old light morning light

Chapter 132 "31"

Chapter 132 "31"

"Welcome the scientific expedition fleet to return."

Before reaching the docking area, you can already see the giant banner pulled up on the lifting facility in the distance.

"I wish the 276th batch of long-distance voyage investigation teams a successful completion of the investigation mission..."

Really are……

Even if the technology has developed to such a point, they are not even willing to use gorgeous holographic projections, have they insisted on a certain degree of romance for a long time?

Oh, speaking of which, I also saw news in the car that the scientific research fleet had returned to the north, so it should be this?

"Dang! Ding! Dang!"

Even in the early morning and night, there was the sound of metal and iron clashing in the dock, and the scattered glare points not far away should be welding operations in progress.

This scene is so nostalgic.

Many of the students encountered here are also wearing uniforms, but there are still some differences from those seen in other places before.

The color is uniform and grayish. In some places that are often worn out, other types of fabrics are used for reinforcement. There is a structure similar to an umbrella skirt at the waist. Some people can vaguely see that some people have installed power tool rails on it. thing.

Tsk, it's too early.

In fact, it is acceptable to sit in the car and watch the news for several hours, but I am afraid that I will miss it when I get sleepy.

Keep away from steam pipes.

Boil the water again, right?
The essence of human progress is really to boil water, right?
Boil water, change different fuels to boil water, change different liquids to burn.

Pouring I-beams, using different techniques to pour, and pouring different materials.

Reminds me of the joke that the end of the world is civil engineering...

Or, just wander around like this, and just take a look at these Alliance ships in the dock.

Before preparing the facilities on the ground of the empire, I often saw the messy imperial cruisers docked for maintenance. Today, let’s take a look at the instigator.

Or... the messy alliance "colleagues" who were beaten by the Empire.

Condenser pipes, keep away.

Oh, the blue-black scissors are coolant, and the red arrow just now is steam.

So why do people in the alliance like to build these pipelines on the ground, wouldn't it be safer for you to dig a hole and bury them?

But considering that these gadgets also need to be overhauled, they can save a lot of effort.

W6-11, an unknown ship, looks like a destroyer in this build.

The weapons should be stored inside the hull. Unlike the outer space environment, there is quite a lot of annoying dust on the ground.

Bright gray paint is not common. Although the color of non-covert operations ships does not affect other parameters, basically considering the seriousness of the fleet, everyone still uses matte and more serious paint by convention.

The row after row should be fast rocket ejectors, similar to the secondary guns of large ships, which are also common secondary guns of small ships.

Throw out all the rockets mounted in the magazine at once, and use it to intercept small or ultra-small targets approaching at high speed. It is common to intercept various conventional missiles and battleship torpedoes.

Generally speaking, equipped with small-caliber rapid-fire main guns, such a standard and cheap escort destroyer is armed in this way. This is the smallest ship type in the navy series with long-range navigation and self-sustainability.

It is worth mentioning that this thing is also the natural enemy of carrier-based aircraft.

Three sets of quadruple nozzles and two sets of push-out nozzles. It seems that the top speed is very average. If there are no other auxiliary nozzles, perhaps the maneuverability is also very average...

DL-574B6, is this your serial number? The alliance likes to hide this serial number in this position, which is indeed different from the empire's style.

The artillery technology of the empire has always been famous all over the world, but when it comes to the alliance, it doesn't seem to give anyone a special impression. Just like this destroyer, there is nothing special about it...

Well, except that there are a lot of them, and they are very cheap...

This may also have something to do with the joint system of the alliance, unlike the empire, which is a subject and has a complete national border.

The alliance even has problems with the standard of warships.

In the past, many principalities had their own housekeeping ship types, which led to the chaos of the naval system after the alliance. Alliance navies from different regions may have very different styles, and even weapons and ammunition may not be common.

Three empty docks, all kinds of supplies in a mess seem to tell others that the guy here has just driven away.

W5-03 has been surrounded by the maintenance platform, and it can only be judged from the entire volume that this guy may be a cruiser. It seems that it has been damaged by battle and is undergoing maintenance operations.

My clothes looked out of place here, and almost everyone who passed by me would stare at the blood on my chest.

But just like at that time, no one was nosy, they just took a second look and left in a hurry.

After all, the automatic sentinel weapons didn't respond to me, so it shouldn't be some unidentified outsider.

Alas, the sky is only slightly brighter, and even the wind is still a little cold.

It's not even 6 o'clock...

If I had known it would be like this, I would go back and change my clothes after wandering around on the levee in Wu District. At least I would put on the student uniforms before walking around, and it would not be as eye-catching as it is now.


The looming sharp sound of airflow seems to be gradually getting stronger. My experience tells me that this is a flying object approaching at high speed.

It should be a warship.

The vast majority of combat warships did not consider aerodynamics too much when designing, and most of them considered high output power to assist flight in the atmosphere.

The sharp airflow sound does not mean that the flying speed is fast, but that the auxiliary engine is struggling against its own huge gravity.


Even though the sky has shimmered and turned yellow, and the quiet dawn has outlined the outline of the distant horizon, the twinkling stars are still dazzling.

Now approaching, this height and direction should be ready to berth.


Due to the constant approach, the originally looming sharp noise has become coherent and harsh. The "falling" nova splashed dust "ripples" on the ground, causing waves to appear on the cold ground. This is not the romance of the Navy.

Although I have never figured it out, why is it not called the Air Force when they are flying in the sky? Is it just because they call these huge iron birds "ships" that they become the Navy?
After she finishes landing, let's go over and have a look, the current dust is by no means trivial.

W2-02, Alliance Navy "Level" class cruiser.

Coincidentally, this class of cruisers was on the cover of the first issue of Ships magazine last year.

The second issue is her improved "Bibrant" class.

Many workers have already gathered here, either holding tools in their hands, or pushing a cart full of boxes, waiting for the final connection to be completed.

With the engine making loud noises gradually extinguished, and the position lights constantly flashing, the protruding ailerons have also been retracted into the hull.

She is so big.

The appearance looks quite intact, and the appearance of the heat sink on the belly is also very neat, with no signs of fire or explosion.

The orange muzzle logo, the main weapon is four dual-mounted moving coil main guns, which seem to be able to project at least two firepower in any direction, the caliber may be 220 or 250, these are very powerful firepower .

Eight twin-mounted small-caliber automatic artillery are used for air-to-air interception and short-range self-defense, and a standard torpedo silo is used to pose a threat to fixed or super-large targets.

Wude is abundant.

GJ-AS4N9, this is her serial number. There is also a ship emblem painted on the side of the main engine box at the rear. It looks like an anchor with iron chains and ears of wheat wrapped around it.

There is a huge 16 painted with white paint under the badge, followed by a line of small characters, but due to problems with light and angles, it is not very clear.

What is the number 16, I guess...

"Ah, sorry!"

This guy came to hit me on purpose.

He left without looking back, and it was too late to say anything.

Obviously there is still such a wide road to walk here, but you insist on leaning on my side on purpose, and you pushed well before, why do you have to be crooked when you come to me?
whispering sound!
He didn't throw anything, and he didn't hit me too hard, so what's his purpose?
Forget it... What if someone really accidentally bumped into me?

The old fuss was repeated.

There are scorched marks on the edge of the auxiliary propeller at the tail, which may be the phenomenon of flame overflow caused by uneven output, but it is not a big problem.

Already starting to build the service platform, this kind of open dock can easily get the help of large equipment, so it's a shame it's a quick process.

I can't see anything~


I have climbed so high before I knew it, and Moral would have said this before:

"Climbing so high without safety measures is a violation of safety regulations!"

Humph, it's vivid in my mind.

In the No. 2 dock area, there are numbers painted with white paint on the tail of many ships, some are 32, some are 11, and some are 28.

It seems to be a fleet ship, this is their fleet number, reasonable.

W2-20, the last dock in the No. 2 dock area, is a huge dock. Although it looks empty now, it can be seen that the volume here is almost 6 to 10 times larger than the previous small dock.

The light of the stars has become brighter unconsciously, and this almost perpetual source of energy keeps bringing us light and warmth.

It's time for real noon.

Forget it, it's already past seven o'clock, let's walk slowly to W4.

There was a lot of people in the dock area on the side. It seemed that more and more people entered W's dock area because of the dawn.

Now my attire is even more eye-catching, everyone is wearing uniforms, and I am the only one dressed like this, with a big bloodstain on my chest...

And, it's still daylight...

Alas, W4 is here, just hang around here, and then just complete boarding here.

 happy birthday~
(End of this chapter)

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