old light morning light

Chapter 184 "83"

Chapter 184 "83"


Same, same as the bombing that day.

The hand, the scorched black hand, was raised high, it had been burnt to charcoal, but it was still trying to catch a little light that didn't exist.

Everything that can be seen is ruined walls, and the shattered scarlet things are splashed everywhere!
People were crying and screaming, as if they were randomly abandoned by the gods, and the garbage that could only be called "humanoid" couldn't find even a little hiding place.

At that time, the clouds in the sky were stained red with blood. I knew why I was so afraid, and I also admitted that I had never grown up.

But... such a scene, the so-called Yan Luo Purgatory, is nothing more than this.


What kind of traces does this leave in my heart? If only because I think of this scene, I will tremble with fear...

This is always impossible.

"Lin Man?"


Someone is calling me?

"What are you squatting here for?"

"Lin Man?"


"What are you doing squatting here, is the chest injury starting to attack again?"

I'm squatting here?
Ah, even my legs are numb from squatting...

How long have I been squatting here?
"Well, it's okay, I'm just...a little dizzy."

"The smell of blood is so strong here, it makes me feel groggy."

"Ah... yes, but the upper deck has been quarantined, and we can only move to the lower area with the injured brothers."

"It's cruel and bloody. While taking someone else's name as the result of the battle, you must also have the awareness to become the result of the battle..."

"Oh, what are you talking about with you? I just saw that your eyes were slack. I thought you had hurt your head or something!"

As he spoke, he patted my face again, his sincere eyes made it hard for me to tell if he was really caring about me or just taking advantage of me.

"Oh yes, I'm just going to find you."

Regardless of what happened to me, at least now I can get out of this uncomfortable area quickly.

"Are you really all right?"

"Is this the first time I've seen you like this?"

"I said I am such a person, do you believe me?"

Yes, I am indeed such a sensitive and timid person...

"Hmph, it looks like something is broken, let me see... hey!"

Dover smiled and reached out to pat my head, but I avoided it.

"Stop playing, I'm looking for you for something important..."

"That little hostage of yours told you something?"

The officer in front of me waved his hand and interrupted my words.

The uniform that was originally neat has already had many folds, and if you look closely, you can still see traces of being soaked in some liquid, as well as some shallow scratches.

Maybe he has just been replaced from some busy place. You must know that I have been sleeping for a while for no reason.

"Don't worry, those rats have already been recruited in some specific cases. No matter how you say it, you are still just a passenger participating in special operations."

I don't know why, Dover's eyes flickered slightly, interrupting me just to say something that sounds like fart?
"Although you have also seen that the current state is not very good, but you...you should enjoy the rest of the journey."

Is it because we are already on our way back, so let me enjoy... I am in the mood to enjoy what the hell, hey!

Besides, this is not considered at all, what is the so-called journey?
"Okay, since you have nothing to do, I have other tasks on hand, so go back and have a good rest."

The outstretched hand didn't catch Dover who left suddenly, so he shook it in vain and then fell down weakly.

I even forgot what I was trying to say, and in the end I was choked up even to say something that could help.

And Dover's attitude, I don't know why it seems to give me a sudden cold feeling, as if he started to keep a distance from me deliberately.

Maybe, maybe it's just because there are too many things on hand and I become impatient.

Coupled with this change, Dover's mental state may have been more or less affected. After all, this guy saw that my state was not right, so he gave priority to trying to appease me.

It's useless to stay longer. In this case, let's go back first.

What else did this guy say:
"While obtaining other people's names as the result of the battle, you must also have the awareness to become the result of the battle yourself!"

This is like a line in a movie. Maybe I would laugh it off when I told me this before, but it is different now.

In layman's terms, isn't it just preparing to die?

From boarding... no, from entering this school to become a naval cadet, should you have the awareness to give your life at any time?

can i do it
I worked so hard to escape from the empire, isn't my purpose just to live in peace of mind?
Why did you start thinking about meaning again?

Although I didn't understand from the beginning to the end why I just wanted to live in peace, but every time things would get out of control.

If it's because I've never been determined and don't know what I'm doing, shouldn't it make me scramble among dead people every time?
Just because my dad is related to the navy?
People from the colonies who join the navy can obtain a stable income and high-quality living conditions, and even if they die in battle, they can earn large pensions for their families.

But what about me?

Just because of a story about my parents told by the old dog Kalinin, my heart quivered and I wanted to find out what?
Tsk, what is it for?


Etheline's surprised whisper dragged my thoughts back to reality. The white light shone on her face, which looked a little creepy, and it also startled me.

The surprised eyes in front of me blinked, and quickly lost in the embarrassing stare at me, so I had to look away.

Yes, I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I forgot that even my own room was supposed to knock first.

"Hold, I'm sorry, I just saw the wounded outside, and I feel a little...uh, uncomfortable."

After thinking about it, let's be more frank. It's obviously something I promised others, so if you can't do it, don't think about being glib.

"I should have knocked first, sorry!"


My complexion should also be quite bad. After scanning my expression again, Ethelyn nodded slightly and hummed lightly to show that she accepted my apology.

He retracted his stretched legs wrapped in the quilt, and gave me a place to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Give it back to you, your terminal!"

After I sat down, I handed over my terminal. If I feel right, it seems that the shell was carefully wiped clean by her?
Uh, if I'm not mistaken, should I thank her a little bit for this look of anticipation?
Regardless of the foul look, you should thank her for emotion and reason, right?

"Did you wipe it clean for me?"

Just nodding his head like a chicken chopping rice, he really is just a child.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Every time the girl in front of me showed mature manners and upbringing, it made me feel that she was not an ordinary nobleman, although the imperial nobles I have seen with my own eyes so far are more or less etiquette carved out of the same mold.

Compared with the chaotic red tape of the nobles of the Alliance Principality, the unified etiquette is still pleasing to the eye.

Of course, good looks are another plus point.

"Have you finished talking with your father?"


"Did he tell you how to get back?"

"Or are you sending someone to pick you up?"

It's better to arrange it directly. I just need to send her to the agreed place, and I don't need to worry about other things.


Why is the mood still depressed, shouldn't it be a good thing to go home?
Or even now, are you still worried about that so-called bodyguard... what is it called?

It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't cause me more trouble.

"He said he would send someone to pick me up."

You see, everyone is happy.

"Lin Man?"


"You said... If I don't want to go back, where can I go?"

If she doesn't want to go back, she is an imperial noble... wait, what did she say?

"You don't want to go back?"

"You mean you don't want to go back to the Empire?"

"Oh, it's not that I don't want to go back to the Empire."

Esseline stretched out her hand and pulled me a little bit embarrassedly. Although she still denied it on the surface, isn't that the general meaning?
"I mean, I don't want to go back home, I don't want to be controlled by my father anymore..."

What, for a long time it was the eldest lady who was having a childish temper. Doesn't every child from a wealthy family have a heart that wants to run away from home?

"I think, if there are no accidents, you should go home?"

My ominous premonition told me that if I couldn't persuade this sister to go home obediently, it would bring me endless troubles.

So no matter what the considerations are, I have to try my best...

"Tell me, if I also come to serve as the Alliance Navy... Uh, uh!"

"You do not want!"

Out of a subconscious reaction, I directly covered her mouth, what did she say?
Join the Union Navy?

What is this kid doing?

You are an imperial noble lady, because you lost your temper with your family... just sent a message to your family, is it because you lost your temper?

It's okay to yell about not wanting to go home, you told me cutely that you want to join the alliance navy?

What should I say about this situation, it's the first time I've seen it since I've grown up, okay?

"Lin Man!"

"Hi! Ah!"

There was a sharp pain in my hand, which made me feel refreshed.

"Are you a dog?"

She actually just bit me like that. Thinking of how generously she wiped the snot all over my body, it was not unexpected that she could bite me.

I declare that I will immediately withdraw the polite praise I just gave her!

(End of this chapter)

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