old light morning light

Chapter 112 "1"

Chapter 112 "Eleventh"

"Well...you can't say that the people who took you away are the people you mentioned?"

Eiffel thought about it, then smiled at me.

It seems that I have understood my story, which saves me from editing it, otherwise there will be more details to proofread after talking too much.

"Well, they are indeed from my family."

It can be regarded as reducing a considerable part of the trouble.

"It's just that I want to ask me to hand over part of the token, and subjectively, I don't want to hurt me."

Saying this way can also prevent him from being too hostile to these non-existent people. Even if he asks me to report the crime to the police or something, I still have other reasons to justify my refusal.

"The token...?"

Eiffel showed a half-understanding look, but he seemed to be fine. On the surface, it didn't seem to give me the feeling of doubting the authenticity of this story.

"Why, do you also want to know what the family token I hold is?"

When I mentioned the word family, I also deliberately emphasized the tone slightly, at least reminding him to delve into this detail, which is not very appropriate in various senses.

"Haha, no no no!"

The person in front of him seemed to have reacted, and turned his head away in embarrassment.

"Sa la~"

For some reason, the originally noisy campus seemed to suddenly become quiet as Eiffel's words dissipated, only the sound of rain falling with the wind was still echoing in my ears.

"I just didn't expect that you actually have something like a family keepsake..."

Always feel that something is wrong?

Even if it's raining, it shouldn't be so lonely around here, right?

If I remember correctly, there should have been many people holding umbrellas before. Even if they didn't make any sound, there shouldn't be a single person, right?
"What's the matter, Lin Man?"

UICC, just looking at the abbreviation on the outer wall, I don’t know what institution it is in the distance. Recalling that there were many students in school uniforms running away from the vicinity when it just rained, it shouldn’t be a dangerous facility or a controlled area, right?

Although the surrounding space is quite open, due to the existence of buildings on both sides, this place should actually be counted as an alley.


Maybe because he thought I didn't hear, Eiffel patted my back lightly, and called me again in a low voice.

"Brother, do you think it's a bit too quiet around here?"

"Too quiet?"

I didn't feel it when the weather was fine, but now when it's foggy and rainy, I realize that this place is actually a secluded corner.

"It's okay, it's normal that there are no people on the road when it's raining, right?"

Having said that, this is true. Now it seems that the surrounding area is still quiet, and there is no abnormality at all. When I think about it carefully, am I really worrying too much?

But since I already have this kind of ominous feeling, it's better to be more careful. I have no other skills, but I have a way of being afraid of death...

If so, who would it be?
The real North Ring business?
Or from some other danger unknown?
Is the target me, or Moral?

No, Lin Man, now is not the time to think about this at all!
"Come on senior brother, lean back, lean against the wall."

Since we are not sure what we will encounter, we can only use the current terrain to protect the position on one side.

This is also one of the valuable experiences I have gained from fighting since I was a child. You must know that every time you need to pay more attention to a direction, the burden and pressure you will bring to you is not as simple as simply adding one to mathematics.

"Lin Man?"

"Brother, listen to me, I still don't feel right, we can't continue to hang around here like this anymore."

It looks like this guy didn't understand me at all, but it's no wonder, someone suddenly tells you that there may be weird things around here, and asks you to do something that at least looks weirder now, your first reaction is natural The answer will be: "Are you okay?"

"You listen to me now, do as I say, and I will explain it to you later."

Eiffel nodded, even though there was confusion in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

"You first find a way to contact the security guards on the campus. The content says that you may have encountered a thief, and the location is set at..."

No, we can't wait here until they arrive, and the news of such a loss may not necessarily send someone over soon.

"Just position it in front, a little further but not too far away."

"Ah... oh, good!"

The rain began to become finer, but the uneasy feeling began to subside... Could it be that I was really too sensitive?
If I want to sneak attack others, the first choice is naturally the side and rear, and use a quick attack to gain the advantage of being the first to strike first.


I don't know why, maybe my state conveyed my anxiety to Eiffel, this guy's hands seem to have started to tremble a little?

"OK OK."

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm just doing this for safety."

It's like he just patted me on the shoulder, so I'd better comfort him, shall we?
"Now that it's done, let's go."

Then according to my first feeling, let me look at the back...

"Remember to wait a while to listen to my password. When I say 'go', you just walk forward, focus on observing the front and the left side, and walk a little faster, okay?"


The surrounding area is still so silent, except for the sound of rain and my breathing, I can only hear the sound of Eiffel constantly adjusting his body posture.

If it's really what I think, they should be able to guess something when they see us like this.

"get ready!"



Sure enough, it's still not right!


Damn, why did this guy just run away!

I told you to go faster but didn't let you, didn't let you run straight away!

How can I pay attention to the surrounding environment like this, if... Forget it, let me be more careful!

"Run fast!"

Now that they are all running, why not just run away for me!


"Run! Quick! Come on!"

Since they may have noticed our strange behavior before, and this guy has already started running away...

According to my temper, I just don't do anything, just go on and on, and attack them by surprise instead!
"Click, click, click..."

Eiffel in front had one deep foot and one shallow foot, and water splashed on me constantly because of his uncoordinated running posture.


Two people were running against the wall in the rain. The person in front was staring at the front, while the person behind was looking around furtively while running.

If there is no accident, it looks like some kind of criminal gang, and they are running away in a hurry after they succeed.

On the one hand, he has a guilty conscience and dare not walk on the avenue, on the other hand, he is afraid of being caught by the police or being witnessed by others, so he constantly observes the surrounding environment.

The front seems to be narrowing, even if it doesn't turn into a narrow alley, it is still a changing point on the road, so we must be more careful...

"Brother, turn left at the next intersection, let's go around!"


"Turn left!"

"Left! Turn!"

To be honest, I really have the illusion of being a guilty conscience now, and I screamed out with my throat pressed down for no reason.

"We! Go around! Don't go! The road ahead!"

Taking advantage of the most inhaled breath after each inhalation, press the pitch and release the tone, so that even if he only hears these few key words, he should be able to understand what I mean.

"Still... go to that... place?"

You see, if you try to speak out in one breath, it sounds like this weird thing to others.

return?go there?square……

Also...yes, go in that...direction?
to that place?

That still looks smarter to me.

I just turned left, and after a while, I should turn right twice in a row, and finally turn left and come back.

For the sake of safety, you should turn right and then run for a while, then turn right and come back.

Has this guy slowed down?
Can't run anymore?
How far did this go?

But considering that the body was already drenched by the rain, and this guy ran ahead of me, the possibility of a lot of heat being taken away by the wind and rain cannot be ruled out.

There seems to be no problem around here, let's follow up and talk to him first...

"Hey, hey, brother!"

"Are you all right?"

Although this is very selfish, as long as the "dignity" that can't be eaten is stimulated a little, it can still squeeze out some potential.

But in retrospect, when this guy climbed the iron stairs in Belial Triman Central City, the panting sound like a reaction engine...

Indeed, there should still be considerable potential, right?
"I'm fine!"


This burst of potential is almost visible to the naked eye... But it seems that the complexion is not bad, there should be no possibility of hypothermia in a short time, right?

"We turned left to come in, we need to turn right twice in a row, and turn left again to go back, right?"


"After a while, after turning right, keep running. After you have passed three or four intersections, turn right again, and then consider turning left, okay?"


Hahaha, does this guy no longer have the strength to speak anymore, so he can only respond by venting his anger in such a loud way?
"Xi la~"

The rain started to lighten up.

Unknowingly, the sound of the pattering rain has slowly begun to disappear, and the strange uneasiness has completely dissipated.

It seems that there is really no problem at present, it seems that I really worry too much...

In that case, I'm afraid I have to think about it first, how to lie to him later... er, how to explain the problem to him...

At least I have to come up with a compensation plan that will satisfy him, right?

If I remind him of what happened at Beria's place, the new and old hatreds will bring profits, then I will be in a bad situation...

(End of this chapter)

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