old light morning light

Chapter 102 "1"

Chapter 102 "One"

This once colorful world has become more and more uneven, and we all have our own misfortunes struggling in it, but what can we do?




I am not dead...


The heavy iron sound collided with my hard struggle. At least I have got rid of the effects of the anesthetic and can start to control my body, maybe?
A place without light, a dark and gloomy place will always bring people the fear from the heart, make you at a loss, and it is difficult to calm down.

Water dungeon?
Hmph, I thought that such an ancient thing would only appear in novels.

If it wasn't for my hands being hung upside down and my waist tied to the iron fence behind me, I should have drowned in the knee-deep water by now.

Although my legs were not tied, it was a pity that the two sticks were almost numb because the running water continued to take away the heat from my legs.

Get moving... Lin Man!
will die!

"Dang jingle..."

There were no windows, I couldn't hear a sound, and I couldn't see anything that moved by itself except for the occasional drops of water dripping on my face.

My coat was also taken off, but fortunately, there was no wind that could quickly remove the heat from my torso.


But my physical fitness has dropped very, very badly...


It might be underground, or it might be in a special room, but it's definitely not a good place.

Who are they?

And why did you arrest me here!

"Ding Dong~lang~!"

That weird attitude, no it wouldn't be him!
It's the person he went to see before...or Beihuan Business!
They caught me but kept me alive. It is impossible to throw me here, just to let me do a live broadcast, right?
Don't worry, don't worry!
I must still be valuable, otherwise I wouldn't be living such a miserable life!

Do you want to know something from my mouth?

And since the eyes can't see...


No matter what, there must be something to do!
"Is there anyone!"


"Dang lang lang lang~"

Although I tried my best to shout, there were only ethereal echoes floating from a distance, and the sound of cold gold and iron colliding.

What went wrong...

Titus didn't know that I would come here, and I even pretended to be uncomfortable. He couldn't have guessed that I would leave alone.

Naturally, it is impossible to arrange people to ambush here to prepare...

Impossible, if it is Beihuan Trading...


But if it was Beihuan Business, it would have come too soon!

Really fast!
The agreed time and place were all provided by them. It was handed over to me by his younger brother, and there is no risk of leakage.

I believe that the brothers of the Wang family will not deceive me like that, so what is the problem?

Who else would want me... Gardenia... Zihua!
Could it be that "they"?

Those who entrapped my mother can be regarded as those who indirectly forced my father away...


Then why did they arrest me? Is there anything else they want to say to someone they have never met before?
Or did you say that you are showing kindness and want to say hello to me and apologize...?
Hehe, hahahaha!

"You guys are like this! Is it interesting to hide it!"


The echo was very long, and it seemed to reverberate several times, and finally slowly disappeared at a position higher than my body position.

There should be a long and thin passage here, and it seems to lead to a high place. Could it be a staircase or something?
Compared with the yelling facing this side just now, it seems that the other side is also very empty, but it is also a limited space. This place is really in some kind of building, right?

"tick ~ beep ~"

There can still be water dripping down from above, but the lower part is not submerged, which means that even if it is underground, it will not be very deep.

And maybe someone deliberately blocked the water that was rushing down...

It gives me the feeling that after the underground shopping mall has been run down, the accumulated water has become such a natural water prison after years of disrepair, and then it is deliberately transformed and used by some people?
Due to the dim vision, I can't find any more testimonials to prove my guess, but this is the most reasonable guess at present.

If I keep quiet, I really can't hear anything, I can't even feel vibrations.

If my not-so-deep guess was correct, it may imply that this place is remote, and few ground vehicles or other means of transportation pass by.

I don't believe that there will be a ground effect aircraft in hand.

Looking back at the map I saw before, it seems that only the abandoned old commercial district may have such a place, and this abandoned commercial hub can provide such a venue.

But, it's useless, I can't get anything more with this kind of invalid information, and I can't find someone to save me.

Sure enough, now I can only hope that Eiffel finds out that I didn't go to him in the end, and takes the initiative to look for my whereabouts instead.

But since they chose to bring me here, they will also do a good job of dealing with the aftermath... right?



Even with all my strength, I could only helplessly hear the echo echoing. As for letting some people above hear it, rounding it up is tantamount to nonsense.

Am I really going to die here like this...

I am not reconciled, not reconciled!
No, I can't give up yet...

Since they didn't kill me, they must have plotted something. Although I don't have a clue now, it's definitely not for the fun of seeing me tied up here!
If I persist, maybe...someone will come to save me...

That's right, speaking of it, how dare they do it in this academy?

It's easy to say that it's easy to give me an injection, but it's definitely not something that one or two people can do with a laugh and a slap on the head!

Although it's just a school, this kind of military academy definitely has a security agency, right?

Whether it's intelligence, covert operations, or area control, they should have professional staff to control them. How could they let such a thing happen under their noses!
How dare they attack a paramilitary in an army school?


What kind of stunning role did he play in this?
I was introduced by you, and this place was introduced to me by someone you ordered, and I encountered this kind of thing again in your territory...

Now calm down and think about it, the suspicion of this old dog is really huge, and I trust him too much!
If he wasn't my friend from the beginning, then...

I should have been more careful!

If I talk to Eiffel first and leave some means...


and many more!

The sound of water!

someone is coming……

There was a faint light in the distance, and it slowly approached me with the sound of splashing water.

Who could it be?

Are they the ones who came to save me?

What should I do, keep struggling, or close my eyes and pretend to be dead...


It's very close, since I've shouted loudly just now, it's not justified to pretend to be dead now, isn't it?

In this extremely dim place, any ray of light would become particularly dazzling. The sparkling light reflected the moving light source not far away, and the bright circle of light rippled as he moved.

At the same time, bring me despair.

After slowly getting used to the glare of the light, I gradually saw the person coming, but unfortunately, a dark raincoat and a full-face mask separated me from his true face.

Even the eyes are just a slight gap, I can't see anything.

"You, is there anything else you want to say?"

voice Changer?
"Speak up and live."

The person hiding in front of him "sang" with an almost deep voice.

Although this topic is very serious, but he... I, alas!

What the hell is going on here, what the hell is it!
Holding a weird lantern in his left hand, it’s more like a lantern-shaped light source than a lantern, with his right hand resting on his waist. As for whether it’s a weapon or not, I can’t see clearly from this angle.

But Lin Man, this guy really looks like Kalinin, doesn't he?

"What do you want to know?"

Is it because of what I just thought in my mind, so I applied the characteristics of that person to him?

"Delaying time is useless."

The way of speaking is very concise, so I can't compare the habit of speaking, is it?
"You want to know my identity?"

As far as the current environment is concerned, since he said something like delaying time, even if I really don't know what he wants to know, I can only try to say something proactively.

Knowing that I'm going to say "I really don't know what you want to know?" just keeps wearing out the guy's patience.

Since the game has not been turned off, it must have its own way of running. As long as I follow these rules, I can have a chance of survival.

"Still want to know the purpose of my coming here?"

Are you silent now?
You should be waiting for me to take the initiative to continue talking, right?

This guy seems to be alone, but I can't confirm if there are others left in the distance.

My eye was always drawn to this light source, so it was natural to ignore some other details.

"I said it all, but can you untie it for me first, I can't hold on any longer!"

"I can't escape, you..."

Is he shaking his head?
There are no other actions, nor can I get some of his mental activity from the expressions.

"Okay, okay."

"My name is Linman, Augusta Linman..."

Let's deliberately say a little wrong information first, and see if he will take action...

if he just...

"I gave you a chance."


He knows... wait, what is he doing?
That... a pistol!
"Wait for me……"


(End of this chapter)

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