Chapter 7

After the scout reported Mulek's exact location, Nasuge led the army and ran like crazy day and night.The soldiers in the rear scolded him seventeen or eighteen times before he hurriedly stopped to camp and rest.

Everyone set up camp to eat and rest.Except for the soldiers in charge of security, everyone else fell asleep, and their human and horse legs were about to break from running. What if they don't rest?
In the darkness of night, the camp at Nasukee was very quiet.The horse occasionally moved and sneezed.Various unknown night bugs chirped.And there is no moon tonight, and I can't even see a hair.The patrolling soldiers were quite responsible. They lit more than a dozen bonfires around the camp. The burning flames emitted a hot light, illuminating a place 200 meters around.

Suddenly, a rush of intensive hoofbeats sounded from a distance.Obviously there are a large number of cavalry approaching!Several patrolling cavalry rushed back towards the camp.

The other soldiers who were on patrol hurriedly gathered outside the gate of the camp in threes and fours.It didn't take long for the alarm horn to sound throughout the camp.

The big camp suddenly became lively, people's shadows shuttled back and forth, and ghosts shouted and screamed.The soldiers who had just fallen asleep were dragged and dragged out of the camp by officers at all levels. They rushed out of the tent with foul language and reluctance, and quickly gathered together to make various preparations for the enemy's attack on the camp. .

Na Suge also rushed out of the tent, leaped onto his horse with no clothes on, and a large group of disheveled generals, attendants, and messengers rushed out one after another.Everyone rushed out of the camp and looked into the distance.

The place outside the bonfire was pitch black, and it was only slowly that a small red spot appeared, which should be the enemy holding a torch to explore the way.

The little red dots slowly stood out in the night, and it didn't take long for it to become a large loose patch.Judging from the distribution of torches, there should be thousands of enemy cavalry in the attacking battalion.

The sound of horseshoes getting closer and closer knocked on the hearts of every soldier, and the tense atmosphere immediately enveloped the entire barracks.

"All the ministries are in place, ready to fight." Na Suge looked into the distance, and all the generals behind him suddenly agreed and dispersed.

When the distance was about 500 meters, more than a dozen trumpeters on the other side blew the horn of charge at the same time.The sound of the horn is very chilling and terrifying in the dark night sky.

At this moment, all the enemy's torches were suddenly extinguished, and the distance was plunged into darkness again. Immediately, there was a messy sound of trampling horseshoes, followed by the sound of orderly horseshoes turning their heads and running into the depths of the darkness, which gradually became inaudible. .

Nasuge didn't know what the hell Mulek was doing. He prepared to rob the camp in a big way, but ran away inexplicably.

A false alarm.

A few scouts galloped out of the camp and into the darkness.Soon, he quickly ran back from all directions to report to Nasu: no trace of the enemy was found within a radius of two kilometers.

Nasuge let out a long breath, and steered his horse back to camp.All the kings and officers ordered the soldiers to disband and rest.

While cursing loudly, the soldiers listlessly returned to their tents and continued to sleep.Soon, the camp slowly quieted down.The soldiers snored everywhere.

Suddenly, more than a dozen horns in the camp blew at the same time, and the loud and shrill cry woke up the sleeping soldiers again.

Nasuge, like all the other soldiers, rushed out of the camp.They saw an unbelievable scene.The east side, more than 400 meters away from the camp, is densely packed with enemy cavalry.Every cavalryman held his torches high, his knives out of their sheaths, their arrows on their strings, and were about to charge.

Nasuge's camp was like ants on a hot pot in an instant. The soldiers panicked, and all the officers, big and small tribal kings were in a hurry, shouting and commanding at the top of their lungs.The main force of Nasugi was well-trained. Although it seemed that the camp was in chaos, the soldiers knew where to run and what to do, and the leaders of the various ministries could accurately lead their men to the battle positions.Chaos and chaos, slow and slow, everything is still under control.

Nasu stood at the forefront of the team on horseback, and from time to time gave instructions to the orderlies behind him.

Qianchang, who was in charge of patrolling the camp, knelt in front of Nasugi's horse, with his head down and a sleepy look on his face.

"Why didn't you find out earlier?" Nasu asked angrily.

"Back to Big Burke, the enemy is lurking here quietly. We haven't noticed it until the enemy suddenly lit up torches, and we didn't know that there was an enemy invasion. The villain is negligent, please punish Big Burke." The commander almost beat He yawned, but held back in fear.

Nasuge looked at the enemy's cavalry in the distance, and found that they were still standing there, neither sounding the charge horn nor showing signs of attacking.It stands to reason that when their camp is in chaos, it is their best chance to attack. Why don't they attack?What the hell is Mulek going to do?
"It's none of your business, you go back." Nasu waved to the Qianchang.

A small king from the tribe behind said, "My lord, all the tribes have assembled and can attack at any time."

Nasu nodded.Facing an opponent like Muleke, if he lent ten guts to Nasugi, he didn't have the confidence to challenge, not at all.Muleke's ability to use troops is well-deserved number one in Kusait, and Nasugi can't keep up even if he is riding the fastest horse on the grassland.But now the army of Khan Mengzug and Mengkugu is not far away from him, he is not afraid, and he has received accurate information that Mulek only has more than 2000 riders.

Nasuge stared at the darkness, and the enemy cavalry on the opposite side had already extinguished the torches in their hands one after another. Soon, the enemy cavalry were all plunged into the darkness without a sound.

This kind of weird operation made Nasugi and his soldiers bewildered, and their hearts were full of fear of Mulek.

The several thousand chiefs surrounding Nasuge looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what kind of tricks Mulek was going to use to attack him tonight, and couldn't help feeling uneasy.The soldiers also complained endlessly.These days, the soldiers have been exhausted from rushing desperately under the urging of Nasuge, and their legs are about to break. They were repeatedly harassed by the enemy tonight, and everyone was so tired that they couldn't straighten up.Seeing that there was no movement in front of them, many soldiers simply fell asleep standing up.

After a long time, there was no movement on the opposite side, just death-like silence and deep darkness.Nasuge hesitated, and he ordered the reconnaissance scouts to be careful and look around for traces of enemy cavalry.The enemy probably wrapped the horse's hooves with cowhide or something, who knows?They came without a sound, and they left without a sound.

It didn't take long for the scouts to report one enemy after another, but they didn't find any.

Nasu was worried, and he ordered a tribal king to lead more than 1000 people into the darkness with a torch to look for the group of guys who disturbed people's dreams, but after a while, the king also came back, and there was no one there.

Nasu couldn't stand it, was the enemy cavalry who was about to charge just now a ghost?He ordered all the soldiers to take turns to rest to prevent the enemy from really attacking.If it was true once, everyone would be screwed.

A commander followed behind Nasuge and carefully reminded: "Nayan, although Mulek's frequent harassment method cannot prevent us from continuing to march tomorrow, it will prevent our army from resting. Passive. Our army marched hard during the day, and the soldiers were already exhausted. If Muleke continues to harass tonight, even if the soldiers take turns to rest, we will not be able to fight tomorrow."

Nasu shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "What can we do? If Mulek robs the camp suddenly when we are most tired, then we will be doomed."

"But the soldiers don't sleep all night, what will we do tomorrow?" The commander was not reconciled.

"I won't leave tomorrow." Nasu waved his hand and said, "We must be ready tonight and not give Mulek a chance."

The news of not leaving tomorrow made the soldiers greatly relieved.The army was then divided into two, half of the soldiers were guarded by Nasuge himself for the first half of the night, and the remaining half were guarded by the little king of the tribe for the second half of the night.

An hour later, the sound of galloping horseshoes came from the south of the camp again.The enemy who came to make a surprise attack immediately turned around and ran away when they saw the soldiers in the camp lined up in high spirits.

On such a night, almost every one to two hours, there is always a group of enemy cavalry appearing in different directions.

After a long time, idiots can see that this is Mulek's trick to disturb the enemy, what an annoying guy.

But Nasuge was very cautious. Every time the enemy cavalry attacked, he ordered the soldiers to prepare for the battle.The soldiers murmured in private, thinking that Big Burke was too timid, so why would he fight if he was so fearful of the enemy and suspicious?In the end, the soldiers couldn't bear it anymore, and many of them secretly lay down on the ground to sleep. As long as they heard the sound of the horn, they would stand up reflexively, but most of their eyes were still closed.

The officers at all levels were drowsy and paralyzed themselves, and everyone turned their eyes and closed their eyes to pretend they didn't see it.After finally staying up until midnight, everyone finally saw another group of people who came to take over.Following Nasu's order, the soldiers dispersed and went to sleep in a blink of an eye.

Nasuge called Xiao Wang and all the officers who were on duty in the second half of the night to his side, instructed them carefully for a while, and then went back to the big tent to rest.

The soldiers in charge of guarding in the second half of the night screamed when they were soundly asleep, yawning and cursing continuously, unable to hold on.It didn't take long, and a large area of ​​the camp had already fallen asleep.

Not long after the alarm horn sounded again.Everyone got up and prepared to fight, but the enemy cavalry always harassed them from a distance and disappeared immediately.

In this way, one after another, after three or five times, the soldiers patrolling outside the camp almost didn't even blow their horns lazily.Because the soldiers in the camp hadn't stood up and formed their formation, the enemy cavalry had already left like a whirlwind.There was a time when these enemy cavalry just showed up and held up torches in the distance, yelling and screaming for a while, and then ran away
After the patrol soldiers blew the alarm every one or two hours, the slowly harassing enemy cavalry disappeared completely and did not appear for a long time.Maybe these harassing enemies have gone to rest after a busy night, aren't they tired?is it possible?

In this way, all the soldiers in Nasuge's camp who should be sleeping fell asleep, and the officers who should not sleep also fell asleep one by one.At the beginning, everyone agreed with each other that you would sleep for a while, and then I would sleep for a while.Go to the back, change a ghost!sleep!The group of guys who disturbed people's dreams went to sleep too.

That Xiao Wang barely supported it, but he was too tired during the day, and his eyelids gradually became heavier and heavier until they were all closed.

Around the camp, except for a few dedicated patrol soldiers, there was no one sober.The darkness before dawn is the darkest period of time.

After confirming the attack plan, Mulek put the army to sleep immediately, and he also took a nap.After nightfall, he quietly marched to the camp where Nasugi was stationed with two thousand cavalry full of energy.Along the way, the scouts continued to send the latest news about Jiu Ling'er. Mu Leke ordered the army not to light a single torch, and just waited quietly.

It must be dawn soon, and Jiu Ling'er finally sent the last news: everyone in Nasuge's camp slept like dead donkeys!
The scouts who came to report said that Jiu Ling'er led a few brave soldiers and even rushed to the gate of the Nasugi camp and woke up a patrol captain before running back!And another soldier even secretly took a horn horn at the gate of the camp, and while blowing the horn recklessly, he beat his horse and galloped around the camp.

Mulek smiled slightly and waved his hand: Attack with all your strength!

The army was divided into two teams, east and west, and attacked Nasugi's camp from two directions.Mulek asked the generals of the various ministries to lead their troops into the enemy camp in the shortest possible time.In order to guard against possible counterattacks organized by the enemy, they were required to run wildly all the way, rushed to the middle of the camp, and then divided into dozens of small groups, interspersed and surrounded the camp.Delivers a devastating blow to sleeping enemies.Another [-] cavalry were arranged to wander around the periphery, and they would kill those who escaped without mercy.

The cavalry army suddenly rushed out of the darkness like ghosts.

Some soldiers who were still on patrol thought that the enemy cavalry was still harassing them like the previous few times, so they held the horns lazily and weakly, but they were completely awakened by the long arrows shot into their bodies.The patrol soldiers who were not shot suddenly panicked, yelled and rushed back to the camp, and exhausted all their strength to blow the alarm horn for the incoming enemy horses.

But the soldiers in the Da Nasuge camp didn't pay any attention to the voice that had tormented them all night. They didn't need to think about it to know that the group of night owls came to harass them again, a group of annoying guys.

Several commanders were woken up, and the sound of galloping horseshoes was much more intense than the enemy cavalry that harassed them a few times before. Years of combat instincts told them that this might be a real attack on the camp.

They rushed out of the tent in a panic and saw countless enemy cavalry rushing up wielding swords and spears. An officer instinctively uttered a creepy scream: "Enemy~attack..."

The sound stopped abruptly, his head suddenly flew away from his body, flying in the air, blood sprayed everywhere, and the mouth was still opening and closing vigorously, as if it was about to send out the last word.

Mulek's army of iron cavalry was super fast, and all the soldiers were brave, good at fighting and full of energy.Nasugi's camp soon fell into a frantic fight, with shouts of killing, screams, and neighing of war horses everywhere.

In the dark night, it is impossible to tell which is the enemy and which is our own.

Due to the negligence of the little king and several officers, although the more than 2000 Nasugi soldiers who were in charge of guarding the second half of the night were ready to go, most of the soldiers slept under the horse's belly.

They were so exhausted, and had been awakened many times during the night, that they were all exhausted and listless.It is indeed not easy to ask soldiers to stand beside the horse for several hours in a row.A few senior officials ignored it, and the other team leaders naturally pretended not to see it.

The randomness given by Nasu and the connivance and acquiescence of Xiao Wang and the officers eventually led to disastrous consequences.

Although some soldiers still discovered the enemy's charge in time, it did not help the matter.

The horses of the more than 2000 cavalry guarding the night were frightened and bombed the battalion first. They ran around and trampled wantonly.

The more than 2000 cavalry died most directly. Most of them lay down directly under the horse's belly and slept soundly.Then they have to face the roaring Mulek army!

The effect of this one-sided massacre is very obvious, and soon Nasugei's defeat is set.

The soldiers who were sleeping in the military tent were awakened by the fighting and chaotic shouts.

Some of them grabbed their weapons and rushed out of the camp in a panic, some were still putting on their clothes and looking for weapons, and some ran to the stables in small groups. The camp was extremely chaotic.

But the soldiers couldn't find their own officers, and the soldiers who couldn't find the officers could only fight on their own.Many soldiers were beheaded and their throats cut while they were asleep.

Mulek's iron cavalry obeyed the military order and did not entangle with the enemy. They surrounded Nasugi's camp at an extremely fast speed, chaotic them, and gave Nasugi's soldiers a terrifying impression of being completely surrounded by enemies. .

The iron knights galloped back and forth, wielding their spears and knives vigorously, the heads of the enemy soldiers were flying, and the blood was flying everywhere. They were all wolves rushing, crying for their father and mother, scurrying about like headless flies, and could only let others slaughter.

With a bloody saber in his hand, Mulek led his personal guards to search for Nasugi everywhere in the camp.

Back then, Nasu was obsessed with ghosts and didn't listen to persuasion at all. For the sake of power and power, he gave up his brothers and insisted on following Mengchug.He forced Geradelk to death and sent Geradelk's people wandering around. Tansu, the youngest son of Geradelk, should be missing.Then Nasu intensified the curse and became abusive, followed Munchug to oppress and annex countless tribes, and even led a group of thieves to slaughter the old people and children of the Mulek family headquarters!
He hated Nasogi, and he gnashed his teeth with hatred.He is also a man of flesh and blood, he loves those soldiers who follow him loyally, and loves his wife, children, and children, but all of them were killed by Nasu.The only surviving nephew, Ulu Samai, also died in the battle of besieging and killing Nabucha.Due to Nasuge's betrayal, Mulek lost almost all his relatives and a large number of loyal soldiers who had followed Mulek for more than ten years.

He hates it.Gritting hate!
Nasu was awakened by the earth-shattering sound of fighting.His first thought was that Mulek had robbed the camp, and his second thought was to escape.

He ran out in a hurry from the back of the tent, and saw the scene of the horrific massacre.

Mulek's cavalry are everywhere, and they are slaughtering the sleeping soldiers without mercy.Many of them are the most elite and loyal soldiers of Nasugi's Wolf Fang tribe.

Nasugi's heart was bleeding, but he had no choice but to run away.He knew that once Mulek caught him, he would die very ugly.The retribution for betraying the Generalissimo came, and it came so fast!He snatched a horse on the battlefield, and took advantage of the chaos in the camp to escape alone.

The Nasugi soldiers, whose physical strength and morale had been hit hard, chose to kneel down and surrender in the face of the blood-dripping swords in the night, the galloping horses, and the ferocious cavalry.Only a few stubborn soldiers fought desperately with Mulek's iron cavalry, and they were quickly surrounded and killed on the bloody battlefield.

After an hour and a half, the sky gradually turned pale, and the battle was basically over.

Mulek did not find Nasuge, although he was very sorry, but Nasuge and his own tribe, the Spike tribe, were completely over.

Nasuge's army was wiped out by Mulek by eight thousand, and the main force of the tribe was basically killed or injured.Without the strength in his hands, the position of Big Burke in the middle cannot be kept. Of course, he himself is not far from death.His tribe will die with it, and will cease to exist.

This campaign basically wiped out Nasuge's 500 soldiers and horses. Only Nasuge and a few hundred soldiers escaped in the chaos, while Mulek's side only lost more than [-] people, most of them were those who fought desperately. It was produced when Nasu was fighting for the most loyal warriors of the Wolf Fang tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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