old light morning light

Chapter 150 "49"

Chapter 150 "49"

"While it's true that it's a quality issue, it's not the cause."

"After rechecking the mass of the hull, it is almost the same as the calculated mass at the beginning of the transition."

Suddenly I found that Dover gave me the illusion that I was the captain's adjutant, yes, just like what I saw in those movies.

The young officer in front of him was radiant at this moment, and compared with the confused and embarrassed look just now, he was a completely different person.

"So we suspected that there was something that shouldn't have followed us into the transition channel."

But this is more in line with the impression he left in my heart before, he is essentially a very talkative and smart person.

Wait... what is this guy saying?

What do you mean something should not have entered with us?

"Yeah, just as you imagined."

Maybe seeing my thoughtful appearance, Dover predicted my prediction, but here comes the question, what exactly is what I imagined, hey!

Drilling into the jump channel with the Alliance cruiser on a mission, there must be a purpose, right?

It can't be, it's the interceptor ship of the empire chasing my ass... Fuck, it can't be true, can it?

"The second point: Since only a brief equipment calibration was performed after leaving the jump, the starting point of this deep jump is the end point of the space station facility-assisted jump at the time of departure, and it is impossible to be accurately calculated."

"Naturally, it is impossible for someone to squat there to guard us, so..."

Hey, squatting?
This is getting worse and worse, well, it sounds like the Imperial interceptor ship has really slipped in, right?

Interceptor, as the name suggests, is a very good ship in pursuit. It has the ability to pursue in the transition channel without being detected, and even forcibly drag the enemy ship out of the transition state.

In order to maintain a high degree of stealth and excellent maneuverability, the size of the interceptor ship will not exceed most destroyers in active service, and it is usually only the size of a frigate.

"So someone betrayed our space coordinates?"


If it is really an interceptor ship of the Empire, it must have come to sink us.

Because it is difficult for an interceptor ship with the size of a frigate to sustain itself in deep space, there must be a fleet of the empire that has penetrated into Karen Kaya, which is the galaxy where we started the deep space transition, and there may be some ships in the fleet that can provide a connection for the interceptor ship. medium and large ships.

And Karenkaya is not a border galaxy. Karenkaya VI even has the alliance's war reserve facilities. Compared with the chasing troops that may exist behind it, such an invisible imperial fleet is a more terrifying thing...

"What did you think of?"

Maybe it was because I seemed to lower my head and my face became a little nervous. Xi Luen also pulled his collar again, and slowly stood up while supporting the table.


"Hehe, extremely smart."

Just when the old guy praised me, the epaulettes that were no longer covered were exposed.

There are no stars on the luxurious dark gold background, only a light gray stripe that is not too thick.

Union Commodore...

Wait, the slightly old foreign race in front of you is actually a brigadier general?
This is a very unique rank, if only introductory by itself.

In the Alliance Navy, even generals are divided into two levels, first-level and second-level, such as first-level major general and second-level general.

But the only other military rank that is not graded is the brigadier general in front of me, except for me, an officer substitute.

"So in fact, you have already realized your mission, what is it probably?"

By the way, I forgot the group of second-level brigadier generals from the federal era left a long time ago. This is the only second-level brigadier general...

Unexpectedly, the commander of this little cruiser is actually a brigadier general...

"Dover also said just now that someone on the ship may have betrayed our coordinates."

"That's nothing more than I need to help you find this person, right?"

Standing up, Silune took out a box that was not too small and handed it to me. The box was made of unknown material, and it glowed dark red under the warm fire.

"No need to study it, this is a fixer."

letter fixer?
"Although the fleet has been reported through the navigation antenna, in order to solve the infiltrated imperial fleet without alarming the enemy, we can only solve part of the difficulties by ourselves in a short time."

Speaking of this, Xi Luen showed embarrassment, and he didn't know if he was showing it to me on purpose, or there was something that made it difficult for the experienced old officer in front of him to show his strength.


"But they're sneaky tricks, so can we."

Is this the trick to play tricks?
"Because the ship has already exited the transition when the equipment is corrected, they do not need to pass through the navigation antenna to exchange messages. They only need to use their own personal terminals to access the local relay for roaming communication."

"So we can't determine which bug is secretly doing bad things by checking the exchanged data records."

Dover stood up after adding a few pieces of firewood to the fireplace, and continued to explain to me following Sylune's words.

After a little movement, the young officer who had just stood up took a seemingly densely written document from Silune's hand, took out a pen and wrote something, and then put it away.

Speaking of it, I thought it was for me to see...

"The locator can interact with a communication channel of a specific frequency in close proximity, intercepting content using conventional communication protocols without being detected."

"Our original plan was to find an excuse to gather your foreign friends together again, and at the same time reveal that we need to exit the transition state to recalibrate the sensitive components on the ship, and give them a chance to continue reporting..."

It turned out to be the case.

Taking this opportunity, use this locator to catch the "bug" who secretly sends our location information, right?
"And all I need to do is take this thing and keep trying the suspects who are using the terminal?"

Dover nodded and handed me a cup of hot water.

"Thank you."

Just to add, it's hot tea.

Sweet and sour, but with an indescribable medicinal smell.

"Hehehe, this is a kind of herbal medicine from my hometown. If you are not used to drinking it, you can replace it with ordinary black tea."

Is it an herb...

It's actually okay, although the taste is weird, but at least it's not too bad.

"Before this, considering that the other party may have gone through some means, perhaps already familiar with the faces of most of the crew members, we have been unable to decide on a suitable candidate for this 'human missile' for a long time."

"Until someone recommends me to you, don't you, Mr. Captain?"

At least let me know if that bastard Jessica tricked me into it!

"Cough cough..."

The obvious answer, boy, wait for me, I have plenty of ways to get you back!
After Sylune coughed twice, she began to drink the hot tea she had just put down, and then naturally lost sight of me.

This old fox is also really good, if... wait, this old qualification is here, just to help the two brothers find out about their missing brother.

It's broken, what's it called?
Wang... Zhihan?
No, that's him...

What is that called, Wang...

I remember that in the school store, after he played tricks to call me away, he showed me a piece of material related to his brother, with his brother's name on it.

But... why can't I remember now, I can only try to recall his scene roughly...

"What's the matter, is there any difficulty?"

It may be that he saw that I suddenly fell into silence, guessing that I might have thought of something, Dover patted my shoulder and asked.

"Uh, I thought of something, but please rest assured, it has nothing to do with this matter, it is my own private matter."

"Oh, if you have any difficulties yourself, you can tell us, and we will try to help you."

Although this guy is also a smart person with a lot of eyes in my heart, the possibility of such a thing that almost subconsciously followed my words after careful planning is relatively small.

"Well, thank you..."

So that kind of moved me a bit.

"Then let's make an agreement on this matter first, and then...uh, you will use this letter..."

"Thinking that you don't seem to know this thing before, let me just start teaching you how to use it?"

He actually looked down on him!

It's just so naked, anyway, I am also a "high-quality" talent who has completed the general higher education courses of the empire, okay, hello!
"Then please..."

Damn it, the point is that I really don't know how to use it... This is the most annoying thing!

"This chip can adjust the mutual induction frequency. We have already set the parameters in it, which are consistent with the communication frequency band of the galaxy we will stay in next. You don't need to touch the body of this device anymore."

Dover, who was fiddling with the metal box while introducing it, seemed to have snapped something from it, and then handed it to me.

"This requires you... Well, it is contained in the mouth, which is essentially a coil electrode that can transmit electric energy. After the locator senses the signal that can be captured, it will emit a weak current through this coil..."

Put it in your mouth and give it electricity, right?
"Originally, this thing is a model implanted into the human body by the Army. If it is simply attached to the skin, it may hardly feel its reaction."

"Of course, if you don't want to keep it in your mouth, choose some other more hidden and sensitive places..."

What nonsense is he talking about, what other sensitivity... Grass!

"I choose to have it in my mouth!"

(End of this chapter)

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