Chapter 58

Tais is very old in Aserai.Because of this, he was very dissatisfied with Adram's appointment as the commander of the Aserai Army.

Adram is just the patriarch of the Saran family. The Saran family has long since declined. Only two generations have returned from the vast desert. What qualifications does he have to be the commander of the Aserai army? Now he is the commander of the army. Wouldn't he be the great sultan of Aserai in the future?
The Camel King believes that he is the successor of Sultan Wenjid. The Huleyan family has completely declined under the siege of the empire. Now only he is qualified to be the commander of the Aserai Army. Future Great Sultan of the Aserai.So he has been brooding over this matter, always looking for an opportunity to push Adram down.

As a result, his slightest movement caused a whole body of trouble, and he almost lost his life.After learning of Adram's defeat in the Eastern Expedition, he thought that his chance to seize the commander of the Aserai army had come, and immediately ordered several of his family disciples to find excuses not to distribute food and grass to Taras and Guzid .As a result, the Guzid Department was surrounded and wiped out, and the Talas Department was forced to retreat into the desert and hills.

Then he was unlucky.He didn't expect Sukru's troops to come so quickly, and he was immediately surrounded by Guzid's army who had made a comeback.If Guzid hadn't been concerned about his status and that he was a veteran of the Aserai Army, and that many leaders of the Aserai Army had come forward to speak for him, he would have finished fighting him long ago.Fortunately, Adram came back very timely, and symbolically killed several disciples of the Camel King's family, calming down the turmoil and preventing the internal friction from causing greater losses to the Aserai army.

Of course, the 18 troops of Adram's Eastern Expedition were wiped out on the battlefield of Hussenfuleg, which still dealt a heavy blow to the Aserai army. The Hussenfuleg and Razih areas were the foundation of the Saran family many years ago, but Deprived by the Karad Empire, of course, this is also fueled by other Aserai families. Who would have thought that the Eastern Expeditionary Army that captured Lazihe easily would be wiped out in Hussenfuleg, which is too terrifying.

Adram did not step down, and still sat in the commander-in-chief's seat, and even got his hands on the Great Sultan's seat, thanks to Sukru and Ozan's full assistance.Sukelu and Ozan together have 10,000+ troops, and now almost no one in the Aserai army can shake them.Although Talas is also known as an army of 3, he only has [-] to [-] at most as elites, and he can barely take a shot. The other soldiers are refugees with wooden sticks and iron rakes, and they follow him to make a living. of.Although Talas and some small leaders supported the camel king Tais, they had no strength, and everything they said was nonsense.

The Banu Girard family has had its ups and downs over the past century, but it has always occupied a place among the Aserai family. Hubia, the foundation of the Girard family, is an inland city. On the ruins of a sumptuous hunting lodge of King Turan, who enslaved the family of the legendary patriarch Asera, who killed him with vengeance.This memory may explain the vicious and harsh worldview of the Banu Guillard family, who ruled the city for generations until the arrival of the Imperial Legion, and who loathed all frivolity.The seductive fragrance of jasmine can still be smelled in the evening wind here.It was here that Nimr, the hero of the Saran family, was caught in the boudoir of a girl from Gilead and locked to death in a cage hanging from the market.

When Taiyes was young, he was full of poetry and books, and he was very talented. His many years of preaching made him quite famous. Outsiders called him the Camel King, and some close people or disciples respected him as a master. Taiyes was good at Lectures and lectures, and a lot of research in medicine, but he is not good at military affairs at all.

Taras came early in the morning to call the camel king Tais to drink.Taras is the patriarch of the Banu Atiji family. The Atiji family made its fortune in Gasila. Although it is only a small family, it is also considered a wealthy family. His parents doted on Taras to the extreme.Like all rich kids, Taras had always lived a luxurious life, and he didn't get rid of these habits when he came to the Aserai Army.

"Master! What are you thinking?" Taras laughed and said, "Why are you upset after winning the battle just now? This time, we killed Jawuwo Yi'an and destroyed his main force. If we defeat him in a few days Kill that Fenrir in the city of Gazila, and there will be no Qalad officers in the entire Ajit area, and this year will be a good day."

"Don't you see that Adram is eliminating dissidents?" Camel King said with a cold smile.

Taras laughed, pointed at the camel king, and said, "Commander, you think too much. In the battle of the salt mine, the prince ordered us to attack on the flanks. The loss is not big. This time we will feign attack at the north gate, and the loss will be certain." It won't be too big. I know what you think, but the time has not come, the time has not come."

The Camel King looked at him and asked in a low voice, "Is there still a chance?"

"Of course." Taras smiled, "If you hadn't taken the opportunity to retreat and help me due to the lack of food and grass last time, my troops might have been defeated long ago. So I will definitely help you with this favor." .”

He took a sip of wine and continued: "Now the combined strength of the two of us is a bit weaker than that of Sukru Emir's troops. But once the battle is over, the situation will be different. You see, whether it is attacking the city or blocking the Jiulinger Army, Sukru's troops are the main force. Adram himself has no troops, so he has to use his son-in-law's troops to charge forward. After the war, Sukru's troops There must be a lot of losses, and there is not much left. At that time, we will pull Ozan over, and then unite with a group of Aserai leaders to force Adram to give up his position as commander in chief."

The Camel King smiled wryly, and said, "Did you drink too much? What kind of bullshit idea did you come up with? At that time, Adram won consecutive battles, killing Jawuwoyi'an, and then killing Fenrir. , the reputation is in the sky, and there are more people who are willing to take refuge in him. Who will follow me? Will you?"

Taras looked at him and said with a gleeful smile: "Then what do you think? You won't send someone to assassinate Adram, right? Isn't Nimr of the Saran family a good example."

The Camel King was taken aback, looked around subconsciously, and said angrily: "What do you want to do? Can you say that? It was then, now is now, and now we all follow the rules set by the Great Sultan and don't do anything. What kind of blood revenge is not very good."

"Really?" Taras had a look of disbelief, his eyes widened, his voice dragged on, and then he laughed out loud!
Tais glared at him fiercely. At this moment, a servant shouted from outside the big tent: "Master! Emil! The prince has an order."

Taras took the letter and waved his hand to signal the attendants to leave. Then he unfolded the map on the case table, pointed to the oasis of Lower Jamayer Town and said, "Master, you said that Jiuling'er is so stupid. Can't he see it? Coming out of this city of Gasila is the trap that the prince used to lure him into the cage."

The Camel King took a sip of his wine, a hint of helplessness flashed across his vicissitudes old face, and said in a low voice: "Of course he is not stupid. Both Adram and Sukru are master soldiers in the Aserai army. Both fell into his hands. 18 people."

The Camel King shook his head, sighed, and said, "That devil, Galius, didn't have the ability to eat 18 people in two or three hits. I'm worried that Adram is eager for revenge, and he will fall again this time." In his hand."

"Oh?" Taras asked in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

"The prince wants to kill two birds with one stone, but he is afraid that the birds will peck him blind if he misses the shot. There is a fatal loophole in the trap he set up." Camel King said slowly, pretending to be unpredictable.

Taras smiled "puchi" and said casually, "You mean food?"

The Camel King looked at Talas in surprise, and suddenly felt that he was stupid, as if he was still pretending to be deep about the problem that others could see without using their brains.

"Do you think the prince doesn't know? We'll have enough food if we conquer the city of Gazila. That old thief Fenrir has hoarded a lot of food and grass in the city of Jiaxila. The key to the problem is not food, but whether we can supply food next month. Take the city of Gazila before."

Looking at the map on the case table, Taras said worriedly: "If the prince wants to hit Jiuling and take down the city of Gasila quickly, that is the fatal loophole in this game. Recently, the wind and sand are getting bigger and bigger. According to the situation in previous years, there will definitely be a sandstorm in the near future. Fighting in the sandstorm, flying sand and walking stones, both sides are very passive. I hope the prince can get what he wants! What do you think?"

The Camel King looked at the case and said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.

Su Keru is playing chess with Ao Zan in the big tent.

Their chess skills are all taught by Sultan Wenjid himself, and the level is very high.The two gave up everything back then and followed Wen Jide to travel around, and they are both outstanding among Wen Jide's disciples.Wenjid admired their talents very much and believed that they would be the backbone of the Aserai army in the future.

Ozan also has a nickname in the Aserai Army, called the Desert Spirit Fox.He is about the same age as Su Kelu, handsome in appearance, and good in martial arts, but he is smarter than Su Kelu, sleek and well-behaved, very scheming, and extremely ruthless.Many of the older generation in Aserai dislike him, thinking that he is too violent, so his reputation and status in the Aserai army has always been inferior to Sukru.Ozan knows how to fight, and he is no worse than Sukru. Everyone in the Aserai army knows this, but he and Sukru are life-and-death friends, so few people know.

After receiving the prince's message, the two continued to play chess as if nothing happened.

"Ao Zan, what do you think?" Su Kelu dropped a chess piece, finally couldn't help it, and asked softly.

"Jiu Ling'er is here, the bloody battle has begun." Ao Zan said with a smile.

Su Kelu glanced at him, and slowly said: "This time you will help again. After eating the savages, the Ajit area will be left to us."

Aozan glanced at him, and asked cautiously: "Are you sure? We have never confronted such a large cavalry head-on. The poisonous scorpion's troops are definitely the main force in the Aserai army, but his 3 The entire army was annihilated in Lamaisa, which shows that Ni Hai's iron cavalry is powerful. Do you dare to fight such an uncertain battle?"

"I have carefully studied the process of many battles between the Karad Empire and the Eastern Prairie Cavalry, and I feel confident."

Su Kelu looked at Aozan's big eyes, and smiled confidently: "Since Jiuling'er dares to come, I have a way to prevent him from going back. However, if I fight with Jiuling'er, my troops will It’s all about to be cast, so we must rely on your troops to take down the city of Gasila.”

Ozan looked at the chessboard, but didn't make a sound.

"We all know what Master Tais is thinking. Taras is vacillating and unpredictable. Now it's good to count on them to contain part of the troops. We are brothers, you give me a word. Promise, I will Fight with Jiu Ling'er. If you don't agree, I will immediately take down Jiaxila City and give up the action to encircle and wipe out Jiu Ling'er."

Aozan looked at the chessboard for a long time, but remained silent.

"Fox! Would I still purposely frame you and cause you to lose your troops?" Su Kelu looked at Aozan seriously and said slowly.

Aozan frowned, and looked at Su Keru with big eyes, which were full of suspicion and suspicion.Now Adram's troops are basically gone, and only Sukru and Ozan are left in the Aserai army with strong strength.If Ozan's troops were beaten badly in this battle, Su Keru would be the leader of the Aserai army.

Aozan picked up a chess piece, gently put it down on the board, and asked solemnly, "Are we brothers?"

Su Keru felt that there was something in his words, so he glanced at him, nodded, and replied, "Brother life and death."

"Then tell me, does the prince intend to pass on the position of commander-in-chief of the army to you?"

Su Kelu's mind was shocked for a moment, and he stared dumbfounded, unbelievable.

Aozan looked at Su Kelu calmly, and as if he was determined, an imperceptible smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Fenrir heard the thunderous sound of war drums and shouts of killing from outside the city, and rushed to the tower in a hurry.The Puran Talisman rushed up to meet him.

"The traitors are starting to attack?" Fenrir asked as he strode to the edge of the city wall and looked up.

In the camp of the Aserai Army in the distance, drums were beating loudly and banners were fluttering. Teams of Aserai Army soldiers were rushing out of the camp, carrying a large number of siege equipment, swarming towards them.

Po'an Talisman looked as usual, and smiled slightly: "The traitor can't wait." Then he turned his head and shouted: "Any news about other city gates?"

"Report to Lord Guardian, not yet." The attendant standing in the distance replied loudly.

"If the rebels attack from all four gates at the same time, our defensive forces will be too scattered. My lord, look..." Po'an Fuwen asked in a low voice.

"The enemy is false and real, and we have no way of determining their main attack direction. That's it, one day is one day." Fenrir looked straight ahead and said expressionlessly, "I'm here, advancing and retreating with everyone .”

Po'an Talisman was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, let's go back to the mansion. The soldiers will fight the enemy bravely without the need for an adult to supervise the battle."

"Hmph..." Fenrir sneered, his tone unquestionable, "I'm just sitting here. I want to see if Adram can attack."

Po'an Fuweng knew his temper and didn't persuade him any more.

Fenrir looked up at the gray sky, and suddenly said to Poan Talisman: "It would be great if there was an unprecedented huge sandstorm. What do you think?"

Jiu Ling'er galloped on the horse.He was surrounded by densely packed warriors, behind him were colorful battle flags, and his ears were filled with the roar of galloping war horses.He felt as if he had fallen into a torrent, as if he would be doomed at any moment, and completely lost his freedom and confidence.

He remembered that in the days when he followed Mulek, he had dreamed many times that he was leading thousands of troops and galloping on the prairie, and he could still clearly feel the excitement in the dream.The dream is vivid in my mind, as if it was just yesterday.Now that the dream has come true, he does not have the excitement of galloping on the battlefield at all. Instead, he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. This kind of responsibility often makes him unable to breathe, and even feels suffocated.It turns out that commanding thousands of troops is not a glorious thing at all, but a burden, a burden that the soul cannot bear.

Just like now, any soldier knows that he hastened to the Gaxila battlefield for no other reason than to seek death.Facing the 20 Aserai army, how many of these 5000 people can come back?But everyone has no complaints or regrets, not even a word of complaint.What are you doing in the army?Isn't it just for this day, for this day to be able to stain the battlefield with blood.How many people really join the army to enjoy the glory that war brings them?Those who can enjoy the glory are the survivors of the war, and more people are the victims of the war.

In La Mesa, Scorpion and his soldiers performed a gory classic death.This violent death shocked Jiu Ling'er.The blood on the La Mesa plain was deeply engraved in his heart.He felt responsible for the lives of fifteen thousand soldiers, for their selfless trust and the honor in their hearts.

The scouts galloped towards the horse, and when they approached the army, they suddenly tightened the reins. The horse suffered from pain, and immediately neighed, and its huge body almost flew off the ground. Like yellow sand, he turned around and ran again in an instant.

Jiu Ling'er kicked the horse's belly tightly and quickly caught up with the scouts.

"Master Warlord, the Aserai army in Gasila City attacked the city at noon today."

"Four doors attacking at the same time?" Because the roar was too loud, Jiu Ling'er could only roar loudly.

"Yes, my lord. The details will be reported in the middle of the night."

Jiu Ling'er nodded, stretched out her hand and patted the scout's shoulder vigorously, and shouted loudly: "Thank you for your hard work, go and rest."

The scout bowed to Jiu Ling'er movedly, then steered his horse away.

Jiu Ling'er turned her head and gestured to the horn soldiers. The sound of the horn that stopped advancing suddenly pierced the huge and thick roar, soaring into the sky and resounding through the dusk.


The meaning conveyed by Adram is very clear. Today, the Aserai army at the east gate and north gate will attack mainly, while the Aserai army at the south gate and west gate will contain the enemy.

His main purpose was to lure Jiuling'er's Ni Hai Iron Cavalry to the Jiaxila battlefield to annihilate them.With the elimination of the Jiulinger Army, the last threatening main force of the Imperial Army on the battlefield in the Ajt area will be completely eliminated. This year, the development of the Aserai Army will be very smooth.Because of the correctness of this matter, Aozan, Taras, and Camel King, the three most powerful leaders of the Aserai Army, rushed to Gasila with their troops.If this goal is achieved, the benefit distribution in the later stage will still be very generous.

The troops of Taras and the Camel King were the first to attack.There are differences and opinions, and those are all things that we think about when we are not at war.When you're on the battlefield, you can't be sloppy. If you fight, you fight. If you don't fight, you don't fight. The enemy will not have any tacit understanding with you, let alone show mercy.A little negligence is a matter of life and death.

Taras didn't know martial arts, so he stayed in the rear to command.

Master Tayes personally rushed to the city to supervise the battle with a group of disciples.His disciple Mu Ke personally rushed up with the first batch of siege troops.

The guard on the city wall is an ordinary official in the Jiaxila mansion, named Galgu.He doesn't know much about martial arts, but he is also not afraid of death.He took the lead, standing on the edge of the city wall, and like other soldiers, he raised big stones and smashed them down hard at the Aserai soldiers who were climbing the ladder.

Along the city wall, hundreds of ladders are lined up, and on each ladder there are Aserai soldiers fighting bravely, not afraid of the long arrows and stones all over the sky.Above and below the city wall, there are piles of busy soldiers everywhere.From time to time, huge Lei Mu and boiling water will fall from the sky.The sound of war drums, shouting to kill the body, is earth-shattering.

Seeing the Aserai soldiers flying, falling, and screaming in the air, and seeing more and more corpses under the city, Mu Ke became angry.

Holding the shield in one hand and the knife in the other, Mu Ke turned his head and yelled at the soldiers in the distance: "Suppress the bow and arrow, give me a volley, volley..."

A small group of soldiers immediately gathered together and shot dense long arrows at the wall at the top of the ladder that Mu Ke was about to go up.Two soldiers who stretched out their upper bodies and threw stones were shot dead immediately, and one of them fell to the ground screaming.

"Brothers, kill..." Mu Ke held up his saber and yelled at the siege soldiers who were lying behind the shield, and then, like an agile ape, he climbed up the ladder at high speed.Several Aserai soldiers immediately broke away from the cover of the shield soldiers and followed closely behind.

A huge pole was thrown into the air, rushed out of the city wall, and then smashed into the ladder.Mu Ke roared and raised his shield to push it.Although the shield was lifted obliquely and lost a lot of strength, it was smashed to pieces by the heavy pole wood. Mu Ke was hit hard and almost turned over and fell off the ladder. The left hand holding the shield immediately lost consciousness.Relying on inertia, Lei Mu rolled down along Mu Ke's back.The few soldiers following him were unable to dodge in time and were immediately thrown off the ladder.

"Kill..., go up..., go up..." Mu Ke on the ladder opened his eyes angrily, and kept roaring at the soldiers below.More soldiers rushed out from behind their shields and climbed up the ladder.

Mu Ke chopped off the ends of three spears one after another with his saber, and finally gave him a chance.He raised his painful left hand, grabbed one of the broken spears, exhausted all his strength, let out a tiger roar, leaped up the city wall, and at the same time chopped the enemy inside the city wall with his sword.

Several nearby imperial soldiers shouted and rushed over at the same time, ready to block the gap.

Mu Ke's sword flashed, blood spattered, and he slaughtered several enemies in a row.Three or four Aserai soldiers took advantage of this gap and jumped into the city wall one after another.

More imperial soldiers rushed over.

The breakthrough is opened.Gargu in the distance was attracted by the fierce fighting, and then he saw the danger, picked up a spear on the ground, rushed to the middle of the city wall, raised the spear and shouted: "Go to support, kill... ...Follow me to kill..."

The reserve soldiers who had been crouching on both sides of the city gate tower heard the shouts and screamed out. They followed closely behind Gargu and frantically rushed towards the defense point broken by the Aserai army.

"Boom...boom..." More than a dozen ladders and the Aserai soldiers on the ladders were pushed down and hit the ground heavily, and then there were dull crashing sounds and screams of the ladders and people hitting the ground one after another. Voice.Like rain, the long arrows raged in all directions without thinking, and devoured one life after another in a sudden.

"Kill... ah..." Mu Ke was covered in blood, looking crazy, leading the soldiers forward bravely.

"Kill... ah..." Gargu roared wildly, his eyes were about to split open, and he thrust his spear into the body of an Aserai soldier. Before he could draw out the spear, he was rushed up by three Selle soldiers fell to the ground.

The imperial soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then the flames of hatred exploded. The soldiers looked like madmen who had lost their minds, their eyes were red, they kept yelling, and killed them desperately.

Mu Ke bears the brunt.But when his knife penetrated the opponent's body, his own head had already been chopped off, and then the hand holding the knife was cut in two.

The imperial soldiers sacrificed more than 20 lives, finally regained the defense point, and killed all the Aserai soldiers who rushed up the city wall.

Guzid's knife had been cut off, and the short spear was stuck in the corpse of the officer and soldier, so he couldn't pull it out for a while, so he had to pick up a spear and rushed towards the Po'an urn that was aggressively killing him.

The Poan urn has been eyeing this black boy since the Aserai army began to attack the city.This kid has already climbed the city wall four times, and he seems to be unbeatable. Every time after being driven down, he pops up from another place after a while.

The Po'an urn was chopped off with an axe, implying the sound of wind and thunder.

Gu Qide's face changed, knowing that he met a master, he immediately yelled: "Come here, kill..."

He set aside the iron ax with his spear, and immediately stabbed at the lower abdomen of the Poan Talisman Urn.Po'an Talisman didn't have time to change his move, so he quickly took two steps back.Guzid raised his spear horizontally and immediately assassinated the two defenders.The big ax of Po'an Talisman roared again.Gu Qide stretched out his spear to block it, but the spear broke.Po'an Talisman roared excitedly, and the ax accelerated, heading towards Guzed's head.Gu Zide's figure flickered, and the short spear in his hand flew towards the Po'an urn, and he squatted down.He casually grabbed a battle knife on the ground, and aimed a sharp blow at the iron ax that had slowed down.The Po'an urn dodged the flying spear, but not the knife. Immediately, his hands trembled, and the long ax almost flew out of his hand.

Gu Zide ignored him, turned back and rushed into the crowded place where the crowd was fighting, and shouted loudly: "Retreat..., withdraw..."

Adram pointed to the battlefield where the sound of killing was loud, and shouted loudly: "Where is the black tiger? Where is the black tiger?"

There was a trace of fear on Tulule Xiaoyuan's face, and he said cautiously: "Hei Huzi! He's on the city wall."

"This bastard, when will people not worry about it? Stop the siege, let the soldiers rest, and you go and tell the tiger to get back to me immediately." Adram yelled fiercely.

"Prince, we just occupied a small corner on the left side of the city wall. Can we fight again to consume them a little more?" Tulule whispered.

"It's not easy to take down Jiaxila. But our goal now is not Jiaxila, but the savage Nine Bells. Immediately send an order to stop the attack."

Under the dim candlelight, Fenrir slowly raised his head, looking at the Po'an Talisman Urn standing in front of him.

"My lord, the Aserai army has withdrawn."

"How's the loss today?" Fenrir asked softly.

"Your student Gargu, died in battle."

Fenrir was silent, and it took a long time before he let out a long sigh.

"The defenders at the four city gates lost a total of more than 700 people. The east gate and the north gate suffered the most losses. In addition, the scouts outside the city sent news that Ni Hai's iron cavalry moved towards us."

Fenrir's face changed drastically, and he cried out: "What is he doing here? Is he throwing himself into a trap?"

Po'an Talisman hesitated for a moment, then said cautiously: "Maybe this Jiulinger has a trick to defeat the enemy?"

Fenrir smiled wryly, "Tell me, what tricks does he have?"

"According to the adults, if we wait until next month, a sandstorm will definitely erupt, and it will be an extremely huge sandstorm. The adults said that this is our chance of survival. Did he come here for this chance of survival?"

Fenrir smiled helplessly, and said: "Okay, since he has such arrogance, let's take a gamble with him. Immediately you draw a thousand elite soldiers from the four city gates, and reserve them as the final counterattack force. You personally lead the army .”

Po'an Fuwen's face changed, and he said in surprise: "My lord, our defensive strength is seriously insufficient, and you still have to deploy 1000 people as a reserve army, don't you..."

Fenrir looked at the Poan urn for a long time, then sighed suddenly, and said earnestly: "You have been a guard for many years, think about it, if you are Adram now, you are eager to eat it. Jiu Ling'er, what will you do?"

The Poan Talisman cast a glance at Fenrir, and said in a low voice, "I will take down Garcia first, and then deal with Jiulinger. I want to ensure that I am invincible first."

Fenrir lowered his head and did not speak.He flipped through the documents in his hand, and said in a low voice: "You are right, this is indeed a good idea. But the problem is, after you have captured Jia Xila, why is Jiu Linger here? Are you attacking the city on horseback?"

"Gassila is the bait. Before the fish eat the bait, the bait must be worn on the hook no matter what. Therefore, as long as Jiuling'er is still nearby, as long as Jiuling'er is not wiped out, Jiaxila is safe. Ah Durham's continuous attack on the city is just to put pressure on Jiu Ling'er, forcing him to take the bait, and at the same time consume our defense force."

Po'an Talisman understood.Since Adram's fight against Gasilla was just for show, of course, 1000 people could be dispatched to fight back powerfully when the city was breached.He immediately asked, "My lord, even if a sandstorm comes this month, where is our vitality?"

Looking at the slightly flickering candle, Fenrir suddenly laughed, and said lightly, "By that time, we will be dying and vulnerable, so where is our life left?"


In the middle of the night, in the big tent of the Chinese army, all 25 officers above the rank of captain of Ni Hai's iron cavalry were present.

A huge map of the layout of the city of Gasila hangs on the inside of the big tent.Everyone sat on the ground, huddled together, listening to Jiu Ling'er's analysis and arrangement of the Jiaxila battlefield.

Tong Zai poured water for everyone in the big tent.Shaka lay on the mattress with his head resting on Tiza's lap.

"Where is the vitality of Gasila City? On the day when the sandstorm blows, whether it is night or day, it is in those few hours."

Jiu Ling'er took a sip of water and continued to talk, "Now we don't know when and when the sandstorm will come, but it will definitely come this month, every year. So Adram is waiting for the opportunity to destroy us , We are also waiting for the opportunity to beat him, it depends on who can grasp the opportunity better and be more effective."

"My lord, what if the sandstorm doesn't come?" Jon Dan asked loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a scream in the big tent.Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw that Yi'an was holding up a fist as big as a bowl and was about to hit him a second time.

Tiza immediately made a gesture and shouted: "Lion head, you have violated military discipline, stand up for me immediately."

There was a burst of laughter in the big tent.Yi An stood up quickly, with an embarrassed smile on his face.As a result, everyone laughed even harder.

Jiong lay on Nayantai's back and almost burst out laughing.Jiu Ling'er had already stopped smiling, but seeing Yi'an's embarrassed look, she still couldn't help laughing wildly.

After arguing for a while, Jiu Ling'er signaled Yi'an to sit down, and continued: "Good question, Jiongdan. We only brought dry food and water for ten days, including people and horses. So if there is still no chance within ten days, we We can only retreat, there is no other way. Are the specific missions of each part clear? This time, the captains will personally lead the team to perform the mission, so make sure not to make mistakes and not come into direct contact with the enemy."

Jiu Ling'er said with a smile: "Whoever is greedy for merit and engages in a head-on Hussen Fulger conflict with the enemy, the military law will be followed. Have you seen the lion's head? You will be punished for punching someone, not to mention that you violated the law." Military order."

Everyone burst into laughter again.

"Are there any questions?" Jiu Ling'er asked with a smile.

"My lord, what if Adram thinks that we don't intend to fight him decisively, so he simply abandons our plan to encircle and annihilate us and directly attack the city?" Atezor asked.

"Retreat." Jiu Ling'er said: "Adram must have a time to encircle and annihilate us. If this time is exceeded, he will naturally give up and attack the city directly. He has occupied the city of Jiaxila, what are we still doing here? ?”

"My lord, in order to entangle us, Adram will continue to attack the city. The defenders of Gasila must have suffered heavy losses. If we fight with the main force of Sukru who are blocking us, Adram will still easily What shall we do if we have captured the city of Jiaxila?" Huo Shayun asked.

"Retreat, retreat immediately. Adram will rush to encircle and destroy the city immediately. At that time, we must retreat at full speed to avoid being entangled by the enemy." Jiu Ling'er said resolutely, "As I said just now, Whether we can defeat Adram this time, the decisive factor is not us, nor Adram, but whether Lord Fenrir can hold the city of Gasila and at the same time create an unprecedented sandstorm. This is our opportunity, and it is also Adram's chance."

Jiu Ling'er pointed to the blood-red city of Jiaxila on the map, and said loudly: "If Jiaxila can't be defended, everything is over."

Suddenly his heart beat violently.After Garcia is finished, will we also be eaten by the Aserai army?He suddenly felt that this plan was too risky, and he was simply making fun of his own soldiers.

Adram invited several leaders to the tent today.

Jiu Ling'er's army has been here for two days.In order to lure Jiu Ling'er, Adram gave up all the outer gates of Jiaxila, just to let Jiu Ling'er drive straight in.But Jiu Ling'er set up the big camp on a small plain about [-] kilometers east of Jiaxila City, and sent more than a dozen rangers every day to harass the Aserai army's big camp and small grain transport team day and night, but the main force was no longer there. Take a step forward.Those Kusaites were brave and brave, and their arrows were accurate. They haunted the Aserai camp all day long like ghosts, rushed up and killed a few when they had the opportunity, and then fled immediately. Aserai was so angry. Lai Jun can only stare blankly.

Taras took a sip of water and said slowly: "Prince, Jiuling'er broke up the army into small groups of rangers and kept harassing us. The soldiers were very nervous and couldn't rest well. After a long time, not only the soldiers of the troops The combat effectiveness will drop, and it is estimated that it will also affect the siege."

Tulule immediately went on to say: "Prince, they are so hateful, like wild wolves in the desert who are extremely hungry, they will not let go of their prey. As long as we are negligent, they will rush up immediately. Now there are many in every barracks loss."

"Is it a big loss?" Adram asked.

"Together with several large military camps, more than 2000 people were killed, many of whom were soldiers on duty at night."

"We should take the initiative to attack them. With 20 of us, we can't defeat more than 1 of them?" Guzed said angrily, "If he continues like this, people will go crazy."

Adram smiled slightly: "The fish is hooked."

He paused for a moment, then continued: "Jiu Linger's technique is the hunting technique of the wolves on the grassland. When the wolves on the grassland hunt and kill the bison, they always harass and paralyze the bison first." , Patiently looking for an opportunity to attack. As long as a cow loses vigilance or is provoked and rushes out of the herd, they will swarm up and hit it. I think Hei Huzi is the enraged bison."

Guzid smiled sheepishly.

The camel king took a look at Adram and thought, you are no better than a bison, a self-righteous bison.

Ao Zan said solemnly: "Jiu Ling'er is very cunning. He spreads out a large number of rangers. As long as we have any troubles, he will immediately find out. If we take the initiative to surround him, he will run away immediately. But if we keep giving If he continues to make trouble like this, our losses will increase and our morale will drop rapidly. After all, he killed 10,000+ of us, and the soldiers are still very afraid of him.”

Adram's face suddenly became very ugly.Su Kelu glanced at him with complicated eyes, doubtful and a little disappointed.Tulule's face immediately turned red, and he lowered his head, not daring to meet Aozan's eyes.The Camel King secretly rejoiced, but he was afraid that others would see the smile on his face, so he immediately lowered his head and drank water to cover it up.

"Ozan Emir, do you have any suggestions?" Seeing the awkward atmosphere in the tent, Talas hurriedly asked.

Of course, Ozan saw everyone's expressions in his eyes. He smiled slightly, and said to Taras: "In my opinion, we should concentrate our main force and capture the city of Jiaxila as soon as possible. Capturing Jiaxila will not only solve the problem The problem of food shortage can also ease the supply pressure in the rear. First, you must be invincible before you can attack the enemy. What do you think?"

Taras grabbed his short beard, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "Ni Hai's cavalry is not a pack of wolves, but a pack of lions. In terms of military strength alone, our 20 men can indeed compete with his 7 men." The iron cavalry fought a bloody battle, but at least half of our troops were lost. We lost 10 people when we fought against Jiawu Woyi'an's troops. Basically, two soldiers exchanged an enemy's life. Now fight Jiuling, If six or seven of our soldiers can exchange for the life of Ni Hai's cavalry army, we will have to pay a price of [-] people. In this way, plus the loss of the siege, the strength of our Aserai army is basically exhausted, and the rest The only ones are old, weak and remnant soldiers. What will we do if the Karad court gathers tens of thousands of people to attack us again this year? So I agree with Ozan Emir's idea and immediately attack Garcila with all our strength. As for Jiulinger, we will always have There is a way to deal with him. Prince and Emil Sukru, what do you think?"

Neither Adram nor Sukruh answered.

"When the Jiuling'er army came, the two of you lost your courage." Guzide said angrily, "There are only 6000 to [-] people in the city of Jiaxila, and we are forty times the enemy, so we can take it quickly. But, without Jiaxi Pulling the city as a bait, Jiulinger's cavalry army will flee immediately. If this opportunity is lost, it will be very difficult to wipe them out. In the future, on the battlefield, with their maneuverability and flexibility, we must be the ones who will suffer. The Eastern Expedition failed. It’s a very obvious example. If the troops of Amir Ozan and Emir Taras were to attack the Nine Bells Army, are you sure you will be able to escape unscathed?”

Aozan and Taras tensed their faces, and did not answer.

"But Jiu Ling'er is now adopting this kind of wandering and harassment tactics, repeatedly attacking our soldiers, damaging our morale, and delaying our attack. Even if we don't fight us head-on, we can't find a chance even if we want to encircle and annihilate them. Ah, Huzi, what can you do?" Taiyes, the camel king, pretended to be helpless.

Gu Qide immediately laughed dryly in distress, "Master, even if you can't do anything about it, I can't do anything about it. However, it is very rare for the prince to deliberately create a chance to eliminate Jiu Ling'er this time. It is really a pity to give up. Next time, maybe Jiu Ling'er will surround and annihilate us."

There was silence in the big tent.

"When I captured the city of Jamaya, I explained this plan to everyone here. We can indeed not fight Gasila this year, and there are many reasons, but we are very short of food this year. If we capture Gasilah, It can solve the food shortage problem of troops and refugees everywhere." Adram said: "But we can't go smoothly when we fight Gasila, because there is a Nine Savages watching. That's why we have this plan to kill two birds with one stone. It is also the best time to annihilate Jiu Ling'er."

"After we took Gaxila immediately, as Huzi said, Jiuling ran away, and we will be very troublesome in the future. Taras' worries are not unreasonable, but Sukru has made a lot of preparations to eliminate the cavalry , should be able to greatly reduce our casualties. Moreover, after Jiulinger is eliminated, there will be no large army of officers and soldiers in the Ajit area, so we can take a breather for a while and recruit a large number of troops to supplement the troops. So the question now is not whether to fight or not It's not about Jiu Ling'er, but about how to hit Jiu Ling'er. I hope you don't talk about the wrong topic."

Adram spoke in a cold tone afterwards.

Taras immediately connected and said, "Please tell the prince clearly."

Adram looked at everyone seriously, and said sternly: "Everyone attack the city with all our strength, keep the rhythm of the attack, don't be too fierce, and don't be too soft, and consume a lot of soldiers defending the city. Regarding Jiulinger's harassment tactics, Don't pay too much attention to it, everyone pretends to be paralyzed and allows it to attack, but you must be prepared to be raided by the main force of Jiuling'er day and night. As long as the Jiuling'er army comes, any one of them will hold him back and wait for the big army to catch up. To encircle and annihilate. Once the encirclement is encircled, Sukelu's troops will be the main attack, and other troops will attack, and we must demand complete annihilation."

Ao Zan suddenly asked: "Recently, there is more and more sand and dust. According to previous years, a huge sandstorm may erupt in the near future. What should we do then?"

Adram said loudly: "At that time, Jiuling'er's cavalry was the first to retreat. In the dusty sky, the cavalry's vision and flexibility were greatly reduced. If he stayed here, he would kill himself, so Jiuling'er Ling'er will immediately retreat. He ran away, so our plan was cancelled. We immediately attacked the city. The city of Gasila has been battered by us and is dying. If 20 people attack such a city at the same time, it won't be long before we can take it Next. Therefore, as soon as a sandstorm blows, everyone will attack the city immediately, without any hesitation, and don't wait for my order."

"Understood?" Adram looked around coldly, but no one objected.

"Prince, we don't have enough food and grass after all. When we are completely short of food and grass, we still have to give up our plan to encircle Jiuling'er and attack the city instead." Looking at Adram's stern face, the Camel King asked fearlessly. He said, "Can the prince tell us, if there is no sandstorm, when will we attack the city?"

Adram sneered, "Eight days later."

At this time, Gu Qide suddenly laughed, and he said loudly: "There are still eight days, now let's see who has the worst luck, and the prey that Jiu Ling'er is looking for must be careful."

Because Shaka couldn't ride a horse, he had been lying on a cart carrying horse fodder and marching with the troops.Since Jiu Ling'er was not very familiar with the situation in the Ajit area, after the troops were stationed, she asked Shaka to stay in the tent of the Chinese army to help her analyze the various news sent by the scouts and discuss the military situation.

Jiu Ling'er put down the pen in her hand, took a piece of dry biscuit handed over by Tong Zai, gnawed it vigorously, and said with a smile: "These captains have done a good job, working in shifts day and night, Adram probably will Crazy."

Shaka was half lying down, with a worried expression on his face, and said worriedly: "It's been six days, I don't know how the city of Gasila is doing?"

Tong Zai handed Shaka a bowl of water, and said with a smile: "Adram is afraid that we will run away now, and if he wants to attack but dare not attack violently, it must be uncomfortable. Brother Shaka, there should be nothing wrong with the city of Gazila for the time being. , it is estimated that Master Fenrir is standing on the tower and is also looking forward to a huge sandstorm."

Jiu Ling'er slammed the piece of dry biscuit on the desk hard, making a crisp "dong dong" sound, and shouted loudly: "God has shown me!"

Suddenly, a beautiful face popped up in his mind, and the beautiful face appeared in his mind instantly, as if smiling sweetly at him right in front of his eyes.Jiu Ling'er felt a sudden pain in her heart, she couldn't cry anymore, and sat down on the ground.At that moment, the soul-wrenching longing was so clear and painful.

"grown ups……"

Tong Zai suddenly noticed that Jiu Ling'er looked strange, and hurriedly shouted: "My lord, what's wrong with you..."

Shaka also found out, and immediately asked nervously: "Is there something wrong? My lord, did you find anything wrong with the enemy?"

Jiu Ling'er was yelled at by several people, and regained his mind. He shook his hands at them, indicating that he was fine, and then lay down on the mattress, his head full of dewy smiles and tears.Jiu Ling'er suddenly knew that missing someone was so depressing and depressing. Not only was her whole body weak and weak, but also her body was soaked in deep melancholy like ice-cold water, and the soul-piercing chill went straight to the bone marrow.Thinking like that, Jiu Ling'er's eyes were red, her heart was sore, and she fell into a deep sleep not long after.

Solasin lifted the curtain and strode in.

Tong Zai hurriedly signaled to him that Jiu Ling'er was asleep.

So Laxin immediately walked in and sat down softly, and whispered: "Shaka, good news."

Shaka hurriedly asked: "Say it quickly, brother Xin, speak it quickly."

"Yi'an and the others attacked the grain and grass camp of the Aserai army, and found that their grain reserves are very low."

Shaka was taken aback, and immediately asked: "Brother Lion, can you burn them?"

Solasin shook his head, and Shaka let out a long breath.

Solasin smiled and said: "Shaka, don't underestimate the lion head. Although he looks murderous and ruthless, in fact he is very kind and can fight. Menghuo admires him very much and thinks he is calm and decisive. He executed orders meticulously, and had a thorough understanding of tactics. Now it seems that it is true, facing a mountain of food, he knows not to burn it, which shows that he really has a very thorough understanding of this battle."

So Laxin then asked Tongzai, "Tongzai, tell me, why doesn't the lion head burn food?"

Tong Zai blushed, a little embarrassed.

Shaka smiled and encouraged: "Tell me. You read a lot, you have a good literary talent, you can also melody, and you must have dabbled in the art of war. I think you have analyzed the battle situation in a clear way these days, and you must have your own opinions. Tell me .”

Tong Zai hurriedly handed Solasin a bowl of water, and said in a low voice: "After burning the food, Adram will immediately give up his plan to encircle and annihilate us, and instead attack Gasila with all his strength. At this time, he is on high alert against us, and we are very worried." It is difficult to find an opportunity to attack. Without our help, Gasilla will naturally be lost."

"If you don't burn his food and continue to maintain the status quo, Adram must still want to eat us. He will continue to keep the city of Jiaxila to lure us. If the city of Jiaxila is not destroyed, we will still have a chance. Your lord has said a lot Once again, as long as there is a big sandstorm, the opportunity will come."

"In the dust storm, the cavalry is not as flexible as the infantry at all. We have no choice but to retreat. The Aserai army saw us retreating, so they had to give up their plan to lure us. At this time, they will naturally attack with all their strength without any worries. City, we must seize Garcia before next month."

"The opportunity is in these few hours when the sandstorm is the biggest. We rushed there quickly, taking advantage of the unpreparedness, and made a large-scale surprise attack. The Aserai army was caught off guard, and they must deploy troops to stop us, so that the power to attack the city will be weakened. In the city of Fenli With our help, Lord Er can last longer. At that time, the Aserai army will not only face the entanglement attack of our cavalry, but also worry about the danger of their own troops running out of food and grass. At this time, their only The only solution is to retreat."

"However, Lord Overseer's plan has too many uncertainties, and it is very risky. Will there really be an unprecedented sandstorm? When will there be such a sandstorm that both of us need? We all speculate based on years of practice, although recently It's getting bigger and bigger, but it's still impossible to do what we want. Also, if we suddenly turn around and attack, will Adram be prepared? Can Lord Fenrir hold it? If Gasila City suddenly falls, Can we get out of the battlefield in time? If Adram sees that the siege is hopeless, and turns to besiege us with all his strength, can we break through?"

"Your Excellency is so bold and risky in order to rescue Garcila, for this very slim chance of survival, it is really admirable."

Shaka and Solasin nodded at the same time, showing approval.

Tong Zai blushed, and asked in a low voice: "Do you two elder brothers think what I said is right?"

Solasin and Shaka nodded again and again.

Shaka stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and praised in a low voice: "Thought, thorough."

So Laxin even gave a thumbs up and said: "Your words are basically the original words of the little cute guy. I really underestimate you. But he is a fool, and he is a lucky fool, so he can fight every time. Win, and this time is no exception. Looking forward to this sandstorm now. Another four days, if it is as you think, we will win."

Seeing So Laxin's full confidence, Tongzai and Shaka looked at each other, but felt a little uneasy.

"Binglu..., Binglu..." Jiuling'er suddenly cried out in her sleep, then turned over and fell asleep again.

"Look, adults work day and night, and still want ice dew. Think this is a prairie? I'll go and pour him some water." Tong Zai pointed to Jiu Ling'er and said with a smile.

So Laxin's face darkened, and he reached out to stop the boy who was about to stand up.

"That's a girl's name." Solasin suddenly said to Tongzai and Shaka, "It's a girl's name from the Kusaites."

Tongzai and Shaka were taken aback, and looked back at Jiuling'er without making a sound for a long time.

"Is she pretty?" Tong Zai asked.

"She is the most beautiful girl in Kusette, she has long black flowing hair, and a pair of deep blue eyes." So Laxin looked at Jiu Ling'er lovingly, and said slowly.

Tongzai and Shaka's eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief.

"You know?" Shaka asked.

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Tong Zai asked.

"I don't know him." Solasin whispered, "But Atezor and Red Beard both know each other."


In the next few days, Jiu Ling'er's subordinates became more daring, and even attacked and killed Aserai soldiers with a little recklessness.

Yi'an Ling, Thumbs, Jiong Dan, and Lu Feishui led their troops to rush to the camp several times.But the Aserai army ignored them and only focused on attacking the city, as if they had given up fighting back against them.

The days are getting hotter and hotter, but at night there is also a hint of coolness, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the sky has been gray, but there is no sign of dust and sand in the sky.

Seeing Tiza walk in, Jiu Ling'er was furious, slapped the desk in front of her angrily, and shouted, "Why? Why is there still no sandstorm?"

Tiza ignored him, walked up to Shaka, and asked a few words in a low voice.

"No more food?" Shaka asked in a low voice.

"No more, we must withdraw today, otherwise we will kill the horse." Tiza said with a heavy heart.

Shaka showed grief on his face and stopped making a sound.Lord Fenrir and the [-] soldiers are hopeless, and so are the tens of thousands of people in the city.The army in the Ajit area was defeated again and again, no matter how powerful Ren Jiuling'er was, he was powerless to recover.Although Jiu Ling'er had exhausted all her brains and made detailed plans and preparations for such a glimmer of life, for such a short few hours, she wanted to survive from death, try her best to turn the tide, and save the imperiled city of Gasila, but God was not helping her. , In vain.

"My lord, where are we going to retreat?" Tiza asked.

"To the east, out of the eastern pass of Gasila."

Jiu Ling'er sighed, and began to tidy up the things on the desk.

Tong Zai strode in, bowed and said, "My lord, all the ministries have returned to camp on time."

Without raising her head, Jiuling'er said calmly: "Order all the troops to retreat to the east immediately, and withdraw from the eastern mountain pass of Jiaxila."

A trace of helplessness flashed across Tong Zai's face, and he bowed to retreat.

"That's right." Jiu Ling'er suddenly stopped him, and said loudly, "Order the troops to walk slowly, don't camp tonight, and camp in the open air."

Tong Zai, Shaka, and Tizha stared blankly at Jiu Ling'er, thinking that he was simply crazy.He even made the soldiers camp out in the open, crazy.

Jiu Ling'er was looking forward to a miracle from heaven.Today, and tonight, is the last chance to save the city of Garcira.Tomorrow the troops will be a hundred kilometers away.

Adram took a look at the document handed over by Tulule.Then he put it down with a melancholy look, and sighed softly.

"Is it the rear urging food again?" Tulule asked softly.

Adram nodded silently, and said with a heartache: "Our food reserves have long been empty, and people in many places have begun to starve to death."

"Should we attack the city tomorrow?" Tulule suggested, "The Secret History of the Sudan has already urged for food several times, and his side is also very difficult."

Adram looked down at the map on the desk, and said worriedly: "Wait for the last batch of scouts to come back and see where Jiuling'er's troops have withdrawn. If he has indeed withdrawn to a hundred kilometers away, tomorrow We will attack the city. It’s just that if Jiuling’er is not eliminated, there will be endless troubles.”

"Prince, if Jiuling'er dies, Doctor Baima, Zoel and the others are in danger in Hussenfuleg?" Tulule glanced at Adram and said cautiously, "If..."

Adram interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "The secret history of the Sultan has been arranged, and they will not be prisoners soon."

Tulule's complexion changed, and he asked in surprise: "Isn't it a prisoner? What is that?"

Immediately, he realized that this was an absolute secret of the Aserai army, and he was not qualified to know it, so he hurriedly waved his hands to Adram's icy face and confessed: "This subordinate is a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue. Prince, this subordinate is a slip of the tongue gone."

Adram gave him a stern look, but said nothing to reproach him.But he pointed to the city of Jiaxila on the map and sighed, and said regretfully, "Oh, Jiu Ling'er didn't take the bait anyway, this bait is not good."

Tulule glanced at him timidly, and said cautiously: "Without the assist of the sandstorm, this bait doesn't smell good at all."

"That's right..." Adram kowtowed on the desk with his right fingers, and said thoughtfully, "At this time in previous years, the sky was already full of yellow sand."

"Prince, if a sandstorm really comes, we will attack the city and encircle Jiuling'er's cavalry army. Is there enough troops?" Tulule asked softly.

Adram thought for a moment and said, "Even if he breaks through, how many cavalry will be left?"

Tulule shook his head and said in a low voice, "I'm not familiar with cavalry combat, and I haven't confronted Jiu Ling'er before, so I can't say for sure."

"Did you frighten him silly at the Housenfuleg battlefield, why did you speak so without confidence?" Adram patted the table angrily, and asked.

Tulule blushed and remained silent.

Guzide ran in and shouted loudly: "Prince, the scouts report that the main force of Jiuling'er is camping more than 50 kilometers away from us tonight. We will leave the eastern mountain pass of Jiaxila tomorrow."

Adram looked at Guzid's dark face and asked, "Is it very windy outside?"

"It's huge." Guzed patted the sand on his head and shouted loudly.

"Pass down the order to attack Gasila City with all our strength tomorrow."


Fenrir pushed the door open and walked out of the house.

The wind on the city tower violently blew the big flag standing high in the sky, and the shrill cry was creepy.It was pitch black in the city.Outside the city, the camp of the Aserai army was also pitch black, only a few lanterns near the gate were emitting a faint red light, swaying left and right with the wind.Fenrir let out a long breath.He stretched out his ten fingers out of thin air, and moved his hands a little.

Jiu Ling'er's bravery and fearlessness deeply moved the old man.It's been ten days.He led his troops like a pack of ferocious wolves, galloping around the city of Gasila day and night, patiently and meticulously looking for the weak points of the Aserai army, preparing to deal them a fatal blow and rescue the besieged city of Gasila.A young martial artist can still perseverely work hard for an unknown possibility, for an almost impossible chance of life, and never give up. How can he be willing to fall behind others and give up lightly.If you have hope, go for it, fight for it with perseverance, and a miracle may happen.If you win the battle, you must meet him, treat him to a drink, and talk about the hardships and thrills of defeating Adram.A slave who lives in Kuset has this kind of ability, which shows the prosperity of my Kala German fortune.One Winged, one Adram can overthrow the hundreds of years of my Karad Empire?joke!

Suddenly, he remained motionless, and slowly raised his head to look at the dark night sky, and then he roared with all his strength: "Beating the drum...the enemy is attacking the city..."

The sound of war drums broke the dark silence in an instant, resounding throughout the entire city of Gasila.


The strong wind was howling, flying sand and rocks, and the sky full of sand and dust was like a terrifying tsunami pressing down from the sky, bleak, eerie, like the end of the world.

Adram jumped up and ran out of the big tent like flying.Adram was almost unable to stand still due to the strong wind.

In the dark night, the battle drums thundered on the city of Gaxila, and the flames shot up into the sky.

"Prince, the sandstorm is here, and it came at night. It's really unprecedented." Guzid and Tulule ran over panting.

Adram stared at the tall Gaxila city wall.

"Huzi, bring the most elite troops up, and take down the East City Gate at all costs." Adram said loudly.

Guzid bowed and saluted, and then ran into the dark night where people were neighing.

Adram looked at the sky with his hands behind his back and remained silent for a long time.Tulule stood on one side, bowed his head and said nothing.

"Do you know what Jiu Ling'er is doing right now?"

Tulule smiled bitterly.On the eastern battlefield, he nestled in the Thebes Pass from beginning to end, and did not win any battles.Later, when he ran to Tanum City, he was released as a prisoner of war before the first battle was fought.useless.Think he is useless.Now the prince asks him this question, how does he know.He said nothing.

"If you were Jiu Ling'er, what would you do now?" Adram suddenly turned to face him and asked seriously.

Tulule took a step back instinctively, and shouted loudly without thinking: "Running, running overnight, a sure-kill blow."

Adram raised his eyebrows, and a murderous look flashed across his eyes.Running raids, Jiuling'er's cavalry tactics are mainly running raids, continuous raids.Tonight, how could he let go of such a good opportunity.

Seeing the murderous look on Adram's face, Tulule trembled in his heart, and immediately understood Adram's thoughts, he immediately shouted: "Prince, we are going to attack the city, we are going to attack the city. We want food How can we have both fish and bear's paws. Prince, if all our main forces are devoted to the battlefield of annihilating the Jiuling'er Army, it will be difficult for other troops to take the city of Jiaxila before tomorrow night. Once tomorrow night is over, The ground is full of yellow sand and it is difficult to move an inch, and we will not be able to attack the city the day after tomorrow. Prince, there is no food, and we will starve to death at least 10,000+ people this year. Prince...Prince..."

Adram looked at him murderously, snorted angrily, turned around and strode towards the big tent.

Tulule hurriedly followed, and continued to persuade: "Prince, there must be a better chance to annihilate Jiuling'er in the future than this time. Prince, prince, we are fighting to make the people have enough food and clothing, so that they can have a good life." Alive, they are all starving to death, dying of illness, why do we fight? Who are we fighting for? The prince..."

Adram turned around suddenly. He pointed at his nose angrily, and shouted at Tulule: "Am I fighting for myself? Do I want the people to starve to death? Am I fighting for the Great Sultan?" Revenge? Tais and I have a bloody feud, have I plotted against him? What did I do that was not for Aserai, tell me! Tell me! You know the situation in Hussenfüller at that time How nice? But when Jiu Ling'er arrived, everything changed, everything changed."

Adram waved his hands excitedly, with a ferocious face and wide eyes, he roared violently: "You say, am I a fool? Can I not fight? Can a poisonous scorpion not fight? Doctor White Horse can't War? But our 18 people disappeared in a blink of an eye, so is it because we don’t know how to fight?”

"If Jiuling'er is not wiped out today, within a few months, there will be no more Aserai army in the entire Ajit area. Without the Aserai army, many people will die. Who cares? Who will pay attention?"

Adram raised his voice and shouted hoarsely: "First there is Galius, then there is Nine Bells, this is Aserai who is going to kill me, Aserai who is going to kill me!"

Adram looked up to the sky, raised his hands, and shouted loudly: "O Great Sultan, open your eyes in the spirit of the sky and see what I am going to do! Tell me!"

Tulule was completely taken aback by Adram's tyranny, and he backed away in horror, dumbfounded.The prince's mind is not on Jiuling, the city of Gasila, or food, but on the future of the Aserai army, the future of the people in the world, and Tulule worshiping the earth.


Tulule was heartbroken, he knelt down on the ground, hugged Adram's thigh, and cried bitterly: "Prince..."

Adram gradually calmed down.He gently stroked Tulule's head, and said calmly: "Don't cry. Go and tell Su Kelu that the main force of the army is moving closer to the east gate, and it is enough to attack the city with one force. The direction must be the east gate. I will go to see Tais in person, and then I will go to Ximen to discuss some private matters with Nephew Aozan. You go back and help the tiger attack the city with all your strength, at all costs."

"Prince, when are you coming back?"

"After Jiuling'er was besieged, I will come back. I will personally attack the city of Gasila and kill Fenrir with my own hands. The great sultan was dissected and killed by him. I will crush his bones and ashes for the great sultan and his old man. Revenge."


The night sky of Gasila City was ignited, and the fire reflected half of the sky. The rumbling drums echoed in the dark night like thunder, and the sound of killing quickly broke the tranquility of the night.

Ozan's troops completely withdrew within less than an hour of their attack.

Adram and Ozan stood side by side in the dark night, watching the soldiers of the Aserai army move towards the east gate in an orderly manner.

"Prince, it seems that I'm very lucky to be the target of Jiu Ling'er's attack." Ao Zan said with a smile.

Adram glanced at him, and said expressionlessly: "He withdrew to the east, turned around and rushed to the east gate naturally. Annihilated Jiu Ling'er, you are the biggest hero of the Aserai army."

Aozan glanced at Adram, and said worriedly: "Jiu Ling'er is coming fiercely. If my troops deal with him alone, they will suffer heavy losses. If the troops are seriously damaged, it will be difficult for us to encircle him. What should we do?"

"No." Adram said confidently: "Your troops stick out their right hands, and Sukru's troops stretch out their left hands. They will definitely be able to encircle them. What? Are you worried about the loss of the troops?"

Ozan said nothing.

"After this battle, there will be no resistance in the Ajit area for the time being. Your troops will directly enter Sanara for development, and all the spoils will be freely distributed by you. What do you think? Sanara is the richest area in Ajit. The seized property can easily compensate for your loss." Adram said calmly.

A gleam of joy suddenly appeared on Aozan's handsome face, and he asked in surprise, "Prince, is this your reward for me?"

Adram nodded.

"Where is Sukru? Is Sukru going to Guyaz?" Aozan asked again.

"He stayed in Hubia," said Adram. "Taras attacked Guyaz."

Aozan hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Prince, then Master Taiis..."

"After defeating Garcila and destroying Jiu Ling'er, I will immediately give up my position as commander of the Aserai army." Adram said slowly with a smile on his face.

Aozan was taken aback, and asked: "Is it Sukru? Did you let Sukru take the position of commander of the Aserai army? Prince, he is not your own flesh and blood. If you do this, many leaders will oppose you. Everyone Will leave with the troops."

Adram frowned, looked at the excited Ozan and said, "Ozan, you..."

"If he was your own son, he would be the commander-in-chief of the Aserai Army, of course there is nothing wrong with him, but he is not..."

"Ozan, you and Sukru are brothers... brothers in life and death..." Adram said disappointedly.

"Prince, you misunderstood." Ozan hurriedly explained: "I and Sukru are brothers, and I will definitely support him. However, Master Taisi, as well as Taras, Tulule, and Guzid Can you agree?"

Adram asked: "Then what can you do?"

Aozan shook his head and said after a long time: "Why did the prince do this? Su Kelu's prestige and ability are not enough to convince the public. Why did the prince quit?"

"Why I quit, you all know." Adram said with a sneer, "Sukru's prestige and ability are not enough, so he definitely can't be the commander-in-chief of the Aserai army."

Aozan was taken aback again, "Prince, you... what do you mean, isn't it Sukru? Who is it?"

He remembered that he had mentioned this when he played chess with Su Kelu that day.But Su Kelu was dumbfounded, as if he didn't know it at all.It turned out that he really didn't know.

"Thais." Adram said word by word.

Aozan immediately shook his head in frustration, and said loudly angrily: "He...the prince...he killed Nimr of the Saran family, he..."

Adram waved at him, telling him to stop talking. "You and Sukelu's 14 troops are in charge of besieging Jiuling'er, Tulule, and Huzi's troops have moved to the west gate, and they will cooperate with Master Tais and Talas to attack the city."

Adram said loudly without doubt, "This battle largely determines the future of the Aserai Army, and you all know its importance."

"Prince..." Aozan wanted to say something more, but seeing Adram's resolute face, he still didn't say it.In order to win this battle and inspire his subordinates to fight bravely, Adram even gave up the position of commander of the Aserai army.

Now that Jiawuwoyi'an is dead, as long as Fenrir and Jiuling'er are killed, and the main force of the empire here is wiped out, it will be an easy task to seize the entire Ajit region.Occupying the Ajit area will give you a lot of property and breathing time. Who else in the world can defeat the Aserai army?Adram's blood boiled.

Fenrir sat in the gatehouse, writing documents for the court.

On the city wall, the sound of fierce war drums, crazy shouts, and the sound of fierce fighting penetrated the doors and windows, and clearly reached Fenrir's ears.As if he didn't hear it, he sat behind the desk and wrote engrossed.The danger and tragedy of the battlefield in the Ajit area must be reported truthfully.The court must send reinforcements, must allocate funds for disaster relief, and must reward the frontline soldiers, otherwise the Aserai rebels in the Ajit region will intensify and eventually become an unmanageable situation.

Andy Todd, the clerical officer, pushed open the door and hurried in.

Fenrir looked up upon hearing the sound.

"Teacher, the Aserai army at the South Gate suddenly withdrew."

Fenrir laughed, and Jiu Linger got angry.

"Leave 500 guards on the east wall, and the rest of the soldiers will be transferred to the west and north gates." Fenrir said loudly.

Andy Todd said nervously: "Teacher, it's not the Aserai army playing some tricks?"

As if nothing had happened, Fenrir lowered his head and continued writing, shaking his hand at him and saying: "It is absolutely impossible, do it immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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