old light morning light

Chapter 173 "72"

Chapter 173 "72"

To be honest, I have never seen such a lively scene on this ship before.

"Ding ding ding~!"

From time to time, you can even hear the jingle of the ship's bell.

This ancient prop inherited from the old navy still plays an important role in conveying messages until now.

If there are no surprises, there will be surprises soon.

"Lin Man?"

"Why are you here?"

"I know you will definitely come back from here, and I will wait for you here."

"Follow me first!"

After all, reach out to hold me...


"I want to go back and see..."

"Follow me first!"

The unquestionable tone...well.

"So what's the problem now?"

"It's unlikely that the imperial people really caught up..."

This expression, really catch up?
"It is now ready for battle, and the empire's interceptor ship has also left the transition and is about to contact us."

"We must deal with them before they recruit a large number of enemies, otherwise our situation will not be very good!"

"Where are we going now?"

"I'm just an ordinary passenger with nothing to do with it?"

"Originally you were, but now you are not for the time being."

What do you mean? Hey!

"You are now a temporary combatant who has signed official documents!"

what... ghost?

What the hell that Sylune signed me!
"You are now being temporarily included in my small-caliber automatic weapon group. Don't look at me like that because there are really no people left. I have to make up for it myself!"

It seems that there is no other way, it is in such a state right now, I can only listen to this guy for now, but...

Can you let go first, the two old men are holding hands and running like this, you should pay attention to the strange eyes of your colleagues, hey!

"Hey, we won't be sunk by interceptor ships, will we?"

"Small problem. It's hard to say that other ships are entangled with this thing, but we should have no problem."

"Just pay attention to electronic suppression as soon as he lands, so that he can't attract a large number of enemies is enough."

This direction... It seems that it is not the location of the rocket ejector that he took me to visit before, is it going to work as a coolie in another cabin?

"Don't worry, everyone is in such a hurry only because of combat preparations. The small-caliber dual-mounted main guns we carry can easily deal with such targets, and the special electronic warfare equipment can also effectively suppress them."

"It's just because the order to prepare for battle has been issued, and we have to stand at our posts."

"So in fact, you don't have to come to me at all?"

"Deng deng deng deng..."

Broken, it seems that I said the wrong thing, right?
Suddenly it was so quiet that only the sound of our two running footsteps could be heard...

"Isn't it okay for me to hide quietly in my room?"

But since all the questions have been asked, it's better to continue to pretend to be stupid.

"As you said, this ship is fully capable of handling this target with ease?"

"But you are a combatant now...Although it is only temporary, if you are not in your position after investigation, you will be regarded as a deserter."

Ah, so there is such a thing?
It seems that my understanding of the navy is still not in place?

"And what did you just say, you have to go up to the top if you don't have enough manpower?"

"It's here, it's here."

Eventually Dover took me on a trot and finally stopped in an area that felt remote.

It can even feel that the temperature of the surrounding environment has dropped slightly, which is an obvious manifestation of the core area of ​​the principle hull.

"Yeah, the two of us have to solve a set of near-defense gun positions by ourselves, which is why I have to bring you together."

"I really can't handle it alone."

Patting me on the shoulder, Dover shrugged helplessly. Although his tone became a little erratic due to running, he could see apology in his eyes.

That's the only way to forget it, after all, he has already been caught here.

"The military court or something, did you lie to me?"

"No, that's true."

Alright... Now that this is the case, I have nothing more to say.

"Because the personnel have not been replenished, such vacant facilities, including artillery positions, radars, firemen, etc., are unmanned..."

Speaking of which, Dover opened the screen door in front of me, and led me into the corridor with the same structure as the cabin I visited before. Obviously, the temperature outside has become even lower.

"Okay, but first let me say that it's my first time doing this job, you can't expect me to do it well?"

"I didn't even expect myself to be good at what I could do. Don't look at me. Although I am an officer, it's actually just because I graduated from the Naval Academy, and, uh... I didn't even personally command me in the fight. members of the team have..."

and what?
If I'm not mistaken, what this guy wants to say is why he became an officer, right?
This guy is very frank now, but that's also good, if two people are half-baked, they won't be dismissed, right?
Dover took me through another isolation screen door just like before, and arrived at the final destination of our trip.

In the spacious cabin in front of us, there is a weird console on our side, and an arc-shaped mechanical arm on the other side... It should be said that a mechanical arm is installed on an arc-shaped track .

And the mechanical arm is riding on a complex drum-shaped mechanism, and the huge magnetic booster makes me only guess that this is a power device.

"Don't we need to wear some protective clothing?"

Thinking of the plots of these navies in those movies, it seems that they all need to wear that strange protective clothing?
"How should I put it, there is, but it's useless."

"That set of equipment can protect you, and the automatic security and suppression system on the ship can also save you, but if the security and suppression system can't solve it, that set of equipment..."

"Okay, I know, no need to say more."

"Let's log in first, and I will introduce to you what we should do."

Log in?

"Oh, just press the fingerprint on this panel."

It's nothing...

"This is a dual-mounted magnetic blast artillery. It is a very common ultra-small auxiliary turret. It mainly fires shotgun shells to kill small targets at close range."

You just need to press your hand directly up like him, right?
Although many things can be done by observing how a person did it before, if you need to click to confirm something, you need his guidance.

Lin Man, temporary combatants... There are indications here, it seems that the login should be successful.

It turns out that this place is called the AS-06 artillery position.

"Although the aiming can be assisted by radar, at least two people are needed for shooting and loading..."

Still talking to me about the two of you... This guy must be looking down on me too much, right?
"Just tell me how to do it."

He gave me a serious look again, and I'll take it as this guy is thanking me.

Anyway, you are not honest, so I will...

"Thank you, Lin Man."

What, I'm the only one who can't be honest for a long time, right?

"Speak the truth!"

Twitchy...but I have no right to say that he is...

"I'm here to control the main gun, and you can help me reload it on that track."

"The body of the main gun is outside the hull armor, but the ammunition is stored inside the hull armor, which is behind our cabin."

"Sit on it first, and I'll teach you how to operate it. Yes, that's the position."

"The one on the left and the left, although you can see that there are four people on it, but now I can only ask you to solve it alone..."

What the hell, what is the position of four people, I will solve it by myself...

"Come on, you put on this seat belt first, and then you can see that the pedal on the left is to control the body to move left on the track, and that is to move the body to the right, and the feet are separated from the body to fix it."

Move left, move right...

"Then you hold this thing, and you can only use the bionic grip to control the opening and closing of the robotic arm, and its opening and closing is determined by this."

Like a glove, it should be able to sense the state of my hand when I put it on.

"There seems to be no response?"

"The cannon hasn't been activated yet, so of course there's no response if you pinch it like this..."

"In addition, this grip is in the direction of the vacant mechanical arm. Because you are alone, you can only use automatic omnidirectional. Push the grip to control the position of your hand. Here I emphasize that you don't need to consider the mechanical arm in this state. The position of the arm body, this rocker is completely just to control the position of the palm of the robotic arm.”

"As long as you know where to push your hands forward, you will go forward, and if you push your hands back, you will go back. As for how to move your arms, the machine and program will calculate it for you."

"Sounds a bit like those gift-grabbing toys in an amusement park..."

"You're right. It's essentially the same thing as that one, except that the toys in the prize pool are turned into ammunition boxes on the rear bulkhead."

"I'll activate the cannon first and then teach you what to do next. Your position will rise then, be careful."

After finishing speaking, Dover just jumped down and ran towards the strange control position not far away.

There is also a semi-circular holographic generator here, will it project something?
"I activated it!"

"it is good!"


To be honest, this feeling is a bit like a roller coaster. This device should already be operational, right?

Let me give it a try first, the pedal at the bottom controls sliding left and right... Oh, this is more like a roller coaster!

Then push this rocker to control the position of the hand...and then hold the hand to hold the robot...

Although it was quite fun, why did I suddenly have the illusion that I was driving some kind of construction machinery...

(End of this chapter)

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