old light morning light

Chapter 138 "37"

Chapter 138 "37"

The strong man in front of him gained some strength, and slowly straightened his back, as if he was thinking.


Then I began to whisper my fake surname, as if I was thinking about whether I had an impression of this surname.

But in my opinion, this should be in vain.


The person in front of me quickly looked at me again, with strange doubts in his eyes.

"Hey, it's getting late, I'll lead Lin Man to the rest room first, then I have to go back to pick up other members of the investigation team..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was so frozen, Dover winked at me and then laughed.

"Let's go."

While patting Spelling on the back and saying something, he slowly walked towards me. Behind me was the airtight hatch that came over before.

Is it really okay to leave him here?

Perhaps understanding my eyes, Dover shook his head at me and whispered:
"This is his home, it doesn't matter."

It really doesn't matter, at least in the end it seems that he has regained some energy...

Just before I was about to walk back to the airtight door, I looked back at Spelling. He had probably regained his energy, and finally noticed my gaze and smiled at me.

"Sorry for making you..."

"Beep dong~!"

Just after I walked in with Dover for a while, a strange prompt sounded suddenly and echoed in the passage.

"呲~ Broadcast node test, broadcast node test!"

"Let's play standard time alignment, CCE+6, repeat, standard time alignment CCE+6, 呵~"

"The test of the broadcasting node is over, ding dong dong~!"

Is this the end?
With the end of the strange broadcast that was unknown, the passage became quiet again.

"Knock, click~!"

Only the footsteps of the two of us, and their regular echoes, could be heard.

I can hear Dover's deep inhalation sound, maybe I want to sigh, and I always feel like I have seen such a scene somewhere...

It seems that the scene with Eiffel in the air defense facility was almost the same, but it was more gloomy and creepy.

By the way, this guy wanted to say something just now, but he just said sorry or something, and was interrupted by this funny broadcast test.

But now this guy remained silent again, as if he didn't intend to pick up what he just said at all. He walked ahead silently, with a slightly heavy breath, but he couldn't observe the facial expression.


I can't, do you want me to take the initiative to mention this matter again?
"Are you apologizing to me just now?"

After all, it is necessary to say it, and it is better to ask directly than to be coy.

Remember Lin Man, your goal is always to find a terminal that can be connected to the combat network, and other events are only used as conditions for you to use...

um, right?

"Have you heard that already, haha."

Why does it feel like this guy is starting to feel awkward? Did he plan to say something strange to me just now?
Damn, this got me curious again...

"It's nothing, I'm just embarrassed to let you see such an embarrassment... Originally, I wanted to show you something you were interested in, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

Seeing my puzzled eyes, Dover gave an explanation directly. Although I don't know if this is what he wanted to say before, at least it seems quite true now.

There doesn't seem to be any fluctuations in the eyes, let's just trust him.

"Well, I'm already grateful that you showed me around, you even showed me places I wouldn't have been able to see, it's taking me too seriously to say sorry."

But since he has already shown such sincerity, it would seem too out of character for me to be perfunctory.

Also, you can ask him about that first year of prep, I've been rolled too many eyes on this, haven't I?

"First year of preparatory school... is there any problem?"

Although he definitely sounded like he was pretending to be stupid when he said such things at this time, I was really puzzled. Every time I met someone, as long as they knew that I was a "first-year preparatory student", their expressions would basically change...

If I don't know where the problem is, it will draw unnecessary attention sooner or later, which is not what I want.

He hasn't said anything yet, but his eyes have already betrayed this guy's thoughts.

"From a practical point of view, I really don't know what's special about the first year of preparatory school. I don't even know whether the first year of preparatory school is different from the first year?"

By strictly following the principle of "as long as I look stupid enough, they don't know if I'm really stupid or just pretending to be stupid", I still have room to develop.

"My family really didn't tell me anything related to it, I might as well say it honestly."

But that's right, since I asked a question that didn't match his pre-set identity for me, it's understandable that I would be quite puzzled about it.

So in fact, I only need to correct his doubts immediately, or correct his confusion of thinking, and let his preset identity of me overlap with the actual portrait in front of him again, and the immediate problem can be quickly solved.


"Ah, okay."

After a little bit of tweaking, Dover finally nodded and said with a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, now that the problem is known, sometimes it is easier to continue to use misunderstandings than to re-explain something.

"Go out this way this time."

Feeling the pulling force from the side, I realized that I seemed to be a little distracted again. It wasn't until Dover grabbed the corner of my clothes that I realized that he had walked into another narrower passage.

Wait, what am I thinking?
He has already turned a corner and I didn't even realize it. Am I complacent because I just successfully tricked him?


"I wonder how you got into this school if no one told you about this."

If I say that I was kidnapped inexplicably, will this guy believe it?

"I said I didn't want to come, would you believe me?"

"Hahaha, that's true. Maybe you all have your own connections. What rich young lady would be willing to take the initiative to come to this kind of place to suffer."

"Would you believe me if I said that I'm not a young lady from a rich family?"

I have reminded you, if the picture does not match the real thing in the future, don’t blame me for not reminding you, half-joking and half-serious, it can be considered serious!

"Oh, understand, understand, understand!"

"I didn't say you were a young lady from a rich family, did you?"

With your expression, doesn't it make it clear that you don't believe me, hey!

Then when you know the truth in the future, don't blame me for being "cruel and merciless"!

An expression that I understand, that's good, it saves me from worrying about the risk of being exposed.

After walking along this narrower passage for a short section, Dover buckled it and found a safety door from nowhere in the process of "chatting and laughing" with me.

In this way, we returned to the spacious formal passage in the ship.

Well, it's a safety net, it looks like it's actually a ventilation tunnel... No wonder it's getting cramped... Get up?
Wait, what did you drill me just now, cutie?
"Okay, you can go down from here to the residential area, and it's almost time, so I'll take you there directly?"

And why do I feel that he seems to have escaped the topic just now without knowing it?
Good guy, do you have a hand?

"Well, that's fine. You can continue to introduce me to the preparatory students. This shouldn't be complicated, right?"

If you change the subject, then I will continue to implement the principle of pretending to be stupid.

There was a flash of emotion in the eyes of the person in front of me, but unfortunately it was too sudden and I couldn't guarantee whether it was my illusion, and it was difficult to feel what kind of emotion it was.

"To put it simply, the preparatory students are actually new students who have just completed their reporting and registration. They just grab a lot of them in the big square of the school. If you insist, there is nothing special about them."

"Haven't received the relevant training and assessment, haven't assigned skills and professions, and haven't even been included in the organization."

"But there is one thing. The files of preparatory students are under the unified management of the school affairs department, and no group or organization has the right to read them, let alone dispatch and use them..."

Speaking of this, his eyes glanced at my pocket, and I knew that there was my work badge of the North Ring United...

"Even members of the school board don't have the right to dispatch?"

I seem to understand what he means.


Then it was directly answered in the affirmative.

No wonder, I turned out to be the one who shouldn't be dispatched...

That is to say, when everyone knows that I am only a preparatory student and I appear directly in such an action, they can understand that there is a high probability that I have been directly assigned by someone.

I was asked to participate in a certain activity by direct roll call, so there is reason to doubt the relationship between us.

It turns out that there is such a relationship in it!

Thinking about it, I did receive this letter directly to participate in this investigation on behalf of Beihuan.

And the old dog Kalinin even met me directly offline, and discussed the investigation with me face to face...

"You seem to have figured it out, it really is very witty."

"But you don't seem very surprised. It seems that you have already guessed it yourself?"

I guess what a fart!

Do you know that your heart is full of the truth, but your face is still tense, showing an unimportant look, but it is very uncomfortable, okay!

That's right, this kind of thing can completely show surprise, why should I pay attention to details on such a really "insignificant" thing!

If that's the case, it doesn't matter, let's just practice emotional management...

(End of this chapter)

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