old light morning light

Chapter 129 "28"

Chapter 129 "28"

The number one enemy of human beings must be getting up early, except for insomnia.

I obviously planned to sleep until about the same time, but I didn't expect to wake up after a few hours. According to the doctor, it should be a side effect of the medicine injected to me...

But speaking of the side effects of drugs, most of them are drowsiness?
Why are you so excited?
It was almost 4:[-] in the morning, and the nightlife of the school in Jade seemed to be quite lively, at least in the area in front of me.

A local planetary day is about 36 standard hours in the old calendar, and the old calendar time that is convenient and approximate is used here to divide the day into three equal parts, 12 hours before noon, 12 hours at noon and 12 hours in the afternoon.

On the 0-degree meridian of the return day of the planet, it is dusk from 6 o'clock in the afternoon to 6 o'clock before noon tomorrow, so theoretically, the day and night time here is roughly 12 hours.

When I woke up just now, I watched Emerald National Geographic in the hospital for a while, and now I have some understanding of this place.

"...The Defes Composite Index is currently down by more than 3.4%. Doppler, a senior researcher at the Alliance Joint Economic Research Institute, said that the current turmoil will be an important reason for the decline of the main economy..."

The holographic projection in the distance is constantly broadcasting news about the recent economic downturn. Today's 1+1+1 seems to be the official reporting program of the alliance.

"...the empire has not commented on this, but the imperial industrial index has also suffered a serious decline after a short-term correction. Even the Royal Dockyard index, which was extremely strong due to the local war in the early stage, has now shown a clear downward signal. According to recent survey data, some experts pointed out that most people have insufficient confidence in the current market..."

Area B, here is almost the largest student living area and service area, most of the general students will spend the most college life here, so this place is unusually prosperous.

It almost looks like a corner of the city, with the bustling stream of people, and the shops on the street are feasting and feasting, looking like a prosperous style.

Alas, why don't they send me to the hospital in W district, at least I can walk to W4 if I continue wandering like this...


This serial number looks... very similar to what I saw in the document Kalinin gave me just now. It should be the serial number of a warship.

Alas, it takes less than 4 hours to navigate to the W4 dock area. Although the public transportation here operates at all times, the subway at night seems to depart every hour...

I should catch up with the 5 o'clock shift to have more time.

But... I can't just wear this set of clothes, even if they are new clothes I just bought before, but after fighting with that group of people before, they don't even look as straight as the hospital gown I just wore.

Why don't you go back to the dormitory first? I saw the instructions before, they will put the student uniforms and some daily necessities in the room, and the B and C areas are quite close to each other. Let's use the navigation to take a look.

Area C... Dormitory Building No. 24... Grass, although it used to take half an hour, but it took almost half an hour to get from the dormitory to the nearest station there, and it is impossible to catch the bus that arrives at the station after 5 o'clock up...

Alas, then forget about shopping here, if you can buy new clothes, just make do with it.


Well, someone is pulling my clothes, are you calling me?

"Sir, donate a little money to poor children of different races?"

It seems to be a child of a foreign race, and a foreign race with bone-like horns on its head is considered rare, right?
Wearing a mask-like face protector, I couldn't see what he looks like even though the light here is quite sufficient.

I can't tell the age, I can only hear him calling me "Mr." in a small voice.

Oh right, I can't even confirm his gender.

There were people around me looking at me, but their eyes didn't look very friendly. After seeing me looking at him, they just nodded slightly at me and then turned their eyes to the foreign child in front of them.

It should not be aimed at me, but at him.

"Be careful, don't be fooled."

After making eye contact with me again, he smiled politely and said:

"I see him wandering around here a lot."

Um, are you talking about this kid?
"You...thank you..."

Looking back, he could only see a vague figure, gradually disappearing into the intersection of the crowd and the night.

"No! I'm not a liar!"

But to my surprise, the child of the foreign race in front of me came to me very stubbornly, and his voice became louder.

Oh, with a sign in hand, please... for the pain of being abused...

What is it?
"Can you show me the sign in your hand?"

It is very possible to say that he is a liar. There are so many people coming and going here, why is no one willing to help him?
And some people took the initiative to identify him as a liar...

But seeing him like this reminds me of Gulu, that little bastard who only eats and sleeps...

Alas, forget it, even if I am a liar, I have nothing to deceive him.

"Here, here you are!"

It was also very generous to hand the sign to me.

It looks like there are a lot of photos posted on it, all of them are aliens in imperial labor costumes, with blood and tears.

Please show your love to the hard laborers and children who have been abused.

It turned out that this was a promotional sign, essentially a flyer that could be used multiple times.

"Will you trust me?"

Don't look at me like that!

To be honest, it is hard for me to refuse this kind of clean eyes, and it is also hard for me to believe that such eyes can be a "liar".

And the scene above, I have indeed seen it with my own eyes in the naval facilities of the empire, and I have seen a lot, and it is even more excessive.

"...More market policies are beginning to play a role, but now the more critical thing is to look at the recent adjustment of the imperial market..."

The holographic projection not far away is still continuously broadcasting news about the current situation. Unknown experts chatter endlessly, which makes people feel annoyed.

"Well, I..."

Although I haven't said anything yet, I feel as if I have subconsciously nodded...

I don't know why, when I saw him, I would think of Gulu, and then subconsciously accepted it for no reason.

"But I don't have much money either, I..."

"It's okay, you believe that I'm not a liar, that's enough, thank you!"

In a hurry, it seemed that he was about to leave.


Then I witnessed a gray figure again, slowly moving away among the moving figures until it disappeared into the yellowing night.

"...Just like what Professor Dormer said just now, how to restore the confidence of investors is the top priority of the government department now..."

Hi, what a weird thing...

All right, Lin Man.

After being disturbed by this matter, I don't have time to think about clothes anymore, so I can only find a place to eat and catch the subway...


The last time I ate these things in this kind of place was with them in the space route hub of Guning, right?
So where have you been, have you come here?

I should have talked to the old dog Kalinin about this just now, why did I forget...

Curry Cheese Crispy Schnitzel, it looks very fragrant... 3.3 points...

Counting 33 small bigors, it is not very expensive.

Speaking of which, I just found out that each freshman academy has pre-stored 1000 universal points as the initial living expenses. The time I was sent to medical treatment by the scouts, I was directly overdrawn by about 200 points.

In other words, my living expenses were 1/5 less than other students from the beginning, and I should ask that old dog to reimburse me for this!
"Just order this one?"

"We still have a set meal now, you can add 0.5 points plus double cheese, and a big meat leg as a bonus..."

"Okay, so be it."

"Okay, thank you for your patronage, a total of 3.8 universal points!"


I can't feel the consumption of money at all, so when using electronic payment, I can only feel the beating of cold numbers, and I don't feel the pain of money flowing from my hands.

This is also the main reason why many students squander their living expenses when they first arrive.

Well, apart from being hotter, I can't find any other disadvantages at all.

The golden-yellow meat steak has an attractive aroma under the blessing of the cheese sauce, and some vegetables in the curry sauce complement the crispy taste.

The meat of this kind of unknown animal, the fat becomes quite delicious after being fried. Although it is delicious, it still looks quite like the kind of industrial fast meat cultivated by a food factory...

This kind of oil may have been blended and seasoned before splicing, so the flavor is so good...

What do you think... At the cheap price of less than 40 small bigors, it is quite affordable to be able to eat such things, isn't it?
If such a meal had been placed on the UP-R first star before, it would have cost me at least several days of meal money. I don’t know why, but food is far cheaper than industrial supplies on the alliance’s territory.

In the Empire it was just the opposite.

Isn't this very complementary? Is there a possibility to unify the alliance and the empire in the future, so that we can eat cheap food and use cheap...

Oh, isn't this the kid from just now?

Did he watch me eat outside?
He looks like this...couldn't he be hungry?
It seems that I realized that I was looking at him, and I turned around shyly, and it seemed that I was about to run away again.

There is no money for him, but it should be possible to invite him to eat some of this...


"Yes, I'm calling you!"

"Come here, don't look at it, I'll treat you to eat."

Wait... what am I doing?

Why should I... invite him to eat this...?
(End of this chapter)

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