old light morning light

Chapter 179 "78"

Chapter 179 "78"

People say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. By observing a person's eyes and mood, many times we can detect his inner feelings and thoughts, and even whether he is cheating.

I agree with this very much, because even if the young officer in front of me tries to hold back his smile, the joy in his eyes cannot be hidden at all.

"So, Lin Man?"


"You really squatted here obediently for half an hour?"

Who would have imagined that the purpose of the dignified Alliance Navy's Level III combat preparations is actually to gather and clean up?
Who knows?

Who knows, right?
"Haha, I'm to blame for this, I'm to blame, I didn't make it clear to you, it's me, the tour guide, who is negligent, I apologize to you, haha..."

"I think an apology would work better if you were a little more serious."

"Haha, look at you, you are really waiting here honestly, which almost subverts my subjective impression of you."

Honestly, subverting...

"You're trying to say that it's absolutely impossible for me to be so honest?"

"That...that's what you said..."

Humph, you bastard!

"We are different from the group of nobles in the empire. They have special slaves who are responsible for the plot of the hull, while we are all officers and soldiers cleaning together."

"To put it simply, this order is also called 'cleaning'. Each area is divided into various groups, and when the time comes, it is enough to clean up individually."

"Because of the simulated gravity, some places where people come and go will still accumulate a lot of dust, you see."

Dover lightly reached out and wiped the main console next to me, and he could indeed see that there was still a thin gray mark.

"Ah, of course, because of the shortage of manpower, there are no sanitation arrangements in many areas where crew members are not assigned."

It seems that because I stared at this light gray mark thoughtfully, Dover gave an answer similar to justification.

But unfortunately that's not what I care about.

"Would you like to try to clean it?"

"After all, this was also your battle position just now, at least you can't really waste such a long time here without doing anything, right?"

If I didn't already know him well, I believe I would have been moved by this sincere look, and I would really have stayed here to help them clean the place.

But now, tsk!

"Feel sorry!"

"Hey, why are you still running away!"

Wasting my feelings, thinking about it carefully, I didn't hear the sound of the ship's bell just now...


Yes, I didn't hear... eh?

Just now... it sounded like...

"Lin Man!"

Dover's voice also came from behind, sounding a little anxious.

"Now...it's real!"

"Go, go straight back!"

Dover pointed in the direction behind me, indicating that I should go directly back to the gun position just now.

"Level III battle preparation!"

"Electromagnetic radar action!"

"The analysis result is a typical fire control signal."

"Attention all ships, an unknown exchange of fire has been detected in the airspace!"

"What does it mean?"

"A typical fire control signal should be that there are ships exchanging fire nearby, and the electromagnetic radar signal guiding fire control was captured by us."

The artillery starts and completes the self-test.

Still so many error messages...

"Wouldn't you be in a hurry to test fire?"

"Test firing is only required for combat preparation at level I, and it is enough for level III to enter the post and stand by."

"Did you just say that there are other ships fighting outside?"

"There is a high probability. You can see that there is no other useful data updated in the current combat instructions. It probably only indicates a direction and distance."

"Even the gravitational radar did not move, and no other targets were detected in the airspace."

"Short wave probe ready!"

"Long wave probe ready!"

"Now it's time to prepare to launch the gravitational probe to scan the nearby area. The long-wave and short-wave blind areas are different, and cross-scanning is more accurate."

"We can't see the picture of the combat command, so we can't introduce you to other knowledge of the probe. Anyway, you probably know that this is an important means of long-distance fixed-point detection."


"Attention all, there are many gravitational fluctuation targets in the airspace!"

"Lost contact with gravitational probe!"

"Attention all, there are enemy electronic warfare ships in the airspace!"

"Short-protection restraint coil enters overload!"


I seem to hear clearly, Dover swallowed a mouthful of saliva?
"Identification Friend or Foe No Response!"

The state doesn't look good, does it?

"Perhaps it was the friendly forces recruited by the previous interceptor ship."

"Although our suppression interfered with the precise location of the spirits, but considering that they have professional electronic attack ships in their fleet, they may still be able to find our approximate area."


Because my position is a little farther away, I can only see that Dover is chewing something in his mouth, and then spit it out after chanting a few words.

I really don't pay attention to hygiene...

"It seems that he doesn't want to let us go... Lin Man!"


"You sit here, I'll go out...you come down first, it's okay."

Why is this guy intermittent, if you think of something, just tell me directly, really.

"go Go……"

Getting me up to sit, and now telling me to get down and wait, is really tormenting.

This guy ran away in a hurry, and he didn't know what he was thinking of. Wouldn't it be better to use the terminal to contact him directly if there is something urgent?
Anyway, using internal relays on board, you don't have to worry about signal issues, right?

Alas, I always feel like my waist is twisted, and I feel phantom pain from time to time, and I don't feel anything else when I press it with my hands.

Then sit here for a while, since the official said so, those of us who are subordinates can only follow suit... Wait, when did you become his subordinates?

This kind of ignorance is subtly influenced, it is not advisable!
I just saw that one of the updated instructions lost contact with the gravitational probe, and immediately updated the status, saying that there were enemy electronic warfare ships, and then Dover left immediately.


Since there is no way to confirm how many people there are, how do you know it is an electronic warfare ship?

Just because the signal from the gravitational probe is lost?

Interference and suppression by the other party, right?
I can’t see new news even if I sit here, my terminal is not connected to the... combat command system, if you want to climb up again, it’s better to sit on the center console that Dover sat on before. to see the new instructions?

If you just sit and watch and don't move around, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Sure enough, there is also a holographic projection here, which is almost exactly the same as mine, except that there is one more touchable... What is this, pupil tracking?
So you only need to move your eyes to complete the aiming... you can't move around, you can't move around...

Combat instructions, news...historical news.

They are all instructions to adjust the course and speed, and re-synchronize the local warp beacon.

Why do you still synchronize the local transition beacons, even if you want to run, you have to grab the remote beacons?
Radar control, overloading electromagnetic radar transmitters...

Are you cranking up the irradiation power to try to find something?


"High energy response!"

"The enemy ship is powered up, energy level VII!"

"A strong photoelectric signal fluctuation of the enemy ship has been detected, high energy! Energy level VII!"

"Collision Warning!"

Collision warning!

There are seat belts here, I... I, take it easy...

"There are still 4, 3, 2 away from the collision..."

"Puff rinse!"

"Electromagnetic radar signal capture!"

"The characteristic signal is not recognized!"


"Collision Warning!"

"There are still 4, 3, 2, 1 away from the collision!"


The huge force tried to push me up from the seat, but fortunately, I was firmly hugged by the seat belt I had just inserted.


"The strength of the deflection shield has been reduced to 62%, and the F4 and S3 compartments of the hull have lost their airtightness!"

"Structural strength has not yet..."

"The enemy's strong photoelectric light was detected..."

"Collision Warning!"

Still... still coming!
"There are still 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 away from the collision!"


What the hell!

The violent shaking almost threw me out of the seat, and the violent viewing angle shift made it impossible for my eyes to focus.

I can only feel that the environment I am in seems to be safe, and my brain seems to be able to think normally...

So I don't seem to be dead yet, am I?
Didn't get blown to pieces, and... didn't fall into the cold and dark universe...

Unlucky me, I won't hurt others again, will I bring disaster to others again?

That's right, as long as I'm there, then... eh?

"Ho! Ho! Keke!"

The pain in my chest tried to bring me back to reality, but the constantly flickering perspective and shortness of breath still told me that I should give priority to calming my emotions.


It should be the seat belt, which ruthlessly strangled me on the seat. Although it is better than flying out and slamming into something, but it is limited to this...

do not know……


Is there any fracture?

The hand seems to be able to be lifted up. It should be that the chest cavity has been squeezed. I don’t know what happened to the ribs...


The boat is in a mess, it seems that it won't sink for a while...

"Ha, ha, ho!"

Take a deep breath and relax slowly.

There is always a feeling of suffocation due to lack of oxygen. Is the air pressure on the ship going to be unmaintainable?
No, I can't just sit here and wait... to die!
Looking at the flashing alarm lights, the originally shaking and hard-to-focus vision finally stabilized.

Although I have struggled hard to try to sit up, the pain in my chest makes my waist unable to exert strength.


Probably a broken rib...

Speaking of it, it seems that they have not launched any more attacks, or is it that the ship's command system has been disabled and is not reporting combat news?

Even if you can't stand up, at least you can raise your hands, right?

Good news, there is still new news.

But the bad news...

"Damage Assessment: Major damage."

(End of this chapter)

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