Chapter 9

With Muleke's constant encouragement, Jiu Ling'er gradually became more courageous.He thought about it seriously for a while, stared at the map and spoke slowly.

"According to the news from various scouts, Mengkugu's army is the furthest away from us, while Mengzug Khan is the closest, followed by Wumuda."

"If they get the news that we wiped out Nasuge these days, they must speed up their advance to prevent the marshal from breaking out from the direction that Nasuge was originally chasing."

"Let's deal with Khan Mengzug first. The marshal can send 2000 people to pretend to be the main force, pretending to break out in the direction of the snow-capped mountains and forests, and attract Khan Mengzug to stay around for two days."

"At the same time, the marshal sent another 2000 people to stop Wu Muda, delaying the time when he and Munchug rendezvous, lest they form a large mass after rendezvous, and we will not be able to fight in the future."

"Then the marshal led [-] elite cavalry to the direction of the wild donkey pasture and quickly attacked Mengkugu. Mengkugu thought that the marshal was fighting with Khan Mengzug in the snow-capped mountains and forests, so he must have been negligent. At this time, the marshal could surprise them and wipe them out in one fell swoop. Ten thousand to five thousand, we are raiding again, and the chances of winning are very high."

"After the marshal wiped out Mengkugu, he rushed to the snow-capped mountains and dense forests to join forces with the main disguised main forces in the early stage to encircle and wipe out Mengzug Khan's army. As for Wumu, if he succeeds in annihilating Mengzug's army before the marshal Breaking through the blockade will definitely cause a lot of trouble to the marshal's strategy of encirclement and annihilation."

"Therefore, there should be more troops to stop Wu Muda, at least three to 4000 people. If Wu Muda wants to preserve his strength, he will not dare to attack by force. If he does, he will suffer heavy losses. He is very embarrassed."

Jiu Ling'er pointed on the map solemnly, with a troubled look on her face that Wu Muda might not be able to make a choice, and kept grunting.

Seeing Jiu Ling'er like this, Muleke couldn't control himself and burst out laughing.

Jiu Ling'er laughed a few times along with her, and when she saw that Muleke was smiling happily, she also laughed along with her.

Muleke laughed enough, sat down on a tiger-skin blanket, and beckoned Jiu Ling'er to sit opposite him, "I don't know what the country you lived in when you were a child? But your family must be very influential Big family, everyone is very knowledgeable. Your various strange abilities should be greatly affected by this, or you are born, you are really a genius."

"Does the marshal think the method I just mentioned is useful?" Jiu Ling'er was very embarrassed by Muleke's words, so she had to change the subject and ask.

"It works." Mulek laughed.

"Jiu Ling'er, you have to remember that the most valuable thing about a person is self-confidence. In the future, if you have the opportunity to lead an army alone, you must always maintain a strong self-confidence, otherwise I will not be by your side, who are you going to ask?"

Jiu Ling'er laughed happily, "Will I command an army?"

"Of course, you come up with many strategies to resist the enemy at will. The control of the battle situation is unconstrained but realistic. It's a pity that you don't fight."

"Marshal, why are you suddenly unhappy this morning? Did you find out that someone betrayed you?" Jiu Ling'er was even more embarrassed by the compliment, and changed the subject again.

Mulek smiled slightly, "Haha! You cute idiot? Nothing can be hidden from you. Seeing that you are so smart, I don't feel comfortable without scolding you."

"I'm so happy today and won another battle. I'll tell you a little about Kujit's secret, but don't tell the second person."

Jiu Ling'er patted her chest loudly to promise not to talk nonsense, and then looked at Mulek with a pure and expectant face.

"I told you a few days ago that Khan Mengzug was very successful. He was aggressive and invaded neighboring countries and tribes to plunder property. All the surrounding countries hated Kusait very much," Mulek said.

"Inwardly, he extorted violently, and the law was injustice, and the rebellious tribes came and went. If we don't use thunder to deter them at this time, I'm afraid that the whole country will soon fall apart. If the Kusaites return to the tribe, they will fight each other and fall apart. In this situation, there will be continuous wars on the prairie immediately, and the lives will be devastated."

"Uleman of Odohe City is the chief of the Heerbit tribe, and also the southern chief Burke, one of the three Burkes. He is the uncle of Zongshou. Subsidy Ge, the leader of the Koletite tribe in Mila, and Hulu Nage of the Akkalat Tekrit tribe secretly contacted Zongshou. The new Kusait Khan." Mulek looked up at the top of the tent and said to himself
(Cathon is the firstborn son of Arheenan, and the firstborn son of Cazon is the head of the fir)

"To make Zong the head of the khan, Mengzug must die, so Uleman bought a group of treacherous villains from Makeb, touting Mengzug's great achievements day and night, and encouraged Mengchug to destroy me."

"In order to kill me, they set up a big trap, and this trap is one after another, and killing me is just one part of it." Mulek sneered: "As long as I kill Mengzug, Congshou I will be able to ascend to the Khan position of Kusait, and I will become a scapegoat, the traitor who killed Kusait Khan, and all the benefits will be given to that bastard Uleman. He thinks very well. .”

"Khan Mengzug found Nasugi, told him all about how to trap and kill me, and instructed Nasugi to implement it in detail."

"At this time, Uleman personally ran to my hiding place in the Wolf Valley deep in the highlands, told me about this conspiracy, and made a poisonous oath to form an alliance with me, willing to help me kill Munchug Khan."

"He thought I didn't know the inside story at all, and wandered around with a disgusting face every day, which made people sick."

"The commander-in-chief agreed to Uleman?" Jiu Ling'er tried to sort out these complicated relationships, and when he heard this, he asked suddenly.

"I promised him, but I have my own plans."

Muleke continued: "Nasuge found my best friend Yimiza, the leader of the Mingquan tribe, and spent a lot of cattle, sheep, horses and treasures to bribe him. Yimiza agreed to him after receiving my letter. .At this time there was an accident. An unacceptable accident."

"My Bolu family used to be a huge tribe by the drowning river. It was split into three tribes due to internal strife more than 20 years ago. Now I am the leader of the old tribe. There is also an eastern tribe and a western tribe. They all live by the drowning river Now the leaders of the East and the West have found me and told me about the conspiracy of Munchug, asking the three families to form an alliance, take the opportunity to kill Munchug, cause chaos in Kusaite, and then rebel and stand on their own. Crazy. I scolded them back and told them to get rid of this idea as soon as possible, so as not to cause the disaster of genocide."

"Now it seems that not only have they not given up on this idea, but they have intensified it."

"According to my originally agreed plan, please ask Imizha to look for my former bodyguard captain Old Iron Hammer on my behalf, and ask Old Iron Hammer to assist Old Man Adaku Rum Atlantis to transfer Shagul to Almighty. Do Hyuk go,"

Muleke sighed, "Imiza betrayed me after all. The Grassland Chasing Order appeared in Daxue Mountain. It is obvious that Yimiza used this to force Old Hammer to kill!"

"Who to kill? Of course not to kill Shagul. Shagul is his own son. He was hated by Munchug because he publicly supported Gerardek and me, so he had to entrust his son to me. But the killing order came. There will be countless people crossing the snow mountain to hunt down Shaguer for a huge bounty. These people will not be afraid of my reputation like the Kusaites, they will continue to chase Shaguer Er. The elders of the Old Hammer Clan are obviously aware of the seriousness, and sent someone to send away the killing order to give me an early warning!"

Jiu Ling'er was puzzled, why did she go after Shagul again?

Muleke seemed to know what Jiu Ling'er was thinking: "There was a rule formed a long time ago on the grassland that no tribal children who are lower than the wheels should be slaughtered. So it was me who was actually chasing and killing in the Kusaite prairie. But the people outside the snow mountain I don’t care about these things. How can Shagul live alone after I die, Shagul will be affected no matter what, and Yimiza’s move is obviously a faint move, which is not in line with his shrewd nature.”

"There is only one person who can make Yimiza betray me, and that is Wumuda. Yimiza's three wives all belong to Wumuda's family. Wumuda is Nasuge's wife and uncle. The relationship is very close, so it is reasonable for Umuda to know about Munchug's strategy and help Nasuge deal with me."

"Boluji from the western tribe of the Bolu family, and Boluqin from the eastern tribe are brothers-in-law with Wumuda. Therefore, Wumuda also helped them deal with me and forced Yimiza to defect. It's just that Wumuda's purpose may be It is neither helping Nasugi, nor helping the two tribes of the Bolu family."

"Nasu is dead, and I, Mulek, is dead. As long as Zongshou ascends the throne of Khan, Wu Muda helps Zongshou kill Mengzug Khan and me. Then he will be the big Burke in the middle. It belongs. But the purpose of the two scumbags from the left and right tribes of the Bolu family is very simple. They killed me and Khan Mengzug, not only to please Uleman and Umuda, but also to cover up their wolfish ambitions. Two scumbags."

"Do you understand now?" Mulek said to Jiu Ling'er, "The strength of their tribes was negligible, but now it's different. Now they are the same as Uleman, the enemy who will kill me in the end .”

"Uleman has been blinded by the power and has lost his mind. Who is Mengchug? I have fallen into his hands, can he do it? In terms of conspiracy, who is his opponent in the prairie? Mengchug Once Ge wakes up, maybe Munchug has now woken up, and Uleman will not only pay for himself, but even Zong Capital will pay for it. This idiot."

Mulek cursed involuntarily. "The reason why Mengzug was able to ascend to the throne of Khan was because the Achite tribe in the north, which supported Mengzug Khan, was too strong, far exceeding the strength of the two Kusset Great Burkes in the south and the middle. .”

"At that time, the Achite tribe established a khanate in the north, and its strength was very strong. Although it was defeated and retreated to the east of the grassland, the Achite tribe was still the strongest on the grassland. Uerhun Khan calmed down the grassland and formed When the new Prairie Alliance established the Kusat Khanate, he was very afraid of Achit’s strength. He deliberately supported the Kujit Ministry and also rewarded Kujit with the areas of Baltahand and Otungard, that is In order to balance and suppress the Archit department."

"The three largest tribes in the north are all related by marriage to Munchug. The current leader of the Achite tribe, Turage, is the father-in-law of Munchug, and Changlutade (person's name) of Dinarburg is Munchug. Zug’s brother-in-law, Kui Puyou (person’s name) of Kayserburg, married Mundchug’s sister. The three tribal cavalry have a combined total of [-] to [-] cavalry. Uleman naively thought that he could hide his crap from Tu Lager, what a joke."

"Turage sent his younger brother to the Wolf Valley to discuss with me how to appease the various forces in the grassland so as to ensure that there will be no more internal strife in Kuset."

Mulek waved his hand and said, "The land and mountains of Kusait Kingdom were brought down by Urhun Khan with us. How could we ignore Uerhun Khan's legacy. So all these people deserve to die. "

"In this civil strife, some people must die, such as Nasugi, who is of no benefit to the stability and development of the Kusait country. Some people must be punished, such as Uleman, Umuda, don't dream of having Practical power. Some people must be restrained, such as Khan Munchug, whose misconduct directly led to the decline of Kusait's national strength, and he needs someone to help him."

"Don't kill Mengchug Khan?" Jiu Ling'er asked suspiciously, "Just kill a Nasugi?"

"Khan Mengzug can't die." Bolufeng said, "his death may directly lead to the division of the Kusset Kingdom, and even a complete civil war among the Kusset tribal alliance. I can't die either. I die Countless tribes big and small who are loyal to me will surely rise up again and rebel. This may plunge the Kusset kingdom into endless rebellion. If the decline of the large tribes like the Kusset tribe happens again, the Kusset national power will decline rapidly , can no longer do anything.”

"Tulag of the Archit tribe will take advantage of the time when Montchug leads the army to conquer me, and clear out the treacherous villains in Chaikan. I am here by the drowning river, pretending to be tricked, and catch these people with ulterior motives."

Muleke's thoughts may be because he kept them in his heart for too long, or because he was surrounded by Kusaites who couldn't confide in them. Facing this innocent Jiulinger whom he loved today, he finally Speak freely, scold freely, speak freely without any scruples.

After Muleke finished speaking, he fell back and lay comfortably on the tiger skin blanket with his eyes closed.

After he told Jiu Ling'er many secrets buried in his heart, he felt as if the heavy burden on his back was suddenly let go, relaxed, comfortable and peaceful.

It turned out that it was so comfortable to talk to a fool who he didn't need to be wary of.

He thought of Uncle Adaku Rum Atlantis.In the past, old man Adaku Rum Atlantis was an extremely serious person, but ever since he and Jiu Linger got acquainted and hung out together, Adaku Rum Atlantis was not particularly serious.The two were always fighting, quarreling, laughing and cursing non-stop.The little savage was endearingly endearing.

Jiu Ling'er listened quietly, feeling that the facts of the Kusait Khanate were too complicated.But in the final analysis, for one thing: power.

"Commander, did that Nayan wandering around the wild donkey ranch lead an army to help you?" Jiu Ling'er asked.

"It's Mengkugu." Mulek nodded, "Mengkugu is also a big tribe in the northern Baltahand region, but its strength is not as strong as the other three big tribes. He used to be my subordinate and was a mighty general. On the surface In fact, he brought 5000 horses, but in fact, Achite Turage’s younger brother, Tu Luge, had already led [-] cavalry, and had secretly ambushed near the Wild Wolf Valley ten days ago.”

"Commander, if Khan Munchug is caught by you, will you let him go?"

"Of course I will let him go." Mulek laughed. "He is the Khan of Kusat, the most powerful person in the Khanate of Kusat. If I lock him up, wouldn't it be a rebellion?"

"Then he will definitely try his best to get back at you in the future."

Mulek's mood immediately became very bad.Over the past few months, I have been thinking about it, and all I think about is this problem.

If Turage of Baltahand successfully controls Chaikan, what will happen in the future?The decline of the Kujit Department is directly related to the Archit Department.Even if Mengchug agrees to their conditions due to the situation, will Mengchug change his mind after returning to Chaikan?
The more than 1000 tribes around Chaikan and Makeb are absolutely loyal to the Urhunait family. Even if Montchug does not rely on the strong strength of Baltahand Achit at all, he still has more than enough to protect himself.He gave orders with royal power, if he didn't listen, what's the difference between directly rebelling?
Seeing Mu Leke lying on the tiger skin blanket without saying a word, Jiu Ling'er frowned deeply, knowing that she was right.

"If you want to control Mengzug, just like you are planning to blackmail Mengzug with Baltahand's leader Turage, you still have to use the army. You and that Turage directly lead an army of tens of thousands to garrison Chaikan You and him stay in Chaikan. Even if something happens, at least one of you should stay in Chaikan to control Munchug to prevent him from doing anything wrong. In this way, the two of you will manage the surrounding tribes of Baltahand City , one manages the tribes around Altongarde and Odohe. In this way, there are trustworthy people inside to control the center of power, and a powerful army outside to deter the tribes. He can't call it at will, and it's not so easy for him to play tricks."

Muleke sat up abruptly, staring at Jiu Ling'er with wide eyes, with an expression of excitement on his face.

"You idiot savage is really an immortal genius." Mulek admired sincerely.

Jiu Ling'er was taken aback by his actions, and shouted in dissatisfaction, "I haven't finished yet?"

"Get out! Get out! Don't bother me now! I want to think about it alone." Mulek completely ignored him, pointing at Jiu Ling'er and cursing with a smile.

He was walking back and forth in the tent excitedly, with a cloudy expression on his face, and he kept muttering in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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