old light morning light

Chapter 12 "1"

Chapter 12 "Eleventh"

"Lin Man, Lin Man!"

Moral next to me grabbed the corner of my clothes, stared closely at the imperial personnel in the distance, and pulled me behind the house next to me.

"Are you here to catch us!"

Moral then looked at me nervously and said.

"Don't worry! The situation is still unclear!"

If they had discovered the wreckage of the carrier-based aircraft, they would definitely give priority to finding the driver, or relevant imperial military personnel.

Of course, it does not rule out that there are other witnesses who witnessed us escaping from it.
"Then what should we do now? Are we going to run directly there?"

It can be seen that Moral has begun to fall into that worried state again.

"Don't worry, don't worry! Look again!"

If you can't justify it, and you were discovered during the detour, then you really can't argue with it.

The past is definitely going to pass, but their purpose cannot be determined yet.

A heavy truck and two fast vehicles do not seem to be combat missions.

It looks like there are imperial police in black uniforms over there?
Is it because of internal affairs?

Is this what you're looking for?
Although Moral didn't say a word now, he still kept staring at these people in the distance.

"Don't worry, it doesn't look like it has anything to do with us."

"How did you see it?"

"Where would someone bring the police and drive a fast car to a place like this to arrest us?"

"And there are only a few of them. You must know that we are elite soldiers of the Empire who have even launched carrier-based aircraft."

"Aren't they afraid that they will be wiped out by us instead of being arrested?"

Fleeing in an imperial carrier-based aircraft is a matter of great importance.

But since they can escape with a carrier-based aircraft, are they not afraid that we have other weapons and equipment?

To put it bluntly, it's just these few people, maybe even a sneak attack can be completely wiped out by the beautiful sister of the Marine Corps, and by the way, we are all wiped out too.

Of course, the premise is that she holds her own weapon.
But there is a loophole in all this, that is, no witnesses saw just the two of us escaping with a half-dead man in our arms.

But I'm also pretty sure that if there were any witnesses, they would have reported hearing gunshots or other engagements.

If these people really came to arrest us because of this kind of report, at least they would know that we had deadly weapons, at least they would not look so leisurely.

So what are they doing here?

"Moral, remember that we are merchants now, fleeing here from the galaxy controlled by the Alliance."

Since he was going to pass here for a while, he had to think of an excuse for contact, at least he had to have a reasonable identity.

The previous identity can no longer be used. If it is used at this time, it is likely to arouse their vigilance. At least they should be left at the end.

And by using the hatred towards the alliance, you can also get a certain amount of sympathy and trust.

Just like you can get the so-called friendship as long as you denounce other people with others.

As we all know, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

This is the loophole of the human heart.

"Okay, a businessman who escaped from the alliance-controlled area."

"The merchants who escaped from the alliance-controlled area, what do we trade!"

trade what?
Medicines if you look at what you have on hand?

no!This is too easy to spot clues!

what else?
precious metals!
He happened to be carrying some gold bars looted from the cargo hold of the carrier-based aircraft.

Even if you are suspicious, you can take it out and show them right away.

First, it can be proved that we do have this kind of goods on us.

Second, there is also an element of bribery in it.

Even if they are still suspected in this situation, just put the gold bars in their arms, right?

"We are merchants who trade precious metals."

While confessing to Moral, he revealed the gold bars in his arms.

"Precious metals, oh!"

"We ran from the alliance-controlled area, precious metal merchants!"

"However, if others don't ask you specifically, you'd better not take the initiative to expose it."

After all, if you say it on your own initiative, it will give people a feeling that there is no silver 300 taels here, right?


It's not an option to spend so much time here.

It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided!


A guy in the black uniform of the Imperial Police saw us first in the distance.

"Show your ID!"

Looking at Moral, he signaled him not to speak with his eyes.

It would be best if I could just get away with it.

It is not unreasonable to know that too much talk is bound to fail!
"Oh, sir, what's the matter?"

At this time, it is best to act like a small citizen.

What about ordinary people?

First surprise, then fear, and finally flattery and curiosity.

Surprised why there is such a battle here?
what happened?
Then I was afraid, could it be that I committed something?

Could it be that I was found out about stealing my neighbor's drink?
Will they just take me away?
Later, I relieved myself: "It shouldn't happen, right?"

Finally, I entered a state of curiosity and a little bit of flattery: "What happened here, police officer, can you tell me?"

Everyone will have a judgment based on their own experience before doing something.

If there is a certain gap between the events that happened and this experience judgment, then it is easy to be directly suspected.

This is unavoidable.

What we have to do now is to judge his experience and judgment as much as possible, and then put ourselves into it.

In this way, we can greatly reduce our suspiciousness in his subjectivity.

So I have to infer what kind of reaction ordinary citizens will have when they see this kind of battle.

"There's nothing wrong here, it's just that it's not peaceful recently."

Sure enough, the imperial police in front of me just waved their hands after seeing my appearance, and didn't ask too much about our identities.

Of course he is not asking, and it cannot be ruled out that other people who have noticed us will be curious.

If they were specifically asked about their identity at that time, it would be a relatively big difficulty.

"We are just businessmen who came from the alliance-controlled area, and you know that."

"Recently, the alliance's business is really, oops, forget it, there's nothing to say, it's just not as direct as doing business in the Empire District!"

Coupled with the helpless expression with hands spread out, I think I can score 99 points for myself.

A little more is afraid that I will be proud.

"Hey, may the Holy Maiden bless you. It's not easy to do business anywhere recently, but since you're in the Imperial District, it's Meiji's choice."

Before the police officer in front of him could speak, a man dressed as a soldier leaning against the vehicle behind him joined the conversation.

When other people heard my speech praising the empire in disguise, they also directly ignored other words.

Well, in this case, he should have successfully muddled through.

But this also has a disadvantage: you can't consider leaving immediately.

When someone just believed in you, and you heard something that you should be interested in according to the setting, you should continue to interact with this topic.

Just like you, as a businessman, just mentioned that business is not easy to do, and someone agrees with it at this time, so you should continue this topic with him.

Otherwise, if you leave directly at this time, others will wonder why this person ran away in such a hurry?

So at this time, rather than running away by yourself, it is better for others to get annoyed and drive you away.

"Yeah, if you say it's all due to the war, it made it impossible for us to do business, and we had to run around."

Similarly, you can also use topics that the other party is interested in as bait. As a soldier, the most touching thing must be war.

"You guys are alright, it's just that it's a bit difficult to do business, unlike us, when we start a real war, you will lose your life if you are not careful!"

"Then you really have no choice but to fill it in."

"Unlike us, if something goes wrong, you can just run away."

"Stop talking, you will get angry when you talk about it!"

Hey, I just want you to be angry!

If you don't get angry, I still can't find a chance to slip away!
"But speaking of it, I'm treating you all as cannon fodder!"

"Their navy bombed wildly in the sky, and the ground will be completely changed!"

"Yeah, these bastards!"

"They will be fine in the sky, and it will be over after blowing up comfortably. We are still suffering on the ground!"

"Haha, what is the suffering? They are bombed in the sky, and we are bombed on the ground!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Looks like it's gotten them talking!
That way the attention isn't all on us.

"Hey, we ordinary people like us don't understand the things about you being soldiers."

"I don't feel like making unreasonable comments. If one day I say something wrong, I don't know how I died."

"Hey, you look quite open."

"Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about it, I'd better go and see if there is any other business that can be done."

"Don't even lose the money you got back when the time comes"

At this time, it should be embarrassing, right?

It's not a good story after all.

"Haha, come on, everyone is working hard, and there is nothing we can do to help you."

It looks like it should have landed smoothly.

I raised a bow, so I should be able to express my gratitude!

You follow me and bow!

well!Moral!How can you be so stupid at a time like this!
"The younger generation in the family, I was frightened when I saw the war before, everyone, please forgive me."

"Haha, most people are indeed frightened, go and have a good rest."

"Hey, hey!"

"Then we'll take our leave, everyone, take care, we'll meet later!"

People who have no ghosts in their hearts, would they think that there will be a period in the future?
It's time, shall we go?

Fortunately, I understood this wink, otherwise I would have to find a way to get you a favor!
You see how I educate you when I go back!

It's really that I can't react when I should be smart, and I can think wildly when I should be stupid!
O Moral, Moral!

(End of this chapter)

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