old light morning light

Chapter 155 "54"

Chapter 155 "54"

"Haha, nothing interesting, nothing interesting!"

After Dover glared at me, he said nothing more.

In principle, although he is an officer, he deserves my respect and obedience...

But a regular military officer has no affiliation with me as a cadet, and I am still a special preparatory student, and I am under the direct management of the academy, so I'm sorry, hehe...

"Go this way!"

"Hey... me!"

When I was thinking wildly, Dover took the opportunity to retaliate and pulled me hard. When I realized it, I almost lost my balance and was about to hit the wall!

I go!

Well, you bastard, you have a strong desire for revenge!


I can only stare back viciously like he did just now. What's annoying is that this guy also imitated what I did just now, blinking his right eye!

As if to say: "Even!"

Besides, why did you pull me this way? According to the signs, the second restaurant just had to go straight?

"There should be nothing for you to eat in this restaurant. If you want to fill your stomach, you will get nothing if you go in through the regular door~"

Seeming to see through my thoughts, Dover spread out his hands, glanced at me from the corner of his eye, and began to speak a little bit.

Seems to be waiting for my response?

Waiting for my response...

So what do I need to look like?

damn thing!
Isn't it all evened out? Why are you doing this revenge trick on me now!

"Oh, Duo Fuer, don't be a fool, take me to eat something quickly so that I can get ready as soon as possible!"

On the one hand to show weakness, to indirectly acknowledge his lower status in a weak and soft tone, and on the other hand to threaten him with what he needs to ask of me next.

If you have the ability, you will catch those mice with this thing in your mouth later!

In order to enhance the effect, I even put my hand in my pocket and squeezed this small box made of unknown metal.

"whispering sound!"

He pursed his lips, although on the surface he looked displeased, but this small gesture now showed that he understood my intention.

Dealing with smart people can save a lot of energy.

It's worth mentioning that from the beginning to the end, I didn't see any malicious elements in his eyes, otherwise I wouldn't waste all my energy playing bickering games with him.

Maybe this guy is just...just boring like this, of course, this is just my guess.

"Let's go, I'll take you to sneak in through the back door and find something to eat in the kitchen..."

As he said that, Dover raised his head and looked around with a guilty conscience, and stretched out his hand to tidy up the brim of the hat, as if he wanted to use it to cover something.

I understand the truth, but I think this is absolutely futile, maybe it can only have a little psychological comfort effect, right?
But seeing this guy find the path with ease, reach out to open the trap door, and lead the way at a faster speed, let us stay directly in front of the storage room with the green sign "#3 cooked".


The two-person-high metal cabinet door blocked us like a wall, and the antibacterial system activated from time to time made not a slight annoying sound.

This guy is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, a habitual offender of stealing food!

He also pretended to gesture to me, and then opened the door of his storage cabinet like a person who had nothing to do.

The cold air was not as cold as I imagined, and the non-special container was divided into multiple areas, quietly displayed in front of my eyes.

Various canned and boxed foods are stacked on various shelves according to categories, and the labels of different colors are dazzling.

Looks like this isn't a food storage cabinet that uses refrigeration to preserve freshness...


While I was observing the situation in the cabinet, Dover had already selected the target to be "looted" and got into the iron room.

"And this one, go on!"

While continuing to search for something, I threw the thing I just grabbed in my direction.

"Hey, you, slow down!"

In the blink of an eye, 3 large bags of things have been lost. If I hadn't passed things like this for a long time when I was a coolie in the empire, I would have smashed these seemingly fragile bags of goods into an indescribable "theft" Evidence"?
The scene in front of me was a little funny. A junior officer of the Alliance Navy was leading a naval cadet, and they were stealing their own things with full firepower...

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and even participated in it as the protagonist, I'm afraid that such a thing written in the "Monthly Digest" would be a tasteless content that would be turned over with a laugh, right?


He is still climbing up, and he is not worried about being discovered by others!

Think about it, since you already have so many things in your hands, it would be more reassuring to sneak out and have a good meal first, right?

"It's almost done, I have enough things in my arms!"

For fear of attracting other people, I could only lower my voice and yell at Dover in a low voice, and I was not sure whether he could hear clearly.

"...Okay, just... come!"

Dover also shouted at me in this low tone, and the empty iron room was filled with echoes, so I could hardly hear what he said.

It should have said "Okay", so maybe it means coming down soon?

Just when he turned over and down, I clearly saw a few box-like things in his pockets, which slid down bulging.

"Go, close this!"

After solving the aftermath problem, I followed Dover and ran all the way out. Even Dover, who had a bunch of things in his pocket, was still walking like flying. He took me three steps and two steps and ran back without looking back. He passed the corner of the passage that he pulled a little bit ago.


"Thank you, thank you for your pre-meal exercise, it makes me even hungrier now!"

It seems that there is a lack of exercise, and I don't know if I have been in a state of tension and anxiety. My heartbeat seems to be abnormally fast.

The magnitude is also quite obvious, and there is always a feeling of loss of strength.

This feeling is quite unreal. I don't think I will become like this after running for a long time, but it may be purely because of hunger...

The last time I had a decent meal was when I invited that kid to dinner in the middle of the night, okay!

However, seeing Dover panting like this also made me feel relieved...

"Sit...sit first, take a breath, and then eat!"

As if feeling my eyes, Dover also sat down on the ground against the wall, and shook out the things in his arms by the way, scattered on the ground not far away.

It should be something good, otherwise this guy wouldn't be able to...

"Canned braised pork!"

"Hey, ho!"

"Don't underestimate this thing, the canned food supplied to officers is not the industrial meat cultivated by those cheap protein factories, but the biological meat obtained from slaughtered meat-rich animals!"

The simple label paper also says "natural growth, original taste" and other sentences. There is no need for too much publicity. It seems that it is really not a cheap product?
Well, we must know that in today's industrially developed society, a large amount of land and resources are occupied, and animals that waste a long time to feed can be regarded as luxury goods.

Compared with those industrial meats that are cloned from factories in batches, only the taste will be better. Since the fat is divided step by step, the flavor is more natural than synthetic ones.

That only has the advantage of being delicious... But just "delicious" is enough.

By the way, the price of farmed meat is generally 99.99 times higher than that of industrial meat, so [-]% of the meat we usually eat is undoubtedly industrial synthetic meat.

It's not hard to understand how Dover, who has eaten this kind of canned food, can't forget it. Even if he rummages through boxes and cabinets, he will find such delicious food. It seems that I can get along well with him, maybe?

"Well, the conditions are limited, so we can only eat it directly, and the hospitality is not good~"

Opening a box of canned meat directly, the aroma of the meat is also directly spilled into the surrounding environment, which almost hallucinated me who was already hungry.

To be honest, at that moment, I really felt as if I had already eaten it in my mouth.

"I saw someone asking a question in a forum before, saying what would happen if an old thing was made with advanced technology?"

While talking about strange topics, he handed me the ready-to-eat meal that he had prepared. Although I really wanted to communicate with him, I feel that now...

My brain seems to have shut down a bit...

Not right, rather than downtime, I would rather think about which one is more delicious?
"Although this kind of food is very simple, it has also used quite high-tech technology to create a ready-to-eat meal of this quality."

Let's eat meat first!

"Suck it!"


This meat does not have the smell of being soaked in oil for too long, and it will not make people feel too greasy...

The taste of the sauce is also very strong, people will subconsciously want to eat two mouthfuls of rice after eating...

"Baha! Baha~!"

"This technique of maintaining the taste of grain requires precise control of the moisture in each grain of rice... Don't just eat it, Lin Man!"

"Haha, cut it, cut it... Goo~!"

"I'm really hungry, this food is really delicious!"

"Slow down, no one will fight you, at least swallow what's in your mouth before talking!"

"Oh~ eat it, eat it, I really can't help you..."

Seeing that I had little interest in the pre-dinner stories he told, Dover spread his hands and showed a regretful expression, and then tore open his own lunch.

Maybe it's because I'm really a little crazy, or there is a difference between these things and the cheap industrial garbage I ate in the empire, and my eating looks may not be too good...

"I really doubt you... are you a starving ghost reincarnated..."

(End of this chapter)

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