he hurriedly said: "Ni Hai's iron cavalry has been chasing for a whole day, so they won't give up and retreat halfway, right? As long as they are determined to rush to Sahel City, we will can ambush him."

Su Keru also thought so, so he could hold back the anger in his heart for the time being.He spent all his time and effort in fighting this battle, but he made a mistake in the most critical way of luring the enemy, which he never thought of.He looked at Fan Yilier, who was sweating profusely, and wished he could rush up and kick him hard.I used the wrong person, and it was too late to say anything now.As long as Ni Hai's iron cavalry continues to move forward and walk into the monitor lizard canyon, everything is still under his control.

It was completely dark.

Seeing the figure of the scout running wildly getting closer and closer, Su Keru's heart suddenly beat violently.He eagerly hoped that the scouts would tell him that the enemy was advancing.

"Emil, the Nine Bells Cavalry has withdrawn."

Su Kelu suddenly lost all thoughts.

In the past few days, Jiu Ling'er really couldn't find a way to attack Lazih City, so he had to rush to Doka City with a large army. He just wanted to see how the port city that Muzai captured with hundreds of people was doing. , In addition to resting here for a few days, Jiu Ling'er set up the camp outside the city of Doka, strictly prohibiting troops from entering the city.At night, many people came and returned to the city with their families.Jiuling'er ordered Tiza and Pilan to bring five hundred Karad soldiers into the city to resettle the homeless refugees and distribute food and clothing.

Jiu Ling'er had been patrolling the camp until he saw that all the soldiers and horses had been properly settled, and then he returned to the central army tent. It was already midnight.

On the fifth day, another batch of grain and grass arrived.

Seeing Tong Zai striding in, Jiu Ling'er dropped the letter in her hand and said with a smile, "Today, who did you knock off again?"

Tong Zai blushed, and hurriedly said, "I practiced with Muzai for a while today."

Jiu Ling'er smiled slightly and said, "Yi Ying, Lie Zha, Nayan Tai, they all can't beat you, it's embarrassing. After a while, the lion's head will come, and Lie Zha and the others will complain, and you will have a hard time gone."

Tong Zai smiled shyly, "Brother Lion Head is too powerful, I'm afraid I can't beat him."

"What's the matter?" Jiu Ling'er asked.In the past few days, these people gathered together every day to practice martial arts, and rarely came to the big tent.

"Sanara's food and grass have arrived." Tong Zai said, "The person who is holding the food this time is Mr. Kevin Long, the clerk of the Governor's Mansion in Ajit."

Jiu Ling'er immediately stood up upon hearing this. "He must have brought news from the governor, let's go and pick it up."

Jiu Ling'er took two steps and found Tong Zai standing still, she asked strangely, "Why don't you leave?"

"My lord, Master Xiao Yiying has already greeted you."

"Then we have to go too. There are high-ranking people everywhere here, so we can't afford to offend them." Jiu Ling'er laughed.

"Lord Kevin Long is a famous person in Ajit, a son of a great aristocrat, and a professor at the Imperial University. He is not only highly knowledgeable and knowledgeable, but also generous, loyal and upright." Tong Zai replied, "Many bachelors He and noble children like to make friends with him. My teacher has always admired this man's knowledge and character."

Jiu Ling'er asked in surprise: "Since you are so knowledgeable and you are a son of a nobleman, why are you still a clerk?"

Tong Zai hesitated for a moment, then said: "I heard from my teacher that he is too upright, he doesn't like to curry favor with the powerful, he likes to offend people."

"Like to offend people?" Jiu Ling'er asked strangely, "Is there anyone else who likes to offend people?"

"Yes. My teacher is this kind of person. If he doesn't like it, he just speaks out and contradicts it. If he doesn't like it, he accuses him until he offends him." Tong Zai said in bewilderment, "It seems like a scholar. People, there are many such problems."

Jiu Ling'er laughed loudly, "Okay, okay, let's go. Now that you say that, I want to see him even more."

Tong Zai pointed to his hair and said, "But your hair...if he sees it, he will probably be scolded."

Jiu Ling'er immediately came to her senses, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes. This is not polite, help me tie it up quickly. He also scolds people he doesn't know?"

Tong Zai smiled slightly and said, "It's all the same. In the eyes of these people, they will say a few words about things they don't like, which will definitely drive you crazy."

Jiu Ling'er was immediately interested in this man.

Kevin Long is in his 30s, of medium height, with a long sword hanging from his waist and gorgeous clothes.He has a handsome face, three long beards, a pair of radiant eyes, and a calm and steady demeanor.Probably because of the continuous rush, Kevin Long looked very tired, with gloomy brows.He didn't show any joy at Jiu Ling'er's warm reception, he just bowed his hands lightly, said a few words of kindness, and then followed Jiu Ling'er into the big tent.Xiao Yiying and Yu Shisuan accompanied Jiu Ling'er.

Seeing the desk in the big tent, the floor covered with maps about Ajit, and the written documents scattered everywhere, Kevin Long's face showed a hint of surprise.

Jiu Ling'er said with some embarrassment: "It's a little messy, and adults will laugh at it."

Then he signaled Tong Zai and Muzai who were standing at the door of the big tent to come over and tidy up.

Kevin Long immediately waved his hand and said: "No, no, we will use it soon, so there is no need to clean up. The Lord Overseer is so concerned about the situation in Ajit, I am really grateful to the officer." Then he said a few more nonsense, Kevin Long immediately turned to the topic. "The governor asked me to come this time, mainly because he wanted to hear the opinion of the warlord on the situation in Ajit."

Jiu Ling'er smiled and said, "Your Excellency must be very tired from a long journey, so let's take a rest first."

"The rebels are rampant and difficult to determine. The military situation ahead is urgent. There is no time to rest. The governor is worried about the battle situation, and is eager to know what tricks our eastern warrior can have to defeat the enemy." Kevin Long sat on the guest seat, while asked.

Jiu Ling'er was afraid that she would do something wrong, lose her manners, and cause jokes, so she was always very careful.Now seeing that Kevin Long is easy-going and a bit informal, I feel that what Tong Zai said is not quite right. This person must have many other advantages.He immediately picked up the map beside him, walked up to Kevin Long, and said, "Since Mr. Kevin Long is anxious, I will talk about my thoughts and ask Mr. Kevin Long for advice."

Kevin Long was startled when he saw him walking directly in front of him with a map.This person doesn't know etiquette or is a corporal, how can a high official go to discuss things in front of a small official.

Xi Ao Yiying and Yu Shi, who were sitting in the accompanying seats, winked at Jiu Ling'er, but unfortunately Jiu Ling'er didn't see it.

Kevin Long hurriedly stood up and pointed to the large office desk in the center of the big tent, took two quick steps to meet him and said, "Lord Overseer, let's sit in front and discuss."

Xiao Yiying and Yu Shi also stood up one after another and echoed.You can't embarrass Jiu Ling'er in public.

Unconsciously, Jiu Ling'er called Tong Zai and Muzai to bring some cowhide tapes, spread them on the ground, and started her own analysis.

The expression on Kevin Long's face became more dignified and admirable as Jiu Ling'er continued to analyze, deduce and explain.Although Jiu Ling'er has won many victories on the eastern battlefield for a year and gained a prominent reputation, Kevin Long has never taken it seriously. A man who was born as a slave, and his brain is not normal, can use soldiers like a god?I'm afraid there are other articles in it?

But now that he heard Jiu Ling'er's accurate analysis of the entire Ajit war situation with his own ears, he immediately admired Jiu Ling'er's talent, and his impression changed greatly.

"In a few days, the Aserai army will rectify the internal disputes, and it is very likely to take the initiative to launch an attack. Therefore, I still suggest that the governor wait a little longer and prepare more fully. As long as the Aserai army starts to move, it means that they The main force of the Aserai army has been assembled, and there will be a big battle waiting for us." Jiu Ling'er said solemnly, "Your Excellency is facing the main force of the Aserai army, and I am afraid that he will bear considerable pressure."

Kevin Long remained silent for a long time, and after thinking for a while, he said, "When we were discussing with the governor, we also expected this situation to happen. But now the governor said that by then Razih's restraining effect will no longer be Sir, do you mean that the rebels will take the initiative to give up Razih?"

"Of course the Aserai Army will not voluntarily give up, but they will not invest a large amount of defensive troops in Razih. Now, the Aserai Army still has heavy troops stationed in Sahel City to guard against us, and they are directional in Hubia. The intention of the Aserai army is very obvious, one battle will determine the outcome, as long as the main force of the Ajit army is defeated, their life will be easier next year." Jiu Ling'er said firmly, "So Razih and I It will be taken soon."

"Lord Overseer is so confident in taking back Razih?" Kevin Long asked suspiciously.

Jiu Ling'er stroked the black stubble on her chin, and said with a light smile, "Master Kevin Long, please report to the Governor, as long as the Aserai army starts to attack, we can take Razih at any time."

"Okay." Kevin Long said calmly, "Since Lord Overseer is so sure, that's great. I'll go back and report to Lord Governor."

Jiu Ling'er, Xiao Yiying, and Yu Shi were stunned.

"My lord, don't you even eat dinner?" Xiao Yiying asked hastily.

"Yeah, it's rare to see your lord, I still have a lot of questions to ask for advice..." Yu swore hurried over.

Kevin Long immediately interrupted the words of several people with a wave of his hand, "Adram has been back to Hubia for a long time. With his intelligence and prestige, he will soon quell the chaos in the Aserai army. He may Attacking us, the military situation is urgent, and I can't help myself. Please forgive me."

Jiu Ling'er blurted out her praise: "For the sake of the country and the people, an adult spares no effort to travel back and forth, even ignoring a bite of food, which is truly admirable."

Kevin Long shook his head helplessly, and said in a low voice: "The rebels have rebelled against me, Carrad, and they are living in charcoal. The day is uncertain, and it is difficult to sleep and eat."

Immediately, he looked at Jiu Ling'er and said, "We are looking forward to it day and night, and finally hope that you will lead your troops to the west, Lord Overseer. Finally, there is hope."

Jiu Ling'er quickly waved her hands, said a few words modestly, and said, "Since my lord must go, I won't stay. There is just one thing that Mr. Kai must tell the governor for me."

"Master Overseer, please tell me, the next officer will definitely convey it."

"Ajit has sent two batches of grain and grass, but the feed for the horses is obviously too low. The follow-up troops of the Eastern Cavalry will arrive soon, and the demand for feed will increase dramatically." Jiu Ling'er said, "In order to speed up The marching speed of the troops, food and supplies are generally carried by war horses. If all the troops are assembled in place, there will be more than 2 war horses. So..."

Kevin Long opened his eyes wide in surprise, and wanted to say something, but then swallowed it back.

"Immediately settle the matter of the feed. Is there anything else I need?" Kevin Long thought for a moment, nodded and asked.

Jiu Ling'er pondered for a moment, then continued: "My lord, you know that last year and this year, Dongtu suffered from wars, and taxes in various places were extremely scarce. In the past, the court allocated [-] million yuan from Ajit's taxes every year to supplement Dongtu's finances. But in the past two years because of the war, there has been no transfer. Our soldiers have not received military pay for a long time, I wonder if the governor can help us temporarily this time?"

Xiao Yiying and Yu Shi immediately exchanged a surprise look.Lord Overseer's brain is not bad at all, and it is very good.It is a wonderful time to ask Ajit for money at this time, haha!high!

Jiu Ling'er couldn't help it either.Tiza had mentioned to him several times that he was short of money.Although the number of troops has not increased much, the soldiers who died in battle have to be paid pensions, and the expenses of the troops are getting bigger and bigger, and they can no longer make ends meet.

Part of the seized Aserai army spoils was given to Housenfuleg, especially the most valuable food, which was sent away to Xio Yifu.Although there are quite a few left, they are all weapons and valuables, which cannot be sold for a while, and cannot be converted into money.

The last time I asked Inspector Yaer Chiwen for military salary, I wrote back to Yaer Chiwen and reprimanded him.Yalchiwen said that you have seized so many spoils, how come you have no money?I haven't turned it over to you yet?Are you too greedy to take it all by yourself, worrying that I will write a letter to impeach you.

Jiu Ling'er couldn't help but smile bitterly, he was wronged.

Kevin Long's slight affection for Jiu Ling'er just now disappeared.He looked at Jiu Ling'er seriously, with a bad expression on his face.

"Lord Overseer, I see that more than half of your soldiers are Kumans. They don't need to be paid. You just fought a few victories and wiped out 18 rebels. How can you even kill thousands of soldiers?" Can’t even pay the military salary? Could it be..." Kevin Long stroked his beard lightly, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, which meant that everything was taken by you.

Jiu Ling'er frowned. He looked at Kevin Long and asked suspiciously, "Soldiers from other races don't need to be paid? Who said that?"

Kevin Long sneered, and said disdainfully: "They are barbarians, stubborn, they are a bunch of savages, low breeds. They have repeatedly violated our Karad border and killed my Karad people. They are extremely vicious people. My Great Karad Empire ruled the world with benevolence and righteousness. I have never exterminated them. I have always appeased them and even allowed them to move inward to my Karad Empire to multiply and survive. They were recruited by my Karad Empire and joined the army to kill them. Enemy, that's a matter of course. Pay the army? Who said that they can be paid? They are untouchables, you know? If they want them to die, they have to die. If they want them to lie down, they can't stand up. They are the family A dog is an animal."

Jiu Ling'er stared wide-eyed, looking in disbelief at the outspoken Kevin Long.

Xiao Yiying and Yu Shi turned pale with shock, they wanted to speak out to stop them, but they were afraid that they would be scolded by Kevin Long if they said something badly.They looked at Jiu Ling'er worriedly.So what's the difference between talking about foreign soldiers and scolding Jiu Ling'er herself.

Kevin Long was still thinking about it, and wanted to continue, Yu Oath immediately interjected: "Lord Kevin Long, the matter of the military salary is just a proposal from our lord. If there is any difficulty in Ajit Mansion, you can..."

"What are you, you dare to interrupt me when I'm talking to your master, there are no rules at all. This is taught by your adults?" Kevin Long was not polite at all, and immediately opened his mouth to scold.

Yu oath suddenly had a surge of energy and blood, his face was flushed with suffocation, his eyes were so wide open, he didn't know what to say.Xi Ao Yiying hurriedly stretched out her hand to pat him, signaling him to stop talking.

The atmosphere in the big tent suddenly became awkward.

Kevin Long remained expressionless, and continued: "The barbarian soldiers don't pay the army. Also take the military salary, that is, the Lord Overseer falsely reported the number of people and falsely received the military salary, I can truthfully report this matter to the Governor of Ajit."

"This time, we wiped out 18 Aserai troops in Hussenfullage, and all of my soldiers have made great contributions. According to you, not only was this battle in vain, but all my subordinates died in vain." Jiu Ling Holding back his anger, he tried his best to ask in a low tone.

"These barbarians and bastards are not as good as those Aserai traitors. It's better to die, and I will not be invaded in the eastern land of Karad." Kevin Long said coldly without paying attention.

"But without them, how can this battle go on?" Jiu Ling'er asked.

Kevin Long snorted and sneered again and again.

"Yo! Lord Overseer, without them, this battle cannot go on? I, the Karad Empire, can't wipe out a group of traitors? What about last year? Last year our situation was worse than now, but didn't we still wipe out millions traitors. Will you not fight without the Cusset savages?"

Even Xiao Yiying couldn't bear it this time. "Lord Kevin Long, do you have the right to decide this matter? Has the governor authorized you? My lord just asked you to ask why you are so mean and talk so much nonsense? Do you understand the rules? You are called guilty, do you know that?"

Kevin Long suddenly felt that he was trying to have fun for a while, and he made a slip of the tongue, and his expression was a little embarrassed.Immediately remembered something, and said loudly: "Jiu Ling'er is just an acting military governor now, and her rank is almost the same as that of me, the clerk of the governor's mansion in Ajit. It's not a crime. I think the one who committed the crime is you, an uncivilized person." Fake savage."

The surname Xiao was originally a nomadic people. They have been assimilated to the east for more than 200 years.Kevin Long called him a fake barbarian so bluntly, which was an insult to him.Xi Ao Yiying's white face turned red immediately, and she couldn't hold it anymore, shouted loudly, jumped up, the sword in her waist whizzed out, and chopped off her head.

Jiu Ling'er wanted to get angry, but she didn't expect that Xi Ao Yiying, who is usually gentle and polite, had the worst temper and jumped up first.He watched Xiao Yiying chop it off with a knife in surprise, and felt very relieved for a while.

Kevin Long was agile, turned over and dodged, drew his long sword out of its sheath, and stabbed quickly.Xiao Yiying's kung fu was naturally much higher than his, and he slashed again, and the sharp wind of the knife went to Kevin Long's head.

Yu swore sat on the ground and laughed loudly: "Master Kevin Long, your sword skills are much worse than your mouth skills."

Kevin Long was still stubborn at this time, and kept yelling: "A group of oriental savages, despicable and unscrupulous people. Damn! Come and help."

Tong Zai and Muzai standing at the door of the big tent were stunned and dumbfounded.The grown-ups spoke well just now, but in a blink of an eye, a fight broke out inside.

As soon as Kevin Long's shout fell, Tongzai and Muzai heard a loud roar in their ears. The two of them were stunned for a while, and a big man in white flew in, with a sword in his hand. With the sound of wind and thunder, it chopped off Xiao Yiying's back.

Jiu Ling'er was taken aback, and kicked up the brazier in front of her while she was sitting, and leaped up.

Seeing that the big man's saber was about to hit Xiao Yiying's back, he suddenly saw a burst of flames shooting towards him, and there was no way to hide, so he roared again, stopped his body abruptly, and came at the scream on the brazier.

With a loud noise, the flames burst into flames all of a sudden.Then he saw a foot, a foot in a cowhide boot, kicking hard on his chest.

With a miserable howl, the big man flew upside down and flew out of the big tent.Xiao Yiying slashed off Kevin Long's long sword, feeling relieved a little, then stepped back a few steps, raised the knife and stood up, glaring at Kevin Long who was staggering back.

Yu Shi sat on the ground, still laughing.

Jiu Ling'er kicked away the big man who came to rescue Kevin Long, vented her anger, and gradually calmed down.

Kevin Long showed no fear, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

There was a sound of fighting outside the tent, and it stopped in an instant, and then Tongzai and Muzai dragged the big man in white and walked in.

"Master Kevin Long, isn't it too much for you to insult the Eastern soldiers and my subordinates so much? Could this be the so-called noble elite?" Jiu Ling'er looked at Kevin Long coldly, and sarcastically said.

Kevin Long replied loudly: "The so-called aristocratic elites are not afraid of power and temptation, unwilling to fall into vulgarity, glory is greater than life, and faith is with them for life. How can they be compared with barbarians like you."

Jiu Ling'er finally saw what kind of elites this was.He walked slowly to the table, and suddenly understood what Kevin Long said, and also understood Kevin Long's thoughts.He and his subordinates are all barbarians from the eastern lands, without any noble background, nor have they read any books or received any education. Naturally, they are looked down upon by these rich, powerful, status and learned people.No matter how much military exploits they and their subordinates have made, in the eyes of these people, they should all be killed and die.

As Turiados said, all of this is justified, and this world belongs to them.The farmers worked hard for a year, and all the harvest belonged to the owner. In the end, they couldn't even eat enough, so they could only starve to death. The owner didn't even look at the dead.The soldiers died on the battlefield, and they thought that it would be better to die as little as possible.Such is the principle of the world, such is the law of the world.These barbarian brothers of my own charged into the battle and stained the battlefield with blood. In the end, not only did they have no credit, but they didn't even have the minimum respect and equal treatment.No military pay, even death, is this the rule of the Karad Empire or the law of the Karad Empire?Bitch?Last but not least, a goddam bitch.Are these people blind?Have these people's hearts been clouded by the books they have read?Is this the same from the high emperor to the rich and nobles all over the world?What's wrong with Aserai's army catching such people and killing them?What's wrong with overthrowing this world?

Jiu Ling'er smiled wryly.He suddenly had an impulse in his heart, an impulse to overthrow Karad and rebuild the world.

"You barbarians want to rebel, can't you?" Kevin Long glared at Xiao Yiying and asked loudly.

Jiu Ling'er ignored him, and said to Tong Zai and Muzai: "Call me out, out of the gate."

Tong Zai and Muzai glanced at Jiu Ling'er in fear, and hurried forward to set up Kevin Long, dragging him out of the big tent.They had no idea that things would turn out like this.In their minds, Jiu Ling'er and his Ni Hai Iron Cavalry are heroes, and Kevin Long is a learned aristocratic bachelor.But today, Kevin Long scolded their hero in blood.Could it be said that only noble children like Galius who have been officials for generations are heroes?Do heroes still talk about their origin?
Xi Ao Yiying sneered, put the knife back into its sheath. "Thank you for your life-saving grace. Today, I am tired of my lord."

Jiu Ling'er waved her hand and sighed, "We're all brothers, don't say anything out of the ordinary. You fought well. Brothers sweated and bled on the battlefield, why should they be insulted by such a crazy lunatic. Well done."

Jiu Ling'er then pointed at the big man in white who was lying on the ground, and asked Yu Yu: "Who is he that dares to hurt my brother?"

Yu swore hurriedly helped him up, smiled and said to Jiu Ling'er: "He is innocent, how could he know what happened. But his knife was as fast as lightning, if not for the adults who saved it in time, Yiying would have died today Crap."

Xi Ao Yiying glanced at him with lingering fear, and asked loudly, "What's your name? How dare you break into the tent of the Chinese army."

The big man in white was severely kicked by Jiu Ling'er, his face was pale, and he knelt down reluctantly and said, "Your officer, you are the captain of the guard of the governor's mansion in Ajit. This time, I was ordered by the governor to protect Kai all the way." Master Wen Long's safety. If you don't know what's going on inside, if you act rashly, you will be offended."

Jiu Ling'er looked up at the big man, and suddenly exclaimed, "What did you say was your name?"


"囧dan? Your name is 囧dan?" Jiu Ling'er asked strangely.

Jiong Dan also looked at him strangely, not knowing why the sturdy man in front of him kept chanting his name.

Jiong Dan is not very old, at most seventeen or eighteen years old. He is tall and vigorous, with a white face and beardless, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is very handsome and looks heroic without losing his bookish spirit.

Jiu Ling'er was surprised because, like Tong Zai, he was young and handsome with excellent martial arts skills.Thinking of Muzai and Yi'an, Jiu Ling'er felt that this place is full of talents, as if you can meet them everywhere.Good place.

Yu Xie and Xiao Yiying also took a few careful glances at Jiong Dan, secretly surprised.The name of this person is very interesting, and it is too different from his appearance, so it is easy to remember.

"Where are you from?" Jiu Ling'er asked casually.

"I'm from Ajithubia." Jiong replied respectfully.He is good at martial arts, but this is the first time he has met someone who can kick himself away with just one kick.But thinking about him being the world-famous savage Jiu Ling'er, I think it's normal.

"Good place." Jiu Ling'er couldn't help but praise loudly. "Yi'an, Tongzai, Su Kelu, and the embarrassing boy in front of me are all young heroes. Aserai! What a place, what a wonderful person!"

"Your Lord Kevin Long has a hot temper, and you don't get along with us. There was a little conflict. You go back and tell the governor that the military salary must be allocated to me according to 5000 people, and I will be allocated immediately." Jiu Ling'er's tone was unquestionable and resolute. Said.

Jiong Dan agreed and asked, "Master Overseer, do you have any orders?"

Jiu Ling'er pondered for a while, then said slowly: "Tell the governor, Ni Hai cavalry will follow the governor's example, and will never do anything to delay the military plane."

Seven days later, Xiao Yifu and Huo Shayun rushed to Razih with their troops.Jiu Ling'er immediately summoned his subordinates to discuss the matter of attacking Razih.

That night, So Laxin, Index Finger, and Liezha left the camp with Tongzai, Muzai and more than 100 soldiers.

Ten days later, Adram led the Aserai army and began to attack Jawuwo Nghe'an's troops.The officers and soldiers couldn't resist and retreated again and again.

Fifteen days later, a thousand reinforcements from the Bailu and Kujit tribes arrived.Jiu Ling'er immediately arranged all the soldiers of the Kujit tribe into the Khazar guards.Soldiers from the Bailu tribe supplemented Xiao Yiying's troops to make up for the losses after the last war.

The four troops of the Ni Hai Iron Cavalry Army, 3000 people, have all assembled.

This time, Jiawu Woyi'an sent another officer from the Military Supplies Department of the Governor's Mansion to escort the horse fodder and military pay to Razih.Jiawu Woyi'an wrote a letter, specifically explaining that Ajit was in financial difficulties, and the military salaries were donated by nobles and rich people from all over the Ajit area.I hope that Jiuling'er will start attacking immediately after receiving the supplies.Not a word was mentioned about Kevin Long.

Jiu Ling'er immediately handed out all the military pay in front of the officer of the Military Supplies Department of the Governor's Mansion.That subordinate official was an old official, and he always believed that Jiu Ling'er wanted the military salary to blackmail Ajit and fill his own pocket.He never expected that Jiu Ling'er would send it all at once, leaving nothing behind.The soldiers in the entire battalion burst into cheers immediately after receiving their military pay.

"Why doesn't Lord Overseer keep some for himself?" He wondered why Jiu Ling'er didn't take a portion for himself.

"The army will start attacking the city of Lazih tomorrow, and will attack the city of Sahel in a while. Maybe I will die in front of the two armies." Jiu Ling'er said lightly, "What do I want this thing for? Fighting depends on soldiers , You can’t win any battle without soldiers fighting the enemy bravely, so I always remember one thing, as long as you have money, give it to the soldiers as soon as possible. This is morale.”

The man immediately asked, "Attack tomorrow?"

Jiu Ling'er nodded vigorously, "Tomorrow."

The clear sky, the scorching sun, the white floating clouds, the eye-filled yellow sand dunes, everything looks so peaceful, comfortable and desolate.

Weizai stood on the tower of Razih, expressionless.

After failing to ambush Ni Hai's iron cavalry, Su Keru rushed to Hubia with the main force without saying a word.Now there are only 5000 troops led by him in the entire Lazih City, and 2000 troops led by Fan Yilier in Sahr City.Although there are not many troops, defending the city is different from attacking the city. These troops are enough.

Ni Hai's iron cavalry flaunted their might outside the city of Razih for two days and then died down, showing no signs of preparing to attack.According to the returnees outside the city, the main force of the enemy has gone to Musom City. Every day in Musom, they practice some joint attack tactics on foot and cavalry. It seems that they have no plans to attack the city. A siege equipment was brought in from the rear.Did Ni Hai cavalry give up?
The news from Hubia was very bad.Taras, the leader of the Aserai army, has not been completely resolved because of the supply problem, and his troops have not yet been dispatched to the battlefield.Fenrir, the mayor of Garcila, heard that the troops of Jawuwo Yian were retreating every step of the way, so he hurried to the city of Jamayye to rescue them.After Jiawu Woyi'an received reinforcements, he immediately launched a counterattack, and beat the Aserai army back step by step.Adram's forces had now retreated to Hubia.Due to Adram's prestige and Sukru's strength, although the leaders of the Aserai Army temporarily bowed their heads to Adram, the contradictions among them have not been resolved at all, and there is a lack of sincere communication among the various units. Trust and tacit cooperation.Now the situation of the Aserai army is getting more and more serious, and if things go on like this, something will happen.

As the Aserai army and the official army fought again, a large number of refugees had nowhere to live, so they had to flee all the way northeast to the direction of Razih, where there was no fighting.The number of refugees has reached tens of thousands.The corpses of refugees who died of starvation or disease can be seen everywhere.

Weizai ordered his subordinates to set up ten relief stations in Razih city and outside the city, cook porridge in the morning and afternoon to relieve the victims, and minimize the deaths of the people.This is the only way the Aserai army can help them.

"My lord, the gruel in the morning is gone, but at least half of the people haven't eaten it. The refugees are making noise inside and outside the city. What should we do?" Zai said in front of him.

Wei Zai withdrew his gaze from a distance, smiled wryly and said, "What do you think should be done? What can I do?"

"My lord, let's put some more food out. The number of refugees has flocked here in the past few days, more and more. That little food is not enough at all." The food delivery officer begged in a low voice.

Wei Zai knelt down slowly, looked at the painful face of the food delivery officer, and said helplessly: "Once the officers and troops attack the city, it is not a matter of a day or two, but a matter of dozens of days or months. What did the soldiers eat at that time? Did they eat dirt to survive?"

"My lord, if this continues, tens of thousands of people will die inside and outside the city. My lord, can you bear it? They are just like us, poor people, and they are all the same." The food delivery officer shouted loudly.


Wei Zai slammed down a sentence, and walked down the city wall without thinking.Under the city gate, on the streets, there are refugees fleeing everywhere, all in ragged clothes and hungry stomachs, the wailing of the old people and the crying of children are horrible.

Wei Zai's heart twitched, and he could hardly control his emotions, so he wanted to open a warehouse to release grain.But he did not have this right, nor did he have that much food.

"Drive them out of the city, drive them away." Weizai suddenly turned around and shouted to the attendants behind him.

The attendants were stunned.

"My lord, drive them out, and more people will starve to death. My lord..." a bold servant shouted.

"Order the soldiers to disperse all over the city immediately, and drive away all the refugees." Wei Zai gave the guard a cold look, and said it again without any emotion.

"My lord, you want them to die." An older attendant shouted after him.

"If the government army comes to attack the city now, so many people are crowded in the city, and they can't even find a way to carry weapons, how can they defend the city?"

Weizai was silent for a moment, then continued, "Maybe, we won't live for a few more days."

The attendants were silent.

Sahel City suddenly fell into madness.The soldiers in the city helplessly drove the refugees away, and the refugees in the city naturally didn't want to leave the city.Outside the city, there is no clothes, no food, and immortality is a strange thing.There was an uproar in the city immediately.As soon as the refugees outside the city heard that the Aserai soldiers were going to drive them away, they were worried that the Aserai soldiers would close the city gate at any time, so they rushed into the city.When I go out of the city during the day, I mainly want to get a bowl of porridge to drink, and they are crowded in the city, let alone drink it.For a time, inside and outside the city, under the city gate, and on the streets, there were dense crowds everywhere, the noise, hissing, and deafening.

The soldiers guarding the city gate were afraid of being killed by angry refugees, so they all retreated to the corridors of the city wall.After a short time, the city gate was completely blocked.Those outside the city will come in, and those inside the city will be driven out.Then several streets leading to the city gate were blocked by crowds.The refugees were so crowded that they had nowhere to go, and began to climb the corridors towards the city wall.

The Aserai soldiers defending the city were holding knives and guns to stop them at first, but they were pushed back again and again by the surging crowd and couldn't gain a foothold.The flow of people suddenly found the outlet, and immediately climbed quickly from both sides of the city gate to the city wall.If you don't leave the city gate, you will probably be squeezed to death.The city tower was gradually filled with refugees, and they continued to extend towards the city walls on both sides.

Soldiers of the Aserai Army were helpless in the face of the unarmed refugees.There is no way I can’t get enough to eat, and now I’m not even allowed to sleep in the city at night, so how can I live.

All of a sudden, the refugees outside the city seemed to have gone crazy. From the hills and flat ground hundreds of steps away, they screamed desperately, ran, and fled in all directions.Seeing that the entrance to the city gate was tightly blocked, they turned around and ran along the base of the city wall.Some of the refugees near the city gate ran away because of fear, although they couldn't understand it;

The ground began to tremble, the yellow sand on the ground began to tremble, and in the distance, there was a faint and louder roar.A fiery red savage banner rushed into people's eyes along with the sudden flying of yellow sand from the sky.

Wei Zai sat in the study, looking at the documents sent by Fan Yilier.Fan Yilier guarded Sahel City with 2000 troops.Due to Fan Yilier's wrong method of luring the enemy, it directly caused the failure of the monitor lizard canyon ambush operation.Su Keru didn't blame him, not even a word of scolding.Su Ke looked up to the sky and sighed, and left Sahr City without saying a word.Fan Yilier guarded the city of Sahel, and Weizai guarded the city of Razih, all of which were arranged by him in advance.He didn't say a word from beginning to end, looking depressed.Fan Yilier was in great pain and kept blaming himself.

Wei Zai was awakened by the sound of footsteps approaching from afar.He tensed up involuntarily, his heart beat a few times at once, and then a few more times.Weizai laughed self-deprecatingly.The more battles were fought, the less courageous he became.

"My lord, Ni Hai's iron cavalry has come in..." The guard's roar passed through the yard, through the window, and rushed into Wei Zai's ears.

Wei Zai's mind went blank and he froze.He suddenly lost all sound in his ears, only the beating of his own heart could be heard clearly, one after another, like the sound of war drums, heavy and thick, the sound hit hard in his heart.

Like a frightened wild horse, his guards slammed open the door with a "boom", bringing a gust of sand and rushing in.

"grown ups……"

Weizai looked pale and glanced at him calmly, still holding the scroll in his hand.

"grown ups……"

"My lord, Jiu Ling'er suddenly appeared at the west city gate with an army of cavalry. At that time, we were driving out the refugees, and there was chaos inside and outside the city. There was no defense at all. Now they have already entered the west city."

Weizai looked down at the thing in his hand as if he didn't hear it.

"My lord, let's go, we still have time to evacuate."

Weizai looked up at him again, and said slowly, "You guys run away. I'm too tired, too tired."

Jiuling'er stood on the tower of Razih, looking at the refugees inside and outside the city, hearing the miserable and helpless cries, her heart was bleeding.Fighting, this is the consequence of fighting, this is the consequence of the rise of the Aserai army.Is this kind of scene what the Aserai army wants to see, is it what Adram likes to see?Jiu Ling'er really felt unable to answer.Turiados' anger and Kevin Long's contempt kept rolling in his mind.Those who join the Aserai army resist and fight because they are poor, because they are unfair, and because they are low-born.And was it right to kill the Qarad army of the Aserai army? Is it just?Then why are some people born noble, rich, and able to do whatever they want; while others are born lowly, poor, and humiliated.Why are people in the world different?Why can rich people exploit poor people?Why can powerful people trample and kill lowly people at will?Is there a distinction between high and low before people are born?

Jiu Ling'er didn't understand.A slave himself, he knew what poverty was, and subconsciously he thought the Aserai had done nothing wrong.

But the reality is cruel. The Aserai army did not use any effective means to improve all of this. On the contrary, they were like locusts, burning, killing, looting wherever they went, and destroying everything with extremely bloody and cruel means.As a result, the poor are even poorer, and those who oppress them pick up the butcher knife more fiercely and slaughter wantonly.

The Aserai army was violently destroyed because of hatred, not only destroying itself, but also destroying the enemy, and even destroying this unjust world.But in the end, it is the innocent people, thousands of untouchables, who bear the consequences of this destruction.

Is the Aserai army doing the right thing?It is indeed right.It took revenge, it vented its hatred, it took revenge on the unjust God.wrong?It is also wrong.All its gains are based on the suffering of thousands of people, on the lives and blood and tears of innocent people. Together with the enemy, it has pushed countless people into the darkness of even more serious disasters. dark.

The Aserai army has been preparing for more than ten years and premeditated for a long time. Why is there no way to improve the lives of the people through violence, but the only way to destroy everything through violence?Wenjid and Adram are not ordinary people, they are both talented and powerful, why didn't they think of this step?Or thought of it but don't have time to do it?Probably the enemy was too ruthless, and they didn't give them time and opportunity at all.Think of Galius killing over 20 of them, and himself, killing 10,000+ of them.Think about Kevin Long's resolute and stubborn face, that deeply rooted and unshakable thought, and think about how many powerful bureaucrats, rich and nobles like Kevin Long are in the world.Ren Aserai's army has three heads and six arms, and they can only parry and have no power to fight back.

Jiu Ling'er suddenly felt that she had no ability to change everything in front of her.Millions of Aserai troops are powerless to shake this unjust sky, so what can they do?You are just a speck of dust in the world, a speck of dust that goes with the wind, a tiny speck of dust that has no effect.Whether it's the common people, the Aserai army, the nobles and bureaucrats, or the Karad Empire, it has nothing to do with him.Jiu Ling'er was suddenly disheartened.

(End of this chapter)

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